I've always wondered that if the god is supposed to be all merciful why is there still cancer in people who love god more than people who only go to church to say your there.
My mind has changed so much. Yet I'm still acting like I'm the same.
I've always wondered that if the god is supposed to be all merciful why is there still cancer in people who love god more than people who only go to church to say your there.
According to the old testament God was a
Jealous God, True God, The Great I am, The Great Provider, The Forgiver, The Just, The Deliverer, The Redeemer
He seemed to have cheered up a bit after killing the entire earth population (barring the ark)There. Fixed.
People who have to create conspiracy and hate threads to further a cause lacks in intellectual comprehension of diversity.
I've always wondered that if the god is supposed to be all merciful why is there still cancer in people who love god more than people who only go to church to say your there.
According to the old testament God was a
Vindictfull, Jealous, Unmerciful, unforgiving being
He seemed to have cheered up a bit after killing the entire earth population (barring the ark)I sometimes wish God would just take an Xanax....he takes shit way too seriously. He created US, and now he's getting all upset over us petty humans? Cry me a river. If God is omnipotent then how can God be affected emotionally...especially over humans? If God is omnipotent and i'm just sinful little person then how can I hurt God (emotionally make him angry)?
You could say that I make him angry because God cares for me and wants me to go to heaven, but it's not my fault if he put me in this vastly confusing world where every choice is another game of russian roulette.
It's like your God put me in this maze and i'm supposed to find the cheese or burn in Hell for eternity while a I have a bunch of cheerleaders cheering me on "God is so loving!".
edit: I wasn't talking directly to you Nasica in this post.
______________________________ "When Saddam flew that plane into those buildings, I knew it was time to kick some Iranian ass!" -cheer leading, flag waving American
The bottom line is people are going to believe whatever they want to believe because of the way they've been raised or they have some deep emotional or psychological need that requires an imaginary entity to bring solace to the fact that life can be a serious bitch sometimes.
Of course, that's a gross over simplification, as many people at least believe they have valid reasons for believing in the impossible, or the highly improbable. My problem with religion is that it not only remains the single most devastating instigator or excuse for conflict, it also robs people of the ability to view the universe outside the confines of some ancient religious tradition that was conceived by people who needed an excuse to justify why some people had more than others.
It's only a recent change that people in religious circles aren't super wealthy, and even today, some people are able to use religion to accumulate fabulous wealth. But hey, if I could make money writing cheesy "Left behind" nonsense, then I would do it in a heartbeat. If people are fool enough to but it, why the hell not?
Faith is a VERY important thing in life though, and lesson that should be learnt by most people. Faith leads to greatness and humility.
I have the opposite view. I think faith is destructive and leads to a mindset in that cannot be altered through rational discourse. How would you and the Islamic sect that endorses acts of terrorism function together in society? I recommend Sam Harris' "The End of Faith" for a better explanation of what I'm referring to.
So you believe what you're saying because of the emotions or state of mind you put yourself in? That's no different than any other religion I've encountered. I can put myself in the same state of mind anytime I want (And I do) but I understand what I'm doing to the chemical reaction inside my body that produce those feelings.
It's not magical, mystical, or anything like it.
Christians know there religion to be true. But of course, you and them can't both be right. So how would you objectively determine who (if either) is correct?
Does anyone actually belive in free will? Religon and sience say there is no free will, even with quantum mechanics the best you can get is chance
I've given some thought to this subject, but religion does claim that we have free will. It's a central tenet of Christianity. If you don't have free will, then you can't choose whether or not to accept Jesus, which means the justification for Hell's existence goes out the window.
Does anyone actually belive in free will? Religon and sience say there is no free will, even with quantum mechanics the best you can get is chance
I've given some thought to this subject, but religion does claim that we have free will. It's a central tenet of Christianity. If you don't have free will, then you can't choose whether or not to accept Jesus, which means the justification for Hell's existence goes out the window.
Good point.
Its just really hard to think of a way that free will could exist. Guess thats why they call it faith
Maybe you and I have different definitions of "Faith", though that shouldn't be the case. Faith is believing in something without evidence, often despite evidence to the contrary.
So I don't understand what you mean by "having faith" when buying a lottery ticket or moving from the theoretical to the practical. In both cases, we act within probability, or we take a chance based on evidence. Therefore, such things aren't faith based.
It's true that I don't know much about Buddhism. I'm not attacking Buddhism, I'm asking you to provide evidence that what you believe is the truth.
