There will be a very large drop off after the initial month. Much like the drop off in WAR after its initial month. It'll be interesting how and when they add more servers and how they may end up straining the small playerbase.
Originally posted by Dimensional
I've signed up too but I wonder why they didn't include the dxdiag upload function, that means people with shitty computers could get a spot ;/
Apparently, they wanted to get the site up and get signups goi…
Originally posted by thinktank001
You guys do realize that it only means that the sign-up is just to let the dev's know your interested. They will be looking at your posts on the forum about whether or not they think you will help with the devel…
Originally posted by brezel
Hello and welcome to mortal online beta signup.
To sign up you need sign in with your forum account in the login fields below.
If you dont have an forum account you can click HERE to sign up.
Please be pat…
I've heard you shouldn't buy accounts for friends something about an "account not active" error.
200+ votes on a poll already asking them to stop selling more copies, because of server queues.
They shot themselves in the foot by not offering a trial to MMO fans already burned by other g…
I just don't get it. I've seen videos, and I've watched live feeds. I've had people describe the melee combat to me as counterstrike knife fighting. At this point I don't know what to believe anymore. I'll just pass til a free trial is available…
You lost me early when you stated exactly how this game would play out. It would mature, and not go down in flames. That's still yet to be seen. Check back after the free month is up. Not only that, but you applaud them for only rolling out one …
There is hundreds of thousands of people interested in a new MMO experience. That has been proven. I don't think fifty thousand is too big of an estimate to make this year. I'm sure they'll sell fifty thousand units eventually unless something c…
It's too early to ask this question. Wait til the free month is up. It will be very interesting to see the numbers. Especially after seeing the mass exodus in a few other MMO's after the initial month.
I just can't believe a company can do busi…
Good post. This pretty much sums up what I've come to understand from the community. I see videos of the combat and I just don't understand how people can put up with it.
Every new MMO that comes out there is a honeymoon period, I wonder how lon…
How much time of yours are you gonna allow this guy to waste?
It literally takes one or two minutes to log into the forums and post an announcement or an update.
Yet, people keep coming back for more of this?