Originally posted by fantaros
So when a white skin coloured individual doesnt want to play a black colored toon he is being racist, but a black individual wanting to play only black skinned toons is normal?????????
What the hell are you talkin…
It's said that aquilonians vary in complextion and have more of a cultural diversity than other races. Meaning they were a multicultural society like the Romans. Since there were black Romans, it's quite possible that the devs have given players the…
Ever stop to think that it's possibly set up like that due to the fact that this is a mature rated MMORPG with nude and violent content? Also whose to say the NDA wont be lifted during the time of the open beta?
Originally posted by lordxephon
kinda hurts to hear people say such racist things i leave things like that alone though (yes i am black btw), and this thread is usless beacuase u can be black in aoc ive seen them already.
Well you've gotta see…
Movie looks like it'll be entertaining. But there's no way women were THAT hot back then...c'mooon. But why complain? I'd rather see her than some Linda Hunt look-a-like. Anyway I think they're reviving Conan with a new film thats supposed to be mor…
To my knowledge that applies to everyone, but certain people can climb better/faster than others. I also think you can improve your climbing with the feat system...and what you can climb, I've got no idea bro. I've seen screens of characters on roof…
Yeah you can be a character of african descent. I hope this applies to Aquilonians too though since they're based off the Romans and there were African Romans...but so far I've only seen black Stygians.
Here's a vid to prove it. http://www.gamevid…