The only time I RP pvped i pissed off some kid real bad because I kept beating him and roleplaying. That was fun. Anyway, on our pvp servers no one really pvped. There was an unspoken truce most of the time so people could PvE. And really, why would you PVP unless you wanted to waste time? You'd have to keep killing the same stubborn player over and over. In most MMORPGS, you kill them once and they evacuate the area due to fear.
1. That image shows a duel challenge and talk about rematch, not PvP
2. "Why would you PvP unless you wanted to waste time", you say. Why even play on a PvP server then??
3. In your eyes, I guess it's impossible for you to lose in PvP fights... Read what I underlined. Very arrogant.
And about your other posts:
4. Calling named members idiots in at least 2 posts tells everything we need to know about you, and imo, you should be kicked from this forum.
5. TBC castrated your toon. That's the ONLY reason you hate WoW now, just admit it.
6. I'm surprised how much time and energy you spend telling WoW fans how wrong they are. Everyone complains about what they don't like, myself inculded, but this is getting pathetic.
You should be outside chasing girls instead of crying about video games on a forum! That's what a normal young man of your age should be doing with his time.
I was at one time a Hard Core Player in mmorpg games but that has since faded and I find it way much more enjoyable playing with my guild friends and playing all aspects of the game. Lets face it in todays games it is pretty much impossible to stay uber .You end up spending tons and tons of time working on epic items only to have them reduced to nothing with each new expansion. I decided a long time ago I will not go after epics hard core ever again may take me longer but less hurt when the devs change things:P. As for pvp it should be based on skill of the player not who has the most uber gear. I have always thought how much more fun pvp could be if everytime you went into pvp mode you were all reduced to same exact stats. Sorry this guy hates the game now but as for me I still find many things to do to enjoy it.
WoW doesnt even have best of the best tournaments, special titles, etc. Very weak
Dude... Seriously if you hate WoW that much why are you flippin on everyone on the forum that does like it? You say WoW takes no skills? I'm sorry but in PvP you have to know your class and know what to do for each class you face. It is highly unlikely that you will beat a mage the same way as a warrior, etc. Also, I have beaten people that outgear me many times. Maybe if you're in all epics vs someone in all greens, the game takes no skill. I have been in nothing but blues vs full epic players and beaten them in the past. It's not WoW's fault that some people won't take the time to get gear, or that epic wearing players choose to kill players in all greens. Blizzard actually hooked up PvPers with viable way's to get gear. Also the gear you get through PvP will always be better than their PvE counterparts for PvP (and vice versa). Gone are the days where raid gear is the best gear and owns all. Blizzard definitely changed that and I know it is a fact.
Also, I couldve swore the best of the best tournament was called the arena. I could be wrong... but the top ranking players are the best of the battlegroup. They have to face the other bests in order to be at the very top. Special titles have been in the game since honor came out. Private - Grand Marshal or Scout - High Warlord ring a bell? There are also new titles out like Justicar and Conquerer for being exalted with AB, AV, and WSG. There are also titles for the arena. The top .5% get the title of Gladiator, .5% - 3% Duelist, 3% - 10% Rival, 10% - 35% Challenger. Also all the Gladiators get an armored Nether Drake that flies faster than other epic flying mounts.
It's obvious you're gonna hate on the game no matter what anybody says or what blizzard does. IMO Blizzard fixed a lot of shit that was broken/sucked before BC came out. It can still use more improvement but it's definitely better. WoW is far from being perfect and can get real boring sometimes, but aside from that it's a good game. You can't deny the fact that Blizzard actually tries to make all their players happy. It might take them a while to do it but they do.
If you don't like the game theres no need to bug out on anybody that slightly likes the game.
WoW opts for a different kind of PvP than most mmorpgs so old-school mmorpgers are disappointed as understandbly the PvP in WoW isn't focused that much around world pvp. That isn't to say WoW pvp can't be fun, it can be- or at least I found it fun. Although a little tooo influenced by gear.
Now there's some reasons for why WoW is fun for some folks, but it doesn't refute my point that it's the same game we've all played since table-top (or MUDs if you're younger). So, it really stands to reason that we move past it. That we develop new game concepts to replace that which has been used since the mid-1960s (aka HP, class template, fantasy genre, and so on). I'm not damning anyone who uses them, but don't expect me to say they're innovative, competative in the market, or good in regards to advancement of the art (and science) of programming. In good conscience, I won't sit back and see the same model passed on, again and again. *shrugs* That's just my view, then again I am an evil code monkey.
1. raiding - Here is what i mean, i love to solo in a game and WOW is all about raiding.. Now most of you will read this and say you can solo. Sure i can but can i get the best stuff soloing? Nope it's all in the raid zones!
2. The community is horrible to many kids not enough adults , enough said there!
3. Gold sellers - Since the creating of WOW gold sellers have made fortunes, why you ask? Here is why , the kids i mentioned all they like to do is buy and not earn. Make the game cartoonish throw in some easy kills and gold sellers and BAM YOU GOT A POPULAR GAME!
