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  • I don't know about this, because you did hit the biggest and most important point in your first paragraph:   Immersion means different things to different people, and acheiving immersion requires different things for different people.   I gr…
  • I can see why there is the appeal for IP based MMOs, and its something that the entire genre really needs to look at and look at hard. There was another news item a long time ago that had posed the question, "Why are all the new games panning afte…
  • Honestly, there's so many issues with this. I know where you're coming from and its the same thing I said when I first saw that bioware was making an SW mmo. Either the Jedi/Sith are going to be balanced in the game to make it fun for people to play…
  • I honestly would love to hear your ideas on how to get rid of botters while also not making mining so ridiculously bad that nobody does it and the economy collapses anyways. Honestly, mining is already so incredibly dull and input-less that adding…
  • I honestly fail to see how a cash shop for incarna removes the socializing aspect of it...
  • Really, its one of those things that if straight up buying money didn't fuck with the economy of EvE to the point of buying power (which it really didn't because even with ISK its fairly tough to buy a significant amount of power to do anything and …
  • Well there's a big issue with basing changes off complaints. Honestly, if someone is happy with something do they go to the forums and gush about it? Typically not, they're in the game playing with whatever it is they enjoy. If someone dislikes so…
  • Actually, looking at the older versions of DnD, there was in fact damage mitigation on the front line (Fighters and Paladins, Barbarians later) DPS specialization (Rogues, rangers, wizards, sorcerers) and Healers (Clerics). And they did in fact perf…
  • Heh, I actually find the realism thumpers here kinda funny. MMOs are far, far, far from realistic, that's why they are games. Why have these crazy health bars, if you get a sword to the face or shot in the neck, you're dead. What's with all these …
  • To be honest, watching the roles change from game to game for actually a long time now (far longer than I really epected, whew) I'm still not sure I'm particularly unhappy with it or for it. There is a certain, small degree of positioning mechanic…
  • I don't think I'd call Guild Wars a Free to Play game exactly, which may honestly be the reason that it experienced a more successful run then many Free to Plays. The issue is the barrier to entry and the investment to the game. free to plays ar…