i just pray to the gods of gaming that WAR doesnt come close to the popularity of WOW. everything that is wrong with WOW (almost)stems from its huge playerbase.
That's not necessarily true. Yes, popularity means that GM support is terribly slow. And their battle against farmers, while admirable, is still not sufficient. But the other problems come from poor game design.
I'm not a WoW fanboi, but WoW was a fun game... for a while. 1-59 (now 1-69) was great. Tons of quests, both solo- and group-based. Lots of rich enviroments. And plenty of options for advancement.
Then you hit the cap. All that's left are a few instances to GRIND, a progression of raids to GRIND, and PvP instances to GRIND. Player advancement becomes a gear hunt, made all the more frustrating because all endgame gear requires you to run the same content repeatedly. Raiding required hardcore raiding guilds, which is funny since the average WoW gamer is a casual player. And PvP required that you run the BGs almost every night for 5 hours, just to raise in the ranks.
And then in what seems like a cruel joke, the expansion pack negated all those endless hours of grinding, simply by offering easy-to-get (and superior) gear. If you spent 2 months grinding MC to get Tier 1 gear, then BWL for another 2 months, and so on and so one. THEN, you spend a few days in the Outlands, and you get gear that makes your previous stuff obsolete... well, I imagine many players ended up yanking their hair out by the roots.
Seriously. It's Are'el. This forum doesn't allow apostrophes in usernames.
The following is a public service annoucement to all the WoW fanbois who think WAR fans actually care about their opinions:
I've played WoW since the beginning, and I am simply bored with it. Period. That is my prerogative. That is the prerogative of any and all people who are interested in playing WAR.
We don't give a skaven's a$$ about whether or not WAR is potentially a WoW killer; in fact i think i can safely speak for most of us that WAR will NOT kill WoW. We don't care.
For me, to make an expansion which made all of my gear obselete and only added new grinds was the final straw. I knew that at level 70 i would be just as bored as i was at level 60. And i was active in an end game PvE guild, and later switched to a strictly PvP guild which won approximately 95% of its battleground fights. That got old as well.
What you see in WoW now is re-activating of old accounts from hard core grinders who quit months ago, and who will quit again. Also, an influx of people new to MMO's, who will enjoy the game....for about as long as most of us who eventually quit, and maybe re-activated our accounts only to become re-bored.
Certainly WoW has 8 million subscribers; but having 8 million subscribers does not make it the BEST game for every person in the world. I'd be more than happy to enjoy WAR with one million subscribers, i certainly enjoyed WoW when it had only one million.
Warhammer will be different, period. And a new and different game, with a secure lore that has over 30 years behind it, will make it successful. Noone cares about whether it kills WoW; WoW will kill WoW in time; just as most MMO get old.
First off, let me say that i'm not a WoW fanboy... I was actually really looking forward to WAR but after reading the last preview from gamespy, I must say that i'm extremely disapointed in how this game is coming along. The bits which left me pretty disapointed were the classes and how they were going to work. From what I can gather, each race will have four classes, Melee dps, Ranged dps, Melee healer and Tank. I will use the empire as an example.. the Melee dps sounds actually really cool being a hunter but the ranged dps is a fire mage.. sure it's not bad but having just fire spells sounds a bit boring after a while. The tank I don't know much about but the melee healer sounds quite boring that you have to hit things to be able to heal. There also won't be any buff classes nor crowd control ones and I also find it strange that there isn't an archer class for the empire at least. Now correct me if i'm wrong but i'm sure Mythic planned on luring the PvP orientated players away from WoW and I know for a fact that's what EA wants so why are they leaving the classes so shallow? The firemages for example aren't going to even touch the depth that the mages have in WoW nor does it look like the Melee healers will attract the conventional priests/healers. The combat, variety and the sheer perfection of different classes WoW had is what I believe made it so popular (along with the way you level ofcourse) and if Mythic don't try and at least sort this area out, they won't ever steal players from WoW. How many of you WoW mages are excited to play the firemage in this? As a mage I sure as hell am not. Ofcourse this might be due to the warhammer license and trying to keep it as true to the warhammer universe but would you really sacrifice this for depth? On another note, the ingame combat videos i've seen so far look pretty boring. Ofcourse a lot of you will claim that the chars don't have many moves but would you really advertise a game with all the fun taken out of it? I sure as hell know EA wouldn't. I hope my concerns are shortlived and the game wipes the floor with WoW but as it stands, I can only see this game being a 7.0 one IE: has a lot of great features but doesn't go the extra distance to become an instant success.
Your not completley wrong on the healing part, but you are wrong. Many people dont play a healing class becuase they don't get to fight as much as they would like. With the new combat system WAR is putting in there well be much more healers to spare out there.Instead of the usual " looking for healer to join team" for 2 hours concept. Now most people would like to be a healer because they have to fight in order to heal.
EDIT: hopefully it wont touch WoW nethier because of it's immature community is what really destroys the game. Hopefully it would also not touch WoW because having crowded servers all the time is irratating. Hopefully many kids wont know about the game , and well have around 1 million - people in WAR. But will still need a big number of people to fight at the tier 4 battle grounds.
============================== He's not dead... he's electroencephalographically challenged. ============================== Currently waiting For: 1st.WAR 2nd.AoC 3rd.GnH's 4th. Sword of the New world: Granado Espada
However, WoW's monopoly WILL be coming to an end and this game WILL have something to do with it. If they live up to hype, LOTRO Age of Conan, and WAR will be able to spread out MMORPG gamers as opposed to having an disproportionate amount of them playing WoW. What I'm saying is all of these games ill probably have near equal numbers.
Besides, when WoW says it has 7 million subscribers are they counting inactive accounts? What about people with more than one account? What about people who created an account but never actually payed for a subscription? In my case, I have 2 accounts, 1 that I played the free 10 day trial on and 1 where I played the store-bought 14-day trial. When that 14-day trial runs out, I have another one friend of mine doesn't want and will be giving me. So, am I counted as 3 users in that count???
Positives of WAR- Art style art style art style! I absolutly love this games graphics and all that.
Not item centered- My one real turn off from WoW, I didn't have the motivation or the time to raid all night. I guess I like seeing my family and the sun too much.
Unique classes for each race- Finally a game where there aren't the same classes for every single race. I like how they acually seemed to put time and detication into all races and classes instead of just copying each class and making races slightly different hummanoids.
These are the features that I really like about this game and what really attract me to it. I really hope the servers are kind of small and so this time around I can just be a deticated member and all that. Will WAR be the better game? Yes hands down. But will it attract more subscribers? I don't really know.
