It is official - SOE has zero say about the game. Again everybody who has paid attention knows that. Old news. BTW, Brad (Sigil's CEO) said he would not make the same mistake again, he will not sell his company to SOE.
They may not decided if they are going to use a skill or level system... but Brad already confessed that the game is coming out this month on SOE's (Smed's) order. SOE is now the one with the money, you realise that don't you?
Necrod like I said, I don't count UO. I will say it is what MMORPG's are based upon. And UO itself is based upon PnP (like D&D, ironically a level based game... hehe).
I can think of only two games heavily influenced by UO according to their creators: Raph Koster's Star Wars Galaxies and Brad Mcquaid's Vanguard. And that's a fact.
Any one else want to try to name a game more like SWG than Vanguard is? Make a point-by-point comparison like did at the top of this thread.
I miss the good ol' days when nerds were actually intelligent.
I'm glad your having fun but Vanguard isn't a game I'll ever be intrested in. For me on all the important points Vanguard is nothing like SWG PreCU at the core game design levels and no amount of fluf f in player houses and cities will change that core into something I'll play.
it is class based instead of skill based
it is primarily a loot economy, even with the complex crafting system once the economy settles down after a few months 'ships' will be like architect was in SWG as the poor relation that gets little return buisness, while loot will be what nearly everyone wants in the game and will sell accordingly.
The developers came out and said they liked the forced teaming and time sinks from EQ1 .... I'll take their word over yours on how effective soloing will be in this game
SoE are involved .... which means even if it was a skill based crafter economy I would not play it.
Lastly just because a game I dislike has the most fluff parts like PreCU SWG doesn't mean I have to play it.
I sure like Vanguard all though there are some things that should have been better but...
Comparing wit SWG just isn't possible in my opinion. Vanguard is a fantasygame and SWG is a sci-figame. Total differenece there. Lots of those that started SWG was for the reason they could live in the Star wars universe and nothing else. They won't migrate because it has a couple of things that SWG had. They have to like the fantasysetting and the lvl based system
The fact that the original poster plans to play this game is only detering any interest in this game I might have. I do not beleive he is a plant, but his agenda is that of a salesman. A very pathetic salesman at that. A decent salesman would have addressed a legitimate concern such as strong arm marketing. I gave the original poster a chance to answer a relevant question, or to defend whatever stance this game takes. He chose instead to go flame enabled.
The original poster can defend the game with a better argument then its better then nothing. That is the kind of argument SOE would use. Were I a big fan of pies for instance. On one particular day I go to the bakery to get a pie, but all they have available is blueberry. Now I do have a choice of pie all be it very limited. I either buy blueberry or no pie at all. What happens though if I do not like blueberry infact what if I hate blueberry. I would probabally not buy the pie. I would make due with a cake, or maybe some other pastry. The next time I go to the bakery I can hope they have a pie I like.
The original poster wants to sell people on this game, but he is doing it in the wrong way. He should be smoothing away doubt, and promoteing as many good features as possible. Instead the answer is its better then dog poop. Well that is a no brainer. Whats worse is he is treating this forum community as beggars. Like we have no real choice in the matter. This is the closest, and since it is you should embrace it,
The reality is there are actually things that are closer to the experience just parceled out in different places. I can play Halo for the PVP aspect, and I can play the new zelda for the open enviroment RPG aspect. I can also participate in forums to get a community aspect. Sure I used to get all of that in one package with SWG, but I no longer have that option. People have been makeing due for over a year now. They can continue to do so until a game they want comes out, or a emu is delivered.
Nevarion , like my list is NOT a review man. It's a compairison to SWG features. There is plenty of information out there for you, it's not the point of this thread. A plug? Maybe. What's wrong with informing my fellow vets of a new SWG-like game coming out?
unit909999 I have not played EverQuest II for some time now. Never cared for it too much even if I did reach the (then) max level of 50 with a wizard. That game did have very nice combat animations.
And no my friend, the reasons why many of us dislike SOE is not lost on me. I played pre-CU SWG (started in Oct. 2003). Being a life long Star Wars fan (I'm almost 30) I too was SICK to have my SW-Sim taken from me. Hell, I remember being on the front lines of the anti-CU army way back when. I played SWG when we had to run everywhere (remember that? lol) and when there were buff lines (<....>)
I understand. SOE is a company and they are out to make money. Heh, thats no secret. Trust me, I dislike many, many other corporations, not just Sony's "online entertainment" division.
Xehoz that is a half-truth. Brad stated that due to money-related issues they were launching a bit early. He said, "I've always been straight up with you guys." And he has been (he has said many times he hates what has happened to SWG --both those guys at Sigil were huge SWG fans-- and he even talks trash on the easy-mode of WoW a lot). In other words, they have been developing the game so long that they are running out of money. Can you imagine how much it costs to develope something like this for YEARS with NO cash flow coming in from it? Again, this is old news.
