I have read about not hearing if you are NOT in beta. My mate has a beta key, but hasnt been on to check if it is on yet. I have not asked anything specific about WHO is in beta, just a general "has beta started?".
I dont care who is in or who …
LOTR would be a good draw. A blast from the past that has never been fully recreated successfully would own as an online MMO. A game that is similar to David Brabens "Elite" would tap on a massive group of people who would like the playability and…
Highlander as a film and a story is very very good. There was an old zx spectrum game about it which was a bit rubbish, seeing as Tai Pan and Elite was still around.
I think it would depend on which route they took the game down. Wouldnt everyone…
Yeah, the devs are active in a morale boosting sense. They seem to avoid the issue of exact dates which I suppose is normal for devs, just hope it comes out soon. World of Pirates has done my head in now, I need another pirate adventure to take up…