Another question: How many pets can the squig herder have? I saw only 1 in official footage. Is this all or will there be any class that can have 2 or more pets at the same time?
edit: And how is it to play a squig herder? Like the hunter in WoW a…
Originally posted by Kerith
Originally posted by Bonnafo
if you haven't done it you might want to read the book Wikinomics -- pretty good read. I agree with what you said -- it's totally faszinating
Thanks for the tipp
Well, thing is: AOC is a MMORPG. MMORPGs imply the key principle of what the internet today is about, in fact it displays the direction our society is developing nowadays. Its all about participation, its all about interaction, its about masses, who…
Well, depends on the guild and on how long the players know each other. I experiences many dissapointements with my guild. First we had a big conflict during WoW time, where half of the people left. The "core members" though stayed together. And sin…
As for the Op's question what to play after AOC...Hmm its really difficult to tell. I think I'll buy Spore when its beeing released in september. Then I will maybe try TCoS. And maybe WAR...I always tend to buy the games when its too early. Same wit…
//Edit: ahaaa you wanna know what I think about AOC? I feel pretty sorry that I spend 50 € for that crap of a game. I quit after level 20. Didn't even leave Tortage.
I also had fun with the game. Would like to resubb if it was worth it. I don't think so right now. But I'm glad the client is running more smoothly now, even though I bought a new rig, so it would run smooth anyway.
I quit after they implemented …
I admit I only had a level 20 char in AOC before I quit. But on the other side I try to not express my anger too much. As for WoW, played Beta, loved it. Played it after release and loved it. It was my first 3D mmorpg. After 2 years I quit because i…
It's not the question wether the forums destroyed the game (also its a funny thought) or not. Fact is, that without forums you would still sit before youre TV screen believing all the ads you see, buying a half-finished game, don't like it, get angr…
Originally posted by Unfinished
Hasselhoff is a huge star in Germany, I guess it must be a cultural thing.
I don't know where you get your informations. But your source is definetly wrong.
Knight Rider was big somewhere in the 90's, tha…
That is right. USK gave it a red stamp, which basically means that it would've been almost blacklisted. But for the hype, I don't see this is the correct assumption. Not being hyped here doesn't mean the people would be fine with everything funcom d…
Yes, it got a 18+ here in the EU. So Pegi which is an EU constitution marked it as 18+. So I think this had no influence particulary on Germany. Spain is also in the EU, they must have that 18+ Pegi, too - don't they?
Well, I gues it is possible developing a game in 4 years. They just took about 3 years for the gfx and 1 year for the coding, at least thats what it looks like.
As a german mmorpg gamer I can tell you, I am very unpleased with AOC (in other words: I throwed into the trash). And I know enough other people who feel the same.
It is an interesting observation though. I cannot validate this at the moment, beca…
Originally posted by Douhk
For the love of God and the sake of the quality of future MMOs, let this game die a horrible death. It would bring a great message to all future makers of MMOs that you can't paint crap yellow and call it gold.