Been in the game 2 days now, Haven't seen one ....El Oh El.
A whole 2 days?
I'm sure you can use your imagination, and concede that others who have played the game longer than you have been inundated by gold seller spam. But please feel free to put your head back in the sand if you want.
Rather have my head in the sand ........Then in the A cavity where your head is. Use some imagination and hit me with something good
Just a quick update. Turbine got an email explaining myself to them and decided to reinstate my account. Thanks to all who suggested I speak with them cause it did work and a big thanks to all who defended me on here! I wasn't aware what a hot topic this was before but much like our own Legal system I think these things should be looked at on a case by case basis which is what Turbine opted to do. KUDOS TURBINE AND THANKS TO MY SUPPORTERS!
Just a quick update. Turbine got an email explaining myself to them and decided to reinstate my account. Thanks to all who suggested I speak with them cause it did work and a big thanks to all who defended me on here! I wasn't aware what a hot topic this was before but much like our own Legal system I think these things should be looked at on a case by case basis which is what Turbine opted to do. KUDOS TURBINE AND THANKS TO MY SUPPORTERS!
Grats. But now you realize, you actually have to play the game...
Rather have my head in the sand ........Then in the A cavity where your head is. Use some imagination and hit me with something good
Indeed. It is common knowledge that gold seller spam was prolific in LOTRO before the first major content update. Well, common to anyone who played the game longer than 2 days, or simply followed the game's forums. Is that good enough? Re-commence head in sand, by all means.
It took 11 pages t oget to the ending. I didn't know I was going to read a small book today! :P
I don't blame companies for being tough on gold farming, and although I've played MMO's for a number of years now (at least 6 I can think of off hand), I don't really care about people who buy gold. I just don't think it's worth my time personaly to concern myself over whether people are grinding their gold or using their wallet to fund their characters.
I've seen some characters in game which I believed to be power leveled, based on my experience within the game and being familiar with what gear dropped where, and by what level each piece should have been obtained. At the end of the day, the toon is weak. The buyer has to spend a lot of time working on the character to bring it to a point considered acceptable for its level.
I just don't think it's worth all the fuss for us players. Let the game company deal with it. Do I sympathise with the OP? Sorry, no. He got caught by Turbine, he knows it, whether he admits it or not to even himself. Let's hope he got enough of a fright from this experience not to do it again.
Rather have my head in the sand ........Then in the A cavity where your head is. Use some imagination and hit me with something good
Indeed. It is common knowledge that gold seller spam was prolific in LOTRO before the first major content update. Well, common to anyone who played the game longer than 2 days, or simply followed the game's forums. Is that good enough? Re-commence head in sand, by all means.
Wrong. It was prolific during the world tour. After that ended I have only recieved one. I have been playing since release and getting one gold spam is pretty damn good.
In America I have bad teeth. If I lived in England my teeth would be perfect.
Rather have my head in the sand ........Then in the A cavity where your head is. Use some imagination and hit me with something good
Indeed. It is common knowledge that gold seller spam was prolific in LOTRO before the first major content update. Well, common to anyone who played the game longer than 2 days, or simply followed the game's forums. Is that good enough? Re-commence head in sand, by all means.
Ahh !! so you have to play more than 2 days to see these spam's ? please
I wasn't aware I had to go to the main forum's to learn,play,understand or even just get a general feel of a game
However it is common knowledge ,you just can't take the fact that you sir are a Bumm. I know I know it hurt's when your wrong and you feel you have to defend yourself. Is that good enough ?
Oh ....please by all means you don't have to take your head out of your A -cavity ,it looks like a perfect fit and by the way ....on me ...Have a better day
A self-proclaimed "gamer" with an 8 month old account that had never heard of either a gold farmer or the concept there of? Whatever guy. I'm glad you got you're account reinstated, but that's pushing it man.
Just a quick update. Turbine got an email explaining myself to them and decided to reinstate my account. Thanks to all who suggested I speak with them cause it did work and a big thanks to all who defended me on here! I wasn't aware what a hot topic this was before but much like our own Legal system I think these things should be looked at on a case by case basis which is what Turbine opted to do. KUDOS TURBINE AND THANKS TO MY SUPPORTERS!
Gratz you got your account back! BTW im sending you 5 gold from my level 1 burglar, it should be arriving in 10 minutes, you can print your receipt at............
Originally posted by barasawa Oh, and if someone decides to throw the EULA at you, just remember that the legal standing of EULAs are reported to be questionable in court, and due to them being in legaleese, even a well read educated individual is not actually expected to understand them, and due to the way they are displayed, they are actually difficult for most people to read. (They may just be click-through garbage, but don't threaten lawyers or anything like that, because most companies have a policy that when a customer starts threatening legal action, it goes straight to the legal department, and those guys never fix issues, just deal with lawsuits and the like...)
Actually the big problem with EULAs, and why they are not binding, is that you never get to read/agree until you have bought the item and by that time have no way to return the game if you were to disagree.
Ahh !! so you have to play more than 2 days to see these spam's ? please
I wasn't aware I had to go to the main forum's to learn,play,understand or even just get a general feel of a game However it is common knowledge ,you just can't take the fact that you sir are a Bumm. I know I know it hurt's when your wrong and you feel you have to defend yourself. Is that good enough ? Oh ....please by all means you don't have to take your head out of your A -cavity ,it looks like a perfect fit and by the way ....on me ...Have a better day
"LOTRO is not designed to support RMT; RMT upsets the game balance, and upsets the players who get spammed by the sellers (though obviously some of that spam is working considering the number of players we've found that have purchased gold from the sellers)"
Yes, it is a lesson too many newcomers have come to experience.
