Yeah, doing a little research I found out THQ*ICE's version is not only the oldest version, but also the LEAST populated, (from what people have said) the worst community, and is on it's way to oblivion. Reason being people are leaving to Iah's vers…
It doesn't seem too bad. When I've been playing there's atleast 5 people per map, on a normal pop channel which honestly isn't very bad.
They'd probably say something if they were doing something drastic like shutting down the servers, or changing…
Well, from someone who hasn't always been the "party player" playing games where you solo most of it. (Yes, I'll admit it, WoW.) But I have played Flyff. Probably the most party dependant game I've seen. But wouldn't MORE population be BETTER for…
Originally posted by Suplyndmnd
@ipod80GB - Level Sync is already here
@natuxatu - It's in the configuration part of the menu. It's called "Compact Keyboard" or perhaps just "Compact"
@ Dithrain - FFXI is a challenge. I would not reccomend thi…
Yeah, if you're looking for hardcore roleplaying/PvE, Final Fantasy XI is for you. It's still running on about 500,000-600,000 subscribers, and the community is probably better than any other game.
Alright,thanks for the replies. I don't expect anything Final Fantasy related to be anything but challenging. XD
But thank you Satimasu. I'll probably join your server if those are the circumstances. =D
1. Anywhere pass nub zone was very dull, and not what funcom promised.
2. PvP doesn't play a big part at all.
3. Feats, imo, didn't help very much at all.
I'm kinda bummed and happy at the same time with the "Chicken in lower content areas" idea. It would get kind of tedious at times, but it would get rid of all the ganking. Who knows, maybe they'll do some change with it to make it not QUITE as bad.