War_Dancer Vanguard has a better core game. Care to explain that statment? Also, read up on current news - the game is being developed as giving you a choice to group or solo. That rumor that it is only a group game is old. Yes you cannot go slay a dragon solo (you need a small army = raid) but thats good because thats just silly. They are promissing us TONS of solo content. But it's an RPG after all, and I guess if not being able to solo 500 rancors turns you off... so be it. The economy... the game has item decay. That should be enough said about that but just because you may loot a rare shield that (lore wise) is thousands of years old and magical from some ancient wizard does not mean the economy is gonna get ruined if they don't let that rare shield have a 'schmatic' so any old crafter can pop one out. Again it's an RPG.
Some of you guys talk about pre-CU SWG here like it still exists... it doesen't. It makes me feel nostalgic to think on it too but it's GONE (for now anyways). So please, some one jump in and say, "No Nikoz, THIS is the game we should play necause of blah, blah." Seriously, NAME THE GAME guys! I'll be the first to sign up.
I miss the good ol' days when nerds were actually intelligent.
The fact that the original poster plans to play this game is only detering any interest in this game I might have. I do not beleive he is a plant, but his agenda is that of a salesman. A very pathetic salesman at that. A decent salesman would have addressed a legitimate concern such as strong arm marketing. I gave the original poster a chance to answer a relevant question, or to defend whatever stance this game takes. He chose instead to go flame enabled. The original poster can defend the game with a better argument then its better then nothing. That is the kind of argument SOE would use. Were I a big fan of pies for instance. On one particular day I go to the bakery to get a pie, but all they have available is blueberry. Now I do have a choice of pie all be it very limited. I either buy blueberry or no pie at all. What happens though if I do not like blueberry infact what if I hate blueberry. I would probabally not buy the pie. I would make due with a cake, or maybe some other pastry. The next time I go to the bakery I can hope they have a pie I like. The original poster wants to sell people on this game, but he is doing it in the wrong way. He should be smoothing away doubt, and promoteing as many good features as possible. Instead the answer is its better then dog poop. Well that is a no brainer. Whats worse is he is treating this forum community as beggars. Like we have no real choice in the matter. This is the closest, and since it is you should embrace it, The reality is there are actually things that are closer to the experience just parceled out in different places. I can play Halo for the PVP aspect, and I can play the new zelda for the open enviroment RPG aspect. I can also participate in forums to get a community aspect. Sure I used to get all of that in one package with SWG, but I no longer have that option. People have been makeing due for over a year now. They can continue to do so until a game they want comes out, or a emu is delivered.
Take your negative expressions elsewhere. I stopped reading after the third sentence. Please learn to communicate ideas without insulting folks. /ignor
I miss the good ol' days when nerds were actually intelligent.
unit909999 I did not link you to a SOE website (besides the marketing site). I linked you to Sigil's website, the company made up of the two minds behind the original EverQuest.
Why not link to the official Vanguard forums? Oh, that's right. They don't have any.
It is 100% a private company.
Yeah, they were when they sold EQ to SOE, also.
Microsoft was going to publish this MMORPG but wanted to force it out the door way before it was ready (far more so than now).
Fascinating. Did Microsoft put out a statement to verify this? Hell, did Sigil put out a statement to verify this, so that Microsoft could issue a rebuttal?
SOE knows how to run servers and marketing. No one disputes that (unless they don't follow the MMO business very close).
The only part of this post you've written I agree with.
They are not even handling in-game customer support. It is official - SOE has zero say about the game. Again everybody who has paid attention knows that. Old news.
SOE is the publisher. Guess who decides when the game comes out, unless Sigil wanted to hunt for another publisher on last notice.
BTW, Brad (Sigil's CEO) said he would not make the same mistake again, he will not sell his company to SOE.
Even if he didn't sell, you think SOE wouldn't take it over if Sigil was too far in debt (which they very well may be if the game does less than they expect).
And dude, I was posting links to the (then) new SWG EMU like what, almost a year ago? Before posting links to those assholes site was made against the rules here. I follow the emu and hope they succeed even if they are socially inept (and they are).
Learn to let things start to heal. Negative energy poisons the soul.... peace.
Last, but not least: skill based, not level based. Instead of sci-fi, one more elf and dwarf fantasy game in a genre teeming to overflowing with them already. SWG was based on a beloved and iconic storyline that fans wanted to be a part of it's world. Vanguard is EQ2.1.
Vanguard has a better core game. Care to explain that statment?
The core design elements of the combat and crafting and advancement(ie. levels, classes, prominance of loot). Player housing and cities are great fun and all but they aren't the core design on the game and aren't enough for me to play a class level grind with a economy that favours loot. I'd play a game with skills instead of classes and a full crafter economy that doesn't have player cities any day over one like Vanguard.
