A number of our guild members have picked up TERA to pass the time. While it's unclear right now how many people enjoy the game enough to stick with it until ArcheAge releases, it's definitely something those playing can agree is worth their time ri…
I thought it would be appropriate to clear up some misconceptions about Unlimited that may encourage you to take a look at us, or perhaps a second look if you've visited our website and passed up the opportunity to throw in an application.
We refer…
Originally posted by Daedalus1 Unlimited is Looking for Officers!
Unlimited has open Officer opportunities for those who qualify.
In the initial post, we described our reasons for starting recruitment early including the most essential par…
We're coming to the final weeks before the launch we've all so eagerly awaited. It's never been more pressing of a time to secure a place in a guild you want to call home for the long future this game has in store for us. Unlimited offers a guild th…
Join Unlimited and The Titan Alliance in the 3rd Beta Weekend Event.
Learn how a guild that was created specifically for Guild Wars 2 can hold its own on the battlefield, united with, and fighting against, organized PvP Guilds that have been playin…
The interest in membership that we've seen over the past several months is nothing short of phenomenal. We’ve come to a comfortable place where we can take on members who know that their home for the far future in Guild Wars 2 is secure.
Some guild…
Put Up Or Shut Up.
Unlimited bore the burden of this statement through the duration of the first open beta event, cast on us by the membership itself. It was a challenge, to perform in WvWvW, and prove to ourselves that the goals we have for rele…
Unlimited is forming an alliance, but what makes the alliance we're trying to create unique?
You may not know this, but Unlimited was created by random individuals with a shared vision of a guild that could approach competitive PvP with an edge t…
Originally posted by slickbizzle You had me hooked until I saw on the site that I would need to fill out an application to join.
Best of luck though! Site looks great!
Appreciate the thought Slickbizzle. Unfortunately, if someone is not …
Unlimited has gone international!
As things had gotten underway, and Unlimited began to take shape, the majority of our members have been North American. Our tag on fansites such as this one have been labeled "[NA]" to boot. Undergoing a recent g…