Are you saying there is no objective truth to be found in reality? If so, then what's the point of even trying to figure out the world at all? Either you are right or you're not. Either the Christians are right, or they're not. So how do I determine the objective true nature of the universe?
Mentioning Quantum Mechanics is so fashionable for these Eastern and New Age religions nowadays. No one really understands Quantum Mechanics, beyond the notion that it's the science of probability.
Maybe you and I have different definitions of "Faith", though that shouldn't be the case. Faith is believing in something without evidence, often despite evidence to the contrary.
So I don't understand what you mean by "having faith" when buying a lottery ticket or moving from the theoretical to the practical. In both cases, we act within probability, or we take a chance based on evidence. Therefore, such things aren't faith based.
It's true that I don't know much about Buddhism. I'm not attacking Buddhism, I'm asking you to provide evidence that what you believe is the truth.
Are you saying there is no objective truth to be found in reality? If so, then what's the point of even trying to figure out the world at all? Either you are right or you're not. Either the Christians are right, or they're not. So how do I determine the objective true nature of the universe?
Mentioning Quantum Mechanics is so fashionable for these Eastern and New Age religions nowadays. No one really understands Quantum Mechanics, beyond the notion that it's the science of probability.
There are a few definitions for faith. There are, however, two types of faith to me. There is blind faith, and there is reasonable faith. If a stranger tells me that they want to borrow $100 and that they'll pay me back, that would probably be blind faith if I trusted them enough to believe they would pay me back. If I saw a chair and I chose to trust it enough to sit down in it without it collapsing out from under me, then that would probably be an example of reasonable faith. There are different degrees of reasonable faith. In some cases it may be slightly reasonable, probable, or even a near 100% certainty. What sort of faith your belief falls into depends on how much you know about your own set of beliefs or every day experiences. Faith, of course, isn't just applied to religion; we probably use it every day without even thinking about it that much. Faith is a good thing, but blind faith on serious matters has a possibility of being perilous.
"Put your foot where your mouth is." - Wisdom from my grandfather "Paper or plastic? ... because I'm afraid I'll have to suffocate you unless you put this bag on your head..." - Ethnitrek AC1: Wierding from Harvestgain
The difference between Real Christianity and every other religion in the world (Including "Religious Christianity" in, which is basically fake christianity) is that Jesus Christ is ALIVE. The Trinity is ALIVE. A real, living, breathing, speaking, hearing, living PERSON.
The difference between Real Christianity and religion is a personal relationship, friendship, companionship, and intimacy between you and the LIVING God. Real Christianity isn't a religion, it's a relationship. Religion kills, God saves.
God is alive, all-loving, all-powerful, and loves loves loves. Despite what a lot of misunderstood and religious Christian preachers say, Christ doesn't hate, He loves with an absolute love. Christianity is the only religion that acknowledges a living God, as opposed to an idol, man, or object. Christ was fully man, yea, but he was also fully God first.
The difference between a relationship with the Living God and all other religions is that if you are under the blood of Christ, you have open communion and friendship with the Living God. That means you talking to God and Him talking back. God hearing you and you hearing back. God, if you want Him to be, in every part of your life. God and you in a friendship that shares everything. Share the joy, the laughter, the jokes, the irony, the tears, the suffering, the good tiems and the bad. The difference between dead religion and a relationship with the Living Jesus is just that. Religion is dead. Christ is ALIVE.
You can know Christ, God, and everything He is just like you can know ANYONE. Have a human friend? In the same way God is your friend. In the same way of EVERYTHING, except that instead of the physical (hearing, speaking, listening, conversation, touch, senses, comfort, peace, jokes, happiness) you communicate with God through the spiritual. Your spiritual hears, your spiritual heart, your spiritual eyes, your spiritual laughter, your spiritual anything. The physical is just a reflection of the spiritual in every aspect. In the same way a man befriends another man, in the same way a man and wife become one, in the same way one man communicates with another, so it is with God through Christ's Blood, but instead of the physical it's the spiritual.
People always want proof God is alive. To those who have eyes and ears, there is an endless amount of proof. To those who have eyes but don't see, ears but don't hear, the only sign given to them is the sign of jonah. First comes faith, then comes everything else. Pretty ironic....the Kingdom of God is quite the opposite. The weak are strong, the fool is wise, the wise are fools, the strong are weak. Those who need proof so they can have faith will get neither. Those who have faith get proof, but the proof isn't needed nor wanted because they already believe. Those who have eyes see. The pure of heart, which is only accomplished through Christ's blood, are the only ones who will see God. It's just the way it works. You can't see God unless you have spiritual eyes. You can't hear God unless you have spiritual ears. You can't have communication, contact, friendship, touch, or any of that unless you are baptized in the BLOOD. It is only through Christ that your spirit lives. Without faith in Him, you are dead. Christ gives you life. Eternal life. Spirit life. Real life. Waking up to the reality that God is reality.
