Thank you Coyote and Merry Christmas. Best laugh I had all week.
And I concur on the Taco Bell sequencing.
I would liken your analysis to the Viking Rule:
"You may rape and pillage in any order. ALWAYS Burn Last."
Rookie mistakes indeed. …
I haven't played LotRO, so I don't know how it works out. But the author complained of having to kill 150 more orcs to finish a deed even after doing all of the content in a zone. If you naturally get the kill a bunch of orcs deed in the process o…
Originally posted by Berserker202
I was a forum regular on Huxley fansites (and the short lived official forum Webzen had) for a very long time. I have seen this argument time and time again of what. I'm not saying what is right, what is wron…
Originally posted by Hkelemental
Hahahahaha....Are you serious? If you had looked at anything involving Huxley, you would have seen that Huxley at its core was a Deathmatch and CTF/point driven game. Have you ever played a first person shoote…
Fact is that the combat was a dead miss from what was advertised, like so much of the game in general.
The Mutations were entirely unneeded and grossly skewed the game style into completely negating the tech/wasteland feel of the game and the prim…
Can't say I'm sorry in some respects if this has come to a close.
Huxley, like Global Agenda, had the potential to be a proper sci-fi tactical shooter as a true successor to Planetside, a niche that has yet to be intelligently filled. Planetside …
SlayVus makes a good point about where your money goes.
Having said that, I would point out that both the horse and the ATV are one time use items and rapidly outgrown. So view them more as things you will want as a keepsake on a given character …
OP is clearly, unquivocally, a troll of the first order.
The game is in excellent shape and if the end of beta was any indication is set to have a truly stellar launch compared to many I have participated in previously.
It is innovative, engagin…