Ginkeq, apparently you have no clue what your talking about, you say wow has no world pvp eh? Go google wow world PvP you will find TONS, You just chose the wrong server (LOL I KANT FIND PVP AND I R 70 LOLADIN ON ARGENT DAWN SERVER WE RP THAT WE PVP! THATS BOUT IT! LOLWERZ) End game gear is WAY better than some 5 minute quest bullshit, and Naxx gear is STILL GOOD, if you didnt notice how many people on a old server (like Zul'jin) they were still using Naxx gear when they started raiding BUT OFCOURSE it got replaced NOTHING STAYS THE SAME (L2LiveLife) yeah, another note on the naxx gear some of the best tanks on my server still use teir 3 ;o noob, and just because your class can "only" heal doesnt mean its useless PALADINS WERE THE BEST HEALERS IN END GAME for a while at 70, and also you just need to get some skill , I play a rogue and whatever guild I go to i'm almost allways the top DPS , except on like AoE fights or ones i have to run in and out on, and a paladin named Sidena when he was Retribution could keep either one or two spots behind me GET SOME SKILL NOOB, just because you suck at a game and you dont enjoy sucking at it doesnt make the game bad ,
oh ps, and if you think it takes too much effort to get gear, i play wow very casually and i'm very content with my gear, I actually am starting to find wow boring, but that was becuase of my old server Azshara, low pop bullshit and my main tank stopped playing so i transfered and I have a good deal of fun while im on now but i still play casually
Wow was fun, for 1-59 and 60-67 after that. I canceled at 67 because I realized that 70 will be the same boring thing that 60 was, before BC. There is nothing to do, after the lvl cap, that is really interesting for me.
I like pvp, but the way that WoW pvp is done, i dont like it. Fighting in the same 4 bgs and arenas over and over again, this makes pvp as repetitive as PVE. In the end, people dont pvp for fun, but for the reward. Its like another godamn grind! Talking about reward... theres no penalty, no 'risk vs reward'. No risk at all : when i left, ppl would AFK in bgs just to leach honor points from everybody else.
I guess I prefer 'hardcore' games, where you can attack everyone, and loot everything. This makes the game so much more interesting. The fact that you can be killed anytime makes PVE interesting too.
original poster is way off base so many things you have said are so far from true. First off if you would actually like to just go and grind there are countless reputations you can grind out for all different types of rewards as well as the PVP in world of war craft is top notch. I personally hate to raid and I don't raid because of that fact but the arena system is phenomenal it is the only thing keeping me playing wow. Extremely competitive strategic and has quick Que times. I could literally play arena all night its that much fun and the gear you get from the pvp rewards is a huge difference in pvp vs those without. I personally logged over 4k arena games in session one and had a great time, also ended up finishing in the top .5% receiving a gladiator title as well as an epic mount that is 30% faster than any other mount in game. I'm currently playing in season 2 working to wards the new pvp set and trying to farm all the new honor gear as well there is no lack of things to do and people who love to pve love world of war craft as well I am not one of those people but they do exist.
You should really just do what makes you happy if you don't find it fun don't play but theres no need to come here and say things which are far from the truth.
Ive tried arenas before. I let my friend use my account so he bought TBC and registered it.. Anyway, the arenas were very boring. It isnt that much different than a BG except you get to play against other players every time you kill them.
it is a lot different than bg's, first of all its not a honor grind like bg's are. second you don't gain arena points by the amount of time you spend in a instance like bg's and end game raiding.
you need skill and teamwork to be successful in arenas, there are no pick up groups like bg's, you need to purchase a team and know what the hell you are doing or you will get your ass handed to you.
Yeah WoW competition is real fun i bet. You don't compete with anyone on WoW. They might as well have made it a game where each guild gets their own server, since you aren't competing with other guilds why does it matter?
this quote just kills me, no competition in wow pvp but there is in eq? how is being godlike and unkillable "competitive" in the least bit? i will agree the honor system isn't competitive at all and that is why it is garbage, but the arena pvp is definitely competitive, way more competitive than eq pvp ever was.
also this might be news to you but not all mmog's are made just for uber guilds, there is more to these games than simply having guilds compete against each other. if that is what you want then (yes i sound like a broken record) go back to eq.
i don't know why you keep posting on this topic, it is clear you cannot think outside of that garbage of a pvp system that is eq. everyone keeps telling you why you are wrong but yet you refuse to listen, just play the game that makes you happy and stop worrying about the games you know nothing about.
I'm wrong because Blizzard made a boring game.. good logic. I cant help it if their PVP system is garbage and their PvE system is boring and trivial. Deny it all you want, I beat the game before, and have seen endgame, and there isnt one. It's just a game for newbies who want to experience an MMORPG that caters to brainless newbies.
Yes competition is nice, i know you dont know what it is like because all you do is play WoW. My idea of PVP is people fighting eachother and not being able to kill anyone in a matter of seconds no matter what class they are or what gear they have.
Apparently the whirlwind 1 shot kill made its way into WoW and skill-less newbies don't see a problem with it.
The only time I RP pvped i pissed off some kid real bad because I kept beating him and roleplaying. That was fun. Anyway, on our pvp servers no one really pvped. There was an unspoken truce most of the time so people could PvE. And really, why would you PVP unless you wanted to waste time? You'd have to keep killing the same stubborn player over and over. In most MMORPGS, you kill them once and they evacuate the area due to fear.
1. That image shows a duel challenge and talk about rematch, not PvP
2. "Why would you PvP unless you wanted to waste time", you say. Why even play on a PvP server then??
