Well i'm finally getting a job, huzzah for me, after a few paychecks i'll get a new computer in time for the realease of WoW. Until then, ya'll will have to tell me how it plays.
"They fly like a kick ball in real life"? That doesn't make any sense what so ever. It seems though that the poll is starting to lean towards elves, which I knew it would in the end; too many people seeing films like LoTR and wanting to be the …
I was thinking about it after I read your post Getafix, and the hand size is now the only reason I can think of as to why Dwarfs do not cast arcane spells. In Dungeons and Dragons, for example, the Dwarf gets a penalty on charisma for being gru…
I'll probably go with the routine warrior or paladin at first, but a dwarven rogue or mage would be quite fun. They might have racial difficulties or penalties for being those types of classes, but what fun is a character without a few flaws?
Well it seems us dwarves are winning, aren't we? I guess us "lap dogs" have quite a few fans beneath our belts, and that you elves have been a wee bit to busy singing and prancing to gather any real followers.
I can see there being problems with the undead in that they are inherently more powerful than a living race. They will have no need to eat, drink, or sleep, and would be immune to such things as critical hits and death spells. But hopefully they'll …
Well you can't go wrong with dwarves, and wouldn't their lawful nature help them along the path of knighthood? A paladin dwarf may be a wee bit eccentric, but I would think it would make for some fun play.