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2012 End of the world?



  • KaabulkKaabulk Member Posts: 670

    heres another site...This one kinda has a point..

  • KaabulkKaabulk Member Posts: 670
    anyone wanna contradict that website and help me change my mind :|...
  • KaabulkKaabulk Member Posts: 670

    well heres what the site says for those of you too lazy to click on the link..

    Revelation 13: Time cycles in History: Time Patterns in the 20th Century and before, and Predictions of the Future from Time Cycles.

    666 Day Intervals and the 31 Year and 124 Year Time Cycles:

    If one begins at August 1, 1914, and advances in time in intervals of 666 days, there appears to be a pattern where some important historical events occur near these 666 day intervals. (Note: also see this calendar page for future events for 2007-2012). I consider 666 days, because 666 is a number of occult significance, usually given an evil association, being the number of the Antichrist in the Bible's last chapter, the Book of Revelation. We begin the 666 day intervals with the beginning of World War 1, because that is when the old world began to disappear and the rate of change in the world rapidly increased. Also, note that 17 of the 666 day intervals is almost exactly 31 years (within 1 day). With the list of 666 day intervals, I will list historical events occurring near them, and also important astronomical and astrological events during these time intervals. And I project this pattern into the future, to attempt to predict future events. After that, on this page, I discuss other time cycle patterns, based on Biblical number interpretation. The idea I am suggesting here is that we need to start thinking in the frequency domain to understand history and predict the future, because there are forces in history that work in cycles over periods of days and periods of many years. And the Biblical numerics discussed here can help us understand these cyclical forces.

    Beginning with World War 1's beginning, about August 1, 1914, if you advance in intervals of 666 days:

    3 x 666 days Jan., 1920. On January 10, 1920, the League of Nations was formed.

    5 x 666: Sept. 1923. On September 1, 1923, an 8.9 earthquake struck Japan, devastating the Tokyo area. On November 8, 1923, Hitler's attempt to overthrow the Republican government was unsuccessful, but turned out to be a critical event in his rise to power in Germany. His trial and nine month imprisonment gained him fame, and he used this time to write his book. Note that five is a number associated with Satan-- the pentagon being a Satanic symbol, which certainly fits here.

    10 x 666: Oct. 1932. In October 1932, Stalin was consolidating his hold on power in the Soviet Union by purging the competition, and the world was sliding into the Great Depression.

    11 x 666: Aug. 1934. On August 2, 1934, with the death of Hindenburg, Hitler assumed the title of "Fuhrer", making himself absolute dictator of Germany.

    12 x 666: June 1936. On July 31, 1936, Civil War began in Spain.

    13 x 666: Apr., 1938. In March 1938, Austria was annexed by Hitler's Germany. Thirteen is considered to be an unlucky number, and Revelation 13 is about the Beast, the Antichrist. This was certainly an unlucky time in world history-- it was the year when Hitler's plans for expansion became clear, and it became obvious that Europe was headed for war, and indeed the red horsemen, war, was soon riding.

    15 x 666: Dec., 1941. On December 7, 1941, the Pearl Harbor attack, and the U.S. then entered World War 2.

    17 x 666: Aug. 1, 1945. On August 6, the Atomic bomb fell on Hiroshima, ending World War 2 shortly thereafter.

    19 x 666: Mar., 1949. On April 4, 1949, the Nato treaty was signed.

    21 x 666: Nov., 1952. On November 1, 1952, the first Hydrogen bomb was exploded. On October 7, 1952, Russian President Putin, likely Antichrist, was born.

    26 x 666: Jan. 1962 . On February 20, 1962, John Glenn became the first American to orbit the earth. Astrologically, there was an unusual grouping of planets in February 1962, an unusual astrology alignment.

    27 x 666: Oct. 1963. On November 22, 1963, John F. Kennedy was assassinated.

    29 x 666: June 16, 1967. The Arab-Israel Six Day War.

    34 x 666: Aug., 1976. At this time there was a series of disasters, including a new fatal disease, Ebola, appearing in Africa, and the most destructive earthquake of the century in China on July 28, 1976. Chairman Mao died in China on September 9, 1976. In July, 1976, Viking 1 landed on Mars.

    38 x 666: Nov., 1983. On October 23, 1983, there was the Beirut bomb blast, where many American servicemen died. (An astronomical event: in February 1987, there was a supernova in the Large Megallanic Cloud, in the Southern Hemisphere. In what I call the "Southern Cross" effect, this seems to have started a positive series of events in the Southern Hemisphere, with democracy coming to South American countries, and positive change in South Africa. I consider this supernova to be one of the most significant Astrology events of the century. I think this trend is likely to continue, hope and positive change will come from the Southern hemisphere.)

    40 x 666: July, 1987. In October 1987, Wall Street crashed, leading to economic problems for several years. Forty is associated in a Biblical context with testing and serious problems; for example, Jesus was tempted by Satan for 40 days.

