By Asian I'm guessing you're referring to the hordes of Korean MMOs.
Well, Anarchy Online seems like it fits those criteria. Mature Playerbase is debatable, but hell, I haven't found an MMO yet with a "mature playerbase". It's better than most t…
Adrianus: Heheh, yeah, I found CoX a while ago and liked it. But eventually the content gets old and I need something new, but still similar.
rasgrix: I prefer PVE over PVP, and Questing over Grinding.
neonwire: This section is specifi…
I like that personally, because it isn't really so much overpowered to be able to use any weapon as it is convenient. Just force them to go barehanded to cast spells and everything works out fine.
Not sure how to be more specific. I like having a choice between Solo and Group PVE if that's the question, and like some raid content every once in awhile. I want a roleplaying environment that doesn't have incurable griefer problems (See: WoW), …
One with a leveling system in which you get experience in different skills, not one large pool for killing things. IE; you successfully hit something with a sword, you get sword experience. You block an attack with a shield, you get shield experie…
There was some talk of allowing the players to create missions in CoX at some point. Haven't heard much about that lately. I think CO may go somewhere with that idea. With the archnemesis system, they already have... kind of.