Please don't personally attack developers , its their job.
get a new job.. no one should work for SOE
you guys are truly are. Attacking a company is one thing...attacking someone personally is another.
I work for exxonmobil....environmentalists hate us. Does that mean i am going to quit my job? Hell no. I like what i do. Couldn't give a rats arse what you say. They pay well, and treat their employees great. Why the hell would i leave? just because some yuppy, no shoes wearing hippy says we're destroying our environment? Nope. Why? I like my job, and i have a family to provide for.
If a company threw you a large chunk of money to work for em, no matter how bad their would jump into it with a heartbeat. And don't give me that sanctimonious "i have morales" crap. You know you would.
if the money was right i would club baby seals for a living but i wouldn't work for soe. because it would put me in the place he is in.
Please don't personally attack developers , its their job.
get a new job.. no one should work for SOE
you guys are truly are. Attacking a company is one thing...attacking someone personally is another.
I work for exxonmobil....environmentalists hate us. Does that mean i am going to quit my job? Hell no. I like what i do. Couldn't give a rats arse what you say. They pay well, and treat their employees great. Why the hell would i leave? just because some yuppy, no shoes wearing hippy says we're destroying our environment? Nope. Why? I like my job, and i have a family to provide for.
If a company threw you a large chunk of money to work for em, no matter how bad their would jump into it with a heartbeat. And don't give me that sanctimonious "i have morales" crap. You know you would.
Well, I will disagree with you on the morals thing. I have done that in my ex line of work, more than once actually. I do agree with you though on the personal attacks. GreyPawn hasn't done that to any one that I know of.
However that can not be said for all of their staff at SW:G. ChirsCao comes to mind more than once, along with a few others.
The thing is, the folks at SOE are in complete denial at the moment. Denial of alot of things and let's just say I have the feeling there is going to be another one of those big changes coming up. I have no proof of this, just a feeling, because I've been through it twice before and things seem to be going that same route as they did before.
Please don't personally attack developers , its their job.
get a new job.. no one should work for SOE
you guys are truly are. Attacking a company is one thing...attacking someone personally is another.
I work for exxonmobil....environmentalists hate us. Does that mean i am going to quit my job? Hell no. I like what i do. Couldn't give a rats arse what you say. They pay well, and treat their employees great. Why the hell would i leave? just because some yuppy, no shoes wearing hippy says we're destroying our environment? Nope. Why? I like my job, and i have a family to provide for.
If a company threw you a large chunk of money to work for em, no matter how bad their would jump into it with a heartbeat. And don't give me that sanctimonious "i have morales" crap. You know you would.
Well, I will disagree with you on the morals thing. I have done that in my ex line of work, more than once actually. I do agree with you though on the personal attacks. GreyPawn hasn't done that to any one that I know of.
However that can not be said for all of their staff at SW:G. ChirsCao comes to mind more than once, along with a few others.
The thing is, the folks at SOE are in complete denial at the moment. Denial of alot of things and let's just say I have the feeling there is going to be another one of those big changes coming up. I have no proof of this, just a feeling, because I've been through it twice before and things seem to be going that same route as they did before.
SOE exists completely in an unreality bubble, created either by extreme substance abuse, stupidity, or mental ilness, one of the three. I don't see how any reasonable person couldn't have expected the NGE to play out any other way than what actually happened. Heck, we were all there on the forums screaming at them not to do it, and predicting THEN what would happen. It did happen...
Furthermore, they still think they are a major player in the MMO industry when they aren't even large enough in terms of subscribers across all games to even be a blip in the industry.
SOE's upcoming releases are all going to fail. Yes, the NGE will be a factor, but the biggest factor is that SOE is a horribly mismanaged company that is incapable of producing anything that anyone outside their little bubble would want to play.
Please don't personally attack developers , its their job.
get a new job.. no one should work for SOE
you guys are truly are. Attacking a company is one thing...attacking someone personally is another.
I work for exxonmobil....environmentalists hate us. Does that mean i am going to quit my job? Hell no. I like what i do. Couldn't give a rats arse what you say. They pay well, and treat their employees great. Why the hell would i leave? just because some yuppy, no shoes wearing hippy says we're destroying our environment? Nope. Why? I like my job, and i have a family to provide for.
