i play alot of mmo's but not more recently because i have found many viruses in them that are giving my computer trojans
i am also a new designer in the field of digital media...im not working on many projects but i have a basic idea of a great game hit me up if you want to hear bout it
havent played any star wars game cept on console...but with anything that is publicly announced to have such a high budget...you better put in everything possible cause if not there will be people saying "they spent alll this money and yet they didn…
my names: aseryen maniath astrose arcantose
aseryen: first account name, usually the one i test everything with but is still the best chracter...it was something i just threw together i never really looked at anything i just typed in letters a…
runescape is not something im looking for
and jbights online is something im also not looking for
but its koo cause i found a game
my name is maniath on there so if u have an acount hook me up
Originally posted by DirtyTek
From the sound of you go play Dofus Im sure theyll like a new kiddy there
i no kitty i needed a dumb game to mess around with until i got my alineware computer fixed im playin on a laptop that is overloaded with j…
as a constant hopper of mmo's im always a noob...my experience with higher lvl players is poor...the only time i ever interact with high players is if the are giving up theyre items so i mooch off them
most mmo's are a let down and i have found my…