3. In your eyes, I guess it's impossible for you to lose in PvP fights... Read what I underlined. Very arrogant.
And about your other posts:
4. Calling named members idiots in at least 2 posts tells everything we need to know about you, and imo, you should be kicked from this forum.
5. TBC castrated your toon. That's the ONLY reason you hate WoW now, just admit it.
6. I'm surprised how much time and energy you spend telling WoW fans how wrong they are. Everyone complains about what they don't like, myself inculded, but this is getting pathetic.
7. Move on. You made your points.
I played a PvP server because I thought players there were going to be PvPing, but I was wrong. Apparently everyone wanted to PvE. But I cant really blame people for not pvping on a red server. WoWs pvp is retarded, even if you can own the other player 100x, it wont stop them from coming back and attacking (even though they will die again). But since deaths dont matter, the newb who keeps attacking has no reason to stop.
You don't have a clue, you're a newbie who read maybe 1 sentence of my post and act like you've read something. When you aren't a newbie, then reply to my post.
I was at one time a Hard Core Player in mmorpg games but that has since faded and I find it way much more enjoyable playing with my guild friends and playing all aspects of the game. Lets face it in todays games it is pretty much impossible to stay uber .You end up spending tons and tons of time working on epic items only to have them reduced to nothing with each new expansion. I decided a long time ago I will not go after epics hard core ever again may take me longer but less hurt when the devs change things:P. As for pvp it should be based on skill of the player not who has the most uber gear. I have always thought how much more fun pvp could be if everytime you went into pvp mode you were all reduced to same exact stats. Sorry this guy hates the game now but as for me I still find many things to do to enjoy it.
Yeah, every expansion obsoletes your items. But that isnt a problem, because basically blizzard is saying "the time you spent raiding very difficult instances is useless now, we have put in 1 minute quests to make people who suck at this game to buy our expansion". So, they screw over players who actually PvE. Here is WoW progression. MC -> BWL -> AQ -> Naxx OR Expansion ->(insert instancen ame here). Lol @ that. At least everquest there was some progression. It wasnt like you could buy their expansion, do a few 5 minute quests and be at the same level as people who could actually do their content.
WoW doesnt even have best of the best tournaments, special titles, etc. Very weak
Dude... Seriously if you hate WoW that much why are you flippin on everyone on the forum that does like it? You say WoW takes no skills? I'm sorry but in PvP you have to know your class and know what to do for each class you face. It is highly unlikely that you will beat a mage the same way as a warrior, etc. Also, I have beaten people that outgear me many times. Maybe if you're in all epics vs someone in all greens, the game takes no skill. I have been in nothing but blues vs full epic players and beaten them in the past. It's not WoW's fault that some people won't take the time to get gear, or that epic wearing players choose to kill players in all greens. Blizzard actually hooked up PvPers with viable way's to get gear. Also the gear you get through PvP will always be better than their PvE counterparts for PvP (and vice versa). Gone are the days where raid gear is the best gear and owns all. Blizzard definitely changed that and I know it is a fact.
Also, I couldve swore the best of the best tournament was called the arena. I could be wrong... but the top ranking players are the best of the battlegroup. They have to face the other bests in order to be at the very top. Special titles have been in the game since honor came out. Private - Grand Marshal or Scout - High Warlord ring a bell? There are also new titles out like Justicar and Conquerer for being exalted with AB, AV, and WSG. There are also titles for the arena. The top .5% get the title of Gladiator, .5% - 3% Duelist, 3% - 10% Rival, 10% - 35% Challenger. Also all the Gladiators get an armored Nether Drake that flies faster than other epic flying mounts.
It's obvious you're gonna hate on the game no matter what anybody says or what blizzard does. IMO Blizzard fixed a lot of shit that was broken/sucked before BC came out. It can still use more improvement but it's definitely better. WoW is far from being perfect and can get real boring sometimes, but aside from that it's a good game. You can't deny the fact that Blizzard actually tries to make all their players happy. It might take them a while to do it but they do.
If you don't like the game theres no need to bug out on anybody that slightly likes the game.
I don't know where you newbies get the idea that I had some kind of trouble with PvP. Lets get some facts down, I was the #1 paladin on the server, could beat every class except a mage /warlocl (and even then it was me winning usually). The WoW pvp system just doesnt do it for me, even though its very easy.. The fights dont last long enough.. Plus I just dont enjoy killing other players when it is over something put in the game just to waste your time. I wouldnt mind fighting over zones, NPCS, etc. But when they put in idiotic BGS where you have to keep fighting newbies over and over and over and over... it gets boring.
