Combining a great art style with an open world, this game promises to be the closest thing to the UO ideal that I have seen in many years!
I would be deeply happy to get the chance to participate!
Hell no I am not. Keep your theme park bullshit mmos, your repetitive gear raids, and your battleground pvp.
Call me when the sandbox is full. I'm ready
If you would like constructive advice on vanguard I would suggest going to one of the following dot com websites: vanguardspheres or silkyvenom
I could try to offer assistance but I am not completely qualified, and most people here will just fla…
I used to love Planetside, the new changes seemed bad to me after not playing for some time too.. HOWEVER I believe that the biggest part that makes Planetside not what it used to be is the playerbase, there used to be massive battles when this game…
I personally hope that they are lying if they really did indeed say that they will not ever make a starcraft mmorpg.. Other than that I cant wait for Vanguard!! I hope it is as good as I think it will be=)