There is no sense in debate or explanation. Those who understand already believe and know God, and don't need the explanation. Those who want a debate, explanation, and proof can't understand. To understand the spiritual, you must be alive in the spiritual. If you don't have faith in Christ, you are dead in the spiritual. You cannot explain something to people who don't understand, it would be like trying to explain a person to a deaf, blind, mute, numb, tasteless parapalegic who is not just in a coma, but in a grave because they're dead.
If you want to find the living God, then go on a spiritual journey until you find Him. Know though, that it is only through Christ, and Christ only that you can find Him. Put your faith in Christ, NOT RELIGION, NOT "Religion of Christianity", not a church, but a personal, direct, 1-on-1 relationship with a Living Person through faith in Christ's Blood. God will not force Himself upon you. Nor should any men force Him on you. He is a Gentleman, waiting at the door knocking, asking and wanting more than anything to come in and dine with you as friends. It is up to you though, to open the door and invite him in. A simple "I want to know you Jesus, as a Person, as a friend." prayer will begin it all, and you will never be the same again. You don't need a church, or a preacher, or anything but your desire to know Jesus. That's all that is needed, because Christ is ALIVE and can do all things himself. If he chooses to use a person, be open to that, but it is NOT required. All that is required is faith, a desire, and the all-wanting all-loving Living Christ.
That's the truth. Religion is dead. Christ is alive.
Disclaimer: I'm not going to defend myself, this statement, or my beliefs. I don't have to, don't want to, shouldn't, and can't. Defending the spiritual truth against someone who isn't alive in the spiritual is vain. Christ told the truth and lived it, and did not defend himself when tried to death. Nor will I defend myself. I am used to people thinking I'm crazy, a fool, a nut, etc. etc. because I believe in a God who is ALIVE. It is my heart and life desire for people to know Christ, NOT RELIGION, because I was once lost, but then He helped me find how amazing He is, and now He is my life, but in the way that my regular life has Him in all parts. God is in a video game or a movie just as He is in a flower, the beauty of nature, or when you sit alone in His Presence doing whatever. Don't be deceived by self-righteous Christians who don't know Christ. God is love, not hate. Acceptance, not condemnation. Gentle, not forceful. Find Christ yourself, not through religion.
I won't be checking back on this post. Peace, tolerance, and blessings to everyone that reads this. Love- Ronny
The difference between Real Christianity and every other religion in the world (Including "Religious Christianity" in, which is basically fake christianity) is that Jesus Christ is ALIVE. The Trinity is ALIVE. A real, living, breathing, speaking, hearing, living PERSON. The difference between Real Christianity and religion is a personal relationship, friendship, companionship, and intimacy between you and the LIVING God. Real Christianity isn't a religion, it's a relationship. Religion kills, God saves.
Funny, I know some folks who would say the same thing about Krishna.
Anyway, being a non-dualist, I don't really need Jesus to be in communion with God because there's no difference in substance between me and God... or between God and a grapefruit. Really seeing that, however, is the trick.
... This is where I draw the line: __________________.
Damn it! I just made a very long reply to Ronny....then I read the last line of his post.....
______________________________ "When Saddam flew that plane into those buildings, I knew it was time to kick some Iranian ass!" -cheer leading, flag waving American
This is one of the main reason why i am not a christian..... The whole "Im right, everyone else is wrong, and im not even going to bother challenging myself anymore" attitude
Amen to that. Buddhism is like a journey and Christianity is like a destination because once you're there you're free to look down on people and condemn them (on behalf of God of course).
Look at Ronny. He just said how loving Christianity is then in the same breath tells us how dead we are.
Maybe us deaf, blind, mute, numb, tasteless parapalegic, coma induced, dead folks can still see the contradictions in Christianity.
______________________________ "When Saddam flew that plane into those buildings, I knew it was time to kick some Iranian ass!" -cheer leading, flag waving American
Of course a Christian would believe he or she is right. Why? Because Christianity can not coexist with any other religion (excluding Judaism). Living for oneself, or for any other God or being, contradicts Christianity.