EQ pvp was better than WoW, because it was PvP that had a purpose. If WoW had best of the best tournaments every once in a while, it might be a little better(and give recognition to the best pvpers). The problem is, a majority of the players in WoW suck at PvP, and to have like 100 of each class with the same gear, looks, etc. there should be titles to distinguish complete newbies from the best players. But no, you just get to waste time doing boring BGs / arenas for a item that any newbie can get.. real fun
Ginkeq, apparently you have no clue what your talking about, you say wow has no world pvp eh? Go google wow world PvP you will find TONS, You just chose the wrong server (LOL I KANT FIND PVP AND I R 70 LOLADIN ON ARGENT DAWN SERVER WE RP THAT WE PVP! THATS BOUT IT! LOLWERZ) End game gear is WAY better than some 5 minute quest bullshit, and Naxx gear is STILL GOOD, if you didnt notice how many people on a old server (like Zul'jin) they were still using Naxx gear when they started raiding BUT OFCOURSE it got replaced NOTHING STAYS THE SAME (L2LiveLife) yeah, another note on the naxx gear some of the best tanks on my server still use teir 3 ;o noob, and just because your class can "only" heal doesnt mean its useless PALADINS WERE THE BEST HEALERS IN END GAME for a while at 70, and also you just need to get some skill , I play a rogue and whatever guild I go to i'm almost allways the top DPS , except on like AoE fights or ones i have to run in and out on, and a paladin named Sidena when he was Retribution could keep either one or two spots behind me GET SOME SKILL NOOB, just because you suck at a game and you dont enjoy sucking at it doesnt make the game bad , QQ MORE! kthxbai,
oh ps, and if you think it takes too much effort to get gear, i play wow very casually and i'm very content with my gear, I actually am starting to find wow boring, but that was becuase of my old server Azshara, low pop bullshit and my main tank stopped playing so i transfered and I have a good deal of fun while im on now but i still play casually
The problem with WoW is it is too easy for complete newbies like you to get gear. If I activated my paladin, I would destroy your rogue without even having to use a weapon. That's how much better I am than you. You think a paladin is supposed to deal DPS? That is idiotic. Paladins arent main healers, or main dpsers. They should be a class that is nearly impossible to kill. I think it's stupid to try and make paladins a priest clone(with a few different spells)
WoW is a 15 yr old bnet kiddy game, where you talk on vent for 5 hours about linkin park. Everything about WoW is boring and trivial.
Theres a difference between titles in WoW and other MMORPGS. In WoW, every newbie has a title, so they are meaningless. For instance, this newbie who had 3 people playing his warrior for 24 hrs a day in BGs has the title "Grand Marshal". Is he good at pvp? Not at all. These titles are time based and are meaningless. Put the best players against eachother, and give the winner a title, not some generic title that just about any newbie can get by wasting his/her real life PVPing all day.
You raid 5 hours a night, every night. The gear you get from these raids doesnt give a significant advantage over other players. The gear you get from beating their pve endgame is obsolete every expansion. In TBC, quest gear was better than anything you could get in naxx. The PVP system is artificial. There is no real world pvp anymore(no one does it). People just care about getting honor etc. In order to find pvp in this game, you have to kill the same newbies every few seconds in some artificial instance created solely for the purpose of pvping. Personally, I thought the pvp system in this game sucked and was boring. I played guildwars briefly, and i share the same feelings for that pvp as I do for WoW. Other PvP flaws - World PVP is non existant as I said. No one attacks horde towns (or wants to even, due to the lack of honor). Also, huge penalties for killing garbage guard npcs(retarded). I don't get why any MMORPG would have penalties for pvping (like WoW). Maybe no one wants to pvp in their boring instances, killing the same newbies over and over(and over). The Battlegrounds were only put in because their game couldnt handle massive battles between hundreds of people (it would crash their servers). And then what, they put huge penalties on it to ensure no one even tries it. The PvE system is dull and repetitive. If anyone has done a MC, BWL, AQ run more than once, you know what I mean. And really, even if you get the gear, it won't do much for your character. The point of their pve gear seems to be just to do more PvE. You can have the bes gear in the game, and 2 people of the right class would beat you no matter how skilled you are. Not that EQ was balanced, but at least if you spent a ton of time beating their PvE system, you would be able to take over zones by yourself. I don't know if the instance thing is a good thing. There is no competition between guilds really. Maybe an MMORPG that had some instances, but also had some world spawns that guilds have to compete over. There are literally 100s of people on the same server with the same gear, and they probably look the same as your character. What happened to being unique? I think it should be more diversified or something. The whole "Gear Set" thing is stupid. What is the point of it other than to make players robots. People will just get the gear because blizzard wants them to get it. It's pretty much "Here is the gear we want you to use for PvEing", and you are stuck with it. Maybe not everyone shares the same vision as blizzard as to where the class should be. On my last point - Blizzard doesnt want your character to be unique. As a paladin in WoW, I felt that the only feasible build was a holy build (just to do healing on raids basically). You can't tank, and you can't really do damage.
Lack of a serious endgame. There is nothing(productive) to do in WoW except battlegrounds while waiting for a raid. What else is there? Fishing Tournaments? Lol. At least in EQ you could go grind out AA points and advance your character. Clearly that would be too "hardcore" for WoW. Instead, go do repetitive BGs and kill the same talentless players over and over.
One big whiny repetitive rant just like everyone else who claims WoW sucks. Always do the PvP players cry.. If only someone would serve them there poison and let them die. If you can't tank with a paladin then you just suck bud.
WoW is gear based WoW is Raid Endgame WoW is newb friendly WoW PvP is just for fungear
Always has been.. now what are you complaining about? Why would blizz want to change any of these aspects while it still holds around 8million subs?
Raid endgame? Have you ever raided the same instance more than once? It's very boring. Maybe if the gear had a stronger effect on your characters performance it would be more exciting to do. Or maybe if there was competition for the NPCs, which there isnt.
WoW pvp is for fun? Yeah right. Try PvP for more than 5 minutes without falling asleep. There is no thrill to WoW pvp, you dont fight over anything It is just meaningless, and put there for 15 yr old bnet kiddies who are amused with anything. WoW isnt really gear based though. Gear is mostly for looks in WoW.
