I bought it when it was $10 on Steam three weeks ago. Leveled my Brigand to about 28 and lost interest real quick. Tried couple of AA runs, hopped around two guilds, tried crafting and it just got tiring. The level1-9 chat is abysmal as well, WoW fi…
Much thanks. However, what happens once everyone hits cap?, will the channels return then?. That is even worse then having overcrowd noobies, since it is the end game where everyone needs to be in a central area.
FC also said they sold a million copies. So either there are 300k boxes sitting in retail or 300k dropped after the first free month or....
If your going to boast, readers would like to see "Retention" numbers.
Yup. I went to check out my rogue in Sartok ( Or whatever the servers are called now).
Logged in to find my corpse exactly where I left about a year ago on the bottom of an ocean somewhere, except Recall and /Stuck yes did not work.