Originally posted by Nikoz78
Also, read up on current news - the game is being developed as giving you a choice to group or solo. That rumor that it is only a group game is old. Yes you cannot go slay a dragon solo (you need a small army = raid) but thats good because thats just silly. They are promissing us TONS of solo content. But it's an RPG after all, and I guess if not being able to solo 500 rancors turns you off... so be it.
That 'rumor' was from quotes by the developers and even when they softened their views on it were saying '20%' of the content available solo. I don't believe developers that don't understand soloing and loved forced teaming into EQ1 are capable of understanding and implementing it well.
Originally posted by Nikoz78
The economy... the game has item decay.
So does EQ2 and that is a loot based game. Decay by itself doesn't make crafters usefull if what they make is subpar to loot.
Originally posted by Nikoz78
o please, some one jump in and say, "No Nikoz, THIS is the game we should play necause of blah, blah." Seriously, NAME THE GAME guys! I'll be the first to sign up.
Your assuming I want to sell you on a game. There is nothing around with everything like PreCU SWG had but that doesn't mean I have to play Vanguard just because it has some features in common with old SWG. The NGE has lots of things in common with PreCU SWG including player cities and I shouldn't have to tell you how likely I am to paly that!
The fact that the original poster plans to play this game is only detering any interest in this game I might have. I do not beleive he is a plant, but his agenda is that of a salesman. A very pathetic salesman at that. A decent salesman would have addressed a legitimate concern such as strong arm marketing. I gave the original poster a chance to answer a relevant question, or to defend whatever stance this game takes. He chose instead to go flame enabled. The original poster can defend the game with a better argument then its better then nothing. That is the kind of argument SOE would use. Were I a big fan of pies for instance. On one particular day I go to the bakery to get a pie, but all they have available is blueberry. Now I do have a choice of pie all be it very limited. I either buy blueberry or no pie at all. What happens though if I do not like blueberry infact what if I hate blueberry. I would probabally not buy the pie. I would make due with a cake, or maybe some other pastry. The next time I go to the bakery I can hope they have a pie I like. The original poster wants to sell people on this game, but he is doing it in the wrong way. He should be smoothing away doubt, and promoteing as many good features as possible. Instead the answer is its better then dog poop. Well that is a no brainer. Whats worse is he is treating this forum community as beggars. Like we have no real choice in the matter. This is the closest, and since it is you should embrace it, The reality is there are actually things that are closer to the experience just parceled out in different places. I can play Halo for the PVP aspect, and I can play the new zelda for the open enviroment RPG aspect. I can also participate in forums to get a community aspect. Sure I used to get all of that in one package with SWG, but I no longer have that option. People have been makeing due for over a year now. They can continue to do so until a game they want comes out, or a emu is delivered.
Take your negative expressions elsewhere. I stopped reading after the third sentence. Please learn to communicate ideas without insulting folks. /ignor
Looks like someone cannot take criticism. Work for SOE much lately. Seriously that has to be the best asanine statement this forum has seen in a while. You stopped reading three lines in. Wow you, and Nancy McIntyre have something in common you both feal too much reading is a bad thing. However did you survive in SWG with that attitude. I also love the fact that even though you couldn't be bothered to read the post you were more then happy to quote the entire post. I thought the point of quoteing was so that a poster could make a side by side comparisson rather then waste space.
Actually I wasn't insulting you I was provideing a critique of your performance in the hope that you might learn to post in a more effective manner. Now I see I probabally should have insulted you, and called you what you were a shill at best a troll at worst.
As for responding to comments made by hateful, unreasonable posters... /ignore all
This is a forum for free and public discussion. I will engage in light friendly debate with anyone who may disagree, but only those who are mature and respectful of others. (read: decent regular folks).
Certain types of people like to offensively insult others for no other reason than having a contrary opinion to theirs. And of course while hiding behind the safety of their keyboard. That would best define 'pathetic' I think, heh.
The forums were shut down on the 16th (this is a standard practice of almost every single MMO gaming company in the weeks before a game goes live). They have had forums since what? 2003?
As for the reason Sigil bought back the publishing rights from Microsoft. Brad stated many times after the move to Sony from Microsoft that "now we have more time to finish the game." Microsoft wanted the game to launch almost a year ago. Straight quote? It was implicit.
War_Dancer EQII does not have the kind of item decay that SWG had. Vanguard loot is NOT better than crafted 99% of the time. The game is extremely inter-dependent just like SWG. Please go read the official FAQ.
NGE SWG is not fun. It's so dumbed down it's comical. Vanguard is complex and probably the most detailed MMO ever created. So insinuating that Vanguard is anything like the NGE is a false assumption, and it's a moot point to even discuss. It doesn't matter. Believe what you will. Read Brad's blog (link above) about "easy-mode" games.
peace & respect
"What can Nikoz do against such reckless hate?" -- anonymous LOTR nerd
I miss the good ol' days when nerds were actually intelligent.