If a company threw you a large chunk of money to work for em, no matter how bad their would jump into it with a heartbeat. And don't give me that sanctimonious "i have morales" crap. You know you would.
Red Highlights: I'm sorry. On both counts. But, no one said you should work for exxonmobil did they? I assume they "threw a large chunk of money at you"? I love kids, and I love the family structure, but don't give me shit about "I have a family to support". You chose to start a family. That's not an excuse that justifies anything.
Yellow Highlight: No, I don't have morals, but if $OE "threw a large chunk of money at me" I wouldn't take it. There's NO WAY I would work for a company who has used criminal business practices like $OE has.
ToOW Bait and switch anyone? How about all the accounts $OE wouldn't refund because of the NGE? Need I say more?
Please don't personally attack developers , its their job.
get a new job.. no one should work for SOE
you guys are truly are. Attacking a company is one thing...attacking someone personally is another.
I work for exxonmobil....environmentalists hate us. Does that mean i am going to quit my job? Hell no. I like what i do. Couldn't give a rats arse what you say. They pay well, and treat their employees great. Why the hell would i leave? just because some yuppy, no shoes wearing hippy says we're destroying our environment? Nope. Why? I like my job, and i have a family to provide for.
If a company threw you a large chunk of money to work for em, no matter how bad their would jump into it with a heartbeat. And don't give me that sanctimonious "i have morales" crap. You know you would.
Red Highlights: I'm sorry. On both counts. But, no one said you should work for exxonmobil did they? I assume they "threw a large chunk of money at you"? I love kids, and I love the family structure, but don't give me shit about "I have a family to support". You chose to start a family. That's not an excuse that justifies anything.
Yellow Highlight: No, I don't have morals, but if $OE "threw a large chunk of money at me" I wouldn't take it. There's NO WAY I would work for a company who has used criminal business practices like $OE has.
ToOW Bait and switch anyone? How about all the accounts $OE wouldn't refund because of the NGE? Need I say more?
I'd do GreyPawn's job, for a substantial amount of money. I wouldn't last very long though. Responding to player questions about in-game things with "I have no idea what you're talking about. I don't play SWG because it is horribly unfun and one of, if not the, worst MMO on the market. I don't understand why anyone would play this PoS, let alone pay for the privilege. I'll send your thoughts along to the developers." wouldn't incline them to continue to pay me. No sense in lying to the customers, the game is currently complete crap.
As to GreyPawn personally, necro'ing an almost year old post to disagree with the substance of it is idiotic enough. The fact that he has stated that he had neither played or even checked out SWG prior to being hired by SOE, which was several months after the article was written, makes his post even more laughable. If there is one thing SOE has been the most consistent on, since they were founded, it is hiring people to deal with their game 'communities' who are completely unqualified to do the job. The only anomaly was the former EQ2 Community Manager who left some number of months ago.
Are any of you guys in the industry to actually know what the hades you are talking about? You sound like noobs,
Heh. Well, when discussing the history of Star Wars Galaxies' gameplay revisions and the deterioration of it's playerbase and community, the vets are anything but noobs.
Read GreyPawn's posts. You'll notice he fails to mention anything even remotely specific about the game. Consequently, he adds very little to any particular discussion. He blatantly uses SOE's gag-order on server populations as a shield to wax poetic on the game's "health."
If GreyPawn wants to build credibility with disenfranchised players, he should write a personalized review of the current game. Allow us to experience the NGE through his eyes. As many of us have tried the free trials, we've formed our own opinions of the NGE's merits and shortcomings firsthand. Permitting us to compare and contrast our opinions from his would allow us to more accurately judge the current and future propaganda put forth by him.
By itself, his review would do little to sway the outlook of the disenfranchised, but it could do wonders in establishing credibility.
What points, specifically, did he consider in his "healthy" prognosis of a the NGE?
What aspects of the NGE does he consider "improved" from previous versions?
When he plays the NGE, what tends to monopolize his time?
Why does he feel that 2 years should somehow diminish the wrongs done to the community?