Positives of WAR- Art style art style art style! I absolutly love this games graphics and all that. Not item centered- My one real turn off from WoW, I didn't have the motivation or the time to raid all night. I guess I like seeing my family and the sun too much. Unique classes for each race- Finally a game where there aren't the same classes for every single race. I like how they acually seemed to put time and detication into all races and classes instead of just copying each class and making races slightly different hummanoids. These are the features that I really like about this game and what really attract me to it. I really hope the servers are kind of small and so this time around I can just be a deticated member and all that. Will WAR be the better game? Yes hands down. But will it attract more subscribers? I don't really know. (Sorry for the rant/ nonsense)
Nah not much nonsense at all It's all very much true.
I bet it definitly will be a better game thus how do you make a herd of a million cows to hear the cow bell ?
$OE lies list http://www.rlmmo.com/viewtopic.php?t=424&start=0 " And I don't want to hear anything about "I don't believe in vampires" because *I* don't believe in vampires, but I believe in my own two eyes, and what *I* saw is ******* vampires! "
WAR more than likely will not come close to the sub numbers of WoW. This doesnt make WAR any less of a game than WoW. WoW attracts more people, its learning curve is quite easy, the grind to the max lvl isnt as difficult as other games, and its overall a friendlier game towards gamers. That attracts a larger audience, but it doesnt make it a better game than what WAR MIGHT be, or any other succesful MMORPG out there. I'm not going to get into which game is better or what not, because I can't judge at this point since WAR hasnt even went into beta. Let's just wait and see what happens with WAR and hopefully it will be successful but.... only time will tell
Of course this game won't touch WOW. Anyone who thinks that it even might is probably a little slow.
However, WOW is successful because it's like fast food, and the masses have no taste. I do expect WAR to be a big success among serious gamers, and if Mythic is really lucky, they might pull away 1-2% of WOW's population. LOTRO has a much better chance of making at least a small dent in WOW's popularity, because of its similar design and IP, but I'm sure that WAR will be a far better game than either of them.
When I want a single-player story, I'll play a single-player game. When I play an MMO, I want a massively multiplayer world.
First off, let ME say that coming from someone with over 2400 hours spent playing WoW, saying that you're not a fanboy rings false in my ears. But hey, maybe you're just really, really...really bored. But more importantly, I don't see how you can say that WAR's main success will be PVE? If you read anything that the Devs have written or watch any of the videos that they're putting out, they screaming PvP. To quote one of the designers of WAR: "It's no good coming to our game if you're trying to grow wheat. It's no good coming to our game if you want to make pants. It's only worth coming to our game if you want to burn things to the ground, grind things to dust, stand on top of the battlements waving severed heads at people, going "We're better than you!" in lots of glorious ways." In any case, do you think the rock-paper-scissors that is WoW PvP is somehow deeper than WAR PvP/RvR? I certainly don't know, because I haven't had the privilage to try WAR yet. I will say, however, that knowing Mythic, they're not going to slack on the PvP. Most likely, it's going to rock many, many flavors of hard, tasty ass. And I, for one, cannot wait to sink my teeth into said ass.
Did you even read my post? I never mentioned anything about pve and said that Mythic will be wanting to get some of the pvpers of WoW... the old school UO players and such. Also the rock-paper-scissors is some stupid theory and absolutely no truth to it. My main concern with WAR is the fact that the classes doesn't hold the same amount of depth that WoW has and how I feel it could certainyl cripple the game. WoW players want to move to something better but do mages who want to be human want fire only spells? Do healers want to bash people with weapons to heal? The main thing which has kept me playing WoW all this time is just how detailed each class is and how fun the combat can be. If WAR can't emulate/better this, I fail to see how this won't be just another vanguard (high hopes of stealing WoW fanbase but ultimately fails.)
Also I can see why you might think i'm a fanboy but I would be the first one to flame blizzard about the direction they're taking WoW. If it wasn't for the addictive combat, i'd have quit after my rogue got mauled by tier 1 epics.
You are a fanboy if you think Wow's PvP is any good and that the characters in WoW have any depth at all, Blizzard designed WoW to be a PvE centric game with PvP being added as almost an after thought I've played Wow from OB and BC will be the end for me, since its just more of the same, and in a lot of cases done less well than the original game.
Blizzard seem to be worried about WAR since most of their current attention is on PvP which as usual with Blizzard is causing negative changes to the PvE game appear more and more often in the form of documented and undocumented patches. Blizzard still appear to have no concept of balance both within PvP and also PvP to Pve.
To say that WAR has no depth simply points out your ignorance about Warhammer and its lore/backstory.
Will WAR kill WoW?, No
Will UO diehards be happy with WAR's PvP?, No
Will WAR be a success?, YES It will cull some people from WoW as will the other games launching this year and hopefully the whining want everything on a plate children will stay with WoW because it requires less mental effort them to be leet.
Me i'll be trying WAR as well as AOC and COS and hopefully find a new home away from the less and less RPG centric WoW.
First off, let me say that i'm not a WoW fanboy... I was actually really looking forward to WAR but after reading the last preview from gamespy, I must say that i'm extremely disapointed in how this game is coming along. The bits which left me pretty disapointed were the classes and how they were going to work. From what I can gather, each race will have four classes, Melee dps, Ranged dps, Melee healer and Tank. I will use the empire as an example.. the Melee dps sounds actually really cool being a hunter but the ranged dps is a fire mage.. sure it's not bad but having just fire spells sounds a bit boring after a while. The tank I don't know much about but the melee healer sounds quite boring that you have to hit things to be able to heal. There also won't be any buff classes nor crowd control ones and I also find it strange that there isn't an archer class for the empire at least. Now correct me if i'm wrong but i'm sure Mythic planned on luring the PvP orientated players away from WoW and I know for a fact that's what EA wants so why are they leaving the classes so shallow? The firemages for example aren't going to even touch the depth that the mages have in WoW nor does it look like the Melee healers will attract the conventional priests/healers. The combat, variety and the sheer perfection of different classes WoW had is what I believe made it so popular (along with the way you level ofcourse) and if Mythic don't try and at least sort this area out, they won't ever steal players from WoW. How many of you WoW mages are excited to play the firemage in this? As a mage I sure as hell am not. Ofcourse this might be due to the warhammer license and trying to keep it as true to the warhammer universe but would you really sacrifice this for depth? On another note, the ingame combat videos i've seen so far look pretty boring. Ofcourse a lot of you will claim that the chars don't have many moves but would you really advertise a game with all the fun taken out of it? I sure as hell know EA wouldn't. I hope my concerns are shortlived and the game wipes the floor with WoW but as it stands, I can only see this game being a 7.0 one IE: has a lot of great features but doesn't go the extra distance to become an instant success.
For someone who says they aren't a wow fanboy you sure do play a lot of wow....2400+ hours?
And why does every game have to beat WoW? Why is it always some kind of competition? I understand that WoW has the most subscribers of any MMO ever, but why does that mean everyone has to try and match, or beat the game mechanics? If they want to have a mage that only uses fire then thats what they are going to do. They are designing their game, not Blizzard, and NOT WoW. So either suck it up and play it, or shut up and continue playing WoW.
