Why this game is a bad idea:
1)can they make the same combat system like the the single player? NO (actually they dont want to....i refuse to accept that a small company like aventurine (darkfall) did it and they cannot,(yes i know darkfall has pr…
1)a class system will be in place.
2)the combat system will not be the same real time combat the Elder Scrolls games are known for.
3)Players will be unable to contract Vampire and Werewolf diseases, but there will be Vampires and Werewolves in …
3. I hope this works out. From my experience in MMOs, the world has a 20:1 ratio of immature nut-jobs:mature players. I see this as causing a problem, particularly for the Masquerade. The Blood Hunt list will be a mile long, full of idiots breaki…
1. Vampires are supposed to be rare, but in an MMO is going to be swarmed in players, and vampires will be everywhere. How will they address this problem?
This can be solved by making a REALLY BIG world filled with npcs.Lets say that for every …
I hope that Cappadocians are at start but since wod is gonna be in modern era i doubt it.I think in modern times Cappadocians were consumed by the Giovanni clan but i don't wanna play the watered down version of the Giovanni.
If you put 500 npcs talk for 2,5 minutes each you will spend about 31gigabytes of space (in wave form)that is without compresion and lowering the quality of the sound to mp3 or any other protocol...you can easily drop that space to half (15gigs) an…
I wouldnt be surprised if the "new" "secret" mmo that curently blizard works on would be a Darkfall rip off.
Blizard does not have any need to buy off anyone they are masters in implementing other companies ideas to their own games,so if darkfall …
Darkfall reminds me of the "Vampire bloodlines" game in its gameplay mechanics part.
I believe its gona a well balanced hybrid with rpg on its base plus the fps action.
Thanks i know its customary to give the first month free i just wonder if they keep the tradition...so i dont have to pay the month sub fee before i determine my feelings about this game.
Originally posted by Polarization
Originally posted by mefistofelis
Hi all this is Mefistofelis since i have been quoted i thought i drop by....
Ok this is my first reply here and i must warn you that my english are ruther rusty,thanks for the …
Hi all this is Mefistofelis since i have been quoted i thought i drop by....
Ok this is my first reply here and i must warn you that my english are ruther rusty,thanks for the patience and understanding.
The first issue i would like to adress is…