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  • Thank you Coyote and Merry Christmas.  Best laugh I had all week. And I concur on the Taco Bell sequencing. I would liken your analysis to the Viking Rule: "You may rape and pillage in any order.  ALWAYS Burn Last." Rookie mistakes indeed. …
  • I haven't played LotRO, so I don't know how it works out.  But the author complained of having to kill 150 more orcs to finish a deed even after doing all of the content in a zone.  If you naturally get the kill a bunch of orcs deed in the process o…
  • Originally posted by Berserker202   I was a forum regular on Huxley fansites (and the short lived official forum Webzen had) for a very long time. I have seen this argument time and time again of what. I'm not saying what is right, what is wron…
  • Originally posted by Hkelemental   Hahahahaha....Are you serious? If you had looked at anything involving Huxley, you would have seen that Huxley at its core was a Deathmatch and CTF/point driven game. Have you ever played a first person shoote…
  • Fact is that the combat was a dead miss from what was advertised, like so much of the game in general. The Mutations were entirely unneeded and grossly skewed the game style into completely negating the tech/wasteland feel of the game and the prim…
  • Can't say I'm sorry in some respects if this has come to a close. Huxley, like Global Agenda, had the potential to be a proper sci-fi tactical shooter as a true successor to Planetside, a niche that has yet to be intelligently filled.  Planetside …
  • SlayVus makes a good point about where your money goes. Having said that, I would point out that both the horse and the ATV are one time use items and rapidly outgrown.  So view them more as things you will want as a keepsake on a given character …
  • OP is clearly, unquivocally, a troll of the first order. The game is in excellent shape and if the end of beta was any indication is set to have a truly stellar launch compared to many I have participated in previously. It is innovative, engagin…