Well first thing to do is contact the credit card company and put that 60 day time you purchased in dispute. The bank will refund that money, you paid for services you did not recieve.
I personally like the way CCP handles it with Eve, they just take the money away and it usually leaves the gold buyer with a huge negative balance that takes a lot of work to remove. Much better way of doing it. Just dumb to do an outright ban and lose a paying customer.
I personally know someone who was banned by Blizzard for macroing and was refused a refund on his 6 month of game time he had just purchased. He got double his money back in small claims court. No Eula can override existing consumer protection laws, if you purchase a service and they fail to provide it, they must refund your money.
Ahh !! so you have to play more than 2 days to see these spam's ? please
I wasn't aware I had to go to the main forum's to learn,play,understand or even just get a general feel of a game However it is common knowledge ,you just can't take the fact that you sir are a Bumm. I know I know it hurt's when your wrong and you feel you have to defend yourself. Is that good enough ? Oh ....please by all means you don't have to take your head out of your A -cavity ,it looks like a perfect fit and by the way ....on me ...Have a better day
"LOTRO is not designed to support RMT; RMT upsets the game balance, and upsets the players who get spammed by the sellers (though obviously some of that spam is working considering the number of players we've found that have purchased gold from the sellers)"
Now... you were saying something?
And this has what to do with me ? Hmmm nothing 3 ,never seen it
I know how your trying hard but flip flopping ain't gonna work on me cupcake
Rather have my head in the sand ........Then in the A cavity where your head is. Use some imagination and hit me with something good
Indeed. It is common knowledge that gold seller spam was prolific in LOTRO before the first major content update. Well, common to anyone who played the game longer than 2 days, or simply followed the game's forums. Is that good enough? Re-commence head in sand, by all means.
Wrong. It was prolific during the world tour. After that ended I have only recieved one. I have been playing since release and getting one gold spam is pretty damn good.
Seabass becareful, Mr perception isn't to perceptive of the reality of others.
Just a quick update. Turbine got an email explaining myself to them and decided to reinstate my account. Thanks to all who suggested I speak with them cause it did work and a big thanks to all who defended me on here! I wasn't aware what a hot topic this was before but much like our own Legal system I think these things should be looked at on a case by case basis which is what Turbine opted to do. KUDOS TURBINE AND THANKS TO MY SUPPORTERS!
Glad to hear it. But now for everyone who knows gold buying is wrong can make up some sob story and do the same thing?
" Take it or leave it but to me it seems there really are only 2 sides. The companies and players who don't want the gold farmers and players that buy the gold and keep the farmers in business on one side, and the gold farmers, players that buy gold, and those that just don't care on the other.
Neat, but you aren't exactly presenting an intelligent defense. But I guess thats just your perception of reality . "
You seem to have a problem telling the difference between your beliefs and reality. The two my friend I hate to break it to you are not the same.
Lets see if i have this straight you believe that i am not presenting a intelligent defense. (this is because you say so, and you are?) but your perception/belief/opinion is somehow supposed to be my reality? (please reread your statement above as many times as needed) Have trouble with the godhood complex much?
There are many parts of your post I could argue, like all gold farmers/sellers are in china and unable to post anything in english (wow how does all the gold seller spam ever get posted ) or that the best way for a gold seller to change the rules that keeps getting them banned is to simply silently keep making new accounts to be banned again. but to what point you've already stated you don't need facts you have your reality (ie opinion)
Sooo I have a great idea since you can change reality with your perception and being the self proclaimed pro-gamer out to protect us from all the evil companies (or is it just Turbine you want to proctect us from?) Then please change your perception of yourself so that you are a billionair then you can make your own game company and make us great fault free games with never a error !
While your at it you can sue the pants off evil companies like Turbine, and Sigil (oops too late its dead maybe Brad though for false advertising) and then SOE (there was that whole SWG NGE thing) and then Funcom (hey AO was broken and very much unplayable for the first 6 months it was out, and CCP (for the t20 dev/BoB cheating) and then of course sue Blizzard because they have for a fact banned tons more players then Turbine and are sueing a gold selling company so they beat Turbine out cold for heavy handed bannings etc.
Seriously to everyone else, game companies do have faults and they do make mistakes but the "I hate this or that company and they need to pay!" rants some posters seem to almost revolve their life around IMHO is sometimes too much and needs to be taken down a notch or two. Companies do change sometimes for the better, sometimes for the worse. The people in charge of AC/Turbine 6 years ago are not (for the most part) the same ones in charge today. This is the same for SOE, or Funcom, CCP or many other evil companies.
Should we expect more, and ask for more from the companies we pay to game with? Sure. Should we carry vendetta's and try and bury the companies for past mistakes. well everyone has their own perception on that
Please do post your proof about Turbins infamous heavy handed bannings. I've not seen anywhere that they did anything harsher then WoW. So if you have info that shows they've done more then say Wow I'd like to see it (WoW having permabanned several thousand accounts and sueing a major gold seller)
Yet another "perception is reality" moment. You personally don't perceive Turbine's heavy handed bannings, therefore in your reality, they don't exist. Proof isn't easy to come by in this case, unfortunately. It comes from experience of being in the MMORPG community for many years, and seeing various discussions on the topic. You'll just have to take my word for it, or delve through the past 8 years worth of forum posts.
