I just woke up and I'm not going to read the funny color rants but how the hell did we get from stolen lawnmower to the USSR??? You guys are making me, a senile wack job, look sane and sensible... oh wait I should just shut up shouldn't I.
Someone here suggests that leveling the social playing field doesn't work, as supposidly was proven in the USSR. On topic otherwise.
The Japanese society is also one in which people are open to take responsability for each others' well-being as they understand how the misfortune of one person affects everyone.
The strongest drive in the culture isn't their responsibility for each other. its their responsibility TO one another. In order to function in their society one has to conduct themselves according to complex social morals. If you study their history you realize they're protectionist not collectivist. In terms of their modernity they're far more profreedom/capitalism than they are socialist. Yet the social morays remains which govern their conduct. Its highly likely these social restraints (which you deny by attacking punishment) are the source of their low crime society.
This only proves that democracy doesn't work as it should... Says nothing about being able to back people up when they're in trouble.
Democracy works according to the whims of the majority. In that respect its working fine - just not how you'd like it to work. The over whelming negative results of socialis, are primarily the results of the failure of their authoritarian methods innate to collectivist political strutures.Do to the failure rate I'd be more inclined to look into different avenues as to why Scandinavian countries have lower crime rates.
I never, ever suggested it was the root of ALL crime. Like I said before, people will always try to improve their living conditions and some will try to bend or break the moral boundaries set by society. But those people are perfectly suitable for punishment with intend of rehabilitation.
People are perfectly able to improve their living conditions legally. Those who don't harm everyone else in society who are contributing. The courts to provide their punishment as they would anyone else.
I don't really care what aspirations the USSR had or what it claimed to achieve. The playing field in the USSR wasn't equal and all the attempts to do so ignored human nature.
Oh they were far closer to being equal under Lenin and early Stalin then in many countries today. They were however all lower class by the USSR's collapse, a result of the failures of socialist social and industrial policies. Again there's no reason to assume equalizing the playing field will terminate crime moreover that any know can achieve this. I think the history of european socialism speaks quite loudly about the fatal conceit of those who call themselves progressives.
We're discussing petty crimes here, not murder.
The same is pretty much true. Black americans commit disproportionately more crimes than whites in their same class bracket.
You will read in a biology book that we are still animals with instincts for survival and that we as humans (everyone, even you, ...) will be subjected to these instincts no mather what social boundaries are set by society. Society and law only works as intended if everyone gets opportunities. How many nations don't have a constitution which states its citizens have a right for food, shelter, whatever... But the every day law book is filled with rules (luckily so) that punish people who try to take it, even tho it's supposed to be guaranteed. Of course the vast majority of people commiting crimes are people who have a means of existence, so they are subjected to every day law.
Obviously if we're dicussing personal responsbility vs group responsibility the issue of moral instinct is moot. There's no evidence, at all, in humans that we have such an instinct. All you have to do is study situations in which people panic, violence and conditions of extremes ie famine. More often then not they're more concerned with themselves than they are with others and will, in sake of survival, kill others to promote their own survival. Its only those who maintain rationality who aid others in need of help. Humans work together in groups only when doing so facilitates their interests. Humans do not have a group instinct as illustrated by introvert/extrovert personalities and free will. The evolution of human group facilitation is one of realized benefit, a rational choice not an instinct.
If punished I will associate my crime with the punishment, but if not explained I won't associate my crime with a reason why it's a crime. Also, if the conditions which forced someone to commit a crime remain unchanged then how would someone stop themselves from not commiting them?
Animals of higher intelligence learn through established associations which is the basis of the Pavlov Dog, Positive and Negative conditioning. This is an established psychological fact.
If you're arrested the terms of your arrest, particularly in the US are read to as a product of miranda rights. You're in entitled to know with what you are being charged. Anyone with any functional intelligence will realize they've done something illegal and associate their arrest and subquent punish with such.
Do you consider yourself uninformed? If not, how so?
Because myself, my wife and step daughter have lived in US lower class communities for over 15 years of our lives. We're familiar with what its like to be poor and the kind of people who frequent lower class areas. Given my experience I can safetly say a large portion of the lack of upwords mobility some of these people are facing is directly related to their attitudes, absolute lack of responsibility and respect for persons and property. These antisocial characteristics of the communities are related to their unwillingness to raise children with any function morality or take responsibility for their lives. These behaviors can't be mended by finacial aid as they'd be likely just to take advantage of it. I've seen it thousands of times.
I'm talking about "life" threatening situations.