Christians are on a journey too, we haven't reached the destination, and we believe it is the same one as every one else is on. No one reaches the end until death. We may be taking different paths, believing different things, but in the end we all die and be judged by God. Christians believe we all (that includes those of you who believe we're wrong) will stand before God and he will judge us, not based on how many times we gave to the poor, whether or not we had ever stolen something, and stuff like that, but by whether we chosen to follow Him. Those who didn't find Christ on their path go to hell, those who did will go to heaven.
Christianity is about loving for the glory of God, not just improving life on earth, but so in the end you may be in heaven, not in hell.
Of course Ronny said you are dead. Christians believe you are dead until you find Christ. You are blind and deaf because you choose not to try to see or listen to what he says. You are looking for the smallest errors and are not paying attention to the Message.
Why won't he respond to any of this? Because fighting won't bring you to God! He is not the one contradicting himself, I am by arguing. If it is about bringing you to God, then how will arguing help? A Christian that does nothing be fight is probably pushing more people away. That is probably why Enigma and Ronny left.
As my pastor once said:
Athiests have to have a lot of faith to be sure there is nothing after this, and for their sake I hope they are right.
Of course Ronny said you are dead. Christians believe you are dead until you find Christ. You are blind and deaf because you choose not to try to see or listen to what he says. You are looking for the smallest errors and are not paying attention to the Message.
You guys look for he smallest "errors" in evolution and the age of the world. Of course any errors you guy bring up are just misconceptions.
Why won't he respond to any of this? Because fighting won't bring you to God! He is not the one contradicting himself, I am by arguing. If it is about bringing you to God, then how will arguing help? A Christian that does nothing be fight is probably pushing more people away. That is probably why Enigma and Ronny left.
As my pastor once said:
Athiests have to have a lot of faith to be sure there is nothing after this, and for their sake I hope they are right.
I suppose that applies to Buddists too...
Although i'm not an atheist, it would take an atheist more faith to not believe in evolution.
______________________________ "When Saddam flew that plane into those buildings, I knew it was time to kick some Iranian ass!" -cheer leading, flag waving American
By not taking up the challenge of arguement, less and less people will turn into christians. Back in the time, religion didn't had such a hard time. Christianity was the only thing that was there in many countries. earth quake? God did it. Volcano? god did it. Tidal wave? god did it.Rain? god did it Thanks to research and science, we now know there are natural explenations for these events.
And Science continues to bring more theoriest about life on earth and, unlike religion, actually comes with evidence.
By not taking up the challenge of arguement, less and less people will turn into christians. Back in the time, religion didn't had such a hard time. Christianity was the only thing that was there in many countries. earth quake? God did it. Volcano? god did it. Tidal wave? god did it.Rain? god did it Thanks to research and science, we now know there are natural explenations for these events.
And Science continues to bring more theoriest about life on earth and, unlike religion, actually comes with evidence.
Nobody back then argued that there wasn't some kind of natural explanation for things...why is that that you believe God can't use processes that he created himself to do the things that you described? Or do you just believe that for whatever reason, he simply wouldn't.
Your argument is like a two legged dog with an eating disorder...weak and unbalanced.
Of course Ronny said you are dead. Christians believe you are dead until you find Christ. You are blind and deaf because you choose not to try to see or listen to what he says. You are looking for the smallest errors and are not paying attention to the Message.
You guys look for he smallest "errors" in evolution and the age of the world. Of course any errors you guy bring up are just misconceptions.
Why won't he respond to any of this? Because fighting won't bring you to God! He is not the one contradicting himself, I am by arguing. If it is about bringing you to God, then how will arguing help? A Christian that does nothing be fight is probably pushing more people away. That is probably why Enigma and Ronny left.
As my pastor once said:
Athiests have to have a lot of faith to be sure there is nothing after this, and for their sake I hope they are right.
I suppose that applies to Buddists too...
Although i'm not an atheist, it would take an atheist more faith to not believe in evolution.
Just as any evidence to the contrary of the beliefs of an evolutionist or an old earth believer is either shoved under the table, or new processes are invented in order to explain it...dark matter comes to mind.
Your argument is like a two legged dog with an eating disorder...weak and unbalanced.
By not taking up the challenge of arguement, less and less people will turn into christians. Back in the time, religion didn't had such a hard time. Christianity was the only thing that was there in many countries. earth quake? God did it. Volcano? god did it. Tidal wave? god did it.Rain? god did it Thanks to research and science, we now know there are natural explenations for these events.
