Ye nps well u beter try Aoc haha i used to liek and still kinda do like wow but it got obring coz of too much work i mean pvp pissed me off everyone is geared and i cant kill shit i got all blues warr used to have hunter banned lol and ye so thats y…
All i mean is they look alike i quit WOW 4 weeks ago when i saw War and Aoc betas and stuff and saw many videos and personally like AoC i dont push ppl to join Aoc and quit wow or dont buy war just saying good stuff about it and bad and u can add wh…
My friend is getting War and i am getting AoC personally think AoC would be funner for me because it has lot's of cool stuff which is new and never seen in todays top MMO's while War is like WoW same which WoW coppied War but my point is not much ha…