I would suggest that you wait for win 7. Vista is a nightmare...
Also, that $3k expenditure will be worth $1,500 in a year. If that is acceptable.. ok
If you want to learn how to replace parts on your computer, start with a video card. Once y…
Thanks for the opinions. As mentioned, I replaced my mobo due to the last one dying and I carried over my memory. I am debating whether I want to upgrade this machine further or wait till spring (maybe black thrusday) to buy a win 7 machine.
I still use a CRT but I am looking to go to an LCD. newegg has this on sale:
If I were to buy an LCD today, I would consider an LCD with these stats.
I smile while reading these posts. A coworker and I were talking about this new OS that MS is coming out with.. and he smile and said that EVERY time people think that MS will come out with something that is not bug ridden... The more amusing aspec…
I bought a Brother MFC 4720. Fryes had it on sale as a refurbished unit for $150 and a $50 rebate for a total of $100. This is an all in one and laser. I use it to scan, fax and print. I got tired of replacing dried up ink cartridges... I have …
Reading through the responses and I think that you need to reduce your performance settings in game. There should be a clip plane or distance you can see. Both of these will reduce the amount of computations needed. There could be a number of rea…
Upgrading memory should allow you to have smoother game play. This is a bandaid fix and temporay because your processor and vid card are falling behind the demands of these games.
When I build a system, I max the memory speed for the mother board…
You hit the minimum spec for WoW but I try to go for twice min spec. The graphics will be so reduced that you won't get the enjoyment that you are paying for.
I would suggest a solid steel case and the case dimension you choose seem to look good. I dont care for the plastic window so here are two alternate choices:
Athena Power CA-SWH02B65 Black Steel Pedestal Server Case With EPS-12V 658W power supply…
I hear that you are bored with the current crop of big name MMOs. There is only so much you can do with a game and have the game not be niche. If a group is used to working as a group then most situations present for that group will be exciting bu…