You obviously have a different interpretation of "life" threatening than I do.
"Life" can have many meanings. It can be the simple state of being alive that is being threatened or it can be the sum of all things that someone can consider valuable to ones life, such as dignity. Many prefer stealing above prostitution (which are both crimes, actually).
You assume that all people who are in those conditions are there because 1. they have no other options 2. they're unemployed/poor 3. would rather do something else. I can tell you from personal experience quite a few women turn to prostitution and other forms of flesh pandering because the pay off is quite high and because the work is extremely easy. This is particularly true of strippers.
As for theives we've not established that even 5% of them do so out of necessite for survival so I can't imagine why you continue to assert such as fact without providing any evidence.
If those organisations were to tell the truth then people just wouldn't believe them.
TRUTH being the opperative word in the sentence. Most of them will not suceed because they're not asserting themselves.
Can YOU imagine yourself such situations? Does everything you can't imagine yourself not exist?
Sure I can but I wouldn't deny it was my fault for abusing drugs and leading myself along this path. I'd likely seek out help before I even got to that point. Why? Because as a person I have self disciplin, respect for others and what is their's. I'm not a perfect person, I suffer from clinical major depression and I can tell you that these people are simply not exerting themselves. If I can make it so can they. its up to them not to me. If you want to spend your money on them you can just don't tell me to do the same.
It's irrelevant who's the victim. Victims are victims. And you make it seem the stupid lower class uses one agenda and one will and says "Hey, let's go mess up our neighbourhoods!".
It matters a great deal. These people need to be removed from society because they damage the people who are in most need of upwords mobility. The reason business won't enter lower class communities is crime. This limits their capacities. These so-called victim criminals offer nothing to their communities other than violence, brutalization, exploitation and corruption. This is why I have no sympathy for them.
No, correction: THeir theivery never benefits anyone but themselves. Its purely self motivated acton with deliberate intent to get something.
They know good and well they're depriving some one else of something they've worked for. In fact most of the procrime subculture of which many of these people are apart of get enjoyment out of their abuse of power used to exploit others. You provide criminals with a completely unrealistic sense of innocence. You've stated numerous times you don't know if the percentage of crime that is done out of necessity is even a remote reality in the first world and yet you continue to make it seem as though typical criminals commit crimes to support their needs. There's a temendous amount of cultural influence in the criminal world that you're completely over looking.
BTW, do you, as someone who worls for a living, do this for anyone else but yourself? I don't think so.
I'm entitled to provide myself with material that i've worked towards purchasing. The primary difference being I've earn it while a thief hasn't and acquires material through depriving others. An act which hurts them financially, economically, and socially through the damages to lower class communities.
A person can't decide whether or not resources are depleted and whether or not they should use them. A person only wants help...
Again you provide criminals with an extreme sense of innocence by implying that they're doing what they do simply because they have no other alternative. You've yet to establish this and even admit you can't.
Change what? Their circumstances? Well of course someone tries. Change their addiction? Are you addicted to anything? If so, would you be able to get rid of it without support or resources (such as medication, money, psychological help, ...)?
It is your responsability, since society exists simply to put the power with the people. And you are one of the people. Welcome to democracy.
Yes, change their circumstances. The vast majority of people do and those who don't have no reason to be assumed to be unable to. Everyone deals with depression, quite a few deal with major depression. I garuantee you most of the people with psychological disorders aren't poor and aren't thieves. Criminals do not have the monolopy of emotional problems. Its up to the individuals to learn to deal with their own provlems and no, not everyone who is successful has multiple emotional outlets. Its not a coincidence how the ages which have pressed for group responsibility, despite the emphasis of people like yourself, have only been accompanied by dramatic rises in criminality.
Democracy is a political system, not an economic system. Its intended to provide people political power through voting. Its intention have never been to level the economic playing field. We don't need to level the economic playing field for their to be democracy.
Like I already said, drug addiction is rearely the cause, usually the symptom. Their circumstances were against common sense and they were already in a position where they were unable to provide in their own physical and mental welbeing. And they are not only a danger to others, but also to themselves... And who wouldn't want to change that?
You've not established this. I find it hard to believe your perspective do to the fact that drug addiction of severe kinds would automatically inhibit their capacity to function in society properly. No matter which comes first, its still a matter of choice. No matter how you attempt to skirt the issue they chose to put the drug in their body. People on the streets aren't stupid, they know drugs like crack, meth and heroine are highly addictive. I know, I've been there. I've heard how they describe the people who use those drugs and the drugs themselves.
