1. Random encounters! Nothing adds spice to a rpg game than good and varied random encounters while traveling. Bu its got to be loads of em, not thge same set of 4-5, make it 40-50!!
2.I agree with more emotes.
3. VERY IMPORTANT!! A real story l…
I remember my last permadeath in AD&D, long time ago.
I was 14 at the time, A very unfriendly Dm deceided to get rid of me and set 4 vampires on my ass. I died permanant like-- THen the Dm refused to allow me to reroll a new character cus "th…
LOL-- i hate u guys!
Ive never once won anything...
I did some beta testing so far way back " anyone remember the Parralax-crew?" im talking C64 days !
I suppose the main reason i never end up buying a Mmorpg is cus I has to stay up reall…
true true, BUt i got all excited about the dark and light mmorpg, then read the conditions... In fact i very seldom see Europe as a valid region for contest-- and its a bigger market than the USA since this year...