He says the best way to prove him wrong is to log in and try it....Hehe, perhaps GreyPawn could offer a few pointers to us cynical dissidents that directs us to the healthy community and improved features? I certainly couldn't find any of those things... I wonder if he knows why we're cynical?
Nevertheless, it's the same ole' shit from Sony....passive disrespect and lies.
GP shot any chance of establishing credibility the first time he waded into the pre NGE minefield. He simply never should have ever said anything about pre NGE, or about the vets.
Please don't personally attack developers , its their job.
get a new job.. no one should work for SOE
you guys are truly are. Attacking a company is one thing...attacking someone personally is another.
I work for exxonmobil....environmentalists hate us. Does that mean i am going to quit my job? Hell no. I like what i do. Couldn't give a rats arse what you say. They pay well, and treat their employees great. Why the hell would i leave? just because some yuppy, no shoes wearing hippy says we're destroying our environment? Nope. Why? I like my job, and i have a family to provide for.
If a company threw you a large chunk of money to work for em, no matter how bad their would jump into it with a heartbeat. And don't give me that sanctimonious "i have morales" crap. You know you would.
OK your off just a little here... sure Hippies hate corprate men, environmentalist hate the oil industry, Coke drinkers hate Pepsi, McDonnalds vs Burger King, Red Sox fans hate Yankee's... that's not the issue here.
You have to compare the company, the event, and the response. So let's change it in your company, then see if they react the same.
OK Exxon-Mobile, you may remember, or have heard of that oil tanker the 'Exxon Valdez' that smashed ashore upon Alaska's coast. That may be viewed as a big oopsie, and how did Exxon respond? Did they leave the filth in place? Did they then say Environmentalists had no credable reason to be upset, and that their anger was unjust, and missplaced? Did they come out and say "We expect to loose a percentage of birds and fish, but in six months time when the environment adapts to this, they will be healthier, and stronger as a result?" Did they have press interviews that were flippant, about "Well hauling oil is mostly a safe industry, and yes sometimes we have an accident, but if American's want to drive their cars getting the oil in is a more important factor. We have to break a few eggs to make the omlet... I mean we are provideing a service, and the general populace isn't concerned with the few upset individuals in a far off remote Alaska."
Did they then claim that the population numbers were returning in the spill zone? Did they say the region is now better than before? Habitat's thriving, and all manner of the 'disaster' were over-stated by a few vocal minority, that havent been to the region in 6 months, 1 year, or 2... Did they hire a PR guy to stand upon the shore there 2 years after, and state "Well I wasn't here before the spill, but it looks OK to me. I mean the rusting remains of the ship there provide a windbreak, and look at that sheen upon the water still. The black rocks over here provide a stark contrast that enhances the natural beauty of the region... those that were upset had no real reason to complain, and what we did is well... Look at the fish jumping over there.. did they have 3 eyes before?"
Or did they respond with clean up crews to contain, and remove the contamination. They began to work with the local community to restore the habitat. They removed the wreck, helped in wildlife preservation, abided by EPA rulings, conducted an investigation. When the captain was found to have been 'drunk' they didn't allow him to remain, he's now driving rubber ducky's in his bathtub.
$OE/LEC did none of the damage control, or community response after giving us such a disaster the likes of the NGE. They continue to blame us the 'vets' for the problem. They refuse to clean up the mess, and say we are to blame for the continued bad feelings. After all they game is different now, 2 years later. Forget what happened, step over the diseased rotting corpse that is the NGE tell your freinds and come enjoy. They accept no blame, no wrong doing, no fault for the disaster. All the little 'tweaks' and 'fixes' have returned everything to now better than ever. They promoted the persons responsible, and ignored, locked, banned the dissadents...
Small differance.
Mankind is not limited by imagination, but the courage to reach....
As every1 probably knows, I am 1 of the highly criticle of SOE, corporate or devs. That said, I sure would not want Greypawn's job. I can understand how he might be zealous and even pertective of SWG. But, I admit, that it was not a good idea to come here, (Vet Refuge) and try to plead a case that is no way near win-able much less even make-able.
When I was in the game, I have to admit that Greypawn at least answered my pms. Alot better than the silence you get from DM and blix if they dont like what your saying or the question. When out of frustration, I asked him the question of "why should I remain subbed?", he answered truthfully that "he couldn't give me a reason". Gotta give credit where credit is due, at least he was honest.