    41 x 666: Apr., 1989. On March 26, 1989, the first free election in 70 years in Russia resulted in rejecting the Communist Party, and dissidents including Boris Yeltsin were elected.

    42 x 666: Feb, 1991. On January 17, 1991, the Persian Gulf war escalated. with bombing of Iraq, and the ground invasion began on February 24. What is interesting here is that the number 42 has an evil association, where it says in the Book of Revelation that the Beast rules for 42 months. And there were plenty of very evil events with Saddam Hussein: firing Scud missles, setting off the oil well fires, etc.

    44 x 666: Oct. 1994. Peace treaty between Israel and Jordan, its Arab neighbor.

    46 x 666: June, 1998. This 666 day interval is very interesting, because the words in Revelation are: "count the number of the Beast: for it is the number of a man, and his number is 666". In Greek, the language in which the New Testament, including the Book of Revelation, is written, each letter is also a number, and therefore a number is associated with a word by totalling the letter/numbers. In this way, "man" is equivalent to 46. Also, note that man has 46 chromosones. So, maybe the "number of man" is 46. Also note that 1998=666x3, and for 1999, 999 is 666 upside down. So, could year 2000 have been when the Antichrist appeared? Yes, I think he did rise to power then, as Russian President Putin. And concerning astrology, there were some unusual visible planetary conjunctions seen in the sky near that time: Venus and Jupiter approached very close to each other on April 23, 1998 and are also close to the moon; on May 29 Venus and Saturn are seen to approach within 1/2 degree of each other. In 2 B.C. there was an even closer conjunction of Jupiter and Venus, where the planets appeared to unite; this conjunction may account for the Star of Bethlehem seen at the time of the birth of Christ. Therefore, 2000 years later, similar planetary conjunctions could be a sign of the coming of the Antichrist in year 2000. There was another close approach of Venus and Jupiter on Feb. 23, 1999.

    Significant events near June 1998: during the last week of May 1998, atomic weapons testing became a concern with the testing of Atomic bombs in Asia; and that week also saw economic chaos worsen in Russia and increasing economic problems in Asia, and political stability in Russia becoming a concern.

    Also of interest was the pattern of forest fires then in June 1998 in Florida. Also significant is world population reaching 6 billion in October 1999; I think when world population reaches 6.66 billion, in 2007 or 2008, there will be a significant event related to the Antichrist, possibly Armageddon.

    (In August 1999, there was a significant astrology alignment of planets in a Grand Cross Pattern , and a solar eclipse. On August 18, the planets were grouped in four astrology signs: Venus, Mercury, and the Sun in Leo, Neptune and Uranus in Aquarius, Mars and the Moon in Scorpio, and Jupiter and the Sun in Taurus. The solar eclipse was on August 11. This Grand Cross pattern could also relate to the appearance of the Antichrist, note that Vladimir Putin became Prime Minister in Russia in August 1999, and acting President of Russia as the Millennium began on 12/31/99, I think he is the Antichrist.

    47 x666: Apr., 2000. On May 5 2000, an ominous alignment of planets, sun and moon on one side of the earth. Some had thought that this planetary alignment could cause stress on the earth, causing great earthquakes or even a polar shift with catastrophic results, but a calculation of gravitational forces show the gravitational stress on the earth from the other planets is very small compared to the sun and moon. But I believe that the importance of 5/5/2000 relates to the inauguration of Russia's President (who could be the Antichrist) 2 days later on May 7, 2000. If Putin is the Antichrist, then May 7, 2000 may turn out to be a critical event in world history, The seven year End Times period dominated by the Antichrist may have begun in Nov. 4 2003 (when Putin visited Rome and there was a giant solar flare from the sun), and may end at Armageddon on Nov. 4 2010, with Armageddon a nuclear bomb attack by Al Qaeda and Iran against Israel and the U.S., which Putin may somehow be involved in also, possibly by his arming Iran. Remember, the Antichrist is expected to come as an Angel of Light. If he is Russian President Putin, then he has brought peace and stability to Russia that had been headed for civil war and anarchy, and Putin will likely have a key role in the battle against Muslim terrorist organizations, bringing about Arab-Israeli peace negotiations, and Putin is helping stablize world oil prices. Also note April 13, 2001, Good Friday, was Friday the Thirteenth, and the Foot-and-Mouth Disease epidemic in sheep, cattle, pigs, in England, with thousands of sheep being shot, burnt, and buried there, may relate to the "slaying of the lamb" in Revelation 5 opening the seven seals of Revelation (including the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse). So all kinds of disasters may hit the world in May 2007- Nov. 2010, during the last 3 1/2 years of the 7 year End Times period: world economic chaos, war ( more trouble with Moslem Terrorism, or war in the Middle East, or possibly Red China-Taiwan war, or North Korea war), disease epidemics ( AIDS, Ebola, Influenza), great earthquakes, asteroids or comets hitting earth.