Interesting that you know 8 years worth of forum posts and we should take your word as a experienced gamer in the MMORPG community yet you've only been a member since 6/07/07 ?
Sorry if that seems like a attack. The REALITY (admittedly based on limited facts) does not seem to support your perception. (which so far seems to only be based on your opinion).
Picture this: A person never played mmorpg before but finaly see's this one game as he's been a fan of its IP for as long he can remember so he picks up this game.
Installs the game cause he does plays regular single player games (maybe ) Like surely 70/80% of gamers he will not read all hte rules, aswell he thinks of himself being a decent person so is not afraid to break any rules anyway, and common how hard should it be to break the rules of a game. Obvious breaking rules could be things like cheats, 3rd party programs which are common things in the gaming world (unforutnaly in reality for those already in the mmorpg community we know mmorpg have a ti bit more rules they apply compared to single players games) anyway he goes on......
Logs into game X walks around, then stops, he looks at all these people talking, his eye's suddenly focused on a very friendly looking text.
"Get your gold here, buy it cheap, we here to serve you"
"hmmm" (noob) thinks, i logged in..let me check if i got any mony...hmmm zip...nothing.....wel lets see what that guy's is about with that yelling about gold, maybe he can help me (walks up to dude with gold)
(noob)Hi.....(Goldy) Hi, (noob): i was wondering if you can tell me more about this gold?
(noob): cool man i'm sure to check this out, thanks didn't know it worked that way (goldy): Yeah everyone uses it, its easy man, good luck and have lots of fun when you are rich.
Yes i'm against those who buy gold, Yes i'm against those who offer gold. But we also have to realize that i think what i just wrote above isn't that wierd now is it?( also not saying it happend like this ). So i do bleieve what OP is saying as we all espeicaly we that are into mmorpg allong time know how disiving those goldscammers can be.
Anyway hope OP took it up with customer support and i have no doubt that it hopefully will work out and that they will understand your sitution. ...hope you get back to your game soon and when you're ingame happy hunting
Picture this: A person never played mmorpg before but finaly see's this one game as he's been a fan of its IP for as long he can remember so he picks up this game. Installs the game cause he does plays regular single player games (maybe ) Like surely 70/80% of gamers he will not read all hte rules, aswell he thinks of himself being a decent person so is not afraid to break any rules anyway, and common how hard should it be to break the rules of a game. Obvious breaking rules could be things like cheats, 3rd party programs which are common things in the gaming world (unforutnaly in reality for those already in the mmorpg community we know mmorpg have a ti bit more rules they apply compared to single players games) anyway he goes on...... Logs into game X walks around, then stops, he looks at all these people talking, his eye's suddenly focused on a very friendly looking text. "Get your gold here, buy it cheap, we here to serve you" "hmmm" (noob) thinks, i logged in..let me check if i got any mony...hmmm zip...nothing.....wel lets see what that guy's is about with that yelling about gold, maybe he can help me (walks up to dude with gold) (noob)Hi.....(Goldy) Hi, (noob): i was wondering if you can tell me more about this gold? Goldy: Sure man, juts go to this website how much gold you want, then afcourse you can pay with your cc, we have other services aswell check them's the web adress. (noob): cool man i'm sure to check this out, thanks didn't know it worked that way (goldy): Yeah everyone uses it, its easy man, good luck and have lots of fun when you are rich. (noob) hehe yeah thanks man, cya. -------------------------------------------------------- Yes i'm against those who buy gold, Yes i'm against those who offer gold. But we also have to realize that i think what i just wrote above isn't that wierd now is it?( also not saying it happend like this ). So i do bleieve what OP is saying as we all espeicaly we that are into mmorpg allong time know how disiving those goldscammers can be. Anyway hope OP took it up with customer support and i have no doubt that it hopefully will work out and that they will understand your sitution. ...hope you get back to your game soon and when you're ingame happy hunting
No, I don't buy that excuse. Ignorance is no damn excuse for breaking the rules. If you are to lazy to read the agreement then stop at LIFE now. You'll have to read A LOT of agreements. Skipping them can be your undoing as it was his,
He got luck and turbine was sympathetic towards him. IMHO, they should rule with an iron fist. A no tolerance policy would be perfect.
Here's a real life example of what I mean. Guy is going 60mph, but ignores reading the speed sign so assumes it's ok in a rural community. Cop pulls him over. Cop says, "You were doing 60 in a 30." Guy says, "I'm sorry officer I didn't know." Cop says, "I'm going to have to issue you a ticket." Guy says, "but I didn't know and i'm really sorry. I've learned my lesson." Copy gives the dumbass a ticket.
The guy was to ignorant to read the damn sign and got a ticket for it. If he had only gotten a warning how is that equality. It isn't. It's also in a rural community. It's common sense not to go at high speeds.
This guy could have easily killed someone as easily as a repeat offender. Even though it was his first time.
Yes I realise this is a game, but the same principles need to be applied. That cop was protecting the community. Turbine is protecting their community. One in the same. The rush of gold destroys the market. Basically killing the community.