Shallow classes? Seems someone didnt read the fluff. Go actully look around the game and the Warhammer history abit then comeback and make a case.
Have you ever read Warcraft lore about the mages?
to be honest, i find the Warcraft lore to be alot better than the warhammer lore.
i recommend readin war of the ancients trilogy if you havent, that will show you the real depths of 2 classes, mainly warlock and mage.
I However think that WAR will be a great game, however it will not attract more subscribers than WoW i think, that will be tough.
I also have to ask, why do you all think that everyone thats gonna play WAR will go from WoW to WAR? there are hundred and hundred of other MMORPGS out there that have players aswell.
But i like PvE Raiding, maybe you guys dont, but i do, i mean the feeling when your guild takes down that special boss in an instance and everyone sits on Vent of TS shouting from happiness, that feeling is just awesome.
and Arena in WoW that PVP System is awesome, you need shitload of tactic to be able to meet your opposing team, unless you meet a team of newcomers to the arenas, but thats whats great about it, its Ladder based, you can only meet people that are ranked equally to yours so you'll never meet uber geared arena teams if you just made yourself a new team, or vice versa.
Shallow classes? Seems someone didnt read the fluff. Go actully look around the game and the Warhammer history abit then comeback and make a case.
Have you ever read Warcraft lore about the mages?
to be honest, i find the Warcraft lore to be alot better than the warhammer lore.
i recommend readin war of the ancients trilogy if you havent, that will show you the real depths of 2 classes, mainly warlock and mage.
I However think that WAR will be a great game, however it will not attract more subscribers than WoW i think, that will be tough.
I also have to ask, why do you all think that everyone thats gonna play WAR will go from WoW to WAR? there are hundred and hundred of other MMORPGS out there that have players aswell.
But i like PvE Raiding, maybe you guys dont, but i do, i mean the feeling when your guild takes down that special boss in an instance and everyone sits on Vent of TS shouting from happiness, that feeling is just awesome.
and Arena in WoW that PVP System is awesome, you need shitload of tactic to be able to meet your opposing team, unless you meet a team of newcomers to the arenas, but thats whats great about it, its Ladder based, you can only meet people that are ranked equally to yours so you'll never meet uber geared arena teams if you just made yourself a new team, or vice versa.
Hahaha? Why should you have to buy crap to learn about a videogame class? Especially if it's a novel, written after the video game was made? Does it have any gameplay impact at all? And while we're on books have you ever read the Empire Armybook or Realms of Sorcery?
All the 'fluff' he's talking about is right on the website. Any relivant books we can list are being used to make the game, not the other way around. And no one, expect for a few morons, wants any of WoW's subs. In fact, if you go look at AoC, they're hoping that WAR picks up the WoW kiddies so their game doesn't :P
Personally, I don't like the WoW arenas because if I'm not level 19, 29, 39 ect, then there is some guy beating the snot out of me because he has better stats.
Shallow classes? Seems someone didnt read the fluff. Go actully look around the game and the Warhammer history abit then comeback and make a case.
Have you ever read Warcraft lore about the mages?
to be honest, i find the Warcraft lore to be alot better than the warhammer lore.
i recommend readin war of the ancients trilogy if you havent, that will show you the real depths of 2 classes, mainly warlock and mage.
I However think that WAR will be a great game, however it will not attract more subscribers than WoW i think, that will be tough.
I also have to ask, why do you all think that everyone thats gonna play WAR will go from WoW to WAR? there are hundred and hundred of other MMORPGS out there that have players aswell.
But i like PvE Raiding, maybe you guys dont, but i do, i mean the feeling when your guild takes down that special boss in an instance and everyone sits on Vent of TS shouting from happiness, that feeling is just awesome.
and Arena in WoW that PVP System is awesome, you need shitload of tactic to be able to meet your opposing team, unless you meet a team of newcomers to the arenas, but thats whats great about it, its Ladder based, you can only meet people that are ranked equally to yours so you'll never meet uber geared arena teams if you just made yourself a new team, or vice versa.
Hahaha? Why should you have to buy crap to learn about a videogame class? Especially if it's a novel, written after the video game was made? Does it have any gameplay impact at all? And while we're on books have you ever read the Empire Armybook or Realms of Sorcery?
All the 'fluff' he's talking about is right on the website. Any relivant books we can list are being used to make the game, not the other way around. And no one, expect for a few morons, wants any of WoW's subs. In fact, if you go look at AoC, they're hoping that WAR picks up the WoW kiddies so their game doesn't :P
Personally, I don't like the WoW arenas because if I'm not level 19, 29, 39 ect, then there is some guy beating the snot out of me because he has better stats.
Omg all i can say is, wow, just wow. Kiddies in WoW? from my experience, there is far more adults than kids playing, almsot everyone in my guild is from age 20 and up, but ofcourse, age doesnt matter ive met 15 yr olds kids more mature than 30 yr old guys.
and you obviously havent read any warcraft lore, crap? noway, and fyi the game was made from the books, so these novels are purely correct when it comes to the lore of warcraft. the books i can list that the game is made from is ,war of the ancients trilogy, for blood and honor, day of the dragon and 2 more, got them myself cba looking up the names.
and in arenas, stats dont matter, seriously, you can also only meet people equal to your lvls, so there is no 69 vs 61 and crap, i got beaten by green geared people while i had epic gear, simple because they were organized, not we. tactics rule arenas and thats it.
Omg all i can say is, wow, just wow. Kiddies in WoW? from my experience, there is far more adults than kids playing, almsot everyone in my guild is from age 20 and up, but ofcourse, age doesnt matter ive met 15 yr olds kids more mature than 30 yr old guys.
Does it matter? The majority act like utter crap and that's what we are discussing, I believe. WoW is one of theese game in which you really don't have to act polite in any way or form and since it's a repetetive and not so deep RP game people are bored and just run around flaming eachother.
and you obviously havent read any warcraft lore, crap? noway, and fyi the game was made from the books, so these novels are purely correct when it comes to the lore of warcraft. the books i can list that the game is made from is ,war of the ancients trilogy, for blood and honor, day of the dragon and 2 more, got them myself cba looking up the names.
Just because there are books doesn't mean the Lore is good. "OMG THERE ARE SPACE SHIPS CRASHING!!!!" I just find that so utterly lame.
and in arenas, stats dont matter, seriously, you can also only meet people equal to your lvls, so there is no 69 vs 61 and crap, i got beaten by green geared people while i had epic gear, simple because they were organized, not we. tactics rule arenas and thats it
I still say, you can either play CRAP or normal, there's no true skills in WoW. Any game where there's competetive team vs team there's "tactics". Sadly in WoW there's the annoying GEAR that matters very much which can make a noob own you straight away just because his gear is better than yours *sigh*.