    48 x 666: Feb. 2002. Note that Israel started having more problems then with attacks by Palestinian terrorists. Note that Feb. 2002 was 40 years since Psychic Jean Dixon's date of Feb. 5 1962 connected with the rise of the Antichrist.

    49 x 666: Dec. 2003. November 4, 2003 saw the largest solar flare in history on the day that Putin visited Rome; see the Putin page on this. I think that began the first 3 1/2 years of a seven year time period that ends at Armageddon in November 2010. During the last 3 1/2 years (from May 2007 - Nov. 2010) Putin will increase in power and the world will be hit by the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, volcanos, meteors, earthquakes, tidal waves, weather changes, disease epidemics, possibly even comets or asteroids hitting earth. Also significant events in December 2003: Saddam captured in Iraq, he was 66.6 years old when captured; Parliamentary elections in Russia strengthened Putin's power.

    50 x 666: Oct. 2005. The 50th year is considered to be a jubilee year, in Biblical context-- a year of rest and celebration. On Oct. 3 2005 there was an Annular solar eclipse that passed over the Muslim world - Algeria, Tunisia, Libya. Oct. 4 was the Jewish New Year, and also Oct. 4 was when the Muslim Holy month of Ramadan began, ending Nov. 2. Ramadan beginning as an eclipse passed over the Muslim world is very significant in terms of prophecy. Events that occurred in Oct. 2005: a large earthquake in Pakistan, Hurricane Wilma hit Florida and Mexico (one of a series of devastating hurricanes that had hit the U.S., the worst being Hurricane Katrina), the election of a woman leader Angela Merkel in Germany (part of a pattern of women elected as leaders in the West that I think will continue with Hillary elected President of the U.S. in 2008), and Muslim riots and violence began in France, lasting into November.

    51 x 666: Aug., 2007. The 666 day interval cycle is completed. This could be a significant event related to Putin rising to power as the Antichrist, I am not sure what - war (Muslim, Iran, Al Qaida attacks?), Muslim terrorism, an asteroid or comet hitting earth, or some kind of world disaster. But it appears an event of great significance for the world could occur in August 2007, that helps bring Putin to power as the Antichrist. Also possible in 2007: The King James Bible Code indicates there could be an asteroid collision with earth in 2007, where it hits in the ocean after breaking into 7 pieces, and causes giant tidal waves.

    To summarize:

    17 cycles of 666 days = 31 years. Note that the first 31 year period began with the start of World War 1, and ended when World War 2 was over. The second 31 year period ended in 1976, with a series of disasters and the death of Chairman Mao. The third 31 year period will end in 2007. By totaling the letter/numbers in Greek, "Jesus" has a number of 888. This is analogous to 666 being associated with the Beast (who is a Satanic imitation of Christ ) by the Book of Revelation. Also, fifty-one 888 day intervals is almost exactly 124 years, or 4 of the 31 year intervals associated with 666 days. If the 888 day intervals are started in August 1, 1883, then the cycle of 124 years will end on August 1, 2007, when the cycle of fifty-one 666 day intervals (begun on August 1, 1914) also ends. Also, concerning August 1, it is 801, and 801 is "Alpha and Omega" (a symbol of Christ in Revelation) in Greek, since Alpha is 1 in Greek and Omega is 800.

    Above: the August 1 2007 astrology chart shows a bent cross pattern, so a Satanic cross. Note that Jupiter and Pluto are both in Sagittarius, so both the first Horseman of the Apocalypse, the Antichrist Putin represented by Jupiter, and the Fourth Horseman of the Apocalypse, Death represented by Pluto, could be riding then since they are in the horse/man sign Sagittarius.

    So, did anything of significance happen near August 1, 1883, the beginning of this 124 year cycle? Within 2 years of that time, there were significant events in the world:

    --Karl Marx, whose theories inspired Communism, died in March 1883.

    --John Maynard Keynes, the great economist, was born on June 5, 1883 in England. His theories revolutionized economic thought and have done as much as anyone to help the human race in this century. Before Keynes, economists thought that little could be done to help a country recover from an economic depression. Keynes's revolutionary idea was that a country can spend its way out of an economic depression, and should forget balancing the budget then. The economic depression of the 1930s in the U.S. lasted so long because Roosevelt didn't listen to Keynes. Today Keynes's ideas are the foundation of modern economics, and have prevented another depression like in the 1930s from occurring in the U.S..

    --The Krakatoa volcanoe exploded, the greatest volcanic exlosion of the century on August 28, 1883.

    --The German Philosopher Nietzche published "Also Sprach Zarathustra" in 1883; Nietzche later became Hitler's favorite philosopher. Nietzche's ideas in Germany set the stage for Hitler's ideas to grow there. In "Also Sprach Zarathustra" Nietzche proposed that mankind could be surpassed by a new race of "superman", an idea that was used by Hitler.