You break the rules and don't read the agreement then expect a free pass, because you're to damn ignorant to read the dang rules is a load of shit. I don't care how much stinkin' money you forked over. You broke the rules. Plain and freaken simple as that.
It's common sense in MMO games to not buy outside services. If you took 2 minutes to look around here you'd know that. Hell you could have asked someone if it's ok to do as such.
Either way you would've known this if you'd have read the damn agreement you agree to!
As for not knowing the agreement before purchase. IT'S ON THEIR DAMN WEBSITE AS WITH ALL GAMES.
As said, ignorance is ABSOLUTELY NO EXCUSE. Sorry if i'm being harsh, but it's freaken the dang trueth.
Picture this: A person never played mmorpg before but finaly see's this one game as he's been a fan of its IP for as long he can remember so he picks up this game. Installs the game cause he does plays regular single player games (maybe ) Like surely 70/80% of gamers he will not read all hte rules, aswell he thinks of himself being a decent person so is not afraid to break any rules anyway, and common how hard should it be to break the rules of a game. Obvious breaking rules could be things like cheats, 3rd party programs which are common things in the gaming world (unforutnaly in reality for those already in the mmorpg community we know mmorpg have a ti bit more rules they apply compared to single players games) anyway he goes on...... Logs into game X walks around, then stops, he looks at all these people talking, his eye's suddenly focused on a very friendly looking text. "Get your gold here, buy it cheap, we here to serve you" "hmmm" (noob) thinks, i logged in..let me check if i got any mony...hmmm zip...nothing.....wel lets see what that guy's is about with that yelling about gold, maybe he can help me (walks up to dude with gold) (noob)Hi.....(Goldy) Hi, (noob): i was wondering if you can tell me more about this gold? Goldy: Sure man, juts go to this website how much gold you want, then afcourse you can pay with your cc, we have other services aswell check them's the web adress. (noob): cool man i'm sure to check this out, thanks didn't know it worked that way (goldy): Yeah everyone uses it, its easy man, good luck and have lots of fun when you are rich. (noob) hehe yeah thanks man, cya. -------------------------------------------------------- Yes i'm against those who buy gold, Yes i'm against those who offer gold. But we also have to realize that i think what i just wrote above isn't that wierd now is it?( also not saying it happend like this ). So i do bleieve what OP is saying as we all espeicaly we that are into mmorpg allong time know how disiving those goldscammers can be. Anyway hope OP took it up with customer support and i have no doubt that it hopefully will work out and that they will understand your sitution. ...hope you get back to your game soon and when you're ingame happy hunting
No, I don't buy that excuse. Ignorance is no damn excuse for breaking the rules. If you are to lazy to read the agreement then stop at LIFE now. You'll have to read A LOT of agreements. Skipping them can be your undoing as it was his,
He got luck and turbine was sympathetic towards him. IMHO, they should rule with an iron fist. A no tolerance policy would be perfect.
Here's a real life example of what I mean. Guy is going 60mph, but ignores reading the speed sign so assumes it's ok in a rural community. Cop pulls him over. Cop says, "You were doing 60 in a 30." Guy says, "I'm sorry officer I didn't know." Cop says, "I'm going to have to issue you a ticket." Guy says, "but I didn't know and i'm really sorry. I've learned my lesson." Copy gives the dumbass a ticket. Guy takes driven lesson for What? I havn't seen a school for gamers where they teach you all the insides of the gaming world or its rules like i said there are a few common rules that apply all over gaming but this gold thing sure it can be called ignorant but its more ignorant to asume everyone playing mmorpg really read those rules, some do , yes i do with beta's but already know most of them as i'm no noob in mmorpg so i do not read them when installing a new mmorpg.
The guy was to ignorant to read the damn sign and got a ticket for it. If he had only gotten a warning how is that equality. It isn't. It's also in a rural community. It's common sense not to go at high speeds.
This guy could have easily killed someone as easily as a repeat offender. Even though it was his first time. You keep forgetting for someone who is new to mmorpg this does not matter what type of mmorpg , they are pretty overwelming when you first step into them. Ashame you seem to have forgotten this, ah right you never where a noob you knew everything from the start and never ever in your life made one single mistake...yeah right...well you know what they say. those who never make mistakes never learn it those who make mistakes that are mostlike are able to learn.
Yes I realise this is a game, but the same principles need to be applied. That cop was protecting the community. Turbine is protecting their community. One in the same. The rush of gold destroys the market. Basically killing the community. Turbine is doing a good job a that sticking with principles, but luckely we know Turbine is also run by people and Turbine has people that actualy listen to their community so if he has a problem i'm pretty sure it can be worked out for him.
You break the rules and don't read the agreement then expect a free pass, because you're to damn ignorant to read the dang rules is a load of shit. I don't care how much stinkin' money you forked over. You broke the rules. Plain and freaken simple as that.
It's common sense in MMO games to not buy outside services. If you took 2 minutes to look around here you'd know that. Hell you could have asked someone if it's ok to do as such. IF YOU COMMON WITH MMO's
Either way you would've known this if you'd have read the damn agreement you agree to! Some do not see it as a job they see it as a form of entertainment therefor do you read the text that comes before a movie? (not the subtitle or actors in the movie but the agrements they place on video/DVD's? so why is this so hard for some people to understand that some people will treath it just like that ..ENTERTAINMENT and should we now for everything that is entertainment read the rules, sure in some cases we should as with MMORPG but then isn't it us who play these games for some time with the experiance to help people that are new to this game genre and explain its importent to read rules when playing a mmorpg, is it really need to act ignorant and totaly ingore the facts what mmorpg are when you new to them.
