I prefer sub to f2p with mt.
I discovered a while ago that, for me, to get the "same" amount of personalization/customization/fun I get in a sub game I end up spending more than a subscription costs in an f2p game with microtransactions.
Its a m…
Deep in Dragonwake, within the besieged Covenant of Flame...
Bashing "WAAAGH!!! Dagorc'z da greenest 'n meanest!"
Stabbing "Change for the Change God!"
Hiding "Change fa da Change Git!"
Dodging "Ha! This is quite the battle Dagorc! I never realized …
Translations provided by Googlewizard, try our improved fireball with each search result, now with extra nerf!
Within the battered walls of Gnol Baraz, Chaos, Dark Elf, and Greenskin warriors enjoy a feast after the hard fought battle to take the…
Translations provided by Googlehammer, download our new concussion with each search result feature, now in Beta.
Deep within the battlefields of WAR three menacing figures stand upon a pile of the recently deceased and address a murderous mixture…
Well Supplicium is still here and we now have an Oceanic Regiment as well.
So we now have the Coercitio(OC), Cruciamus(NA), and Sacrificium(EU) regiments.
Even with regular pruning of inactives we have around eighty members between the three reg…