LOL at canceld OB, i am willing to bet they thought oh shit if people see our game then less will buy it since it is not good enough.
lets just go ahead and cancel OB phase all together and i am willing to bet there will not be one at all. the…
This game is so old it is ancient. Basically Sword 2 is the same old Sword of the new world for EU/US and it is also called Granado Espada in SEA region. What changed? they added an update to EU/US version and decided to fool players by add…
This game is MMO+Online Casino mix and cash shop is just there to rip you off and they dont even try to hide that.
I did play this game in CB, OB and was ranked 5th on server before i stopped playing. the boreing part of this game is the dail…
There was no insult in my post so dont make things up that i didnt say. Also there are different ways of playing a game. yes for me it is all up rushing to end and doing end game content. if you think that is what makes a player "Jaded" a…
I think you did your best to show what this game has for offer or how it has changed but in all honestly i am not convinced this is a good game yet. The main core problems, like PvP, Siege, Raiding etc not addressed yet even in this expansion and it…
There is NOT going to be a new game but rather a new update for the old one. Search GE for latest updates that SNW will get and you will see the same UPC in those artworks.
It is just play on words.
SNW : Sword of the new world the name …
Lets beat this dead horse some more shall we?
You have to keep mention the game and i get that but at least come up with something less annoying or better titles so people actually do end up reading it.
I can grantee you; that people will read t…
Graphics in this game are amazing and no one can argue BUT i don’t agree with "most Improved Game" title ..
Ask your self this what has changed? the PvP still broken and Raiding well it needs a lot more work. I fear this article was made for wro…
No one likes reading long replies so i make this short. there is a reason why they call funcom; failcom.
I made 2 max level characters in 10 days when server 1st were lunched (bear shaman and tempest of set) lets just say nothing worked at thi…