    --There was an unusual astrological event, a concentration of planets in Taurus, in May 1882, at the same time as an unusual occurrence of a comet seen during a solar eclipse in Egypt. Bright comets seen during solar eclipses are extremely rare, the last occurrences have been in November 1948 in Africa, and March 1997 in China and Mongolia when Comet Hale-Bopp was seen during a solar eclipse. And another comet, one of the brightest ever seen, was visible in September 1882.

    Also note that exactly 5 years later (after August 1, 1883), which was August 1, 1888, was about the time of conception of Adolf Hitler, later to be born on Easter on April 20, 1889. Note that August 1888 is 8/1888, and "888" is "Jesus" in Greek. All this is a sign of Hitler being a type of Antichrist, or Satanic Christ. And the 5 years after 1883, note the number 5 has a Satanic connection. Also see this calendar page.

    Concerning the 666 day intervals providing a clue to future events, we will have to see what happens over the next few years, and whether the world will be transformed in years 2007-2012. It is interesting that the Calendar of the Mayan culture ends in the year 2012, implying that the world will be transformed by that year.

    Also, note that 51 666 day intervals, 31x3=93 years, after World War I ended, on 11-11-1918, is 11-11-2011, or 11-11-11. So will 11-11-11 also be a time of Peace on Earth, as 11-11-1918 was?

    Also, concerning 2007, consider this timetable: Daniel 9:27 is interpreted as a 7 year peace treaty with Israel, with an "abomination" in the middle of it. Consider this timetable:

    -- Sept. 13, 1993. The Oslo Accord, a Peace Treaty between the PLO and Israel. The Jewish New Year's day Rosh Hashanah was Sept. 15, 1993. And Sept. 13 1993 is 2300 days to 12/31/1999, which saw Putin the Antichrist rise to power as President of Russia; 2300 days in Daniel 8:14 is the time for "the sanctuary to be cleansed."

    -- March 13, 1997. A UN resolution criticizing Israel for settlements, the vote was 130-2-2, with only Israel and the U.S. opposing it. This vote against Israel could be the "abomination", at the exact mid-point. And the abomination is the Muslim Dome of the Rock, this pagan temple to this false deity Allah on the sacred Temple Mount in Jerusalem, Judaism's most sacred site.

    -- Sept. 28, 2000. After Israeli Likud leader Sharon visited the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, the Palestinian al-Aqsa uprising began with riots, effectively ending the Oslo peace treaty after 7 years. This was 2 days before the Jewish New Year Sept. 30 2000. So the peace treaty lasted exactly 7 years on the Jewish calendar, beginning and ending at the Jewish New Year.

    -- Sept. 13, 2007. The Jewish New Year's Day. This is exactly 14 years or 2x7 years after the Oslo Accord peace treaty began. This is also about 45 days after Aug. 1 2007, a possible date of war or terrorism. Or could this be the asteroid collision with earth?

    276 Day Intervals and 34 Year Cycles

    34 years is another cycle of interest. Consider the Biblical passage Genesis 3:4, corresponding to number 34 (a technique I like to use to analyze numbers is turn them into Biblical passage numbers), this is an incident in the Biblical Garden of Eden. Eve had been warned by God not to eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil. But in passage Genesis 3:4, the serpent encourages Eve to eat from this tree, to open her eyes, and be like God. This would relate to the idea of the Antichrist-- a man who makes himself a God. In Greek, the language of the Bible's New Testament, each letter is also a number. Therefore, each word can be assigned a number, by totalling the letter/numbers when the word is translated into Greek. "Jesus", for example, translates as 888 this way. An interesting pattern exists, where words or phrases with related meanings are multiples of certain numbers. For "dark side" words or phrases, the numbers often tend to be exact or approximate multiples of 276. Examples related to 276: "die" corresponds to 276 in Greek, "Satan" is approximately 276x2, etc. And 34 years is only 1.5 days from being an exact multiple (45) of 276 days, so 34 years is sort of a "Satanic cycle". And 2x34=68 years, and Revelation 6:8 is the Fourth Horseman, Death.

    For example, consider the 34 year interval from Feb. 1962 to Feb. 1996. An important sequence of events seem to have begun in early 1996, when Comet Hyakutake appeared. In March 1996, the issue of Mad Cow Disease (also called BSE) infecting people in England was announced to the public. And on February 5, 1996, newspapers announced that Buddha's birthplace had been found in Nepal. And 34 years before, on February 5, 1962, there was a very significant astrological event: a close grouping of seven planets in the sign of Aquarius, grouped within 17 degrees, at the same time as a solar eclipse. Related to that date is a prophecy of the psychic Jean Dixon, described in the book "A Gift of Prophecy" by Ruth Montgomery, published in 1965 by Bantam Books. Jean Dixon was a popular psychic in the 1960s and 1970s; you could still find her predictions in the tabloids in recent years. She had a vision that on February 5, 1962, a child was born in the Middle East, who would transform the world by year 2000, creating a unifying world religion, and bringing world peace. She saw a cross growing above this man, until it covered the whole earth. This child was a descendant of the very beautiful Egyptian Queen Nefertiti and her Pharoah husband Amenhotep IV, or Akhenaten, an "enlightened" pharoah, who created a monotheistic sun-worship religion, which was quite a change from Egypt's polytheistic religion before his time. This religion was a predecessor to the later monotheistic religions that we have today. This monotheistic sun-worship religion was discarded after this Pharoah's death, however. See this page for more on this subject.