As for responding to comments made by hateful, unreasonable posters... /ignore all
This is a forum for free and public discussion. I will engage in light friendly debate with anyone who may disagree, but only those who are mature and respectful of others. (read: decent regular folks).
Certain types of people like to offensively insult others for no other reason than having a contrary opinion to theirs. And of course while hiding behind the safety of their keyboard. That would best define 'pathetic' I think, heh.
The forums were shut down on the 16th (this is a standard practice of almost every single MMO gaming company in the weeks before a game goes live). They have had forums since what? 2003?
As for the reason Sigil bought back the publishing rights from Microsoft. Brad stated many times after the move to Sony from Microsoft that "now we have more time to finish the game." Microsoft wanted the game to launch almost a year ago. Straight quote? It was implicit.
War_Dancer EQII does not have the kind of item decay that SWG had. Vanguard loot is NOT better than crafted 99% of the time. The game is extremely inter-dependent just like SWG. Please go read the official FAQ.
NGE SWG is not fun. It's so dumbed down it's comical. Vanguard is complex and probably the most detailed MMO ever created. So insinuating that Vanguard is anything like the NGE is a false assumption, and it's a moot point to even discuss. It doesn't matter. Believe what you will. Read Brad's blog (link above) about "easy-mode" games.
peace & respect
"What can Nikoz do against such reckless hate?" -- anonymous LOTR nerd
One BRAD and 8 million WoW subscribers, and BRAD has less than positive things to say???
So what. Who the heck is he? Have you ever met BRAD? I have. I was at the very first EQ gathering way back. Met in a park in LA. I wasn't impressed then. And I am even less impressed now. Seeing how he handled EQ.
You say there will be "tons" of solo content. That is NOT what they are saying. They are saying there will be %20. That is not "tons". It is nice, but again who cares? ALL BRAD talks about is "vision" and "risk vs reward". And from what I've read, all sorts of slow travel if you want to go any distance.(caravans anybody)
Nothing has changed. If you want the good stuff you will still have to raid. Sorry, I don't need that crap. Stuck with 30 or 40 kids all yelling about DKP, who who ninja's whatever. If there are no alernatives to raiding to advance my character, the I will pass.
Again, I ask the OP, just how much are you being paid to shill for $OE? And Brad can claim all he wants that he won't sell. Money talks...And if this game tanks, I think it might, we'll see how quick $OE gets its grimy hands on it.
Now, why don't you go post your garbage over on the Vanguard forums, and leave us be?
I don't think Vanguard will be the one. Many of us refuse to play it because a good chunk of the money goes to $OE.
Shayde - SWG (dead) Proud member of the Cabal.
It sounds great, so great in fact, I pitty those who canceled - Some deluded SWG fanboi who pities me. I don't like it when you say things. - A Vanguard fan who does too. 09f911029d74e35bd84156c5635688c0
Leave the guy alone, he's not doing anything wrong. If he gets a few people to play Vanguard, then so what? People are going to play what they're going to play, and you can't change that by insulting someone. As for me, I'm still looking for a new MMO, probably going to wait until PotBS I guess
#1 Irrelevant, its a fantasy based MMO not space based.
#2 Yes Vanguard isn't a true Sandbox game like SWG was however Vanguard does not lack in game content like SWG did for years after release so it kind of evens out there.
#4 is laughable, you want better graphics in a RPG? Go play Oblivion but that's about it. Unless of coarse your computer is in sad shape which isn't Sigil or SOEs problem.
#5 I share the same concern but without LucasArts being in the picture I have a little more faith.
#6 Yes PvP was cool in SWG however player killing is always fun no matter how you slice it.
I stopped playing SWG during the CU/NGE phase because it was obvious what SOE/LucasArts was doing, they hoped to make the game into a WoW/EQ2 clone. SWG will always be my favorite MMO because it was my true first online RPG, I played several others but that was the first one to really stick. If you're looking to compare VG to SWG or VG to WoW you're looking at things the wrong way.
What Vanguard has:
Player housing: Player cities will not be out at release however much like SWG they will be implemented once they sort out the 'city halls', guild functions etc. As of now they have certain areas in game alloted where you can build your home and the upper class houses are fairly impressive.
Superior Crafting: Not since the early SWG crafting has there been a more involved system, there is no 'just push the finish button' crafting in this game. Too much darned detail to list to be honest but crafting is very involved.
Huge game world: Speaks for itself.
Questions(myself) about Vanguard:
Content: Not sure if it has enough content to keep you busy throughout all levels, I've heard all sorts of conflicting things but just like anything you know only what you experience firsthand. I have 4 players level 10+ and I never had any issues finding quests or groups for that matter. On that note, I prefer the EQ2 system over WoW. I have no desire to powerlevel my character to max level just so I can get that epic sword before everyone else. I want continuous content whereever I go and so far I haven't been disappointed.
