What alot of haters man. Everyone seems to forget about the huge success that was CoX. I feel atari ruined cryptic, atari has always been a stupid company.
Does anyone own the Sword & Sorcery IPs? easy way to make a dnd like mmorpg, with …
romance iv was my personal favorite . God, I dumped much childhood time into that game, definitely one of my fondest gaming memories from childhood. The duels were awesome too. I haven't seen anything that will make you feel like that game, they are…
Originally posted by skeaser
Don't forget, this also includes bugs that only affected that "one guy" who had a certain vid card, with a certain cpu, with a certain time setting on his computer, who found that if he jump…
Originally posted by monoth
Originally posted by banthis
Originally posted by monoth
Originally posted by Aryslan
I am interested in the game. The videos i have seen and the overall looks of the game calls me to buy it but i have read tons …
I actually like the game, I don't see what the user above has against it. Let me start by saying COH/V was my most played mmo till about last year. I just liked the style and how it was more about being fun then being the "man". Everyone was the man…
Sry for double. I'm in the same boat as nicols(with the lifetime sub idea) big fan of CoH and cryptics overall work with it, and how it grew. I'm looking forward to this very much. The only difference is, I'm in america and my connection is crazy fa…
I myself am very dissapointed, I had the pre-load and have been waiting patiently thinking, well, its a pre-load and I followed all the directions. Now I get shafted with this horridly slow updated of cryptics downloading a monster patch.
I pr…
My only issue is deciding what I want to play. I hear they changed the hunter a ton, so, I'm very intrigued by it, but, my ol' fave is warlock and I have no idea what they've done to them. Any adivce guys?
The trial got me to subscribe as well. Its amazing how well they fixed this game up, it is by far the best "underground"(as in, not hugely popular) MMO in the biz. Its a damn good game, and it has alot of great features, I really think it deserves m…
I just started playing. My characters name is TravisJ . I'm liking the look of this game sofar, I've even done a small biography. I may end up enjoying this game a bit.
my account is Infatraj if you need that to add me as a friend or somethin…