To the newbie raven, I doubt paladins can tank, when I played, they couldnt tank any NPCS past 1 group instances. Clearly you're just a newbie who thinks tanking some garbage instance counts as tanking. But unfortunately it does not.
I defy anyone of you guys claiming how wow pvp isn't competitive to create an arena team and reach top 5 in your battle group. I'm top 5 in mine and its been hard fought, there are tuns of great teams and the matches can be very nail biting if you don't think arena is constant team based competitive pvp then you haven't tried arena I suggest you do.
WoW is gear based WoW is Raid Endgame WoW is newb friendly WoW PvP is just for fungear
Always has been.. now what are you complaining about? Why would blizz want to change any of these aspects while it still holds around 8million subs?
Raid endgame? Have you ever raided the same instance more than once? It's very boring. Maybe if the gear had a stronger effect on your characters performance it would be more exciting to do. Or maybe if there was competition for the NPCs, which there isnt.
You make it sound like you can walk into a dungeon for the first time and clear the whole place without any problem, dungeons in wow takes months to get the stage where its on "farm" (longer if you don't use the guides on the net) and its that learning process thats the fun part about raids, the first time you down that boss you've been working on for 2 months is great feeling.
WoW pvp is for fun? Yeah right. Try PvP for more than 5 minutes without falling asleep. There is no thrill to WoW pvp, you dont fight over anything It is just meaningless, and put there for 15 yr old bnet kiddies who are amused with anything. WoW isnt really gear based though. Gear is mostly for looks in WoW.
Gear for show.. realy have you played WoW? PvP can get boring if the side are un-equal but an equal match on AB or WSG is great fun, getting down the flag carrier just before his help arrives or fighting off an attack on a node it great fun. Sure the process of PvP is meaningless (currently) besides honor points but it does not make it boring.
To the newbie raven, I doubt paladins can tank, when I played, they couldnt tank any NPCS past 1 group instances. Clearly you're just a newbie who thinks tanking some garbage instance counts as tanking. But unfortunately it does not.
In TBC pallys can tank to an extent we use a pally to tank 1 of mag'thidons 5 adds (25man raid boss) .... still no where near as good as a feral or warrior though.
2 months? Lol. So you will spend 2 months clearing an instance then the next time blizzard puts an expansion out all the time you spent (2 months just to farm) was worthless. Clearly the newbie quests in the expansion were more difficult than what it took to raid their instances.
yes gear is mostly for show. What I mean by that is WoWs pvp system allows any person with any gear to die in a matter of seconds. My idea of pvp is longer fights, maybe several minutes(at least if you are a tank class). I dont like the idea of a paladin being able to nuke a warrior down in 2 just never made sense to me. The classes were so unbalanced that I could beat most classes just using spells and no weapon(i'd use my fists usually)
As for the BGs, sure they are fun maybe once or twice, but it's basically killing the same people over and over.
If you play people who suck(99% of the time), then why should you have to keep killing them over and over to win? It really is boring. Even if it's even matched players, then its like your wasting time. People just see the BGs as an honor farm, not to pvp for 'fun'. If this wasn't true, why do you think most guilds will exit on an even matched game. They dont want to waste their time fighting evenly matched people and go to another BG to get lucky and fight a newbie team. Yeah what a real success WoWs BGs are... Just an honor farm for people who dont enjoy pvping but do it for honor(i cant blame them, since pvp in Wow is meaningless/boring)
You say the meaningless PvP is not boring, but have you ever played an MMORPG where you fought over something real? I guarantee it is 100x more exciting than fighting the same players for honor all the time. If they made all the instances contested, WoW would actually have world pvp again.
I defy anyone of you guys claiming how wow pvp isn't competitive to create an arena team and reach top 5 in your battle group. LOL top 5 in WoW pvp ladder, thats like being the fastest kid in the special olympics
I'm top 5 in mine and its been hard fought, there are tuns of great teams and the matches can be very nail biting if you don't think arena is constant team based competitive pvp then you haven't tried arena I suggest you do. Just another pointless grind, but quickly its just a chore you do 10 times a week so your team gets credit. (like a job) Sorry real pvp games are FFA, and dont need carebear rewards or instances.
1. That image shows a duel challenge and talk about rematch, not PvP
2. "Why would you PvP unless you wanted to waste time", you say. Why even play on a PvP server then??
3. In your eyes, I guess it's impossible for you to lose in PvP fights... Read what I underlined. Very arrogant.
And about your other posts:
4. Calling named members idiots in at least 2 posts tells everything we need to know about you, and imo, you should be kicked from this forum.
5. TBC castrated your toon. That's the ONLY reason you hate WoW now, just admit it.
6. I'm surprised how much time and energy you spend telling WoW fans how wrong they are. Everyone complains about what they don't like, myself inculded, but this is getting pathetic.
7. Move on. You made your points.
Here's a suggestion...
You should be outside chasing girls instead of crying about video games on a forum! That's what a normal young man of your age should be doing with his time.
Think about it....