And Science continues to bring more theoriest about life on earth and, unlike religion, actually comes with evidence.
Nobody back then argued that there wasn't some kind of natural explanation for things...why is that that you believe God can't use processes that he created himself to do the things that you described? Or do you just believe that for whatever reason, he simply wouldn't.
I was under the impression you had me blocked?
I believe a lot of people back then thought things like earthquakes and volcanos'w were ways of god to punish people, when an earthquake happened, I'm sure there were people who thought this was their punishment for something they did. in fact, it even happens today. there are people who think the tsunami of a few years ago was the work of god, there are people who believe september 11 was also the work of god. Those events happened to punish us.
By not taking up the challenge of arguement, less and less people will turn into christians. Back in the time, religion didn't had such a hard time. Christianity was the only thing that was there in many countries. earth quake? God did it. Volcano? god did it. Tidal wave? god did it.Rain? god did it Thanks to research and science, we now know there are natural explenations for these events.
And Science continues to bring more theoriest about life on earth and, unlike religion, actually comes with evidence.
Nobody back then argued that there wasn't some kind of natural explanation for things...why is that that you believe God can't use processes that he created himself to do the things that you described? Or do you just believe that for whatever reason, he simply wouldn't.
I was under the impression you had me blocked?
I believe a lot of people back then thought things like earthquakes and volcanos'w were ways of god to punish people, when an earthquake happened, I'm sure there were people who thought this was their punishment for something they did. in fact, it even happens today. there are people who think the tsunami of a few years ago was the work of god, there are people who believe september 11 was also the work of god. Those events happened to punish us.
edit: made it a little bit more clear.And exactly how has science proven that they are not?
By not taking up the challenge of arguement, less and less people will turn into christians. Back in the time, religion didn't had such a hard time. Christianity was the only thing that was there in many countries. earth quake? God did it. Volcano? god did it. Tidal wave? god did it.Rain? god did it Thanks to research and science, we now know there are natural explenations for these events.
And Science continues to bring more theoriest about life on earth and, unlike religion, actually comes with evidence.
Nobody back then argued that there wasn't some kind of natural explanation for things...why is that that you believe God can't use processes that he created himself to do the things that you described? Or do you just believe that for whatever reason, he simply wouldn't.
I was under the impression you had me blocked?
I believe a lot of people back then thought things like earthquakes and volcanos'w were ways of god to punish people, when an earthquake happened, I'm sure there were people who thought this was their punishment for something they did. in fact, it even happens today. there are people who think the tsunami of a few years ago was the work of god, there are people who believe september 11 was also the work of god. Those events happened to punish us.
edit: made it a little bit more clear.
I don't keep people blocked forever...I don't currently have anyone blocked.
Anyway, I don't consider those kinds of things "punishment" as some people say...but who is to say that they aren't? Why would a God create a world in which things just "work" ? The Bible is clear when it says that God doesn't want people to love him because they have to, but because they want to...so if everything just worked without a rational explanation, where would that leave us in our relationship with God? We would know that he exists and there would be no choice involved in the matter.
Anyway, atheists will always have that pesky "something can't come from nothing" paradox involved with their religion...so I hardly think it's worthwhile to point out a belief that a God is involved in natural processes.
Your argument is like a two legged dog with an eating disorder...weak and unbalanced.
My mind has changed so much. Yet I'm still acting like I'm the same.
lol, some of these comments are somewhat comical...
..oops...crap..sorry...I promised I wouldnt talk anymore in here....but I just couldnt help it! lol.
Hmm...if I keep on smoking these cigerettes and get cancer I know what I can do! I CAN BLAME GOD!! WOOT!
.....there goes my crazy Tourettes Syndrome again
People who have to create conspiracy and hate threads to further a cause lacks in intellectual comprehension of diversity.
Jealous God, True God, The Great I am, The Great Provider, The Forgiver, The Just, The Deliverer, The Redeemer
He seemed to have cheered up a bit after killing the entire earth population (barring the ark)There. Fixed.
People who have to create conspiracy and hate threads to further a cause lacks in intellectual comprehension of diversity.
Vindictfull, Jealous, Unmerciful, unforgiving being
He seemed to have cheered up a bit after killing the entire earth population (barring the ark)I sometimes wish God would just take an Xanax....he takes shit way too seriously. He created US, and now he's getting all upset over us petty humans? Cry me a river. If God is omnipotent then how can God be affected emotionally...especially over humans? If God is omnipotent and i'm just sinful little person then how can I hurt God (emotionally make him angry)?