Depression doesn't rob a person of their capacity to think freely. It clouds their thinking. People play a roll in their emotional status, they're not slaves to their emotions. This perspective that they are is what's breeding people who live for the moment and not responsibly.
How so? Do you think this is the case now?
That they could receive detox at a minimum security prison?
5% = 5%.
5% of less than 5% of people in any given first world country. If you wish to shell out the money to help this extreme and undescernable minority of people be my guest. I just ask that you don't try and force me to do the same.
I just noticed you live in the US...
In 2005, 37.0 million people were in poverty, not statistically different from 2004.
The poverty rate in 2005 for children under 18 (17.6 percent) remained higher than that of 18-to-64-year-olds (11.1 percent) and that of people 65 and older (10.1 percent)—all were not statistically different from 2004.
Roughly 754,000 Americans are in a homeless shelter or on the streets on any given night. About a third are families with children. About a quarter are disabled. These figures are quite substantial, so 5% isn't all that realistic.
11.1 % of 37 million is ~4.107million or about 1.4% of the US population. Combined with the elderly the value comes out to be about 2.8%. Running with the assumption all of those people can't help their circumstances and commit the majority of crimes for the sake of survival (a ludicrous proposition) the numbers still don't come out to 5%. I think its safe to assume most of the elderly aren't committing crimes and that the vast majority of those children aren't either. You're likely to find most criminals are between the ages of 18 and 35 and are male.
You already said that those "criminals" have an effect on society, so I guess that taking care of circumstances would be much, much cheaper than putting people in jail.
These statements are just a bunch of unsubstantiated assumptions. If we look at charities we see they receive millions and yet have horrific turnouts hte people they aid. No imagine apply a scale budget to help all criminals. My god it would dwarf housing them in jail.
Jail should be a place where people go to be rehabilitated. There's no reason to have another facility. We simply need to improve what we have.
You are denying that people will want to survive and don't just lie down and die...
You continue to assert that criminals in the first world commit crimes based on a need for survival. You've not established this as being even a considerable factor so there's no reason to address these statements.
We won't better society by denying what we are. What you perceive as mistakes are actually the very things that make this great world where you can have two cars and your daily bacon. If we take the realistic stance then we should strive to help people if they are in trouble, in stead of punishing them if they fight their trouble with the only options they have left.
When I look at society I see the vast majority of people working and suceeding. I see a very few amount of people who don't. Certainly not enough to say we're "denying what we are". We're not criminal beasts. We can help only those who want to be helped. If what you are suggesting works then communism would have been a success. It wasn't, even in london and french communes, and thusly I don't follow your assertions
Why is that? The more people that have jobs, the more people that pay taxes, the more people that can be helped, the better a job society does.
Because in reality you can't control all factors involved and you start with the assumption that incapacity is the root cause of their criminality which is oblviously flawed.
You can control how they are being brought up, if they are at all being brought up, if they have everything they need to start in life and you can respond if people need help.
No you can't that's the parent's authority not yours. You can't control how they raise their children.
People strive to have the best living condtions possible, that is a fact. So most will.
Most clearly do so through legal means. The rest are violating the laws and should be punished.
Nor do you have a monopoly on methods to cope with poverty.
Currently there are no or very few methods.
No, its just that progressives, particularly in Europe have far to much influence in these fields and have convinced us over the years that they're plans are the only necessary ways. Many capitalist economists including Friedrich Hayek have proposed methods that have never been tried and won't be as long as socialists have the say so.
I don't give a fuck what governments chose as their ideology or what they said they would do or what they attemptedc to do. Those things can't be changed, nor can the alternative motives at which they were suggested. What can change is our stance towards poverty.
You should care because the basis of socialism is exactly what you've proposed using the same methods you would employ. They've failed numerous times throughout history to achieve what you're looking for through the paths you'd take. They serve to implicate the failure of their dogma and yours.
No one has really tried alternative methods, particularly in England where the Labor party has dominated since the 40s these social issues. This is fairly well laid out in "Road to Surfdom" by Hayek.
At this time I'm no longer interested in continuing this conversation. Its taking to long and we're not going to agree with one another.
I don't necessarily agree with you're perspective on harsh laws. Singapore has very harsh laws and low crime. I believe there to be a relationship between the two.
I don't necessarily agree with you're perspective on harsh laws. Singapore has very harsh laws and low crime. I believe there to be a relationship between the two.
They just hang all the poor people.
Tough on crime, tough on the causes of crime.
Agree. Support tougher punishment to show crime doesn't pay.
