Wondered myself for a while)
You just need to "sign up" first, and only then enter your beta-key, using login and password you entered while "signing up"
Well, just my 2 cents. Most examples given by people here draw a bridge between MMOrpg and JUSTrpg. That's just not right. "Quests" in it's classic meaning should not even exist in a MMO. Because MMO (well, "good" MMO, game, where all letters in wor…
Originally posted by Sovren1
It's like being a writer. Being a writer you have to create stories for any gender, race, creature, beast.
Nicely said
It's all about creativity. Some ppl see only a pack of skills, stats and equips on screen…
Well, I played Rapplez till around 30 lvl, and I like it. The reason I stopped - no 2nd prof yet. New Epic is now in beta-test, so when it comes out - I'll check it out for sure. And recently I started to play Lineage 2 on official servers. My thoug…
Hey, GL, we all know know that you are GE's fanboy. But stop talkin' some nonsence. You want to say, that K2 isn't being ruled by lowly mercantile thoughts?.. No, that can't really be. Why? Because that subscribing type is just outrageous! 10$ or 15…
"Serious MMO-Player...", "...playing 4 hour a day"... lol
That's not "serious", that's casual I can harldy think that someone, who really like a game, can play it less then 2-4 hours a day
And the list you gave - all the games there are pop. If y…
Sorry, guys, no offence, but... Those of you screamin' about "corruption", "leaving EVE" and other loud things... I'm just gettin' a feelin', that you "has absolutely no life"
DEV cheated, maybe. So what? There are 30000+ players online, I personal…