yea i have been playing knoights online and sumtimes spening the whole weekend online in one room sitting on a chair infront of a screen.
mmorp's are fun but on the other side they can ruin your mates start neclecting you phone bill t…
No, they just don't want to be trapped in a game full of people who make posts like that.
They panic, so... just hold them down
I could live like this
I'm closing in; hate all around
I could be like this
Hearing them; them in my he…
you said you could help well i need it bad!!!!!!!! LOL
i recently installed the game but the writing is so small i cant even read where im puting my skill points do you have any idea whats wrong am i the only person it's happernd to pls help!!!!!!…
i totaly agree with what you say mmorpg should be changeing the wholr time. it sould be a new experience every day. from what ive heard WOW is going to be like that. and i agre with the quest most mmorpg have less than 10 quest to do like knights …
there can never be a perfect mmorpg becauce then there will be no use for new one's and upgrades . but what i think a perfect mmorpg will consest of is :
(1)you rank will be determinded by your skill in the game not the amount of time you put int…
server vs server is just somthing i think would be cool!!! all the races on one server team up and have war against the other server.
does any one think that would be a good idea???
i say knights online will be canseled next
during the beta testing it was full! you couldnt even see the npc's but once it turned to p2p there is about 50 peopel maxin the servers im sure it will be canceled soon. what do you guys think
well first of all what is a mage doing by it's self in colony. mages are not suposed to go by them selfs they need party's ather wise they die as you sayed.
i was a mage till lvl 35 then i changed to rougue and i must say they are the ultimate
i think the perfect mmorpg will be sort of like knights online with the merchant option. the perceft mmorpg should even out the races members so one race doesnt out number the other 3 to 1. and there sould be a sever vs server (war)
what i hate is when the game is in a beta version and people get high level and carry over those characters to the full version. that realy suck because everyone is high level before the game even starts.
to level in 30mins will not be so nice! i…
being in south africa it is hard to pay for a game because our currency is so weak.
are there any trail that last longer than a month out there pls give me sum feedback