You could say that I make him angry because God cares for me and wants me to go to heaven, but it's not my fault if he put me in this vastly confusing world where every choice is another game of russian roulette.
It's like your God put me in this maze and i'm supposed to find the cheese or burn in Hell for eternity while a I have a bunch of cheerleaders cheering me on "God is so loving!".
edit: I wasn't talking directly to you Nasica in this post.
"When Saddam flew that plane into those buildings, I knew it was time to kick some Iranian ass!"
-cheer leading, flag waving American
Of course, that's a gross over simplification, as many people at least believe they have valid reasons for believing in the impossible, or the highly improbable. My problem with religion is that it not only remains the single most devastating instigator or excuse for conflict, it also robs people of the ability to view the universe outside the confines of some ancient religious tradition that was conceived by people who needed an excuse to justify why some people had more than others.
It's only a recent change that people in religious circles aren't super wealthy, and even today, some people are able to use religion to accumulate fabulous wealth. But hey, if I could make money writing cheesy "Left behind" nonsense, then I would do it in a heartbeat. If people are fool enough to but it, why the hell not?
What religion are you, anyway? I would be curious to know how you arrived at the conclusion that your religion is the correct one.
The Brave Do Not Fear The Grave
-for the overmind.
So you believe what you're saying because of the emotions or state of mind you put yourself in? That's no different than any other religion I've encountered. I can put myself in the same state of mind anytime I want (And I do) but I understand what I'm doing to the chemical reaction inside my body that produce those feelings.
It's not magical, mystical, or anything like it.
Christians know there religion to be true. But of course, you and them can't both be right. So how would you objectively determine who (if either) is correct?
I've given some thought to this subject, but religion does claim that we have free will. It's a central tenet of Christianity. If you don't have free will, then you can't choose whether or not to accept Jesus, which means the justification for Hell's existence goes out the window.
I've given some thought to this subject, but religion does claim that we have free will. It's a central tenet of Christianity. If you don't have free will, then you can't choose whether or not to accept Jesus, which means the justification for Hell's existence goes out the window.
Good point.
Its just really hard to think of a way that free will could exist. Guess thats why they call it faith
-for the overmind.
So I don't understand what you mean by "having faith" when buying a lottery ticket or moving from the theoretical to the practical. In both cases, we act within probability, or we take a chance based on evidence. Therefore, such things aren't faith based.
It's true that I don't know much about Buddhism. I'm not attacking Buddhism, I'm asking you to provide evidence that what you believe is the truth.
Are you saying there is no objective truth to be found in reality? If so, then what's the point of even trying to figure out the world at all? Either you are right or you're not. Either the Christians are right, or they're not. So how do I determine the objective true nature of the universe?
Mentioning Quantum Mechanics is so fashionable for these Eastern and New Age religions nowadays. No one really understands Quantum Mechanics, beyond the notion that it's the science of probability.
"Put your foot where your mouth is." - Wisdom from my grandfather
"Paper or plastic? ... because I'm afraid I'll have to suffocate you unless you put this bag on your head..." - Ethnitrek
AC1: Wierding from Harvestgain
The difference between Real Christianity and every other religion in the world (Including "Religious Christianity" in, which is basically fake christianity) is that Jesus Christ is ALIVE. The Trinity is ALIVE. A real, living, breathing, speaking, hearing, living PERSON.
The difference between Real Christianity and religion is a personal relationship, friendship, companionship, and intimacy between you and the LIVING God. Real Christianity isn't a religion, it's a relationship. Religion kills, God saves.
God is alive, all-loving, all-powerful, and loves loves loves. Despite what a lot of misunderstood and religious Christian preachers say, Christ doesn't hate, He loves with an absolute love. Christianity is the only religion that acknowledges a living God, as opposed to an idol, man, or object. Christ was fully man, yea, but he was also fully God first.
The difference between a relationship with the Living God and all other religions is that if you are under the blood of Christ, you have open communion and friendship with the Living God. That means you talking to God and Him talking back. God hearing you and you hearing back. God, if you want Him to be, in every part of your life. God and you in a friendship that shares everything. Share the joy, the laughter, the jokes, the irony, the tears, the suffering, the good tiems and the bad. The difference between dead religion and a relationship with the Living Jesus is just that. Religion is dead. Christ is ALIVE.
