The only way to make a controller as accurate as a mouse is to give it some sort of auto aim. Otherwise the mouse pwns the controller. Who wants to play on a server with someone that's got auto aim if you don't? I haven't seen any real way to make it purely equal if you have controllers and mice (or mouses) in the same game. Either one pwns, or the other one is given a little bit of help to even things out. But how much "help" is the right amount? None, IMO, if you want all things to be equal.
Here's what I'm talking about:
Controller vs. Mouse and KeyboardThe article pretty much explains why controllers and mouses aren't equal when it comes to aiming. Then they go on to tell you how they fixed this problem. Bascially, they didn't. They just gave the controller enough advantage with coding till they thought it was about right, which seems like a pretty crappy solution to me.
You initially state that controllers and mice are not equal, that the mouse "pwns" the controller. Then you proceed to comment that nothing should be done if you want to keep things equal. This is one of the most retarded comments I have ever read.
You initially state that controllers and mice are not equal, that the mouse "pwns" the controller. Then you proceed to comment that nothing should be done if you want to keep things equal. This is one of the most retarded comments I have ever read.
Obvioulsy you have not read many of my comments, since several of them are much more retarded than this one.
I might not have been clear. The only thing that's equal is controller vs controller, or mouse vs mouse. Anything else is some developers idea of how much help the controller should get to make it even with the mouse, and I don't think they can ever get it 100% right.
You initially state that controllers and mice are not equal, that the mouse "pwns" the controller. Then you proceed to comment that nothing should be done if you want to keep things equal. This is one of the most retarded comments I have ever read.
Obvioulsy you have not read many of my comments, since several of them are much more retarded than this one.
I might not have been clear. The only thing that's equal is controller vs controller, or mouse vs mouse. Anything else is some developers idea of how much help the controller should get to make it even with the mouse, and I don't think they can ever get it 100% right. I think he was reffering to the RED part.
They are not equal, but no help rerquired "if you want all things to be equal. "
Very good point -- I was still in a shadowrun frame of mind ( ' ;
one thing is sure, i wont pick a xbox360 server... people will get in arguments of this excact topic....
besides i dont trust people with consoles.....
Actually no dev has said anything of the sort one way or the other so that sheer talking out of your ass...
Also, using info from Shadowrun, (the biggest blasphemy in gaming in a decade), means ABSOLUTLY NOTHING in terms of AoC...
Good job on alarmist posts and misinformation!
Also, maybe you guys arn't aware, but you CAN use gamepad controllers on a PC now...
Of all that is written, I love only what a person has written with his own blood. -Nietzsche
Here's the article (on this website) where a developer is showing off the game, and uses an Xbox controller.
I'm done with this game. No offense to the xbox crowd or console gamers. I just can't use the gamepads, and if the game is made for 'em I dont' have any intention of playing. Yes, you CAN play with a mouse and keyboard, but why would the dev CHOOSE a gamepad unless that was the best way to play?
I'll wait for WAR. I'm pretty sure it's being made for mouse and keyboard controls.
Well don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out, but there is nothing NOTHING in that article to indicate anything other than that you CAN use a gamepad. Nothing like the original post where someone linked a Shadowrun site and whined about how they gave an advantage to consol users.
Small ya later!
Of all that is written, I love only what a person has written with his own blood. -Nietzsche
LOL, exactly!
Of all that is written, I love only what a person has written with his own blood. -Nietzsche
Joined 2004 - I can't believe I've been a member for 20 years! Get off my lawn!
Is it really this common for people to make irrational assumptions, based on info from other games/no source at all/wild speculations, and constant "the sky is falling" panic?
Speaking of baseless assumptions, they have, at NO TIME, EVER said that it works BETTER on the controller than the KVM setup... yet here someone goes and says that stupid shit again.
Of all that is written, I love only what a person has written with his own blood. -Nietzsche
i would rather let that extremist feek to jack tompson win and let him burn the gaming indutry to the ground that let that happen...) and i would proerly save money, since iv wouldent need high perfermance CPU/GPUs anymore.... i dont think funcom is that stupid, that they would accualy make a MMORPG game on a pc, so it would be an advantage using a gamepad...
why is it so hard to believe? Look at Oblivion! The PC version is a Port from the xbox 360.. Everyone rasied hell about it when it was released. There is no difference in Oblivion PC version then the 360 version besides being able to Mod on the PC version.. All windows and buttons all look the same. Are you so Sure Funcom wont do the same to AOC. I'm still looking for that video once i find it you'll see.
i wouldent even mind if they where equal...... i would just never accept that a company would make a game to the pc where it would be an direct Advantage to use a gamepad instead of a keyboard and mouse..