I'm an engineer and I've programmed REAL robots to solve mazes, pick up objects, scan the room, etc etc. I've also wrote a few macros/bots for a few games in the past... my most recent memory is Age of Conan which i had it lvl me up to max and farm…
Actually, NCSOFT did respond in a RELATIVELY timely manner. When i say relative, I mean compared to other MMO's in the past.
To the people bitching and wondering and thinking banning bots is so easy and simple, it's obvious you've never programme…
Sheesh with $700 you could build a good rig that will run Age of Conan at max settings.
Why not just shop at newegg for parts? If you don't know how to build a computer, you can go to directron.com and buy all the individual parts and they'll cus…
You know what the worse part about Funcom is? If you bot in instance and your guild zone, you will NEVER get banned but the minute you pvp you get banned.
I've used C++ hooks and scripts on VB to bot for me and to this day have NEVER been caught.…
ART! Don't listen to those other posters about your AoC hatred! Keep venting and posting failcom threads.
I have NEVER wanted a company to fail, crash, and burn so badly as much as I want funcom to do.
My familie's rich, my dad bought each of …
Originally posted by jimmy123
It would be intresting to find out how many of these people who write bad things about AoC have actually played the game.
It would be even more intresting to see how many of these people actually played WoW when it w…
BEING AN AVID raider myself, I would steer you clear away from this game if you love PvE contents.
Here are my reason:
Reason 1)
All heals in this game are HoT's( Heal over time). What this means is that no matter how good of a healer you a…
Originally posted by RogueSeven
i got banned for pvp'ing on a pvp server...
If you spawn camp, you can get banned.
If you repeatedly kill lowbies, you will get a warning and then banned.
If you kill a player while he's talking to a NPC, yo…
Instead of trying to fix the known bugs and ACTUALLY fixing them, funcom spends it's time and resources on more boobs yay.
Don't give me this "funcom is fixing bugs bullshit." B/c we have ongoing bugs that exist from launch to today.
I had to buy TWO accounts just to play.
The first account i bought, I decided to buy it from the digital download since my son's friend already installed the game on my computer. Well within two days they locked my account for not downloading th…
Originally posted by Zorvan
Originally posted by Grapejuices
I am being honest when I say I do enjoy the game. I've had the game ever since release and it took me all the way until today to cancel. Everytime I logged on I kept wondering, will…
I am being honest when I say I do enjoy the game. I've had the game ever since release and it took me all the way until today to cancel. Everytime I logged on I kept wondering, will funcom ever implement the promised features and revive the game? …
The game wouldn't be doing half as bad if funcom was just honest with the situation. I'm dead serious man...
people like me would of been loyal and would have remained loyal to a game going thru rough times if they'd tell the truth and ease …