    Begin in 630 A.D., when Mohammed entered Mecca, a Satanic power date discussed below. And note that 630 corresponds to "serpent" in Greek. From that year, some multiples of 34 year intervals (of 45x 276 days), with corresponding events:

    630 A.D. Mohammed enters Mecca

    +3x34 years = 732 A.D.. Charles Martel stopped the Muslim advance in France, the turning point in the battle of Europe against the Muslims. Eventually they were driven out of Spain and Europe. Note 3x34, so 3 - the Holy Trinity.

    +35x34 years = 1820 A.D.. Death of Napoleon in 1821

    +34 years = 1854 A.D. A strange event in Lynn Mass. USA discussed on this page.

    +34 = 1888 Hitler conception, born on April 20 1889

    +34 = 1922 Hitler's rise to power

    +34 = 1956 In Russia Stalin is denounced by Kruschev, and government reforms following Stalin's reign of terror

    +34 = 1990 The end of Communism in Russia, and the first Iraq War

    Note that 630 A.D. to 1990 A.D. is 40x34 years, with the number 40 related to testing in a Biblical context.

    111 Year, 1 Month Intervals

    Also note this pattern:

    2/1222 (Feb. 1222): Mongol Empire (the dragon) at its peak, covering half the known world at that time

    5/1555: Bloody Mary's reign of terror in England

    6/1666: within a few months of the Great Fire of London destroying London

    7/1777: American Revolutionary War

    8/1888: Pre-Antichrist Hitler conception in Austria, born 4/1889 (888 is "Jesus" in Greek)

    9/1999: Antichrist Putin rises to power in Russia, to 2nd in command (999 is 666 upside-down)

    1/1/2000: Antichrist Putin becomes Russian President

    Other time cycles

    There are other frequency domain patterns in history, and we will discuss these cyclical patterns here. I think these cyclical forces are cumulative: the 1500 year cycle of positive power, peaking in 1500 A.D., added to the 800 year positive Omega cycle, that had its second peak in 1600 A.D., to result in the Renaissance in Europe and a very positive period in European history in 1400-1600 A.D.. But from 1200 A.D. - 1360 A.D. there was a terrible period in Europe because of the Mongol invasion and millions dying from the plague, as the Satanic power cycle peaked in 1260 A.D. and the 450 year disaster cycle peaked with the plague in 1350 A.D.. These cycles I will consider beginning in 1 A.D..

    630 year Satanic Power Cycle

    See the Greek page, where I discuss that "power" in Greek (the language of the Book of Revelation and the New Testament) is 1500, and 42 is connected with the Antichrist since in Revelation 13 he is in power 42 months. 42x15=630, a cycle of Satanic power. Also, in Greek "serpent" totals 630, the serpent being a Satanic symbol in Biblical symbolism. Mohammed entered Mecca in 630 A.D.. So Mohammed entering Mecca in 630 connects Islam with Satanic power, the serpent. Over the 100 years following 630 A.D, Islam then stretched from Arabia across North Africa like a serpent, invading Spain and not being stopped until 732 A.D. in France.

    So Islam appeals to man's lower mind, it has a Reptilian/serpent appeal based on lower instincts: sex and fear: a reward of heavenly sex, and a fear of violent punishments such as cutting off limbs. Islam's appeal and staying power is based on this serpent/Reptile appeal to the lower mind. But the tragedy of Islam is that it turns people into non-thinking zombies.

    630 year intervals:

    630 AD - Muhammed enters Mecca with 10,000 men. Mohammed, a false prophet then in power.

    2x630=1260 A.D. - Mongols invade Iraq. The Satanic dragon.

    3x630=1890 A.D. - Hitler, predecessor to the Antichrist, was born in 1889 AD.

    So, an unholy trinity - a false prophet, the dragon, and the predecessor to the Antichrist, at 630 year intervals.

    1500 year positive power cycle:

    Note that both "light" and "power" total 1500 in Greek. Therefore, near 1500 A.D., there were positive influences:

    -- the discovery of North and South America

    -- the Renaissance

    -- Martin Luther began the Protestant Reformation

    -- the Muslims were driven out of Spain

    800 year Positive Omega Cycle

    Note that in Greek Omega is 800; and Christ is called Alpha and Omega (1 plus 800 or 801). Thus, a cycle of positive energy of 800 or 801 years.