A good player base: remains to be seen obviously, I'd rather have more EQers and SWGers over here than WoW types. I'm not a fan of the l33t mentallity by any means. Any MMO community beats what WoW has now, those WoW fans can stay there for all I care all 8 million of them.
A good player base: remains to be seen obviously, I'd rather have more EQers and SWGers over here than WoW types. I'm not a fan of the l33t mentallity by any means. Any MMO community beats what WoW has now, those WoW fans can stay there for all I care all 8 million of them.
A good player base: remains to be seen obviously, I'd rather have more EQers and SWGers over here than WoW types. I'm not a fan of the l33t mentallity by any means. Any MMO community beats what WoW has now, those WoW fans can stay there for all I care all 8 million of them.
I agree especially on this.
See you in game!
I couldn't agree less. Most appear to be following on blind faith like Vanguard is the second coming . It's not and wont be for at least half a year. And judging from their offcial forums ( before they went down ) they are just as bad as any other MMO if not worse. I too was once a follower but the community drove me away. Just because people say WOW= Kiddie game and Vanguard=Adult game doesn't make it so. I've found more "adults" playing MMO's to act far worse.
I never did like door to door salesmen this thread makes me reinforce that belief. "Ding dong soe calling come play vanguard we missed exploiting you and stealing your money and soul."
I never did like door to door salesmen this thread makes me reinforce that belief. "Ding dong soe calling come play vanguard we missed exploiting you and stealing your money and soul."
Fortunately nikoz is a terrible salesman. Poor little bastard would even have a hard time selling chocolate, but vanguard? Sorry nikoz, no ones buying.
SOE made many mistakes with SWG. I, like most quit the game because of the poor game changes etc...Although I have a special hatred for them, I can't forget they are responsible for my favorite MMORPG I have ever played.
I never did like door to door salesmen this thread makes me reinforce that belief. "Ding dong soe calling come play vanguard we missed exploiting you and stealing your money and soul."
Fortunately nikoz is a terrible salesman. Poor little bastard would even have a hard time selling chocolate, but vanguard? Sorry nikoz, no ones buying.
I just love being called a 'bastard' by a 15 year old kid (click his name). I'm twice your age son. You were born like in what, 1992 - '93? So in 2003 you were like 10 or 11 years old playing SWG?? Why did you call me such a nasty name, little dude? What did I do to you? I dig it if you think I'm a salesman (I'm not), but what did I say to warrant insults from you? I can ignore these other negative creeps, but your just a youngster and you have no business speaking to an adult that way, or anyone for that matter.
You guys can live in the past all you want. As for me, I am going to live for today. And the government screws us over every single day yet I bet you pay them those taxes. Oil companies screw you over every single day but I bet you gas up your ride. Some of you talk so much about boycotting Sony, etc., etc., ad nauseum. Do you people realize just how much that corporation owns? Rent, go see or buy a movie recently (torrents aside)? Chances are you gave money to Sony Corp. Man go wikipedia Sony and wake up to reality. They own seemingly everything (it's shocking). Oh, and don't play a Play Station....
As it stands no one here has listed a single MMORPG to top Vanguard as more SWG-like. Hmmm....
You older folks should be ashamed to post such garbage comments here, knowing many children will see your anti-social attitudes, and kids look up to us because we are older. You people infuse 15 year olds with disturbing negativism.
Grow up. I'm out.
I miss the good ol' days when nerds were actually intelligent.
I can think of only two games heavily influenced by UO according to their creators: Raph Koster's Star Wars Galaxies and Brad Mcquaid's Vanguard. And that's a fact.
Any one else want to try to name a game more like SWG than Vanguard is? Make a point-by-point comparison like did at the top of this thread.
I miss the good ol' days when nerds were actually intelligent.
it is class based instead of skill based
it is primarily a loot economy, even with the complex crafting system once the economy settles down after a few months 'ships' will be like architect was in SWG as the poor relation that gets little return buisness, while loot will be what nearly everyone wants in the game and will sell accordingly.
The developers came out and said they liked the forced teaming and time sinks from EQ1 .... I'll take their word over yours on how effective soloing will be in this game
SoE are involved .... which means even if it was a skill based crafter economy I would not play it.
Lastly just because a game I dislike has the most fluff parts like PreCU SWG doesn't mean I have to play it.
I sure like Vanguard all though there are some things that should have been better but...
Comparing wit SWG just isn't possible in my opinion. Vanguard is a fantasygame and SWG is a sci-figame. Total differenece there. Lots of those that started SWG was for the reason they could live in the Star wars universe and nothing else. They won't migrate because it has a couple of things that SWG had. They have to like the fantasysetting and the lvl based system
The fact that the original poster plans to play this game is only detering any interest in this game I might have. I do not beleive he is a plant, but his agenda is that of a salesman. A very pathetic salesman at that. A decent salesman would have addressed a legitimate concern such as strong arm marketing. I gave the original poster a chance to answer a relevant question, or to defend whatever stance this game takes. He chose instead to go flame enabled.