You can know Christ, God, and everything He is just like you can know ANYONE. Have a human friend? In the same way God is your friend. In the same way of EVERYTHING, except that instead of the physical (hearing, speaking, listening, conversation, touch, senses, comfort, peace, jokes, happiness) you communicate with God through the spiritual. Your spiritual hears, your spiritual heart, your spiritual eyes, your spiritual laughter, your spiritual anything. The physical is just a reflection of the spiritual in every aspect. In the same way a man befriends another man, in the same way a man and wife become one, in the same way one man communicates with another, so it is with God through Christ's Blood, but instead of the physical it's the spiritual.
People always want proof God is alive. To those who have eyes and ears, there is an endless amount of proof. To those who have eyes but don't see, ears but don't hear, the only sign given to them is the sign of jonah. First comes faith, then comes everything else. Pretty ironic....the Kingdom of God is quite the opposite. The weak are strong, the fool is wise, the wise are fools, the strong are weak. Those who need proof so they can have faith will get neither. Those who have faith get proof, but the proof isn't needed nor wanted because they already believe. Those who have eyes see. The pure of heart, which is only accomplished through Christ's blood, are the only ones who will see God. It's just the way it works. You can't see God unless you have spiritual eyes. You can't hear God unless you have spiritual ears. You can't have communication, contact, friendship, touch, or any of that unless you are baptized in the BLOOD. It is only through Christ that your spirit lives. Without faith in Him, you are dead. Christ gives you life. Eternal life. Spirit life. Real life. Waking up to the reality that God is reality.
There is no sense in debate or explanation. Those who understand already believe and know God, and don't need the explanation. Those who want a debate, explanation, and proof can't understand. To understand the spiritual, you must be alive in the spiritual. If you don't have faith in Christ, you are dead in the spiritual. You cannot explain something to people who don't understand, it would be like trying to explain a person to a deaf, blind, mute, numb, tasteless parapalegic who is not just in a coma, but in a grave because they're dead.
If you want to find the living God, then go on a spiritual journey until you find Him. Know though, that it is only through Christ, and Christ only that you can find Him. Put your faith in Christ, NOT RELIGION, NOT "Religion of Christianity", not a church, but a personal, direct, 1-on-1 relationship with a Living Person through faith in Christ's Blood. God will not force Himself upon you. Nor should any men force Him on you. He is a Gentleman, waiting at the door knocking, asking and wanting more than anything to come in and dine with you as friends. It is up to you though, to open the door and invite him in. A simple "I want to know you Jesus, as a Person, as a friend." prayer will begin it all, and you will never be the same again. You don't need a church, or a preacher, or anything but your desire to know Jesus. That's all that is needed, because Christ is ALIVE and can do all things himself. If he chooses to use a person, be open to that, but it is NOT required. All that is required is faith, a desire, and the all-wanting all-loving Living Christ.
That's the truth. Religion is dead. Christ is alive.
Disclaimer: I'm not going to defend myself, this statement, or my beliefs. I don't have to, don't want to, shouldn't, and can't. Defending the spiritual truth against someone who isn't alive in the spiritual is vain. Christ told the truth and lived it, and did not defend himself when tried to death. Nor will I defend myself. I am used to people thinking I'm crazy, a fool, a nut, etc. etc. because I believe in a God who is ALIVE. It is my heart and life desire for people to know Christ, NOT RELIGION, because I was once lost, but then He helped me find how amazing He is, and now He is my life, but in the way that my regular life has Him in all parts. God is in a video game or a movie just as He is in a flower, the beauty of nature, or when you sit alone in His Presence doing whatever. Don't be deceived by self-righteous Christians who don't know Christ. God is love, not hate. Acceptance, not condemnation. Gentle, not forceful. Find Christ yourself, not through religion.
I won't be checking back on this post. Peace, tolerance, and blessings to everyone that reads this. Love- Ronny
Funny, I know some folks who would say the same thing about Krishna.
Anyway, being a non-dualist, I don't really need Jesus to be in communion with God because there's no difference in substance between me and God... or between God and a grapefruit. Really seeing that, however, is the trick.
This is where I draw the line: __________________.
"When Saddam flew that plane into those buildings, I knew it was time to kick some Iranian ass!"
-cheer leading, flag waving American
Look at Ronny. He just said how loving Christianity is then in the same breath tells us how dead we are.
Maybe us deaf, blind, mute, numb, tasteless parapalegic, coma induced, dead folks can still see the contradictions in Christianity.
"When Saddam flew that plane into those buildings, I knew it was time to kick some Iranian ass!"
