Bravo, Michael -- great article. This brought back some great memories of a game that's still close to my heart. I was one of those "Cradle to Grave" veteran CoH players: I was there during Beta, straight through until the lights went out. I still h…
Great game, and here's hoping the B2P change helps more gamers find out how much fun this title is. BTW, if you haven't bought TSW yet but are now considering it, you should be able to pick it up on Amazon for $15, starting tomorrow (according to an…
I don't think it looks *too* bad, but from what I see so far, it's just a grown-up version of Super Hero Squad, which is cute and great for kids.
This makes the loss of City of Heroes even more sad.
Originally posted by nuttob Originally posted by BioNut
How much do they want for Lifetime?
It's $50 for the game and $200 for lifetime for a total of roughly $250. I took a chance and bought the lifetime. If they do monthly or bimonthly…
Originally posted by Illyssia Originally posted by Warmachinez
About the game: I only played for a few hours during a BWE, and I completely lost myself in the world, it is very immersive.
Well, the world is very instanced, though…
Originally posted by Axxar Originally posted by Senadina
I don't think it would be that simple to allow us to change our body types. Now I'm no programmer, but wouldn't that needlessly complicate cut-scenes and/or clothing sizes? Regarding cut…
Regarding respecs: Even points that were supposedly "wasted", were spent on passive abilities that can still provide synergy with other new choices.
My example: I started out with Blades + Elementalism as my two areas, really more for theme than an…
So far, I'm really enjoying it. There are some "quality of life" improvements really needed in the chat and teaming UI, but the quests are fun, graphics are great, and the music+sound really builds atmosphere. It's definitely worth a look, in my opi…
Originally posted by Eladi
Originally posted by Suzie_Ford
The cash shop, at least from all that I've both seen and read, is convenience only. For instance, players will be able to buy outfit items. Since there IS no armor class in TS…
With the recent demise of LEGO Universe, I think a Muppet MMO for kids (and nostalgic adults) is not a bad idea at all. The muppet style would lend itself to a fun character creator, and there's lots of great stories to build adventures around.
Just downloaded this. It feels like an arcade game -- fast action, lots of exploding things. Definitely worth a couple hours of knocking the crap out of stuff.
I'm still trying to figure out how this game will actually play. Is it going to end up like a grown-up version of Super Hero Squad, with a world jam-packed with multiple Wolverines and Iron Men?
They've stated that they're planning on voice-acting all their mission givers, which is a tall order, but adds another nice touch to the game. It was a surprise to hear Tim Russ (Tuvok from ST: Voyager) in the demo.