The original poster can defend the game with a better argument then its better then nothing. That is the kind of argument SOE would use. Were I a big fan of pies for instance. On one particular day I go to the bakery to get a pie, but all they have available is blueberry. Now I do have a choice of pie all be it very limited. I either buy blueberry or no pie at all. What happens though if I do not like blueberry infact what if I hate blueberry. I would probabally not buy the pie. I would make due with a cake, or maybe some other pastry. The next time I go to the bakery I can hope they have a pie I like.
The original poster wants to sell people on this game, but he is doing it in the wrong way. He should be smoothing away doubt, and promoteing as many good features as possible. Instead the answer is its better then dog poop. Well that is a no brainer. Whats worse is he is treating this forum community as beggars. Like we have no real choice in the matter. This is the closest, and since it is you should embrace it,
The reality is there are actually things that are closer to the experience just parceled out in different places. I can play Halo for the PVP aspect, and I can play the new zelda for the open enviroment RPG aspect. I can also participate in forums to get a community aspect. Sure I used to get all of that in one package with SWG, but I no longer have that option. People have been makeing due for over a year now. They can continue to do so until a game they want comes out, or a emu is delivered.
unit909999 I have not played EverQuest II for some time now. Never cared for it too much even if I did reach the (then) max level of 50 with a wizard. That game did have very nice combat animations.
And no my friend, the reasons why many of us dislike SOE is not lost on me. I played pre-CU SWG (started in Oct. 2003). Being a life long Star Wars fan (I'm almost 30) I too was SICK to have my SW-Sim taken from me. Hell, I remember being on the front lines of the anti-CU army way back when. I played SWG when we had to run everywhere (remember that? lol) and when there were buff lines (<....>)
I understand. SOE is a company and they are out to make money. Heh, thats no secret. Trust me, I dislike many, many other corporations, not just Sony's "online entertainment" division.
Xehoz that is a half-truth. Brad stated that due to money-related issues they were launching a bit early. He said, "I've always been straight up with you guys." And he has been (he has said many times he hates what has happened to SWG --both those guys at Sigil were huge SWG fans-- and he even talks trash on the easy-mode of WoW a lot). In other words, they have been developing the game so long that they are running out of money. Can you imagine how much it costs to develope something like this for YEARS with NO cash flow coming in from it? Again, this is old news.
War_Dancer Vanguard has a better core game. Care to explain that statment? Also, read up on current news - the game is being developed as giving you a choice to group or solo. That rumor that it is only a group game is old. Yes you cannot go slay a dragon solo (you need a small army = raid) but thats good because thats just silly. They are promissing us TONS of solo content. But it's an RPG after all, and I guess if not being able to solo 500 rancors turns you off... so be it. The economy... the game has item decay. That should be enough said about that but just because you may loot a rare shield that (lore wise) is thousands of years old and magical from some ancient wizard does not mean the economy is gonna get ruined if they don't let that rare shield have a 'schmatic' so any old crafter can pop one out. Again it's an RPG.
Some of you guys talk about pre-CU SWG here like it still exists... it doesen't. It makes me feel nostalgic to think on it too but it's GONE (for now anyways). So please, some one jump in and say, "No Nikoz, THIS is the game we should play necause of blah, blah." Seriously, NAME THE GAME guys! I'll be the first to sign up.
I miss the good ol' days when nerds were actually intelligent.
I miss the good ol' days when nerds were actually intelligent.
That 'rumor' was from quotes by the developers and even when they softened their views on it were saying '20%' of the content available solo. I don't believe developers that don't understand soloing and loved forced teaming into EQ1 are capable of understanding and implementing it well.
So does EQ2 and that is a loot based game. Decay by itself doesn't make crafters usefull if what they make is subpar to loot.
Your assuming I want to sell you on a game. There is nothing around with everything like PreCU SWG had but that doesn't mean I have to play Vanguard just because it has some features in common with old SWG. The NGE has lots of things in common with PreCU SWG including player cities and I shouldn't have to tell you how likely I am to paly that!
That was funny...
I´m going to play Vanguard, but for what I have see, my UO acc will follow activated.
Looks like someone cannot take criticism. Work for SOE much lately. Seriously that has to be the best asanine statement this forum has seen in a while. You stopped reading three lines in. Wow you, and Nancy McIntyre have something in common you both feal too much reading is a bad thing. However did you survive in SWG with that attitude. I also love the fact that even though you couldn't be bothered to read the post you were more then happy to quote the entire post. I thought the point of quoteing was so that a poster could make a side by side comparisson rather then waste space.
Actually I wasn't insulting you I was provideing a critique of your performance in the hope that you might learn to post in a more effective manner. Now I see I probabally should have insulted you, and called you what you were a shill at best a troll at worst.