As for not knowing the agreement before purchase. IT'S ON THEIR DAMN WEBSITE AS WITH ALL GAMES. You really think that acting this way or replying like you did will open the door for more people to come to this genre, sorry thats for me something that i call ignorance as with that sort of behaviour your not helping others but more pushing people away
As said, ignorance is ABSOLUTELY NO EXCUSE. Sorry if i'm being harsh, but it's freaken the dang truth. That you being harch is not a real problem, its pretty normal on these forums these day's , but tot think you think you speak the thruth is..well......LOL
I sure hope that every person who has posted here with a "holier-than-thou" attitude towards the OP isn't doing so on a computer full of illegally downloaded music/dvd's, and that every piece of software on it has been bought and paid for. But I'm thinking that's not the case for almost 95% of them.... they don't mind cheating the system and only get their panties in a wad when it concerns their gaming.
I would sure hope that people like me who have never downloaded any illegal hacked content of any sort is not a 5% minority. That would be a scary number!
Never downloaded any illegal content, never installed software you didn't pay for, never drove over the speed limit, swore in public or had a drink before the legal age limit?
Welcome back Lord!
Grats to the OP for resolving the issue with Turbine, and make sure you use an alt account next time
Just trying to live long enough to play a new, released MMORPG, playing New Worlds atm
Fools find no pleasure in understanding but delight in airing their own opinions. Pvbs 18:2, NIV
Don't just play games, inhabit virtual worlds™
"This is the most intelligent, well qualified and articulate response to a post I have ever seen on these forums. It's a shame most people here won't have the attention span to read past the second line." - Anon
congrats for getting the account back from me too . Certainly banning a gold buyer is somewhat idiotic imo whether they do it knowingly or not, either way they are a contributing member of the community and have more money to spend on the game so may be willing to stay around longer. If an option is available to make a game easier many people will willingly take it and I've known a couple of self-professed buyers.
The only way to effectively eliminate the problem is to remove the source, the seller. And certainly again imo if you are going to ban someone for breaking EULA such as buying gold they should clearly state it where players can see - instead of burying it within an agreement that many don't read. Especially when messaging systems in game are rife with selling spam, which increase the probability of buyers. Otherwise you are simply alienating a contributing part of the community.
Ahh !! so you have to play more than 2 days to see these spam's ? please
I wasn't aware I had to go to the main forum's to learn,play,understand or even just get a general feel of a game However it is common knowledge ,you just can't take the fact that you sir are a Bumm. I know I know it hurt's when your wrong and you feel you have to defend yourself. Is that good enough ? Oh ....please by all means you don't have to take your head out of your A -cavity ,it looks like a perfect fit and by the way ....on me ...Have a better day
"LOTRO is not designed to support RMT; RMT upsets the game balance, and upsets the players who get spammed by the sellers (though obviously some of that spam is working considering the number of players we've found that have purchased gold from the sellers)"
Now... you were saying something?
Like I said that was during the World Tour when anyone could get an account. Since then I have only seen one and haven't seen any since.
Thought you could get away with it? haha think again
I'm sure you can use your imagination, and concede that others who have played the game longer than you have been inundated by gold seller spam. But please feel free to put your head back in the sand if you want.
Rather have my head in the sand ........Then in the A cavity where your head is. Use some imagination and hit me with something good
Waiting on Guild Wars 2
Just a quick update. Turbine got an email explaining myself to them and decided to reinstate my account. Thanks to all who suggested I speak with them cause it did work and a big thanks to all who defended me on here! I wasn't aware what a hot topic this was before but much like our own Legal system I think these things should be looked at on a case by case basis which is what Turbine opted to do. KUDOS TURBINE AND THANKS TO MY SUPPORTERS!
Yay! congrats dude. Good work!
Grats. But now you realize, you actually have to play the game...
Perception is Reality.
Indeed. It is common knowledge that gold seller spam was prolific in LOTRO before the first major content update. Well, common to anyone who played the game longer than 2 days, or simply followed the game's forums. Is that good enough? Re-commence head in sand, by all means.
Perception is Reality.
It took 11 pages t oget to the ending. I didn't know I was going to read a small book today! :P
I don't blame companies for being tough on gold farming, and although I've played MMO's for a number of years now (at least 6 I can think of off hand), I don't really care about people who buy gold. I just don't think it's worth my time personaly to concern myself over whether people are grinding their gold or using their wallet to fund their characters.
I've seen some characters in game which I believed to be power leveled, based on my experience within the game and being familiar with what gear dropped where, and by what level each piece should have been obtained. At the end of the day, the toon is weak. The buyer has to spend a lot of time working on the character to bring it to a point considered acceptable for its level.
I just don't think it's worth all the fuss for us players. Let the game company deal with it. Do I sympathise with the OP? Sorry, no. He got caught by Turbine, he knows it, whether he admits it or not to even himself. Let's hope he got enough of a fright from this experience not to do it again.