    December 25 800 A.D., Charlemange was crowned as Holy Roman Emperor,

    Near 2x800=1600 A.D.:

    -- 1603 A.D., the England and Scotland royal thrones were united

    -- 1610 A.D., Galileo discovered satellites around Jupiter

    -- 1611 A.D., King James Bible published in England, a great masterpiece that is still used today.

    450 Year Disaster Cycle

    In the Old Testament the 450 False Prophets of Baal are destroyed. And there is a 450 year disaster cycle:

    -- 450 A.D., Rome is sacked by barbarians

    -- 2x450=900 A.D., the Vikings terrorized Europe with raids near that time

    -- 3x450=1350 A.D., the Black Plague devastated Europe, depopulating it

    -- 4x450=1800 A.D., Napoleon sends Europe up in the flames of war.

    The 450 year disaster cycle: 450 is mentioned in 1 Kings in the Old Testament, where the prophet Elijah has a contest of who can bring thunderbolts down to earth, against the 450 false prophets of the false deity Baal, with the 450 prophets of Baal being destroyed. Refer to my page on Russia where I connect Baal with the Antichrist. 1 Kings:18:19-40:

    "18:19 Now therefore send, and gather to me all Israel unto mount Carmel, and the prophets of Baal four hundred and fifty, and the prophets of the groves four hundred, which eat at Jezebel's table.

    20 So Ahab sent unto all the children of Israel, and gathered the prophets together unto mount Carmel.

    21 And Elijah came unto all the people, and said, How long halt ye between two opinions? if the Lord be God, follow him: but if Baal, then follow him. And the people answered him not a word.

    22 Then said Elijah unto the people, I, even I only, remain a prophet of the Lord; but Baal's prophets are four hundred and fifty men.

    23 Let them therefore give us two bullocks; and let them choose one bullock for themselves, and cut it in pieces, and lay it on wood, and put no fire under: and I will dress the other bullock, and lay it on wood, and put no fire under:

    24 And call ye on the name of your gods, and I will call on the name of the Lord: and the God that answereth by fire, let him be God. And all the people answered and said, It is well spoken.

    25 And Elijah said unto the prophets of Baal, Choose you one bullock for yourselves, and dress it first; for ye are many; and call on the name of your gods, but put no fire under.

    26 And they took the bullock which was given them, and they dressed it, and called on the name of Baal from morning even until noon, saying, O Baal, hear us. But there was no voice, nor any that answered. And they leaped upon the altar which was made.

    27 And it came to pass at noon, that Elijah mocked them, and said, Cry aloud: for he is a god; either he is talking, or he is pursuing, or he is in a journey, or peradventure he sleepeth, and must be awaked.

    28 And they cried aloud, and cut themselves after their manner with knives and lancets, till the blood gushed out upon them.

    29 And it came to pass, when midday was past, and they prophesied until the time of the offering of the evening sacrifice, that there was neither voice, nor any to answer, nor any that regarded.

    30 And Elijah said unto all the people, Come near unto me. And all the people came near unto him. And he repaired the altar of the Lord that was broken down.

    31 And Elijah took twelve stones, according to the number of the tribes of the sons of Jacob, unto whom the word of the Lord came, saying, Israel shall be thy name:

    32 And with the stones he built an altar in the name of the Lord: and he made a trench about the altar, as great as would contain two measures of seed.

    33 And he put the wood in order, and cut the bullock in pieces, and laid him on the wood, and said, Fill four barrels with water, and pour it on the burnt sacrifice, and on the wood.

    34 And he said, Do it the second time. And they did it the second time. And he said, Do it the third time. And they did it the third time.

    35 And the water ran round about the altar; and he filled the trench also with water.

    36 And it came to pass at the time of the offering of the evening sacrifice, that Elijah the prophet came near, and said, Lord God of Abraham, Isaac, and of Israel, let it be known this day that thou art God in Israel, and that I am thy servant, and that I have done all these things at thy word.

    37 Hear me, O Lord, hear me, that this people may know that thou art the Lord God, and that thou hast turned their heart back again.

    38 Then the fire of the Lord fell, and consumed the burnt sacrifice, and the wood, and the stones, and the dust, and licked up the water that was in the trench.

    39 And when all the people saw it, they fell on their faces: and they said, The Lord, he is the God; the Lord, he is the God.

    40 And Elijah said unto them, Take the prophets of Baal; let not one of them escape. And they took them: and Elijah brought them down to the brook Kishon, and slew them there."

