Originally posted by gestalt11
I don't post here that often, but I just want to tell you that your post is one of the most brilliant things I've ever read on these forums.
Kudos to you sir.
What I love best is the open group structure. LFG is a thing of the past.
I love it. It makes the game so much more cohesive. You get to know people by ability instead of grouping with the same folks because you're scared of PUGs like WoW was.
"Why were you so excited with the TOK?"
I wasn't, really. It's cool, but it's just part of the game. But the unlocks giving you XP are cool, as well as picking up the Lore of the world without having to read about it on the game website. You read …
Originally posted by Bladin
"Your guild raids another town, your guild and it's members are pillagers and your reputation will remain so forever. You can't go grind some mobs to undo it. You can't change guilds and escape your reputation.