Indeed. It is common knowledge that gold seller spam was prolific in LOTRO before the first major content update. Well, common to anyone who played the game longer than 2 days, or simply followed the game's forums. Is that good enough? Re-commence head in sand, by all means.
Wrong. It was prolific during the world tour. After that ended I have only recieved one. I have been playing since release and getting one gold spam is pretty damn good.
In America I have bad teeth. If I lived in England my teeth would be perfect.
Indeed. It is common knowledge that gold seller spam was prolific in LOTRO before the first major content update. Well, common to anyone who played the game longer than 2 days, or simply followed the game's forums. Is that good enough? Re-commence head in sand, by all means.
Ahh !! so you have to play more than 2 days to see these spam's ? please
I wasn't aware I had to go to the main forum's to learn,play,understand or even just get a general feel of a game
However it is common knowledge ,you just can't take the fact that you sir are a Bumm. I know I know it hurt's when your wrong and you feel you have to defend yourself. Is that good enough ?
Oh ....please by all means you don't have to take your head out of your A -cavity ,it looks like a perfect fit and by the way ....on me ...Have a better day
Waiting on Guild Wars 2
A self-proclaimed "gamer" with an 8 month old account that had never heard of either a gold farmer or the concept there of? Whatever guy. I'm glad you got you're account reinstated, but that's pushing it man.
Gratz you got your account back! BTW im sending you 5 gold from my level 1 burglar, it should be arriving in 10 minutes, you can print your receipt at............
Actually the big problem with EULAs, and why they are not binding, is that you never get to read/agree until you have bought the item and by that time have no way to return the game if you were to disagree.
Here is the important part, please pay attention.
"LOTRO is not designed to support RMT; RMT upsets the game balance, and upsets the players who get spammed by the sellers (though obviously some of that spam is working considering the number of players we've found that have purchased gold from the sellers)"
Now... you were saying something?
Perception is Reality.
Yes, it is a lesson too many newcomers have come to experience.
Well first thing to do is contact the credit card company and put that 60 day time you purchased in dispute. The bank will refund that money, you paid for services you did not recieve.
I personally like the way CCP handles it with Eve, they just take the money away and it usually leaves the gold buyer with a huge negative balance that takes a lot of work to remove. Much better way of doing it. Just dumb to do an outright ban and lose a paying customer.
I personally know someone who was banned by Blizzard for macroing and was refused a refund on his 6 month of game time he had just purchased. He got double his money back in small claims court. No Eula can override existing consumer protection laws, if you purchase a service and they fail to provide it, they must refund your money.
Here is the important part, please pay attention.
"LOTRO is not designed to support RMT; RMT upsets the game balance, and upsets the players who get spammed by the sellers (though obviously some of that spam is working considering the number of players we've found that have purchased gold from the sellers)"
Now... you were saying something?
And this has what to do with me ? Hmmm nothing 3 ,never seen itI know how your trying hard but flip flopping ain't gonna work on me cupcake
Waiting on Guild Wars 2
Indeed. It is common knowledge that gold seller spam was prolific in LOTRO before the first major content update. Well, common to anyone who played the game longer than 2 days, or simply followed the game's forums. Is that good enough? Re-commence head in sand, by all means.
Wrong. It was prolific during the world tour. After that ended I have only recieved one. I have been playing since release and getting one gold spam is pretty damn good.
Seabass becareful, Mr perception isn't to perceptive of the reality of others.
Waiting on Guild Wars 2
Glad to hear it. But now for everyone who knows gold buying is wrong can make up some sob story and do the same thing?
" Take it or leave it but to me it seems there really are only 2 sides. The companies and players who don't want the gold farmers and players that buy the gold and keep the farmers in business on one side, and the gold farmers, players that buy gold, and those that just don't care on the other.
Neat, but you aren't exactly presenting an intelligent defense. But I guess thats just your perception of reality . "
You seem to have a problem telling the difference between your beliefs and reality. The two my friend I hate to break it to you are not the same.
Lets see if i have this straight you believe that i am not presenting a intelligent defense. (this is because you say so, and you are?) but your perception/belief/opinion is somehow supposed to be my reality? (please reread your statement above as many times as needed) Have trouble with the godhood complex much?
There are many parts of your post I could argue, like all gold farmers/sellers are in china and unable to post anything in english (wow how does all the gold seller spam ever get posted ) or that the best way for a gold seller to change the rules that keeps getting them banned is to simply silently keep making new accounts to be banned again. but to what point you've already stated you don't need facts you have your reality (ie opinion)
Sooo I have a great idea since you can change reality with your perception and being the self proclaimed pro-gamer out to protect us from all the evil companies (or is it just Turbine you want to proctect us from?) Then please change your perception of yourself so that you are a billionair then you can make your own game company and make us great fault free games with never a error !
While your at it you can sue the pants off evil companies like Turbine, and Sigil (oops too late its dead maybe Brad though for false advertising) and then SOE (there was that whole SWG NGE thing) and then Funcom (hey AO was broken and very much unplayable for the first 6 months it was out, and CCP (for the t20 dev/BoB cheating) and then of course sue Blizzard because they have for a fact banned tons more players then Turbine and are sueing a gold selling company so they beat Turbine out cold for heavy handed bannings etc.