I'm sure that SOE did not tell him exactly what he would run into in the means of his employment. Even if they did, he is "breaking into the industry" so to speak and had to start somewhere. They, SOE, almost had to hire some1 with no experience in SWG. Only way they got the position filled.
all of you STFU! Greypawn is awesome! if you werent all close minded vets you would know two things 1) SWG is a good game 2) Greypawn is awesome so STFU crybabies and start flaming me already for this post!
all of you STFU! Greypawn is awesome! if you werent all close minded vets you would know two things 1) SWG is a good game 2) Greypawn is awesome so STFU crybabies and start flaming me already for this post!
all of you STFU! Greypawn is awesome! if you werent all close minded vets you would know two things 1) SWG is a good game 2) Greypawn is awesome so STFU crybabies and start flaming me already for this post!
all of you STFU! Greypawn is awesome! if you werent all close minded vets you would know two things 1) SWG is a good game 2) Greypawn is awesome so STFU crybabies and start flaming me already for this post!
Hi Greypawn. Nice of you to drop by and chat with us. A quick question - How can you stand to actually PLAY SWG? How boring it must be to level up a Jedi from scratch... The NGE is quite possibly the worst mutation of a video game that has ever graced a computer screen.
I do find it impressive and sad at the same time that there are 20,000 suckers out there willing to pay to Beta test a game lmao... Funny stuff.
all of you STFU! Greypawn is awesome! if you werent all close minded vets you would know two things 1) SWG is a good game 2) Greypawn is awesome so STFU crybabies and start flaming me already for this post!
ROFLMAO....You sure are funny Greypawn, but not to worry, looks dont count for everything.
Lol. Dont they ever worry about their self esteem etc while reading this? GAWD !
No because they exist within an alternate reality bubble.
Sorry to have to say this but the only ones who are living in a alternate reality are guy's like you, AveBethos and Obee, nothing you have said or posted makes sense, nothing indicate's you know how to make fun. nothing at all in not one of your post tells use you actualy are a gamer. Nothing but absolutely nothing any of you 3 guy's say makes sense. So if you make a comment about people who living in a alternate reality all you are saying is how you guy's seem to persieve games, which is clear to each and ever gamer that you guy's are no part of this mmorpg comunity, each time you speak is each time you distance yourself from this community. You are no VETS and thats a fact regardless of what you say we do not have close minded people like you behave among this community. Its a ashme really that you are not capable of seeing this yourslef. Why so misleading, why every time you open your mouth more lies and dishonosty cames here. Tell the truth and you hide behind your ignrance. Grow up cause honostly you 3 guy's act as if you are little children and i know you supose to be adult, now act like one please as like i said you 3 are the only ones who troll these forums spreading nonense. I wish i could atleast have seen one post that indicates you are gamers and know how to make fun in a game. But seriously not one post of you guy's shows this, all you 3 guy's is show us how ignorant you guy's are. Not one post seriously not ONE is positive, even things not SOE related you guiy's act ignorant. You guy's should really seek help, no this is not meant offensive this is meant in your best intrest, cause if you guy's act this way about a game , god help you when you encounter things that really matter in your lifes.
all of you STFU! Greypawn is awesome! if you werent all close minded vets you would know two things 1) SWG is a good game 2) Greypawn is awesome so STFU crybabies and start flaming me already for this post!
Close-minded huh?
Is that what it's called when you don't accept mediocrity? If so then I'm proudly guilty as charged.
I love when the swg community schills stumble in here and get a cold hard dose of reality. 'For every one dissident there is a crowd of happy swg gamers'. Right. Then where are the official subscription numbers? Show me one chart detailing how the subs currently outnumber the numbers pre-cu and I and the rest of my nation will depart into the void never to return.
I really enjoy greypawn's posts. Could SOE have found a guy with less knowledge about swg?
But it doesn't really bug me anymore. Even if they had left things pre-cu I probably would have moved on by now. And SOE can lie to the community and the press but they can't lie to themselves, and the fact is swg is the biggest clusterfuck in mmo history and they'll never live down that stigma. Plus they have to sit in their boardroom and watch as an MMO created by a company with less than 300 people on the payroll at the time of it's inception generates an exponetially larger amount of revenue.
