actually I'll try to keep that in mind Sigmund...
this thread and it's poll was meant as a discussion (guess I don't have to explain how it works do I) about how others think about it etc. Stop flaming... if you don't have anything else to say …
Originally posted by ajaxx
Most people tend to play games they enjoy. I don't see the average Joe paying $15 a month because of the name on the box.
It works in the music business... (not monthly but you get the point)... I think slak was right…
Originally posted by Morridin
Even if you don't want to hear about Wow, the sheer number of subscribers that they brought in has forced alot of mmo's to respond. So if other games are getting off their butts and pushing content and being more compe…
I'll have to (ignore those articles) I guess.. hehehe
only feeling scammed by the papers I liked reading... well one thing I'm going to do is keep an eye is watching that bubble pop when many gamers don't find what they've been looking for... (risk…
Hmmm... maybe an example... the gamers mag I read has been writing about WoW 5 months before it hit the market. When I say writing I actually mean 1 Image on the cover, at least 2 full pages in the mag itself... various editor notes on the last page…