Seriously to everyone else, game companies do have faults and they do make mistakes but the "I hate this or that company and they need to pay!" rants some posters seem to almost revolve their life around IMHO is sometimes too much and needs to be taken down a notch or two. Companies do change sometimes for the better, sometimes for the worse. The people in charge of AC/Turbine 6 years ago are not (for the most part) the same ones in charge today. This is the same for SOE, or Funcom, CCP or many other evil companies.
Should we expect more, and ask for more from the companies we pay to game with? Sure. Should we carry vendetta's and try and bury the companies for past mistakes. well everyone has their own perception on that
Peace out
Please do post your proof about Turbins infamous heavy handed bannings. I've not seen anywhere that they did anything harsher then WoW. So if you have info that shows they've done more then say Wow I'd like to see it (WoW having permabanned several thousand accounts and sueing a major gold seller)
Yet another "perception is reality" moment. You personally don't perceive Turbine's heavy handed bannings, therefore in your reality, they don't exist. Proof isn't easy to come by in this case, unfortunately. It comes from experience of being in the MMORPG community for many years, and seeing various discussions on the topic. You'll just have to take my word for it, or delve through the past 8 years worth of forum posts.
Interesting that you know 8 years worth of forum posts and we should take your word as a experienced gamer in the MMORPG community yet you've only been a member since 6/07/07 ?
Sorry if that seems like a attack. The REALITY (admittedly based on limited facts) does not seem to support your perception. (which so far seems to only be based on your opinion).
Picture this: A person never played mmorpg before but finaly see's this one game as he's been a fan of its IP for as long he can remember so he picks up this game.
Installs the game cause he does plays regular single player games (maybe ) Like surely 70/80% of gamers he will not read all hte rules, aswell he thinks of himself being a decent person so is not afraid to break any rules anyway, and common how hard should it be to break the rules of a game. Obvious breaking rules could be things like cheats, 3rd party programs which are common things in the gaming world (unforutnaly in reality for those already in the mmorpg community we know mmorpg have a ti bit more rules they apply compared to single players games) anyway he goes on......
Logs into game X walks around, then stops, he looks at all these people talking, his eye's suddenly focused on a very friendly looking text.
"Get your gold here, buy it cheap, we here to serve you"
"hmmm" (noob) thinks, i logged in..let me check if i got any mony...hmmm zip...nothing.....wel lets see what that guy's is about with that yelling about gold, maybe he can help me (walks up to dude with gold)
(noob)Hi.....(Goldy) Hi, (noob): i was wondering if you can tell me more about this gold?
Goldy: Sure man, juts go to this website how much gold you want, then afcourse you can pay with your cc, we have other services aswell check them's the web adress.
(noob): cool man i'm sure to check this out, thanks didn't know it worked that way (goldy): Yeah everyone uses it, its easy man, good luck and have lots of fun when you are rich.
(noob) hehe yeah thanks man, cya.
Yes i'm against those who buy gold, Yes i'm against those who offer gold. But we also have to realize that i think what i just wrote above isn't that wierd now is it?( also not saying it happend like this ). So i do bleieve what OP is saying as we all espeicaly we that are into mmorpg allong time know how disiving those goldscammers can be.
Anyway hope OP took it up with customer support and i have no doubt that it hopefully will work out and that they will understand your sitution. ...hope you get back to your game soon and when you're ingame happy hunting
No, I don't buy that excuse. Ignorance is no damn excuse for breaking the rules. If you are to lazy to read the agreement then stop at LIFE now. You'll have to read A LOT of agreements. Skipping them can be your undoing as it was his,
He got luck and turbine was sympathetic towards him. IMHO, they should rule with an iron fist. A no tolerance policy would be perfect.
Here's a real life example of what I mean. Guy is going 60mph, but ignores reading the speed sign so assumes it's ok in a rural community. Cop pulls him over. Cop says, "You were doing 60 in a 30." Guy says, "I'm sorry officer I didn't know." Cop says, "I'm going to have to issue you a ticket." Guy says, "but I didn't know and i'm really sorry. I've learned my lesson." Copy gives the dumbass a ticket.
The guy was to ignorant to read the damn sign and got a ticket for it. If he had only gotten a warning how is that equality. It isn't. It's also in a rural community. It's common sense not to go at high speeds.
This guy could have easily killed someone as easily as a repeat offender. Even though it was his first time.
Yes I realise this is a game, but the same principles need to be applied. That cop was protecting the community. Turbine is protecting their community. One in the same. The rush of gold destroys the market. Basically killing the community.
You break the rules and don't read the agreement then expect a free pass, because you're to damn ignorant to read the dang rules is a load of shit. I don't care how much stinkin' money you forked over. You broke the rules. Plain and freaken simple as that.
It's common sense in MMO games to not buy outside services. If you took 2 minutes to look around here you'd know that. Hell you could have asked someone if it's ok to do as such.
Either way you would've known this if you'd have read the damn agreement you agree to!
As for not knowing the agreement before purchase. IT'S ON THEIR DAMN WEBSITE AS WITH ALL GAMES.
As said, ignorance is ABSOLUTELY NO EXCUSE. Sorry if i'm being harsh, but it's freaken the dang trueth.
No, I don't buy that excuse. Ignorance is no damn excuse for breaking the rules. If you are to lazy to read the agreement then stop at LIFE now. You'll have to read A LOT of agreements. Skipping them can be your undoing as it was his,
He got luck and turbine was sympathetic towards him. IMHO, they should rule with an iron fist. A no tolerance policy would be perfect.
