Its shipping out now because they have a limit amount of funds, they can keep it to work on and they will run out of money, They are a small people trying to do big things so let up alittle on them lol.
Its basically like one of us winning a lot o…
No worries my main man it just lag from the horde of players wanting to jump in and play, give it a day or two maybe a week and they should have it iron out lag wise ^.^
For the love of god people its not a finished product!, Its in beta.....and its an indie company building it, They do not have a billion dollar budget or a huge staff to make everything perfect, SO stop bitching that is all I ever see on this bloody…
For the love of god people its not a finished product!, Its in beta.....and its an indie company building it, They do not have a billion dollar budget or a huge staff to make everything perfect, SO stop bitching that is all I ever see on this bloody…
For the love of god people its not a finished product!, Its in beta.....and its an indie company building it, They do not have a billion dollar budget or a huge staff to make everything perfect, SO stop bitching that is all I ever see on this bloody…