I was at one time a Hard Core Player in mmorpg games but that has since faded and I find it way much more enjoyable playing with my guild friends and playing all aspects of the game. Lets face it in todays games it is pretty much impossible to stay uber .You end up spending tons and tons of time working on epic items only to have them reduced to nothing with each new expansion. I decided a long time ago I will not go after epics hard core ever again may take me longer but less hurt when the devs change things:P. As for pvp it should be based on skill of the player not who has the most uber gear. I have always thought how much more fun pvp could be if everytime you went into pvp mode you were all reduced to same exact stats. Sorry this guy hates the game now but as for me I still find many things to do to enjoy it.
Also, I couldve swore the best of the best tournament was called the arena. I could be wrong... but the top ranking players are the best of the battlegroup. They have to face the other bests in order to be at the very top. Special titles have been in the game since honor came out. Private - Grand Marshal or Scout - High Warlord ring a bell? There are also new titles out like Justicar and Conquerer for being exalted with AB, AV, and WSG. There are also titles for the arena. The top .5% get the title of Gladiator, .5% - 3% Duelist, 3% - 10% Rival, 10% - 35% Challenger. Also all the Gladiators get an armored Nether Drake that flies faster than other epic flying mounts.
It's obvious you're gonna hate on the game no matter what anybody says or what blizzard does. IMO Blizzard fixed a lot of shit that was broken/sucked before BC came out. It can still use more improvement but it's definitely better. WoW is far from being perfect and can get real boring sometimes, but aside from that it's a good game. You can't deny the fact that Blizzard actually tries to make all their players happy. It might take them a while to do it but they do.
If you don't like the game theres no need to bug out on anybody that slightly likes the game.
WoW opts for a different kind of PvP than most mmorpgs so old-school mmorpgers are disappointed as understandbly the PvP in WoW isn't focused that much around world pvp. That isn't to say WoW pvp can't be fun, it can be- or at least I found it fun. Although a little tooo influenced by gear.
Now there's some reasons for why WoW is fun for some folks, but it doesn't refute my point that it's the same game we've all played since table-top (or MUDs if you're younger). So, it really stands to reason that we move past it. That we develop new game concepts to replace that which has been used since the mid-1960s (aka HP, class template, fantasy genre, and so on). I'm not damning anyone who uses them, but don't expect me to say they're innovative, competative in the market, or good in regards to advancement of the art (and science) of programming. In good conscience, I won't sit back and see the same model passed on, again and again. *shrugs* That's just my view, then again I am an evil code monkey.
-- Brede
Why do i think WOW is lousy?
1. raiding - Here is what i mean, i love to solo in a game and WOW is all about raiding.. Now most of you will read this and say you can solo. Sure i can but can i get the best stuff soloing? Nope it's all in the raid zones!
2. The community is horrible to many kids not enough adults , enough said there!
3. Gold sellers - Since the creating of WOW gold sellers have made fortunes, why you ask? Here is why , the kids i mentioned all they like to do is buy and not earn. Make the game cartoonish throw in some easy kills and gold sellers and BAM YOU GOT A POPULAR GAME!
Ginkeq, apparently you have no clue what your talking about, you say wow has no world pvp eh? Go google wow world PvP you will find TONS, You just chose the wrong server (LOL I KANT FIND PVP AND I R 70 LOLADIN ON ARGENT DAWN SERVER WE RP THAT WE PVP! THATS BOUT IT! LOLWERZ) End game gear is WAY better than some 5 minute quest bullshit, and Naxx gear is STILL GOOD, if you didnt notice how many people on a old server (like Zul'jin) they were still using Naxx gear when they started raiding BUT OFCOURSE it got replaced NOTHING STAYS THE SAME (L2LiveLife) yeah, another note on the naxx gear some of the best tanks on my server still use teir 3 ;o noob, and just because your class can "only" heal doesnt mean its useless PALADINS WERE THE BEST HEALERS IN END GAME for a while at 70, and also you just need to get some skill , I play a rogue and whatever guild I go to i'm almost allways the top DPS , except on like AoE fights or ones i have to run in and out on, and a paladin named Sidena when he was Retribution could keep either one or two spots behind me GET SOME SKILL NOOB, just because you suck at a game and you dont enjoy sucking at it doesnt make the game bad ,
oh ps, and if you think it takes too much effort to get gear, i play wow very casually and i'm very content with my gear, I actually am starting to find wow boring, but that was becuase of my old server Azshara, low pop bullshit and my main tank stopped playing so i transfered and I have a good deal of fun while im on now but i still play casually
I like pvp, but the way that WoW pvp is done, i dont like it. Fighting in the same 4 bgs and arenas over and over again, this makes pvp as repetitive as PVE. In the end, people dont pvp for fun, but for the reward. Its like another godamn grind! Talking about reward... theres no penalty, no 'risk vs reward'. No risk at all : when i left, ppl would AFK in bgs just to leach honor points from everybody else.
I guess I prefer 'hardcore' games, where you can attack everyone, and loot everything. This makes the game so much more interesting. The fact that you can be killed anytime makes PVE interesting too.
original poster is way off base so many things you have said are so far from true. First off if you would actually like to just go and grind there are countless reputations you can grind out for all different types of rewards as well as the PVP in world of war craft is top notch. I personally hate to raid and I don't raid because of that fact but the arena system is phenomenal it is the only thing keeping me playing wow. Extremely competitive strategic and has quick Que times. I could literally play arena all night its that much fun and the gear you get from the pvp rewards is a huge difference in pvp vs those without. I personally logged over 4k arena games in session one and had a great time, also ended up finishing in the top .5% receiving a gladiator title as well as an epic mount that is 30% faster than any other mount in game. I'm currently playing in season 2 working to wards the new pvp set and trying to farm all the new honor gear as well there is no lack of things to do and people who love to pve love world of war craft as well I am not one of those people but they do exist.
