I second your impressions. Similar background but only been gamer for 15 years and have 3 kids. I hear they are going to fix the combat feel and constantly improving the game. I give it 9 out of 10.
I agree that the dx10 is not stable yet, but its still in testing. I just love playing in dx9. I dont think the subscription is that expensive so I wouldnt wait for a stable dx10 before I subbed, but thats up to you. The community is growing and the…
I am definately gonna sub. This game is nothing like what it was at launch. Its not expensive to give it a go for a couple of months, so why not?
When patch 1.05 comes out, it holds all promises from launch. I think they had to launch the game la…
Gotta agree with last post here. Age of Conan is superb atm. Its a joy just hanging inside the game. I get that Ironforge feeling whenever Im in the city. I also feel powerful when playing my character, its really hard punching sound and graphics th…
Well you dont need a monster comp to play AoC. The game still looks amazing on low settings. Then again you always wonder what it would look like in high settings. Point is that nowadays game tend to demand better computers. Games like crysis, bios…