Originally posted by Bolthorn
I plan to give this game a try till SWTOR comes out. But I do have to agree that it is too soon to release this game. Closed beta for 4 months. Makes you wonder about open beta.....2 weeks? But we all need to wait an…
I don't think the observation is that it's "single player oriented". I think the expectation is that story line with voiceover will be stronger than any group based content such as raids or pvp.
Everyone plays through the same general storyline …
I hope Cryptic looks into this so they don't have a repeat of Pirates of the Burning Sea. Another game with reasonably strong ship combat, weak ground combat and missions that forced you onto the ground when you didn't want to be there.
Originally posted by Tatum
MMORPGs have milked the same old, tired, boring, repetitive game play for all it's worth. The difference (game play wise) between the early MMOs and what we have now is very little. They're still focused on combat sys…
MUDs were forced to innovate in order to differentiate themselves from the stock code base that everyone could simply download and run. The client was telnet. The graphics were ANSI.
I remember connecting, and if "Choose your class" was …
If I may reword the question: Is it innovation to assemble our favorite features from past MMOs into a new MMO? No, but it is a part of the equation. The set of features or ingredients does not yield innovation. It's in the composition…
MMOs are dying for lack of innovation, literally. It feels like I've already played 75% of the MMOs that come out without ever logging in.
The market is stagnant. MMOs are too risky for the large publishers to risk innovating. The smaller publi…
I am reading a lot of positive feedback on WAR but I'm really apprehensive after my recent experience with AOC.
Can someone give a short list of things they really like about the game and why?
Funcom destroyed AoC on their own. They've succeeded in making the game worse than it was at launch.
One phenomon that's worth looking at is Vanguard. They earned their bad press at launch. However, unlike Funcom, SOE has earned a lot of peo…
Lelob has nailed it.
AOC's quality is just lacking in every way that counts. Sure the graphics are great, but you get used to them and after the first 2 weeks, you've basically seen almost every model and texture.
Gameplay is where it counts …