-cheer leading, flag waving American
Christians are on a journey too, we haven't reached the destination, and we believe it is the same one as every one else is on. No one reaches the end until death. We may be taking different paths, believing different things, but in the end we all die and be judged by God. Christians believe we all (that includes those of you who believe we're wrong) will stand before God and he will judge us, not based on how many times we gave to the poor, whether or not we had ever stolen something, and stuff like that, but by whether we chosen to follow Him. Those who didn't find Christ on their path go to hell, those who did will go to heaven.
Christianity is about loving for the glory of God, not just improving life on earth, but so in the end you may be in heaven, not in hell.
Of course Ronny said you are dead. Christians believe you are dead until you find Christ. You are blind and deaf because you choose not to try to see or listen to what he says. You are looking for the smallest errors and are not paying attention to the Message.
Why won't he respond to any of this? Because fighting won't bring you to God! He is not the one contradicting himself, I am by arguing. If it is about bringing you to God, then how will arguing help? A Christian that does nothing be fight is probably pushing more people away. That is probably why Enigma and Ronny left.
As my pastor once said:
Athiests have to have a lot of faith to be sure there is nothing after this, and for their sake I hope they are right.
I suppose that applies to Buddists too...
"When Saddam flew that plane into those buildings, I knew it was time to kick some Iranian ass!"
-cheer leading, flag waving American
And Science continues to bring more theoriest about life on earth and, unlike religion, actually comes with evidence.
Nobody back then argued that there wasn't some kind of natural explanation for things...why is that that you believe God can't use processes that he created himself to do the things that you described? Or do you just believe that for whatever reason, he simply wouldn't.
Your argument is like a two legged dog with an eating disorder...weak and unbalanced.
Just as any evidence to the contrary of the beliefs of an evolutionist or an old earth believer is either shoved under the table, or new processes are invented in order to explain it...dark matter comes to mind.
Your argument is like a two legged dog with an eating disorder...weak and unbalanced.
Nobody back then argued that there wasn't some kind of natural explanation for things...why is that that you believe God can't use processes that he created himself to do the things that you described? Or do you just believe that for whatever reason, he simply wouldn't.
I was under the impression you had me blocked?Anyway,
I believe a lot of people back then thought things like earthquakes and volcanos'w were ways of god to punish people, when an earthquake happened, I'm sure there were people who thought this was their punishment for something they did. in fact, it even happens today. there are people who think the tsunami of a few years ago was the work of god, there are people who believe september 11 was also the work of god. Those events happened to punish us.
edit: made it a little bit more clear.
Nobody back then argued that there wasn't some kind of natural explanation for things...why is that that you believe God can't use processes that he created himself to do the things that you described? Or do you just believe that for whatever reason, he simply wouldn't.
I was under the impression you had me blocked?Anyway,
I believe a lot of people back then thought things like earthquakes and volcanos'w were ways of god to punish people, when an earthquake happened, I'm sure there were people who thought this was their punishment for something they did. in fact, it even happens today. there are people who think the tsunami of a few years ago was the work of god, there are people who believe september 11 was also the work of god. Those events happened to punish us.
edit: made it a little bit more clear.And exactly how has science proven that they are not?
-for the overmind.
Nobody back then argued that there wasn't some kind of natural explanation for things...why is that that you believe God can't use processes that he created himself to do the things that you described? Or do you just believe that for whatever reason, he simply wouldn't.
I was under the impression you had me blocked?Anyway,
I believe a lot of people back then thought things like earthquakes and volcanos'w were ways of god to punish people, when an earthquake happened, I'm sure there were people who thought this was their punishment for something they did. in fact, it even happens today. there are people who think the tsunami of a few years ago was the work of god, there are people who believe september 11 was also the work of god. Those events happened to punish us.
edit: made it a little bit more clear.
I don't keep people blocked forever...I don't currently have anyone blocked.
Anyway, I don't consider those kinds of things "punishment" as some people say...but who is to say that they aren't? Why would a God create a world in which things just "work" ? The Bible is clear when it says that God doesn't want people to love him because they have to, but because they want to...so if everything just worked without a rational explanation, where would that leave us in our relationship with God? We would know that he exists and there would be no choice involved in the matter.
Anyway, atheists will always have that pesky "something can't come from nothing" paradox involved with their religion...so I hardly think it's worthwhile to point out a belief that a God is involved in natural processes.
Your argument is like a two legged dog with an eating disorder...weak and unbalanced.