Yeah bad genes/bring up enviroment (ie. poor people) makes up crime. For example murder dropped by 50% in america about 20 years after aborbtion became legal.
What Baff said about gypsie's is hilarious but true. I dont think all these americans get the gypsie situation in england. If you mess with one of these bred idiots they get a whole bunch of people to beat you up. They are above the law, since police are too afraid. And the government can't get rid of them because of dumb political reasons. Fact is chavs and gyspies kids are raised the same way. Its a vicious cycle.
Anyhow about your lawnmoer stealer. hmm personally i'd rather a wild lawn with lots of nature in it. But you could hire somebody to cut it, get some REALLY frightening garden gnomes, digg a large hole near the moer -cover it with some grass, get a really big fence, get one of those lights that comes on when they come near, get like a wheel/steering wheel lock for it, park in in a garage, chain it to something. Really the flow of ideas never stops.
And whats witht he pages of uber polictical mumbo jumbo ont his thread. Can it.
What Baff said about gypsie's is hilarious but true. I dont think all these americans get the gypsie situation in england. If you mess with one of these bred idiots they get a whole bunch of people to beat you up. They are above the law, since police are too afraid. And the government can't get rid of them because of dumb political reasons. Fact is chavs and gyspies kids are raised the same way. Its a vicious cycle.
We have an organization here in the US that deals with gypsies. It is called the Klu Klux Klan
Emigrate. Really why put up with that Orwellian camera bullshit if you aren't any safer?
I'm currently installing more cameras of my own.
I tried to get a stinger to stop the ram raiders, but they won't sell them to private citizens. Only Police forces that aren't ever going to deploy it for me are allowed them.
Wilkipedia is the worst place to get information. All the college professors I know off banned any source that is taking from Wilkipedia. It is unreliable and the creator has admitted to it. He even stated on record that Wilkipedia should not be use as a factual source for your school reports.
Yes killing of criminals does raise our homicide rate.
Yea, wikipedia shouldn't be used for post-grad papers, but it is just fine for day to day research. False items get reported very quickly. I mean, humans write the books used in your thesis, so I don't see much difference. If the information on wiki is wrong, the same doctor that wrote that book you used for your paper will report it. And citations support everything on it.
Please. I did. You might not catch it. I edited my previous post just when you wrote yours.
You have the creator of Wikipedia stated on record that their source should not be use as factual in any case. He is quite aware that there are many many false information that is being propagated on the internet via Wikipeda. Wikipeda is an idealist view of user created information. Great reading but it is not factual.
Here is another one from Home Office and the Council of Europe. Right from Europe. Ratio wise we have one of the lowest violent crime rate in the industrialize world.
Homicide rate is high but you have a lot of citizens killing criminals in the USA. These justified shooting count as homicide in FBI reports. It then change to justified homicide by the local police department but never changed for the FBI reports. Any sub type of homicide is counted as homicide in the FBI reports.
Can you link me to a wikipedia article that is false? Just because the creator stated it is not absolute fact doesn't take away its credibility. Books, theses, articles, papers: They are all written by subjective humans. Britannica is just as fallible as Wikipedia.
Please. I did. You might not catch it. I edited my previous post just when you wrote yours.
You have the creator of Wikipedia stated on record that their source should not be use as factual in any case. He is quite aware that there are many many false information that is being propagated on the internet via Wikipeda. Wikipeda is an idealist view of user created information. Great reading but it is not factual.
Here is another one from Home Office and the Council of Europe. Right from Europe. Ratio wise we have one of the lowest violent crime rate in the industrialize world.
Homicide rate is high but you have a lot of citizens killing criminals in the USA. These justified shooting count as homicide in FBI reports. It then change to justified homicide by the local police department but never changed for the FBI reports. Any sub type of homicide is counted as homicide in the FBI reports.
Can you link me to a wikipedia article that is false? Just because the creator stated it is not absolute fact doesn't take away its credibility. Books, theses, articles, papers: They are all written by subjective humans. Britannica is just as fallible as Wikipedia.
Britannica is created by experts not 14 years old kids that dropped out from high school. You can google it. I am sure there is ton of it on google. Can you link me to a wikipedia article that is false? I think my record player is broken. You claim wikipedia is false, cite an article. ONE article.
Please. I did. You might not catch it. I edited my previous post just when you wrote yours.
You have the creator of Wikipedia stated on record that their source should not be use as factual in any case. He is quite aware that there are many many false information that is being propagated on the internet via Wikipeda. Wikipeda is an idealist view of user created information. Great reading but it is not factual.
