Try Nexustk:Kingdom of the Winds (
The game is 2D, with graphics however that are pretty decent for 2d, but its relative. If you can get past that however, you will gain from lots of different role-play experiences.
-Legend, Ea…
If really mean a single-player RPG, and not a MMORPG then I have two good suggestions.
3d graphics, first or third person, can be played like a fps
huge world, lots of quests, main quest chain + randoms
Buy houses, rob stores, join…
Try Nexustk:Kingdom of the Winds( It is an MMO based in ancient mythical Korea. There are 4 paths but 3 player run subpaths for each. PK is completely optional and is held in multiple events per day you can join.
Try Planetside( its probably the first MMOFPS where 100's of people fight, althought he population is lower so the fights aren't as large scale anymore. However rumor is they will merge servers so it will be large scale fights…
Planetside is probably as close as you can get to what your looking for, because its an MMOFPS with plenty of RPG elements. Anyone can kill anyone, you really only get some new abilities/weapons the more you play so no one has a huge advantage over …