$OE lies list http://www.rlmmo.com/viewtopic.php?t=424&start=0 " And I don't want to hear anything about "I don't believe in vampires" because *I* don't believe in vampires, but I believe in my own two eyes, and what *I* saw is ******* vampires! "
sure WC had cool lore. but blizzard kinda raped most of it, when they forged the game called WoW. the first one was gnomes. sure i played Wow, but there were plenty o' things i could see flaws in.
the game was one big ripoff of older games. guess why they made battle grounds in WoW - (the answer:) just before they could release their pvp stuff, blizzard almost got sued for making the system too much alike another game's Pvp system..
blizzard didnt learn from the EQ and DAoC makers mistakes, so they made them again. like mythic, who made the expansion which led to huge gear dependency(as far as i understood from complaints). blizzard did precisely the same, but noone complained..
guess why they made battle grounds in WoW - (the answer:) just before they could release their pvp stuff, blizzard almost got sued for making the system too much alike another game's Pvp system..
Don't make up stuff. No one tried to bring litigation against Blizzard for their PvP system. Blizzard always intended to have Battlegrounds, because they thought it was a good way to get even numbers of opponents fighting each other at any given time. Of course, they didn't have enough variety in BGs, and they also made freeform PvP unimportant.
As for suing for having similar features, I don't think that's ever happened in the history of gaming. You may as well suggest that the makers of Wolfenstien 3D sue every other FPS for having guns. Have the makers of Dune sue every RTS for having resource management. Meridean 59 suing every MMO for having characters kill NPC mobs and using an interface!
Seriously. It's Are'el. This forum doesn't allow apostrophes in usernames.
However, WoW's monopoly WILL be coming to an end and this game WILL have something to do with it. If they live up to hype, LOTRO Age of Conan, and WAR will be able to spread out MMORPG gamers as opposed to having an disproportionate amount of them playing WoW. What I'm saying is all of these games ill probably have near equal numbers.
Besides, when WoW says it has 7 million subscribers are they counting inactive accounts? What about people with more than one account? What about people who created an account but never actually payed for a subscription? In my case, I have 2 accounts, 1 that I played the free 10 day trial on and 1 where I played the store-bought 14-day trial. When that 14-day trial runs out, I have another one friend of mine doesn't want and will be giving me. So, am I counted as 3 users in that count???
Originally posted by sjona the game was one big ripoff of older games.
guess why they made battle grounds in WoW - (the answer:) just before they could release their pvp stuff, blizzard almost got sued for making the system too much alike another game's Pvp system..
Don't make up stuff. No one tried to bring litigation against Blizzard for their PvP system. Blizzard always intended to have Battlegrounds, because they thought it was a good way to get even numbers of opponents fighting each other at any given time. Of course, they didn't have enough variety in BGs, and they also made freeform PvP unimportant.
As for suing for having similar features, I don't think that's ever happened in the history of gaming. You may as well suggest that the makers of Wolfenstien 3D sue every other FPS for having guns. Have the makers of Dune sue every RTS for having resource management. Meridean 59 suing every MMO for having characters kill NPC mobs and using an interface!
agreed. all things emulate those which came before... as long as you don't steal "exactly" the same thing, you're ok..
and nothing will touch WoW in terms of population, but in terms of a better game or not, we'll just have to wait and see
Shallow classes? Seems someone didnt read the fluff. Go actully look around the game and the Warhammer history abit then comeback and make a case.
Have you ever read Warcraft lore about the mages?
to be honest, i find the Warcraft lore to be alot better than the warhammer lore.
i recommend readin war of the ancients trilogy if you havent, that will show you the real depths of 2 classes, mainly warlock and mage.
I However think that WAR will be a great game, however it will not attract more subscribers than WoW i think, that will be tough.
I also have to ask, why do you all think that everyone thats gonna play WAR will go from WoW to WAR? there are hundred and hundred of other MMORPGS out there that have players aswell.
But i like PvE Raiding, maybe you guys dont, but i do, i mean the feeling when your guild takes down that special boss in an instance and everyone sits on Vent of TS shouting from happiness, that feeling is just awesome.
and Arena in WoW that PVP System is awesome, you need shitload of tactic to be able to meet your opposing team, unless you meet a team of newcomers to the arenas, but thats whats great about it, its Ladder based, you can only meet people that are ranked equally to yours so you'll never meet uber geared arena teams if you just made yourself a new team, or vice versa.
Hahaha? Why should you have to buy crap to learn about a videogame class? Especially if it's a novel, written after the video game was made? Does it have any gameplay impact at all? And while we're on books have you ever read the Empire Armybook or Realms of Sorcery?
All the 'fluff' he's talking about is right on the website. Any relivant books we can list are being used to make the game, not the other way around. And no one, expect for a few morons, wants any of WoW's subs. In fact, if you go look at AoC, they're hoping that WAR picks up the WoW kiddies so their game doesn't :P
Personally, I don't like the WoW arenas because if I'm not level 19, 29, 39 ect, then there is some guy beating the snot out of me because he has better stats.
Omg all i can say is, wow, just wow. Kiddies in WoW? from my experience, there is far more adults than kids playing, almsot everyone in my guild is from age 20 and up, but ofcourse, age doesnt matter ive met 15 yr olds kids more mature than 30 yr old guys.
and you obviously havent read any warcraft lore, crap? noway, and fyi the game was made from the books, so these novels are purely correct when it comes to the lore of warcraft. the books i can list that the game is made from is ,war of the ancients trilogy, for blood and honor, day of the dragon and 2 more, got them myself cba looking up the names.
and in arenas, stats dont matter, seriously, you can also only meet people equal to your lvls, so there is no 69 vs 61 and crap, i got beaten by green geared people while i had epic gear, simple because they were organized, not we. tactics rule arenas and thats it.
'Kiddie' is a degratory term. It refers to mental age, not actual age. It's like 'retard', you shouldn't take it litterally. However, it sums up the WoW playerbase's attitude and maturity pretty well.
By the way kiddie, I suggust you do your research. The first novel of War of the Ancient was published in 2004, the year that WoW came out. That means it wasn't even printed when the game was being produced, which means it obviously had little impact on the game's actual prouction. The second novel wasn't even published until 2005, a full year after WoW's release.
A quick look at Wikipedia reveals which books could of inspired WoW: Day of Dragon, Lord of Clans, Blood and Honor, and the Last Guardian. Mind telling me what any of these have to do with the discussion at hand?
An why should I have to read Books about Warcraft when we're talking about the game? It's a game. All I should need to do is play the game to learn the lore. When we talk about books for Warhammer, they're Rulebooks for the game.
And what on earth makes a WoW Mage or a WoW Warlock different from a D&D Mage or a D&D Wizard? As far as I can tell, Warcraft was made by watering down elements of Warhammer(For RTS) and D&D(For RPG). I have no problem with this by itself, but Blizzard doesn't make any effort to make anything their own, they just blatently rip-off other games and play around with their mechanics. It's like bad fan-fiction made itno a franchise.
I must of been thinking of Battlegrounds then. I'm not interested in One on One PvP at all though. In fact, not that many people are.