    1 year plus 1 month pattern - 6-6-06, 7-7-07, 8-8-08, 9-9-09, 11-11-11:

    June 6, 2006. 6-6-06, 666 being the number of the Antichrist. A day of Satanic power for the Antichrist. Note that this was 40 years after 6-6-66 (June 6, 1966), 40 years being associated in the Bible with a period of testing. Note that AIDS was first announced on June 5, 1981, when it was first detected in five men in Los Angeles. So June 5 2006 was the 25th anniversary of AIDS, 1 day before 6-6-06. Could it be that AIDS is one form of the Fourth Horseman of the Apocalypse, Death? And Putin the Antichrist was head of the G-8 Summit in St. Petersburg Russia in July 2006.

    July 7, 2007. 7/7/07 (777). See the page on Greek, where I show that "777" in Greek corresponds to the word "Cross", which is interesting since "666" is the number of the Antichrist in Revelation 13, and "888" corresponds to "Jesus" in Greek. This also indicates a significant event for the world may occur in August 2007.

    August 8, 2008. 8/8/08 (888). See the page on Greek, where I show that "888" in Greek corresponds to the "Jesus". Possibly related to return of Christ!

    Sept. 9, 2009. 9-9-09. 999, 666 upside-down.

    Oct. 10, 2010. 10-10-10. Could Armageddon, World War 3, occur on Nov. 4, 2010? Possibly a Muslim attack by Al Qaida and Iran against Israel and the U.S.?

    Nov. 11, 2011. 11-11-11. Interesting date because 11:11 was a New Age related number. A New Age or New World date? Note that this is 51 666 day intervals after 11-11-1918, when World War I ended.

    Dec. 12, 2012. 12-12-12. According to the Mayan calendar, the transformation of the world into a New Age will be completed in December 2012. A major turning point for the world? Also, 12-12-12, Dec. 12, 2012, is (6 years, 6 months, 6 days) after 6-6-06, June 6 2006. 12 is the number of completion, as Christ had 12 disciples. So perhaps the cycle completes on 12-12-12, the Mayan Calendar transformation time. Note that (6 years, 6 months, 6 days) = 2380 days = 17x140=17x7x5x4.

    So, the pattern is: the Antichrist in June 6 2006, the Cross in 2007, Christ in 2008, Armageddon in 2010, and a New World or New Age in 2011, the cycle completes in 12-12-12 the Mayan Calendar date.

  • KaabulkKaabulk Member Posts: 670
    he has a point there...anyone wanna contradict this guy? I don't like the idea of a world war 3...
  • KaabulkKaabulk Member Posts: 670
    Someone answer..Im too young for this prophecy...I didn't really believe in it till I saw that website...
  • SigneSigne Member, Newbie CommonPosts: 2,524
    You might be too young for that prophecy, but I'm too old to read all that.  Life is too short... especially if all that rubbish turns out to be true.
  • KaabulkKaabulk Member Posts: 670

    Yea you sure helped..

  • KaabulkKaabulk Member Posts: 670
    anymore people to contradict or support that site?
  • KaabulkKaabulk Member Posts: 670
    holy shit world war 3 could start around may 2007...could be a war with the U.S. and the muslim terrorist, where they might bomb several american cities with nuclear weapons..
  • KaabulkKaabulk Member Posts: 670
    the russian president putin could be the anti-christ..
  • Man1acMan1ac Member Posts: 1,428
    lol kaabulk ever considered being a politician?  Personally I think the world isn't in too bad of a state. We have yet to face another world war, the earths magnets to switch.

    We're all Geniuses. Most of us just don't know it.

  • mithrandir72mithrandir72 Member Posts: 1,286
    Originally posted by Gameloading

    If you ask me, the problem with december 21 2012 is that its commercial nonsense.  the evidence that the world will end on 2012 is shallow, VERY shallow. in fact, most sciencetists will tell you not to worry. There will, however, be tons and tons of writers that are more then happy to sell you books about that so called dooms day and the mayan calender, just like there will be a couple of movies all around the subject. While they will make tons of money from suckers who buy into it, they will also spread fear. I can't imagine how someone who actually believes this nonsense, spent all of his moneys the last couple of years only to find out it didn't happen feels, just like all other doomsday predictions.
    Well, don't worry too much about it, you'll only have to deal with it for another five years, and then it will go away forever.

    We barely remember who or what came before this precious moment;
    We are choosing to be here right now -Tool, Parabola

  • mithrandir72mithrandir72 Member Posts: 1,286
    Originally posted by Belzybub

    The Greatest movie ever made from the best game ever ruined by it developers. View the trailer and then watch the movie!!!

    The Daily Annis of Kabul City says. Its the best thing since Jehad and Fraggle Rock.
    Buddy, you already have your own topic, quit Spamming.

