haha fury is like dead. it was already dead when people found out how crazy the gameplay is. i dont even have to look for a dirt cheap price anymore cos almost everywhere in sydney fury sells less than 30 bucks but id save that money for a valentine…
Dude do you have any idea how hard it is to fight when your a noob? I got owned in my first bloodbath by a frekin healer who kept targeting me and eventually they all teamed on me because they said i was " easy prey" All the healer does is heal him …
Originally posted by todeswulf
More proof that a MMo based soley on PVP will fail every single time.
umm...hello? Rakion and Shadow Bane those are pvp based games which are still alive. Fury was based on a great idea but its just a bad gam…
Hey i know how your feeling man i had the same problem and auran are bloody useless ( i know they collapsed dont tell me again )
my advice if you want pvp play battlefield or fantasy pvp go play rakion or shadowbane.