/ignore /report.
2. Leveling is quest based
3. It's not sci-fi
4. Graphics are bad
5. SOE
6. PVP will not be cool as it was in SWG
Wait for age of conan.
and a direct link to his site...
As for responding to comments made by hateful, unreasonable posters... /ignore all
This is a forum for free and public discussion. I will engage in light friendly debate with anyone who may disagree, but only those who are mature and respectful of others. (read: decent regular folks).
Certain types of people like to offensively insult others for no other reason than having a contrary opinion to theirs. And of course while hiding behind the safety of their keyboard. That would best define 'pathetic' I think, heh.
Zorvan the forums are here:
The forums were shut down on the 16th (this is a standard practice of almost every single MMO gaming company in the weeks before a game goes live). They have had forums since what? 2003?
As for the reason Sigil bought back the publishing rights from Microsoft. Brad stated many times after the move to Sony from Microsoft that "now we have more time to finish the game." Microsoft wanted the game to launch almost a year ago. Straight quote? It was implicit.
War_Dancer EQII does not have the kind of item decay that SWG had. Vanguard loot is NOT better than crafted 99% of the time. The game is extremely inter-dependent just like SWG. Please go read the official FAQ.
NGE SWG is not fun. It's so dumbed down it's comical. Vanguard is complex and probably the most detailed MMO ever created. So insinuating that Vanguard is anything like the NGE is a false assumption, and it's a moot point to even discuss. It doesn't matter. Believe what you will. Read Brad's blog (link above) about "easy-mode" games.
peace & respect
"What can Nikoz do against such reckless hate?" -- anonymous LOTR nerd
I miss the good ol' days when nerds were actually intelligent.
and a direct link to his site...
As for responding to comments made by hateful, unreasonable posters... /ignore all
This is a forum for free and public discussion. I will engage in light friendly debate with anyone who may disagree, but only those who are mature and respectful of others. (read: decent regular folks).
Certain types of people like to offensively insult others for no other reason than having a contrary opinion to theirs. And of course while hiding behind the safety of their keyboard. That would best define 'pathetic' I think, heh.
Zorvan the forums are here:
The forums were shut down on the 16th (this is a standard practice of almost every single MMO gaming company in the weeks before a game goes live). They have had forums since what? 2003?
As for the reason Sigil bought back the publishing rights from Microsoft. Brad stated many times after the move to Sony from Microsoft that "now we have more time to finish the game." Microsoft wanted the game to launch almost a year ago. Straight quote? It was implicit.
War_Dancer EQII does not have the kind of item decay that SWG had. Vanguard loot is NOT better than crafted 99% of the time. The game is extremely inter-dependent just like SWG. Please go read the official FAQ.
NGE SWG is not fun. It's so dumbed down it's comical. Vanguard is complex and probably the most detailed MMO ever created. So insinuating that Vanguard is anything like the NGE is a false assumption, and it's a moot point to even discuss. It doesn't matter. Believe what you will. Read Brad's blog (link above) about "easy-mode" games.
peace & respect
"What can Nikoz do against such reckless hate?" -- anonymous LOTR nerd
One BRAD and 8 million WoW subscribers, and BRAD has less than positive things to say???
So what. Who the heck is he? Have you ever met BRAD? I have. I was at the very first EQ gathering way back. Met in a park in LA. I wasn't impressed then. And I am even less impressed now. Seeing how he handled EQ.
You say there will be "tons" of solo content. That is NOT what they are saying. They are saying there will be %20. That is not "tons". It is nice, but again who cares? ALL BRAD talks about is "vision" and "risk vs reward". And from what I've read, all sorts of slow travel if you want to go any distance.(caravans anybody)
Nothing has changed. If you want the good stuff you will still have to raid. Sorry, I don't need that crap. Stuck with 30 or 40 kids all yelling about DKP, who who ninja's whatever. If there are no alernatives to raiding to advance my character, the I will pass.
Again, I ask the OP, just how much are you being paid to shill for $OE? And Brad can claim all he wants that he won't sell. Money talks...And if this game tanks, I think it might, we'll see how quick $OE gets its grimy hands on it.
Now, why don't you go post your garbage over on the Vanguard forums, and leave us be?
I thought we all went to .
I don't think Vanguard will be the one. Many of us refuse to play it because a good chunk of the money goes to $OE.
Shayde - SWG (dead)
Proud member of the Cabal.
It sounds great, so great in fact, I pitty those who canceled - Some deluded SWG fanboi who pities me.
I don't like it when you say things. - A Vanguard fan who does too.
Leave the guy alone, he's not doing anything wrong. If he gets a few people to play Vanguard, then so what? People are going to play what they're going to play, and you can't change that by insulting someone. As for me, I'm still looking for a new MMO, probably going to wait until PotBS I guess
#1 Irrelevant, its a fantasy based MMO not space based.