Here is another one from Home Office and the Council of Europe. Right from Europe. Ratio wise we have one of the lowest violent crime rate in the industrialize world.
Homicide rate is high but you have a lot of citizens killing criminals in the USA. These justified shooting count as homicide in FBI reports. It then change to justified homicide by the local police department but never changed for the FBI reports. Any sub type of homicide is counted as homicide in the FBI reports.
Can you link me to a wikipedia article that is false? Just because the creator stated it is not absolute fact doesn't take away its credibility. Books, theses, articles, papers: They are all written by subjective humans. Britannica is just as fallible as Wikipedia.
Britannica is created by experts not 14 years old kids that dropped out from high school. You can google it. I am sure there is ton of it on google. Can you link me to a wikipedia article that is false? I think my record player is broken. You claim wikipedia is false, cite an article. ONE article.
Are you that lazy to google it? There is an invisible pink unicorn on your shoulder. You are the one making the claim, it's not my responsibility to do your own damn research.
Why is it always 14 year old drop outs who edit wikipedia? Why can't it be a well informed college graduate who happens to not like a particular politician or theory? You would be surprised at how much more interested adults are in doing stuff like wikipedia editing than a bunch of 14 year olds who just discovered pot.
Your argument is like a two legged dog with an eating disorder...weak and unbalanced.
Why is it always 14 year old drop outs who edit wikipedia? Why can't it be a well informed college graduate who happens to not like a particular politician or theory? You would be surprised at how interested adults are in doing stuff like wikipedia editing than a bunch of 14 year olds who just discovered pot.
Are you trying to tell me that 14 year olds have no interest in editing articles in wikipedia? Hogwash.
Why is it always 14 year old drop outs who edit wikipedia? Why can't it be a well informed college graduate who happens to not like a particular politician or theory? You would be surprised at how interested adults are in doing stuff like wikipedia editing than a bunch of 14 year olds who just discovered pot.
Are you trying to tell me that 14 year olds have no interest in editing articles in wikipedia? Hogwash.It's hard to believe, but most 14 year olds probably don't even know that you can edit wikipedia...I know, crazy.
Your argument is like a two legged dog with an eating disorder...weak and unbalanced.
Why is it always 14 year old drop outs who edit wikipedia? Why can't it be a well informed college graduate who happens to not like a particular politician or theory? You would be surprised at how interested adults are in doing stuff like wikipedia editing than a bunch of 14 year olds who just discovered pot.
Because 14 years old kids have time in their hand. Well informed people have to make a living. Another thing about Wikipedia is it very political. Go to Wikipedia make a correction or entry and the next day it will be deleted by who? 14 years old dropped out kids.
14 year old kids have time on their hands to smoke pot and eat cheetos...adults earning a living have days off where they sit at their computer looking up porn and browsing the internet...see what I did there? You have absolutely no clue about who is editing wikipedia, stop using the term "14 year old high school drop outs" just because it lessens the credibility of wikipedia, when you know damn well that it's just something you invented for the purposes of this thread. How exactly do you KNOW who is editing wikipedia? That's right, you don't, so knock it off and argue with something that's based on fact.
Your argument is like a two legged dog with an eating disorder...weak and unbalanced.
Why is it always 14 year old drop outs who edit wikipedia? Why can't it be a well informed college graduate who happens to not like a particular politician or theory? You would be surprised at how interested adults are in doing stuff like wikipedia editing than a bunch of 14 year olds who just discovered pot.
Because 14 years old kids have time in their hand. Well informed people have to make a living. Another thing about Wikipedia is it very political. Go to Wikipedia make a correction or entry and the next day it will be deleted by who? 14 years old dropped out kids.
So thats what you do with all your free time .
DOAC is still the MMO I judge other games by, My first and still my favorite.
If the only people who edit Wiki are 14-year old drop-outs... Then how did those 1.6 million articles get there in the first place?
Some drop out thinking...
"Hey, I'm bored. Let's read some books and write an article about Karl Dönitz!"
Time is something most adults don't have. They have work and kids to take care off. People that posts in Wiki have a lot of time on their hand. In other words kids.
So if I understand what your saying "adults" don't have the time to post on Wiki. But then with that logic only kids would post here since MMORPGs take allot of free time, and arguably much more time than posting on any site. So only kids would have time to play them meaning that only kids would post on a site like this. So what your saying is anyone who post anything on the internet is 14 year old drop out?