You should really just do what makes you happy if you don't find it fun don't play but theres no need to come here and say things which are far from the truth.
it is a lot different than bg's, first of all its not a honor grind like bg's are. second you don't gain arena points by the amount of time you spend in a instance like bg's and end game raiding.
you need skill and teamwork to be successful in arenas, there are no pick up groups like bg's, you need to purchase a team and know what the hell you are doing or you will get your ass handed to you.
this quote just kills me, no competition in wow pvp but there is in eq? how is being godlike and unkillable "competitive" in the least bit? i will agree the honor system isn't competitive at all and that is why it is garbage, but the arena pvp is definitely competitive, way more competitive than eq pvp ever was.
also this might be news to you but not all mmog's are made just for uber guilds, there is more to these games than simply having guilds compete against each other. if that is what you want then (yes i sound like a broken record) go back to eq.
i don't know why you keep posting on this topic, it is clear you cannot think outside of that garbage of a pvp system that is eq. everyone keeps telling you why you are wrong but yet you refuse to listen, just play the game that makes you happy and stop worrying about the games you know nothing about.
I'm wrong because Blizzard made a boring game.. good logic. I cant help it if their PVP system is garbage and their PvE system is boring and trivial. Deny it all you want, I beat the game before, and have seen endgame, and there isnt one. It's just a game for newbies who want to experience an MMORPG that caters to brainless newbies.
Yes competition is nice, i know you dont know what it is like because all you do is play WoW. My idea of PVP is people fighting eachother and not being able to kill anyone in a matter of seconds no matter what class they are or what gear they have.
Apparently the whirlwind 1 shot kill made its way into WoW and skill-less newbies don't see a problem with it.
1. That image shows a duel challenge and talk about rematch, not PvP
2. "Why would you PvP unless you wanted to waste time", you say. Why even play on a PvP server then??
3. In your eyes, I guess it's impossible for you to lose in PvP fights... Read what I underlined. Very arrogant.
And about your other posts:
4. Calling named members idiots in at least 2 posts tells everything we need to know about you, and imo, you should be kicked from this forum.
5. TBC castrated your toon. That's the ONLY reason you hate WoW now, just admit it.
6. I'm surprised how much time and energy you spend telling WoW fans how wrong they are. Everyone complains about what they don't like, myself inculded, but this is getting pathetic.
7. Move on. You made your points.
I played a PvP server because I thought players there were going to be PvPing, but I was wrong. Apparently everyone wanted to PvE. But I cant really blame people for not pvping on a red server. WoWs pvp is retarded, even if you can own the other player 100x, it wont stop them from coming back and attacking (even though they will die again). But since deaths dont matter, the newb who keeps attacking has no reason to stop.
You don't have a clue, you're a newbie who read maybe 1 sentence of my post and act like you've read something. When you aren't a newbie, then reply to my post.
Yeah, every expansion obsoletes your items. But that isnt a problem, because basically blizzard is saying "the time you spent raiding very difficult instances is useless now, we have put in 1 minute quests to make people who suck at this game to buy our expansion". So, they screw over players who actually PvE. Here is WoW progression. MC -> BWL -> AQ -> Naxx OR Expansion ->(insert instancen ame here). Lol @ that. At least everquest there was some progression. It wasnt like you could buy their expansion, do a few 5 minute quests and be at the same level as people who could actually do their content.
Also, I couldve swore the best of the best tournament was called the arena. I could be wrong... but the top ranking players are the best of the battlegroup. They have to face the other bests in order to be at the very top. Special titles have been in the game since honor came out. Private - Grand Marshal or Scout - High Warlord ring a bell? There are also new titles out like Justicar and Conquerer for being exalted with AB, AV, and WSG. There are also titles for the arena. The top .5% get the title of Gladiator, .5% - 3% Duelist, 3% - 10% Rival, 10% - 35% Challenger. Also all the Gladiators get an armored Nether Drake that flies faster than other epic flying mounts.
It's obvious you're gonna hate on the game no matter what anybody says or what blizzard does. IMO Blizzard fixed a lot of shit that was broken/sucked before BC came out. It can still use more improvement but it's definitely better. WoW is far from being perfect and can get real boring sometimes, but aside from that it's a good game. You can't deny the fact that Blizzard actually tries to make all their players happy. It might take them a while to do it but they do.
If you don't like the game theres no need to bug out on anybody that slightly likes the game.
I don't know where you newbies get the idea that I had some kind of trouble with PvP. Lets get some facts down, I was the #1 paladin on the server, could beat every class except a mage /warlocl (and even then it was me winning usually). The WoW pvp system just doesnt do it for me, even though its very easy.. The fights dont last long enough.. Plus I just dont enjoy killing other players when it is over something put in the game just to waste your time. I wouldnt mind fighting over zones, NPCS, etc. But when they put in idiotic BGS where you have to keep fighting newbies over and over and over and over... it gets boring.