#2 Yes Vanguard isn't a true Sandbox game like SWG was however Vanguard does not lack in game content like SWG did for years after release so it kind of evens out there.
#3 Obvious statement there.
#4 is laughable, you want better graphics in a RPG? Go play Oblivion but that's about it. Unless of coarse your computer is in sad shape which isn't Sigil or SOEs problem.
#5 I share the same concern but without LucasArts being in the picture I have a little more faith.
#6 Yes PvP was cool in SWG however player killing is always fun no matter how you slice it.
I stopped playing SWG during the CU/NGE phase because it was obvious what SOE/LucasArts was doing, they hoped to make the game into a WoW/EQ2 clone. SWG will always be my favorite MMO because it was my true first online RPG, I played several others but that was the first one to really stick. If you're looking to compare VG to SWG or VG to WoW you're looking at things the wrong way.
What Vanguard has:
Player housing: Player cities will not be out at release however much like SWG they will be implemented once they sort out the 'city halls', guild functions etc. As of now they have certain areas in game alloted where you can build your home and the upper class houses are fairly impressive.
Superior Crafting: Not since the early SWG crafting has there been a more involved system, there is no 'just push the finish button' crafting in this game. Too much darned detail to list to be honest but crafting is very involved.
Huge game world: Speaks for itself.
Questions(myself) about Vanguard:
Content: Not sure if it has enough content to keep you busy throughout all levels, I've heard all sorts of conflicting things but just like anything you know only what you experience firsthand. I have 4 players level 10+ and I never had any issues finding quests or groups for that matter. On that note, I prefer the EQ2 system over WoW. I have no desire to powerlevel my character to max level just so I can get that epic sword before everyone else. I want continuous content whereever I go and so far I haven't been disappointed.
A good player base: remains to be seen obviously, I'd rather have more EQers and SWGers over here than WoW types. I'm not a fan of the l33t mentallity by any means. Any MMO community beats what WoW has now, those WoW fans can stay there for all I care all 8 million of them.
I agree especially on this.
See you in game!
Are you out of your $#%@ mind !?!
Now way in hell will i ever spend a dime on ANYTHING from Sony, Soe or any company affiliated with them. EVER !!!!
That goes for me, many many friends and family.
Pre-cu SWG is/was the greatest mmorpg for me and i won't forget anytime soon that those $@!?& at SOE took it away !!
I only wish that one day i run into mr. smedley on the street.
I agree especially on this.
See you in game!
I couldn't agree less. Most appear to be following on blind faith like Vanguard is the second coming . It's not and wont be for at least half a year. And judging from their offcial forums ( before they went down ) they are just as bad as any other MMO if not worse. I too was once a follower but the community drove me away. Just because people say WOW= Kiddie game and Vanguard=Adult game doesn't make it so. I've found more "adults" playing MMO's to act far worse.
I never did like door to door salesmen this thread makes me reinforce that belief. "Ding dong soe calling come play vanguard we missed exploiting you and stealing your money and soul."
Fortunately nikoz is a terrible salesman. Poor little bastard would even have a hard time selling chocolate, but vanguard? Sorry nikoz, no ones buying.
SOE made many mistakes with SWG. I, like most quit the game because of the poor game changes etc...Although I have a special hatred for them, I can't forget they are responsible for my favorite MMORPG I have ever played.
I just love being called a 'bastard' by a 15 year old kid (click his name). I'm twice your age son. You were born like in what, 1992 - '93? So in 2003 you were like 10 or 11 years old playing SWG?? Why did you call me such a nasty name, little dude? What did I do to you? I dig it if you think I'm a salesman (I'm not), but what did I say to warrant insults from you? I can ignore these other negative creeps, but your just a youngster and you have no business speaking to an adult that way, or anyone for that matter.Fortunately nikoz is a terrible salesman. Poor little bastard would even have a hard time selling chocolate, but vanguard? Sorry nikoz, no ones buying.
You guys can live in the past all you want. As for me, I am going to live for today. And the government screws us over every single day yet I bet you pay them those taxes. Oil companies screw you over every single day but I bet you gas up your ride. Some of you talk so much about boycotting Sony, etc., etc., ad nauseum. Do you people realize just how much that corporation owns? Rent, go see or buy a movie recently (torrents aside)? Chances are you gave money to Sony Corp. Man go wikipedia Sony and wake up to reality. They own seemingly everything (it's shocking). Oh, and don't play a Play Station....
As it stands no one here has listed a single MMORPG to top Vanguard as more SWG-like. Hmmm....
You older folks should be ashamed to post such garbage comments here, knowing many children will see your anti-social attitudes, and kids look up to us because we are older. You people infuse 15 year olds with disturbing negativism.
Grow up. I'm out.
I miss the good ol' days when nerds were actually intelligent.