Or as it says on their site, they dont want to give people a date cause they dont want people getting all excited and stuff, "it´s done when it is done" direct from their site. I think they dont want to fall in the "it´s not ready on time" pit and i…
Awsome list, i agree with it completly. The fact is that people seem to get into arguments over everything instade of keeping an open mind and discusing things.
I totaly agree with you WowMike2002, i´ve been following this game for quite awhile now and have been really excited about it. But the only real info you get seems to be here on mmorpg.com, the games official site is..... well not good. They dont se…
Personaly i´d have to say that alot of people are taking a break from WoW atm or at least untill the addon comes to stores and yes this game is quit good, it seems a bit easy and simple at first especially if your an ex wow player but after a few le…