Just because there are books doesn't mean the Lore is good. "OMG THERE ARE SPACE SHIPS CRASHING!!!!" I just find that so utterly lame.
If you had ever played any of the later Wizardry RPG games you'd understand that space ships have a firm history in the lore of these types of games... Blizzard didn't blaze any new ground in this regard....
Just trying to live long enough to play a new, released MMORPG, playing New Worlds atm
Fools find no pleasure in understanding but delight in airing their own opinions. Pvbs 18:2, NIV
Don't just play games, inhabit virtual worlds™
"This is the most intelligent, well qualified and articulate response to a post I have ever seen on these forums. It's a shame most people here won't have the attention span to read past the second line." - Anon
Just because there are books doesn't mean the Lore is good. "OMG THERE ARE SPACE SHIPS CRASHING!!!!" I just find that so utterly lame.
If you had ever played any of the later Wizardry RPG games you'd understand that space ships have a firm history in the lore of these types of games... Blizzard didn't blaze any new ground in this regard....
And that's why Blizzard makes crap. There are subtle ways to impliment things like Aliens to make the game fun and not break the semi-belief of your customers in your gameworld. Blizzard could use these writting tricks if their life depended on it.
Just because "Everyone's doing it", doesn't mean that Blizzard should too.
Besides, I bet said games either flopped or has a reason for putting in Aliens. Name some and I'll tell you exactly which happened.
Something I do not understand is why ever one feels WAR has to take away players from WoW in order to be a good game.
I played WoW and do not plan on ever returning to it...I found the game lacking in large number of areas and with so many people playing the lowest amount of respect was given between players
There are a huge number of great people playing but sadly they are over shadow but the even larger number of kiddies and plan old jerks playing the game.
I will give it to blizzard and how fast they got new servers on line and the pure number of people who play their game .
It is not the largest player base out there as they would have you believe as game like Linage 2 has twice as many people
But in North America they are clearly the largest .
In America we only see what games are local here and do not think about other parts of the world for the most part.
Blizzard made what is called the BEST MMORPG in the USA...but it falls short in lots of way to me.
WAR can learn alot from what Blizzard did it can also learn even more from what game like Shadowbane did completely wrong.
First off, let ME say that coming from someone with over 2400 hours spent playing WoW, saying that you're not a fanboy rings false in my ears. But hey, maybe you're just really, really...really bored. But more importantly, I don't see how you can say that WAR's main success will be PVE? If you read anything that the Devs have written or watch any of the videos that they're putting out, they screaming PvP. To quote one of the designers of WAR: "It's no good coming to our game if you're trying to grow wheat. It's no good coming to our game if you want to make pants. It's only worth coming to our game if you want to burn things to the ground, grind things to dust, stand on top of the battlements waving severed heads at people, going "We're better than you!" in lots of glorious ways." In any case, do you think the rock-paper-scissors that is WoW PvP is somehow deeper than WAR PvP/RvR? I certainly don't know, because I haven't had the privilage to try WAR yet. I will say, however, that knowing Mythic, they're not going to slack on the PvP. Most likely, it's going to rock many, many flavors of hard, tasty ass. And I, for one, cannot wait to sink my teeth into said ass.
you made me laugh lol...
blackendgaming.com gaming community and multi-gaming guild
"To quote one of the designers of WAR: "It's no good coming to our game if you're trying to grow wheat. It's no good coming to our game if you want to make pants. It's only worth coming to our game if you want to burn things to the ground, grind things to dust, stand on top of the battlements waving severed heads at people, going "We're better than you!" in lots of glorious ways."
I love this comment because it truly captures what the feel is for Warhammer Fantasy Battle. It's been said WAR is about All War All the time. It really is. The forces of good don't truly exist in the Warhammer World, nor do the forces of evil. Every race has it's own reasons for fighting. My High Elves are in a fight for survival. They've been on the decline for a very long time. Skaven hate everything and want to destroy the world with Nurgle like plagues. The Undead have 2 armies and even they fight between themselves. Everyone fights all the time or they die.
Mythic chose to add "sides" to this game because a FFA between races would be an absolute nightmare to try and keep balanced. Population issues would become astronomical. So, by creating two teams, they've helped relieve some of that problem. Now it will just be a matter of balancing Light vs Darkness. I understand why this was done. For the good of the game, it needed to happen. I have faith that Games Workshop won't let the game stray too far from their vision of what Warhammer is. They have the biggest stake in this game since they are the one's that own the IP being used.
Something I do not understand is why ever one feels WAR has to take away players from WoW in order to be a good game.
It'll probably have to. Mainly because they share the same target audience. "Younger males that like fantasy and competative play".
I'm not saying every one that plays WOW is like that, i'm speaking generally and demographicly.
Also, i think "a good game" in this case means "a sucessful game". i.e. a stable game with lots of subscribers. In that case the above is true.
If you look at both games features, they are very similar. Both focus on a well known IP's, PvP focused classes/areas, PvE grinding/quests, similar graphic styles, the list goes on. I think that WAR is going to tear deaply into the WOW fanbase because of theese similarities. It's not really a question of "if".
WOW will not die because of this though. There are still enough difference betweeen the two, and there will always be the die-hard fans that refuse to let go. Blizzard will have to shape-up in face of the competition, so i really hope everybody will gain something.
Plus, i like to make pants, so i'm just going to have to play both ^^
That's not necessarily true. Yes, popularity means that GM support is terribly slow. And their battle against farmers, while admirable, is still not sufficient. But the other problems come from poor game design.
I'm not a WoW fanboi, but WoW was a fun game... for a while. 1-59 (now 1-69) was great. Tons of quests, both solo- and group-based. Lots of rich enviroments. And plenty of options for advancement.
Then you hit the cap. All that's left are a few instances to GRIND, a progression of raids to GRIND, and PvP instances to GRIND. Player advancement becomes a gear hunt, made all the more frustrating because all endgame gear requires you to run the same content repeatedly. Raiding required hardcore raiding guilds, which is funny since the average WoW gamer is a casual player. And PvP required that you run the BGs almost every night for 5 hours, just to raise in the ranks.
And then in what seems like a cruel joke, the expansion pack negated all those endless hours of grinding, simply by offering easy-to-get (and superior) gear. If you spent 2 months grinding MC to get Tier 1 gear, then BWL for another 2 months, and so on and so one. THEN, you spend a few days in the Outlands, and you get gear that makes your previous stuff obsolete... well, I imagine many players ended up yanking their hair out by the roots.
It's Are'el. This forum doesn't allow apostrophes in usernames.
The following is a public service annoucement to all the WoW fanbois who think WAR fans actually care about their opinions:
I've played WoW since the beginning, and I am simply bored with it. Period. That is my prerogative. That is the prerogative of any and all people who are interested in playing WAR.
We don't give a skaven's a$$ about whether or not WAR is potentially a WoW killer; in fact i think i can safely speak for most of us that WAR will NOT kill WoW. We don't care.