EQ pvp was better than WoW, because it was PvP that had a purpose. If WoW had best of the best tournaments every once in a while, it might be a little better(and give recognition to the best pvpers). The problem is, a majority of the players in WoW suck at PvP, and to have like 100 of each class with the same gear, looks, etc. there should be titles to distinguish complete newbies from the best players. But no, you just get to waste time doing boring BGs / arenas for a item that any newbie can get.. real fun
The problem with WoW is it is too easy for complete newbies like you to get gear. If I activated my paladin, I would destroy your rogue without even having to use a weapon. That's how much better I am than you. You think a paladin is supposed to deal DPS? That is idiotic. Paladins arent main healers, or main dpsers. They should be a class that is nearly impossible to kill. I think it's stupid to try and make paladins a priest clone(with a few different spells)
WoW is a 15 yr old bnet kiddy game, where you talk on vent for 5 hours about linkin park. Everything about WoW is boring and trivial.
Did you even read my post?
Theres a difference between titles in WoW and other MMORPGS. In WoW, every newbie has a title, so they are meaningless. For instance, this newbie who had 3 people playing his warrior for 24 hrs a day in BGs has the title "Grand Marshal". Is he good at pvp? Not at all. These titles are time based and are meaningless. Put the best players against eachother, and give the winner a title, not some generic title that just about any newbie can get by wasting his/her real life PVPing all day.
WoW is what WoW is.
Always has been.. now what are you complaining about? Why would blizz want to change any of these aspects while it still holds around 8million subs?
Raid endgame? Have you ever raided the same instance more than once? It's very boring. Maybe if the gear had a stronger effect on your characters performance it would be more exciting to do. Or maybe if there was competition for the NPCs, which there isnt.
WoW pvp is for fun? Yeah right. Try PvP for more than 5 minutes without falling asleep. There is no thrill to WoW pvp, you dont fight over anything It is just meaningless, and put there for 15 yr old bnet kiddies who are amused with anything. WoW isnt really gear based though. Gear is mostly for looks in WoW.
To the newbie raven, I doubt paladins can tank, when I played, they couldnt tank any NPCS past 1 group instances. Clearly you're just a newbie who thinks tanking some garbage instance counts as tanking. But unfortunately it does not.
I defy anyone of you guys claiming how wow pvp isn't competitive to create an arena team and reach top 5 in your battle group. I'm top 5 in mine and its been hard fought, there are tuns of great teams and the matches can be very nail biting if you don't think arena is constant team based competitive pvp then you haven't tried arena I suggest you do.
Raid endgame? Have you ever raided the same instance more than once? It's very boring. Maybe if the gear had a stronger effect on your characters performance it would be more exciting to do. Or maybe if there was competition for the NPCs, which there isnt.
You make it sound like you can walk into a dungeon for the first time and clear the whole place without any problem, dungeons in wow takes months to get the stage where its on "farm" (longer if you don't use the guides on the net) and its that learning process thats the fun part about raids, the first time you down that boss you've been working on for 2 months is great feeling.
WoW pvp is for fun? Yeah right. Try PvP for more than 5 minutes without falling asleep. There is no thrill to WoW pvp, you dont fight over anything It is just meaningless, and put there for 15 yr old bnet kiddies who are amused with anything. WoW isnt really gear based though. Gear is mostly for looks in WoW.
Gear for show.. realy have you played WoW? PvP can get boring if the side are un-equal but an equal match on AB or WSG is great fun, getting down the flag carrier just before his help arrives or fighting off an attack on a node it great fun. Sure the process of PvP is meaningless (currently) besides honor points but it does not make it boring.
To the newbie raven, I doubt paladins can tank, when I played, they couldnt tank any NPCS past 1 group instances. Clearly you're just a newbie who thinks tanking some garbage instance counts as tanking. But unfortunately it does not.
In TBC pallys can tank to an extent we use a pally to tank 1 of mag'thidons 5 adds (25man raid boss) .... still no where near as good as a feral or warrior though.
2 months? Lol. So you will spend 2 months clearing an instance then the next time blizzard puts an expansion out all the time you spent (2 months just to farm) was worthless. Clearly the newbie quests in the expansion were more difficult than what it took to raid their instances.
yes gear is mostly for show. What I mean by that is WoWs pvp system allows any person with any gear to die in a matter of seconds. My idea of pvp is longer fights, maybe several minutes(at least if you are a tank class). I dont like the idea of a paladin being able to nuke a warrior down in 2 just never made sense to me. The classes were so unbalanced that I could beat most classes just using spells and no weapon(i'd use my fists usually)
As for the BGs, sure they are fun maybe once or twice, but it's basically killing the same people over and over.
If you play people who suck(99% of the time), then why should you have to keep killing them over and over to win? It really is boring. Even if it's even matched players, then its like your wasting time. People just see the BGs as an honor farm, not to pvp for 'fun'. If this wasn't true, why do you think most guilds will exit on an even matched game. They dont want to waste their time fighting evenly matched people and go to another BG to get lucky and fight a newbie team. Yeah what a real success WoWs BGs are... Just an honor farm for people who dont enjoy pvping but do it for honor(i cant blame them, since pvp in Wow is meaningless/boring)
You say the meaningless PvP is not boring, but have you ever played an MMORPG where you fought over something real? I guarantee it is 100x more exciting than fighting the same players for honor all the time. If they made all the instances contested, WoW would actually have world pvp again.