Originally posted by ChronicRick
I quit because after level 6 it started to get boring.. And the community is greedy because it is so FUCKING hard to get gil unless your a theif. I should know. I ripped off a lvl 1 newbie of his starting gil with a…
Originally posted by ramadin
You people dont get it at all. Its not GROUPING thats the problem its having to be the EXACT same level + or - 1 lvl to get experience. This limits your probability of even being ABLE to find a group. I just saw on …
You don't necessarily have to go into crafting to make money. Selling the ores will get you some good money, but so will farming other materials that crafters need. I've found that the raw materials usually cost more than the finished product. Al…
Originally posted by Luching
Well I a board out of my mind with FFXI. And im only 32BLM/16WHM, 7SMN,13SAM,10Bst,2MNK, and there are others but I havent touched this game in weeks
Hehe ... have you tried questing, crafting or just plain old ex…
I second that ^.^ It really is what you make of it.
53 RDM - 40 NIN - 26 WAR - 26 WHM - 18 THF - 14 SAM - 18 BLM - 10 MNK - 8 RNG - 7 DRG - 5 DRK - 4 BST ....
Hehe so you've gotten some pretty good answers to your questions. However I think that blink tanking wasn't really explained properly. Blink tanking is the only tanking that NIN/WAR can do (not done by THFs). To do it they cast the Ninjitsu Utsus…