For me, to make an expansion which made all of my gear obselete and only added new grinds was the final straw. I knew that at level 70 i would be just as bored as i was at level 60. And i was active in an end game PvE guild, and later switched to a strictly PvP guild which won approximately 95% of its battleground fights. That got old as well.
What you see in WoW now is re-activating of old accounts from hard core grinders who quit months ago, and who will quit again. Also, an influx of people new to MMO's, who will enjoy the game....for about as long as most of us who eventually quit, and maybe re-activated our accounts only to become re-bored.
Certainly WoW has 8 million subscribers; but having 8 million subscribers does not make it the BEST game for every person in the world. I'd be more than happy to enjoy WAR with one million subscribers, i certainly enjoyed WoW when it had only one million.
Warhammer will be different, period. And a new and different game, with a secure lore that has over 30 years behind it, will make it successful. Noone cares about whether it kills WoW; WoW will kill WoW in time; just as most MMO get old.
Your not completley wrong on the healing part, but you are wrong. Many people dont play a healing class becuase they don't get to fight as much as they would like. With the new combat system WAR is putting in there well be much more healers to spare out there.Instead of the usual " looking for healer to join team" for 2 hours concept. Now most people would like to be a healer because they have to fight in order to heal.
EDIT: hopefully it wont touch WoW nethier because of it's immature community is what really destroys the game. Hopefully it would also not touch WoW because having crowded servers all the time is irratating. Hopefully many kids wont know about the game , and well have around 1 million - people in WAR. But will still need a big number of people to fight at the tier 4 battle grounds.
He's not dead... he's electroencephalographically challenged.
Currently waiting For:
4th. Sword of the New world: Granado Espada
However, WoW's monopoly WILL be coming to an end and this game WILL have something to do with it. If they live up to hype, LOTRO Age of Conan, and WAR will be able to spread out MMORPG gamers as opposed to having an disproportionate amount of them playing WoW. What I'm saying is all of these games ill probably have near equal numbers.
Besides, when WoW says it has 7 million subscribers are they counting inactive accounts? What about people with more than one account? What about people who created an account but never actually payed for a subscription? In my case, I have 2 accounts, 1 that I played the free 10 day trial on and 1 where I played the store-bought 14-day trial. When that 14-day trial runs out, I have another one friend of mine doesn't want and will be giving me. So, am I counted as 3 users in that count???
Positives of WAR- Art style art style art style! I absolutly love this games graphics and all that.
Not item centered- My one real turn off from WoW, I didn't have the motivation or the time to raid all night. I guess I like seeing my family and the sun too much.
Unique classes for each race- Finally a game where there aren't the same classes for every single race. I like how they acually seemed to put time and detication into all races and classes instead of just copying each class and making races slightly different hummanoids.
These are the features that I really like about this game and what really attract me to it. I really hope the servers are kind of small and so this time around I can just be a deticated member and all that. Will WAR be the better game? Yes hands down. But will it attract more subscribers? I don't really know.
(Sorry for the rant/ nonsense)
I bet it definitly will be a better game thus how do you make a herd of a million cows to hear the cow bell ?
$OE lies list
And I don't want to hear anything about "I don't believe in vampires" because *I* don't believe in vampires, but I believe in my own two eyes, and what *I* saw is ******* vampires! "
WAR more than likely will not come close to the sub numbers of WoW. This doesnt make WAR any less of a game than WoW. WoW attracts more people, its learning curve is quite easy, the grind to the max lvl isnt as difficult as other games, and its overall a friendlier game towards gamers. That attracts a larger audience, but it doesnt make it a better game than what WAR MIGHT be, or any other succesful MMORPG out there. I'm not going to get into which game is better or what not, because I can't judge at this point since WAR hasnt even went into beta. Let's just wait and see what happens with WAR and hopefully it will be successful but.... only time will tell
Of course this game won't touch WOW. Anyone who thinks that it even might is probably a little slow.
However, WOW is successful because it's like fast food, and the masses have no taste. I do expect WAR to be a big success among serious gamers, and if Mythic is really lucky, they might pull away 1-2% of WOW's population. LOTRO has a much better chance of making at least a small dent in WOW's popularity, because of its similar design and IP, but I'm sure that WAR will be a far better game than either of them.
When I want a single-player story, I'll play a single-player game. When I play an MMO, I want a massively multiplayer world.
Did you even read my post? I never mentioned anything about pve and said that Mythic will be wanting to get some of the pvpers of WoW... the old school UO players and such. Also the rock-paper-scissors is some stupid theory and absolutely no truth to it. My main concern with WAR is the fact that the classes doesn't hold the same amount of depth that WoW has and how I feel it could certainyl cripple the game. WoW players want to move to something better but do mages who want to be human want fire only spells? Do healers want to bash people with weapons to heal? The main thing which has kept me playing WoW all this time is just how detailed each class is and how fun the combat can be. If WAR can't emulate/better this, I fail to see how this won't be just another vanguard (high hopes of stealing WoW fanbase but ultimately fails.)
Also I can see why you might think i'm a fanboy but I would be the first one to flame blizzard about the direction they're taking WoW. If it wasn't for the addictive combat, i'd have quit after my rogue got mauled by tier 1 epics.
You are a fanboy if you think Wow's PvP is any good and that the characters in WoW have any depth at all, Blizzard designed WoW to be a PvE centric game with PvP being added as almost an after thought I've played Wow from OB and BC will be the end for me, since its just more of the same, and in a lot of cases done less well than the original game.
Blizzard seem to be worried about WAR since most of their current attention is on PvP which as usual with Blizzard is causing negative changes to the PvE game appear more and more often in the form of documented and undocumented patches. Blizzard still appear to have no concept of balance both within PvP and also PvP to Pve.
To say that WAR has no depth simply points out your ignorance about Warhammer and its lore/backstory.
Will WAR kill WoW?, No
Will UO diehards be happy with WAR's PvP?, No
Will WAR be a success?, YES It will cull some people from WoW as will the other games launching this year and hopefully the whining want everything on a plate children will stay with WoW because it requires less mental effort them to be leet.
Me i'll be trying WAR as well as AOC and COS and hopefully find a new home away from the less and less RPG centric WoW.
For someone who says they aren't a wow fanboy you sure do play a lot of wow....2400+ hours?
And why does every game have to beat WoW? Why is it always some kind of competition? I understand that WoW has the most subscribers of any MMO ever, but why does that mean everyone has to try and match, or beat the game mechanics? If they want to have a mage that only uses fire then thats what they are going to do. They are designing their game, not Blizzard, and NOT WoW. So either suck it up and play it, or shut up and continue playing WoW.
to be honest, i find the Warcraft lore to be alot better than the warhammer lore.
i recommend readin war of the ancients trilogy if you havent, that will show you the real depths of 2 classes, mainly warlock and mage.
