It's very niche. theres nothing else i can play tho thats as rewarding and is pure PvP. if u make it past the learning curve theres moments of immense glory you just have to have the patience to get to them. its definately not for everyone but wh…
Traders are doing great but why bother with trader when you can be a soldier or jedi in star wars universe=?
I ve 9 accounts only one is trader for vendor purposes.
i have a pvp spy, and 2 traders- munitions and engineering. its awesom…
SoE's farms cash in a much more hideous manner than the TCG: charging its remaining players a transfer fee of $50 to play on a populated server is a total abomination. Occasionally whispering things for a year+ such as "we're working on a fix to t…
i wanted to RP in SWG but i came right when the hologrind began. even the coveted preCU was not RP friendly. i tried to RP a novice scout.., now i'm a PK spy who never /replies, chats, or accepts invites..
SWGs community, new or old, will suck…
Continuity is the dumbest concept for any MMORPG. If your seeking continuity just watch the movies. It belongs no where in a MMORPG.
Let them be Jedi. If they like being another one of the masses its their bizness. The CU was no different. …