Here's a real life example of what I mean. Guy is going 60mph, but ignores reading the speed sign so assumes it's ok in a rural community. Cop pulls him over. Cop says, "You were doing 60 in a 30." Guy says, "I'm sorry officer I didn't know." Cop says, "I'm going to have to issue you a ticket." Guy says, "but I didn't know and i'm really sorry. I've learned my lesson." Copy gives the dumbass a ticket. Guy takes driven lesson for What? I havn't seen a school for gamers where they teach you all the insides of the gaming world or its rules like i said there are a few common rules that apply all over gaming but this gold thing sure it can be called ignorant but its more ignorant to asume everyone playing mmorpg really read those rules, some do , yes i do with beta's but already know most of them as i'm no noob in mmorpg so i do not read them when installing a new mmorpg.
The guy was to ignorant to read the damn sign and got a ticket for it. If he had only gotten a warning how is that equality. It isn't. It's also in a rural community. It's common sense not to go at high speeds.
This guy could have easily killed someone as easily as a repeat offender. Even though it was his first time. You keep forgetting for someone who is new to mmorpg this does not matter what type of mmorpg , they are pretty overwelming when you first step into them. Ashame you seem to have forgotten this, ah right you never where a noob you knew everything from the start and never ever in your life made one single mistake...yeah right...well you know what they say. those who never make mistakes never learn it those who make mistakes that are mostlike are able to learn.
Yes I realise this is a game, but the same principles need to be applied. That cop was protecting the community. Turbine is protecting their community. One in the same. The rush of gold destroys the market. Basically killing the community. Turbine is doing a good job a that sticking with principles, but luckely we know Turbine is also run by people and Turbine has people that actualy listen to their community so if he has a problem i'm pretty sure it can be worked out for him.
You break the rules and don't read the agreement then expect a free pass, because you're to damn ignorant to read the dang rules is a load of shit. I don't care how much stinkin' money you forked over. You broke the rules. Plain and freaken simple as that.
It's common sense in MMO games to not buy outside services. If you took 2 minutes to look around here you'd know that. Hell you could have asked someone if it's ok to do as such. IF YOU COMMON WITH MMO's
Either way you would've known this if you'd have read the damn agreement you agree to! Some do not see it as a job they see it as a form of entertainment therefor do you read the text that comes before a movie? (not the subtitle or actors in the movie but the agrements they place on video/DVD's? so why is this so hard for some people to understand that some people will treath it just like that ..ENTERTAINMENT and should we now for everything that is entertainment read the rules, sure in some cases we should as with MMORPG but then isn't it us who play these games for some time with the experiance to help people that are new to this game genre and explain its importent to read rules when playing a mmorpg, is it really need to act ignorant and totaly ingore the facts what mmorpg are when you new to them.
As for not knowing the agreement before purchase. IT'S ON THEIR DAMN WEBSITE AS WITH ALL GAMES. You really think that acting this way or replying like you did will open the door for more people to come to this genre, sorry thats for me something that i call ignorance as with that sort of behaviour your not helping others but more pushing people away
As said, ignorance is ABSOLUTELY NO EXCUSE. Sorry if i'm being harsh, but it's freaken the dang truth. That you being harch is not a real problem, its pretty normal on these forums these day's , but tot think you think you speak the thruth is..well......LOL
I would sure hope that people like me who have never downloaded any illegal hacked content of any sort is not a 5% minority. That would be a scary number!
Never downloaded any illegal content, never installed software you didn't pay for, never drove over the speed limit, swore in public or had a drink before the legal age limit?
Welcome back Lord!
Grats to the OP for resolving the issue with Turbine, and make sure you use an alt account next time
"True friends stab you in the front." | Oscar Wilde
"I need to finish" - Christian Wolff: The Accountant
Just trying to live long enough to play a new, released MMORPG, playing New Worlds atm
Fools find no pleasure in understanding but delight in airing their own opinions. Pvbs 18:2, NIV
Don't just play games, inhabit virtual worlds™
"This is the most intelligent, well qualified and articulate response to a post I have ever seen on these forums. It's a shame most people here won't have the attention span to read past the second line." - Anon
congrats for getting the account back from me too . Certainly banning a gold buyer is somewhat idiotic imo whether they do it knowingly or not, either way they are a contributing member of the community and have more money to spend on the game so may be willing to stay around longer. If an option is available to make a game easier many people will willingly take it and I've known a couple of self-professed buyers.
The only way to effectively eliminate the problem is to remove the source, the seller. And certainly again imo if you are going to ban someone for breaking EULA such as buying gold they should clearly state it where players can see - instead of burying it within an agreement that many don't read. Especially when messaging systems in game are rife with selling spam, which increase the probability of buyers. Otherwise you are simply alienating a contributing part of the community.
Here is the important part, please pay attention.
"LOTRO is not designed to support RMT; RMT upsets the game balance, and upsets the players who get spammed by the sellers (though obviously some of that spam is working considering the number of players we've found that have purchased gold from the sellers)"
Now... you were saying something?
Like I said that was during the World Tour when anyone could get an account. Since then I have only seen one and haven't seen any since.
Here is an interesting thread for you.
In America I have bad teeth. If I lived in England my teeth would be perfect.