I However think that WAR will be a great game, however it will not attract more subscribers than WoW i think, that will be tough.
I also have to ask, why do you all think that everyone thats gonna play WAR will go from WoW to WAR? there are hundred and hundred of other MMORPGS out there that have players aswell.
But i like PvE Raiding, maybe you guys dont, but i do, i mean the feeling when your guild takes down that special boss in an instance and everyone sits on Vent of TS shouting from happiness, that feeling is just awesome.
and Arena in WoW that PVP System is awesome, you need shitload of tactic to be able to meet your opposing team, unless you meet a team of newcomers to the arenas, but thats whats great about it, its Ladder based, you can only meet people that are ranked equally to yours so you'll never meet uber geared arena teams if you just made yourself a new team, or vice versa.
to be honest, i find the Warcraft lore to be alot better than the warhammer lore.
i recommend readin war of the ancients trilogy if you havent, that will show you the real depths of 2 classes, mainly warlock and mage.
I However think that WAR will be a great game, however it will not attract more subscribers than WoW i think, that will be tough.
I also have to ask, why do you all think that everyone thats gonna play WAR will go from WoW to WAR? there are hundred and hundred of other MMORPGS out there that have players aswell.
But i like PvE Raiding, maybe you guys dont, but i do, i mean the feeling when your guild takes down that special boss in an instance and everyone sits on Vent of TS shouting from happiness, that feeling is just awesome.
and Arena in WoW that PVP System is awesome, you need shitload of tactic to be able to meet your opposing team, unless you meet a team of newcomers to the arenas, but thats whats great about it, its Ladder based, you can only meet people that are ranked equally to yours so you'll never meet uber geared arena teams if you just made yourself a new team, or vice versa.
Hahaha? Why should you have to buy crap to learn about a videogame class? Especially if it's a novel, written after the video game was made? Does it have any gameplay impact at all? And while we're on books have you ever read the Empire Armybook or Realms of Sorcery?
All the 'fluff' he's talking about is right on the website. Any relivant books we can list are being used to make the game, not the other way around. And no one, expect for a few morons, wants any of WoW's subs. In fact, if you go look at AoC, they're hoping that WAR picks up the WoW kiddies so their game doesn't :P
Personally, I don't like the WoW arenas because if I'm not level 19, 29, 39 ect, then there is some guy beating the snot out of me because he has better stats.
to be honest, i find the Warcraft lore to be alot better than the warhammer lore.
i recommend readin war of the ancients trilogy if you havent, that will show you the real depths of 2 classes, mainly warlock and mage.
I However think that WAR will be a great game, however it will not attract more subscribers than WoW i think, that will be tough.
I also have to ask, why do you all think that everyone thats gonna play WAR will go from WoW to WAR? there are hundred and hundred of other MMORPGS out there that have players aswell.
But i like PvE Raiding, maybe you guys dont, but i do, i mean the feeling when your guild takes down that special boss in an instance and everyone sits on Vent of TS shouting from happiness, that feeling is just awesome.
and Arena in WoW that PVP System is awesome, you need shitload of tactic to be able to meet your opposing team, unless you meet a team of newcomers to the arenas, but thats whats great about it, its Ladder based, you can only meet people that are ranked equally to yours so you'll never meet uber geared arena teams if you just made yourself a new team, or vice versa.
Hahaha? Why should you have to buy crap to learn about a videogame class? Especially if it's a novel, written after the video game was made? Does it have any gameplay impact at all? And while we're on books have you ever read the Empire Armybook or Realms of Sorcery?
All the 'fluff' he's talking about is right on the website. Any relivant books we can list are being used to make the game, not the other way around. And no one, expect for a few morons, wants any of WoW's subs. In fact, if you go look at AoC, they're hoping that WAR picks up the WoW kiddies so their game doesn't :P
Personally, I don't like the WoW arenas because if I'm not level 19, 29, 39 ect, then there is some guy beating the snot out of me because he has better stats.
Omg all i can say is, wow, just wow. Kiddies in WoW? from my experience, there is far more adults than kids playing, almsot everyone in my guild is from age 20 and up, but ofcourse, age doesnt matter ive met 15 yr olds kids more mature than 30 yr old guys.and you obviously havent read any warcraft lore, crap? noway, and fyi the game was made from the books, so these novels are purely correct when it comes to the lore of warcraft. the books i can list that the game is made from is ,war of the ancients trilogy, for blood and honor, day of the dragon and 2 more, got them myself cba looking up the names.
and in arenas, stats dont matter, seriously, you can also only meet people equal to your lvls, so there is no 69 vs 61 and crap, i got beaten by green geared people while i had epic gear, simple because they were organized, not we. tactics rule arenas and thats it.
$OE lies list
And I don't want to hear anything about "I don't believe in vampires" because *I* don't believe in vampires, but I believe in my own two eyes, and what *I* saw is ******* vampires! "
sure WC had cool lore.
but blizzard kinda raped most of it, when they forged the game called WoW.
the first one was gnomes.
sure i played Wow, but there were plenty o' things i could see flaws in.
the game was one big ripoff of older games.
guess why they made battle grounds in WoW - (the answer:) just before they could release their pvp stuff, blizzard almost got sued for making the system too much alike another game's Pvp system..
blizzard didnt learn from the EQ and DAoC makers mistakes, so they made them again. like mythic, who made the expansion which led to huge gear dependency(as far as i understood from complaints).
blizzard did precisely the same, but noone complained..
Don't make up stuff. No one tried to bring litigation against Blizzard for their PvP system. Blizzard always intended to have Battlegrounds, because they thought it was a good way to get even numbers of opponents fighting each other at any given time. Of course, they didn't have enough variety in BGs, and they also made freeform PvP unimportant.
As for suing for having similar features, I don't think that's ever happened in the history of gaming. You may as well suggest that the makers of Wolfenstien 3D sue every other FPS for having guns. Have the makers of Dune sue every RTS for having resource management. Meridean 59 suing every MMO for having characters kill NPC mobs and using an interface!
It's Are'el. This forum doesn't allow apostrophes in usernames.
I needed to reiterate my point.
Don't make up stuff. No one tried to bring litigation against Blizzard for their PvP system. Blizzard always intended to have Battlegrounds, because they thought it was a good way to get even numbers of opponents fighting each other at any given time. Of course, they didn't have enough variety in BGs, and they also made freeform PvP unimportant.
As for suing for having similar features, I don't think that's ever happened in the history of gaming. You may as well suggest that the makers of Wolfenstien 3D sue every other FPS for having guns. Have the makers of Dune sue every RTS for having resource management. Meridean 59 suing every MMO for having characters kill NPC mobs and using an interface!
agreed. all things emulate those which came before... as long as you don't steal "exactly" the same thing, you're ok..
and nothing will touch WoW in terms of population, but in terms of a better game or not, we'll just have to wait and see
to be honest, i find the Warcraft lore to be alot better than the warhammer lore.
i recommend readin war of the ancients trilogy if you havent, that will show you the real depths of 2 classes, mainly warlock and mage.