    We barely remember who or what came before this precious moment;
    We are choosing to be here right now -Tool, Parabola

  • KaabulkKaabulk Member Posts: 670
    well..wanna get me some hookers mithrandir
  • KaabulkKaabulk Member Posts: 670
    yea your all one has managed to get rid of the idea that 2012 is the end of the world..can someone convince me otherwise so I can rest in pieces -.-..
  • KaabulkKaabulk Member Posts: 670
    okay well I will check tomorow...good night..another day wasted until doomsday..
  • demonicdemondemonicdemon Member Posts: 150

    you know it wouldn't suprise me if george bush or the us president in office 2012 decided that he'd see what actually happens when he pushes the little red button cause then everyone else would build nukes and then we'd have a nuke war and then and then we'll i think we know what happens next and so there you have your explanation for worlds end and we all get to blame the president for doing it. oh yeah!!!

    take what you can but not what isn't yours. "fight to the end and never give your enemy the satisfaction of victory"

  • SpysSpys Member Posts: 111
    Here something to think about. Everything ends at some point, why not in 2012?
  • AngelboundAngelbound Member, Newbie CommonPosts: 1,437
    Yea but keep in mind alot of stuff in the bible was rewritten from other religions even though they claim otherwise you can catch a special on it in the history channel sometime but there is alot of similarities in others, some religions say its the year of peace and the world will change the mayians? I think thats how you spell it believed that its the end because of some special alignment with the planets and winter solcstice I dont know all the details and there calendar ends 2012.
  • AngelboundAngelbound Member, Newbie CommonPosts: 1,437
    This I also agree with.
  • TimeViewerTimeViewer Member Posts: 270

    Ok I haven't read all the silliness that's probably, as usual, been posted with this but the date comes from the Mayan Calendar and while some believe it to be the end of the world if you take a good look at Mayan theology and the calendar you can see that the Mayan people believed that time cycles. It's not that they believed that time keeps repeating itself, more that events keep resurfacing, which, if you really look at history, they do. The date set, Dec 21 2012 is actually then end of the grand cycle, while some interpret this to be "the end of the world" it has also been interpreted as the beginning of the next grand cycle.

    It's typical that every cult out there jumps on predicted dates as the end of times, after all they've been claiming it's the end of the world for thousands of years now. I should remind you that some of humanity (read as people with actual working brains) understand that these cults all suck fart bubbles in the bathtub of life.


  • AngelboundAngelbound Member, Newbie CommonPosts: 1,437
    That deffinatly clarify's things I dont read much about them so I wouldnt know personally, but lets not forget buddah also had visions in his very long meditation I think it was days? Things differantly then the end the world at a certain date. And there are many others who claimed to see visions of the future and make prophecys and so on.
  • r3dbullr3dbull Member Posts: 79
    look what will happen on April 13 2036... That's something more than something wrote on paper...

    For now scientists say that it will pass off 30000 km from earth but from here to the next 29 years things can change....

    What it will be, will be...
  • TimeViewerTimeViewer Member Posts: 270

    Sure, there's a million and one ways the world can end, anything from the sun blowing up to someone lighting a fart too close to a nuke and starting a war (ok a bit of a stretch on both but hey since we're in the realm of silliness...). The real truth is the world has ended, a number of times. Everytime a civilization has collapsed the world of it's people has ended.

    Approximately 10.000 years ago the human race suffered a catastrophe, most legends refer to it as "the flood", we've also lived through super volcanoes and meteor strikes. At one period in history the human race went through a bottleneck where scientists believe there were as few as 30 breeding females left alive on the planet. Thousands upon thousands of years of fighting for survival has left the human race a bit jumpy.

    There's also the fact that for a lot of people life just flat out sucks the noodle, and they'd like a change, usually their idea of a change involves everybody else dying and them being in charge of what's left (for males this also often involves lots and lots of naked females). Sometimes they form little groups and one of the brain deads among them convince the others that if they kill themselves everyone on the planet will die and they'll magically come back (enter the Kool-Aid syndrome, maybe this has something to do with the 60's acid tests).

    Usually I'm ok with these morons, as long as they keep it to themselves I think of it as natural selection. They flush their common sense down the toilet, drink their Kool-Aid, and quietly exit the gene pool. Some are more of the drama queen variant and try to take other people with them, usually the young and stupid (and believe me, if you're young now and survive to grow up someday you will look back and say "boy, was I an idiot") conned by their elders into dying (again it's usually the young males who do the dying leaving more young females for the elders).

    So far we've lived 10,000 years (estimated) without major incident aside from a few brushes with human stupidity. We're approaching a technological level where we may be able to avoid or survive most disasters (aside from say the sun blowing up or the earth being gang raped by aliens offended at Hollywood movies always showing humans kicking their tentacled arses). If there is a creator I seriously doubt he or she is so emo as to come down and trash the planet in a petulant childish fit. Barring any serious stupidity on our part I don't see us being wiped out anywhere in the near future.


  • seabass2003seabass2003 Member Posts: 4,144
    Actually it is NOT the end of the world just the end of the old cycle and the beginning of a new cycle.

    In America I have bad teeth. If I lived in England my teeth would be perfect.

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