And for the record while I like Wiki take everything on it with a grain of salt.
DOAC is still the MMO I judge other games by, My first and still my favorite.
They just hang all the poor people.
Tough on crime, tough on the causes of crime.
They just hang all the poor people.
Tough on crime, tough on the causes of crime.
Agree. Support tougher punishment to show crime doesn't pay.
Yeah bad genes/bring up enviroment (ie. poor people) makes up crime. For example murder dropped by 50% in america about 20 years after aborbtion became legal.
What Baff said about gypsie's is hilarious but true. I dont think all these americans get the gypsie situation in england. If you mess with one of these bred idiots they get a whole bunch of people to beat you up. They are above the law, since police are too afraid. And the government can't get rid of them because of dumb political reasons. Fact is chavs and gyspies kids are raised the same way. Its a vicious cycle.
Anyhow about your lawnmoer stealer. hmm personally i'd rather a wild lawn with lots of nature in it. But you could hire somebody to cut it, get some REALLY frightening garden gnomes, digg a large hole near the moer -cover it with some grass, get a really big fence, get one of those lights that comes on when they come near, get like a wheel/steering wheel lock for it, park in in a garage, chain it to something. Really the flow of ideas never stops.
And whats witht he pages of uber polictical mumbo jumbo ont his thread. Can it.
My blog:
We have an organization here in the US that deals with gypsies. It is called the Klu Klux Klan
I'm currently installing more cameras of my own.
I tried to get a stinger to stop the ram raiders, but they won't sell them to private citizens. Only Police forces that aren't ever going to deploy it for me are allowed them.
Also interesting:
Wilkipedia is the worst place to get information. All the college professors I know off banned any source that is taking from Wilkipedia. It is unreliable and the creator has admitted to it. He even stated on record that Wilkipedia should not be use as a factual source for your school reports.
Yes killing of criminals does raise our homicide rate.
Yea, wikipedia shouldn't be used for post-grad papers, but it is just fine for day to day research. False items get reported very quickly. I mean, humans write the books used in your thesis, so I don't see much difference. If the information on wiki is wrong, the same doctor that wrote that book you used for your paper will report it. And citations support everything on it.https://easynulled.com/
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Britannica is created by experts not 14 years old kids that dropped out from high school. You can google it. I am sure there is ton of it on google. Can you link me to a wikipedia article that is false? I think my record player is broken. You claim wikipedia is false, cite an article. ONE article.
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Britannica is created by experts not 14 years old kids that dropped out from high school. You can google it. I am sure there is ton of it on google. Can you link me to a wikipedia article that is false? I think my record player is broken. You claim wikipedia is false, cite an article. ONE article.
Are you that lazy to google it? There is an invisible pink unicorn on your shoulder. You are the one making the claim, it's not my responsibility to do your own damn research.
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Regardless, I agree wikipedia is nothing reliable with such trivial matters. But you don't write papers about these things.
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Your argument is like a two legged dog with an eating disorder...weak and unbalanced.
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Your argument is like a two legged dog with an eating disorder...weak and unbalanced.
Because 14 years old kids have time in their hand. Well informed people have to make a living. Another thing about Wikipedia is it very political. Go to Wikipedia make a correction or entry and the next day it will be deleted by who? 14 years old dropped out kids.
14 year old kids have time on their hands to smoke pot and eat cheetos...adults earning a living have days off where they sit at their computer looking up porn and browsing the internet...see what I did there? You have absolutely no clue about who is editing wikipedia, stop using the term "14 year old high school drop outs" just because it lessens the credibility of wikipedia, when you know damn well that it's just something you invented for the purposes of this thread. How exactly do you KNOW who is editing wikipedia? That's right, you don't, so knock it off and argue with something that's based on fact.
Your argument is like a two legged dog with an eating disorder...weak and unbalanced.
Because 14 years old kids have time in their hand. Well informed people have to make a living. Another thing about Wikipedia is it very political. Go to Wikipedia make a correction or entry and the next day it will be deleted by who? 14 years old dropped out kids.
So thats what you do with all your free time .
Some drop out thinking...
"Hey, I'm bored. Let's read some books and write an article about Karl Dönitz!"
So if I understand what your saying "adults" don't have the time to post on Wiki. But then with that logic only kids would post here since MMORPGs take allot of free time, and arguably much more time than posting on any site. So only kids would have time to play them meaning that only kids would post on a site like this. So what your saying is anyone who post anything on the internet is 14 year old drop out?
And for the record while I like Wiki take everything on it with a grain of salt.