I However think that WAR will be a great game, however it will not attract more subscribers than WoW i think, that will be tough.
I also have to ask, why do you all think that everyone thats gonna play WAR will go from WoW to WAR? there are hundred and hundred of other MMORPGS out there that have players aswell.
But i like PvE Raiding, maybe you guys dont, but i do, i mean the feeling when your guild takes down that special boss in an instance and everyone sits on Vent of TS shouting from happiness, that feeling is just awesome.
and Arena in WoW that PVP System is awesome, you need shitload of tactic to be able to meet your opposing team, unless you meet a team of newcomers to the arenas, but thats whats great about it, its Ladder based, you can only meet people that are ranked equally to yours so you'll never meet uber geared arena teams if you just made yourself a new team, or vice versa.
Hahaha? Why should you have to buy crap to learn about a videogame class? Especially if it's a novel, written after the video game was made? Does it have any gameplay impact at all? And while we're on books have you ever read the Empire Armybook or Realms of Sorcery?
All the 'fluff' he's talking about is right on the website. Any relivant books we can list are being used to make the game, not the other way around. And no one, expect for a few morons, wants any of WoW's subs. In fact, if you go look at AoC, they're hoping that WAR picks up the WoW kiddies so their game doesn't :P
Personally, I don't like the WoW arenas because if I'm not level 19, 29, 39 ect, then there is some guy beating the snot out of me because he has better stats.
Omg all i can say is, wow, just wow. Kiddies in WoW? from my experience, there is far more adults than kids playing, almsot everyone in my guild is from age 20 and up, but ofcourse, age doesnt matter ive met 15 yr olds kids more mature than 30 yr old guys.and you obviously havent read any warcraft lore, crap? noway, and fyi the game was made from the books, so these novels are purely correct when it comes to the lore of warcraft. the books i can list that the game is made from is ,war of the ancients trilogy, for blood and honor, day of the dragon and 2 more, got them myself cba looking up the names.
and in arenas, stats dont matter, seriously, you can also only meet people equal to your lvls, so there is no 69 vs 61 and crap, i got beaten by green geared people while i had epic gear, simple because they were organized, not we. tactics rule arenas and thats it.
'Kiddie' is a degratory term. It refers to mental age, not actual age. It's like 'retard', you shouldn't take it litterally. However, it sums up the WoW playerbase's attitude and maturity pretty well.
By the way kiddie, I suggust you do your research. The first novel of War of the Ancient was published in 2004, the year that WoW came out. That means it wasn't even printed when the game was being produced, which means it obviously had little impact on the game's actual prouction. The second novel wasn't even published until 2005, a full year after WoW's release.
A quick look at Wikipedia reveals which books could of inspired WoW: Day of Dragon, Lord of Clans, Blood and Honor, and the Last Guardian. Mind telling me what any of these have to do with the discussion at hand?
An why should I have to read Books about Warcraft when we're talking about the game? It's a game. All I should need to do is play the game to learn the lore. When we talk about books for Warhammer, they're Rulebooks for the game.
And what on earth makes a WoW Mage or a WoW Warlock different from a D&D Mage or a D&D Wizard? As far as I can tell, Warcraft was made by watering down elements of Warhammer(For RTS) and D&D(For RPG). I have no problem with this by itself, but Blizzard doesn't make any effort to make anything their own, they just blatently rip-off other games and play around with their mechanics. It's like bad fan-fiction made itno a franchise.
I must of been thinking of Battlegrounds then. I'm not interested in One on One PvP at all though. In fact, not that many people are.
"True friends stab you in the front." | Oscar Wilde
"I need to finish" - Christian Wolff: The Accountant
Just trying to live long enough to play a new, released MMORPG, playing New Worlds atm
Fools find no pleasure in understanding but delight in airing their own opinions. Pvbs 18:2, NIV
Don't just play games, inhabit virtual worlds™
"This is the most intelligent, well qualified and articulate response to a post I have ever seen on these forums. It's a shame most people here won't have the attention span to read past the second line." - Anon
And that's why Blizzard makes crap. There are subtle ways to impliment things like Aliens to make the game fun and not break the semi-belief of your customers in your gameworld. Blizzard could use these writting tricks if their life depended on it.
Just because "Everyone's doing it", doesn't mean that Blizzard should too.
Besides, I bet said games either flopped or has a reason for putting in Aliens. Name some and I'll tell you exactly which happened.
Something I do not understand is why ever one feels WAR has to take away players from WoW in order to be a good game.
I played WoW and do not plan on ever returning to it...I found the game lacking in large number of areas and with so many people playing the lowest amount of respect was given between players
There are a huge number of great people playing but sadly they are over shadow but the even larger number of kiddies and plan old jerks playing the game.
I will give it to blizzard and how fast they got new servers on line and the pure number of people who play their game .
It is not the largest player base out there as they would have you believe as game like Linage 2 has twice as many people
But in North America they are clearly the largest .
In America we only see what games are local here and do not think about other parts of the world for the most part.
Blizzard made what is called the BEST MMORPG in the USA...but it falls short in lots of way to me.
WAR can learn alot from what Blizzard did it can also learn even more from what game like Shadowbane did completely wrong.
gaming community and multi-gaming guild
I love this comment because it truly captures what the feel is for Warhammer Fantasy Battle. It's been said WAR is about All War All the time. It really is. The forces of good don't truly exist in the Warhammer World, nor do the forces of evil. Every race has it's own reasons for fighting. My High Elves are in a fight for survival. They've been on the decline for a very long time. Skaven hate everything and want to destroy the world with Nurgle like plagues. The Undead have 2 armies and even they fight between themselves. Everyone fights all the time or they die.
Mythic chose to add "sides" to this game because a FFA between races would be an absolute nightmare to try and keep balanced. Population issues would become astronomical. So, by creating two teams, they've helped relieve some of that problem. Now it will just be a matter of balancing Light vs Darkness. I understand why this was done. For the good of the game, it needed to happen. I have faith that Games Workshop won't let the game stray too far from their vision of what Warhammer is. They have the biggest stake in this game since they are the one's that own the IP being used.
I'm not saying every one that plays WOW is like that, i'm speaking generally and demographicly.
Also, i think "a good game" in this case means "a sucessful game". i.e. a stable game with lots of subscribers. In that case the above is true.
If you look at both games features, they are very similar. Both focus on a well known IP's, PvP focused classes/areas, PvE grinding/quests, similar graphic styles, the list goes on. I think that WAR is going to tear deaply into the WOW fanbase because of theese similarities. It's not really a question of "if".
WOW will not die because of this though. There are still enough difference betweeen the two, and there will always be the die-hard fans that refuse to let go. Blizzard will have to shape-up in face of the competition, so i really hope everybody will gain something.
Plus, i like to make pants, so i'm just going to have to play both ^^
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