Agree with the OP. The problem is not on the players, though, its bad developers and inbred design processes.
If we had a developer who knew how to do something besides code, anything, say owning a restaurant, then maybe we'd have one with th…
Originally posted by laokoko ^ ya but it getsmore complicated when something cost nothing to make and maintain now require 50 million to make and 2 million to maintain per month.
You need to look at the scale of things. An individual like you or …
There are no good ones currently out that aren't graphically outdated. The last real good one was Asheron's Call. Shadowbane tried but failed. They've only gotten worse since, Darkfall especially.
Originally posted by toljar Answer to your question. It died when people moved on from Asheron's Call. To be honest that was one of the friendliest communities I have ever been apart of. No one thought they were better then you..
What amazes me is that in the OP I described a whole class of real MMOs which existed and in which permadeath was the rule - and they thrived. Yet nearly every reply tiresomely states that permadeath would never work, ignoring the fact that it alre…
There are basically two ways to get into the field, particularly to the point you aspire to:
1) Go to school, learn how to code (in school or as a hobby), become a tester, and work your way up the corporate ladder. Eventually, you will be cod…
GTwander, I'm not sure what you are telling me with this. An emotional purpose and a definitive message are two different things. Forgive me, as I'm not trying to sound querulous, I'm genuinely interested in this.
I am not claiming, nor eve…
In response to Sovrath, I would simply like an example of art that is not about emotion. I'm curious as to what, to you, is artistic but void of emotional purpose. I am not claiming that such a thing does not exist (to you), but to me, it is like …
Good post OP. I read your post, got to the first line of the first reply: "Heres' the problem with permadeath in a nutshell, and why your suggestion has no merit" and remembered that this community is generally too unintelligent to consider ideas o…
Ebert: Decreasingly relevant uber liberal who holds party-goers' attention with his self-important opinions while sipping a $100 glass of vodka at various Hollywood establishments. Knows nothing about video games, has never played one; only knows t…
Originally posted by Broomy
Originally posted by Kalefen
So you see...from even an early state - the female of the species tends to need some sort of emotional connection in a conversation. They have been practicing this since early childhood -…
To the guy who wanted Planetside on the list: I thought about putting it up there but really it has too many advantages being that it doesn't have to be truly "massive" in the sense of all the other games listed. So, I'd expect it to be one of the …
AC1 had as near to no cap as I've ever seen (275) and it took years for anyone to get there even with XP chains.
It was by far the best progression system I've ever seen in an MMORPG. Complete freedom to develop your character however you wan…