Originally posted by Brialyn
The other thing you have to consider is the cost of going after this company for $50 - $80....lol look at the prices of lawyers. If you are in America you will have to figure out how to go about doing that since they a…
There is no court case the BBB simply contacts Funcom to mediate a despite resolution. They can ignore the BBB if they want but it hurts them when they are seeking new investment capitol. No major capitol funding source will touch Funcom with thei…
Difference here is Funcom has to beg investors to fork out additional funding. Blizzard is self sustained and makes enough money to buy Funcom and pull the plug on the entire company.
Originally posted by Hrothmund
I'm willing to bet that you don't get a single cent back, and if you go to court youll end up thousands of dollars in the red. Just because you did not like the game and feel let down and abused, does not entitle yo…
I think the ones doing a piss poor job at trolling me are missing the point.
Endorsing a site that supports gold selling was the same as pissing in my bowl of cheerios. It was the straw that finally managed to break the camels back. It's one thing…
Originally posted by Mithios
I hear what you're saying, but I don't feel bad for you. You're probably one of the people that called me a loser because I didn't have a top of the line, hardcore gamer system just to run the game. Though I agree wit…
Hhussk the only person who needs to know that information at this point is Funcom and my BBB report should make that one pretty clear.
I pre-ordered the game online to get my Mammoth and all that good stuff. Did not order soon enough to get in the…
Originally posted by Electriceye
AOC-Sucks for President!
I can't understand how a charming poster such as yourself can get banned! Your nickname alone highlights what a Gentleman you are, and reading this very nice post confirms it.
They have made money since release and they had $20 mil left after launch.
I don't buy it and they have not even come clean if that was the case. Instead they pretend the game is fine knowing that many of us are spending over $1-2k to upgrade our …
Yep great broken game that's why you are playing it to kill time while you wait for a better game.
Either way my thread is not about those other games failing its about AOC which is failing. I will be getting my refund one way or another and that …