'If you don't like it, go somewhere else.' Well we did. 90% of the people I knew from swg play wow now. SOE might as well have sent us a gift wrapped copy.
you guys are truly are. Attacking a company is one thing...attacking someone personally is another.get a new job.. no one should work for SOE
I work for exxonmobil....environmentalists hate us. Does that mean i am going to quit my job? Hell no. I like what i do. Couldn't give a rats arse what you say. They pay well, and treat their employees great. Why the hell would i leave? just because some yuppy, no shoes wearing hippy says we're destroying our environment? Nope. Why? I like my job, and i have a family to provide for.
If a company threw you a large chunk of money to work for em, no matter how bad their would jump into it with a heartbeat. And don't give me that sanctimonious "i have morales" crap. You know you would.
if the money was right i would club baby seals for a living but i wouldn't work for soe. because it would put me in the place he is in.
you guys are truly are. Attacking a company is one thing...attacking someone personally is another.get a new job.. no one should work for SOE
I work for exxonmobil....environmentalists hate us. Does that mean i am going to quit my job? Hell no. I like what i do. Couldn't give a rats arse what you say. They pay well, and treat their employees great. Why the hell would i leave? just because some yuppy, no shoes wearing hippy says we're destroying our environment? Nope. Why? I like my job, and i have a family to provide for.
If a company threw you a large chunk of money to work for em, no matter how bad their would jump into it with a heartbeat. And don't give me that sanctimonious "i have morales" crap. You know you would.
Well, I will disagree with you on the morals thing. I have done that in my ex line of work, more than once actually. I do agree with you though on the personal attacks. GreyPawn hasn't done that to any one that I know of.
However that can not be said for all of their staff at SW:G. ChirsCao comes to mind more than once, along with a few others.
The thing is, the folks at SOE are in complete denial at the moment. Denial of alot of things and let's just say I have the feeling there is going to be another one of those big changes coming up. I have no proof of this, just a feeling, because I've been through it twice before and things seem to be going that same route as they did before.
you guys are truly are. Attacking a company is one thing...attacking someone personally is another.get a new job.. no one should work for SOE
I work for exxonmobil....environmentalists hate us. Does that mean i am going to quit my job? Hell no. I like what i do. Couldn't give a rats arse what you say. They pay well, and treat their employees great. Why the hell would i leave? just because some yuppy, no shoes wearing hippy says we're destroying our environment? Nope. Why? I like my job, and i have a family to provide for.
If a company threw you a large chunk of money to work for em, no matter how bad their would jump into it with a heartbeat. And don't give me that sanctimonious "i have morales" crap. You know you would.
Well, I will disagree with you on the morals thing. I have done that in my ex line of work, more than once actually. I do agree with you though on the personal attacks. GreyPawn hasn't done that to any one that I know of.
However that can not be said for all of their staff at SW:G. ChirsCao comes to mind more than once, along with a few others.
The thing is, the folks at SOE are in complete denial at the moment. Denial of alot of things and let's just say I have the feeling there is going to be another one of those big changes coming up. I have no proof of this, just a feeling, because I've been through it twice before and things seem to be going that same route as they did before.
SOE exists completely in an unreality bubble, created either by extreme substance abuse, stupidity, or mental ilness, one of the three. I don't see how any reasonable person couldn't have expected the NGE to play out any other way than what actually happened. Heck, we were all there on the forums screaming at them not to do it, and predicting THEN what would happen. It did happen...
Furthermore, they still think they are a major player in the MMO industry when they aren't even large enough in terms of subscribers across all games to even be a blip in the industry.
SOE's upcoming releases are all going to fail. Yes, the NGE will be a factor, but the biggest factor is that SOE is a horribly mismanaged company that is incapable of producing anything that anyone outside their little bubble would want to play.
you guys are truly are. Attacking a company is one thing...attacking someone personally is another.get a new job.. no one should work for SOE
I work for exxonmobil....environmentalists hate us. Does that mean i am going to quit my job? Hell no. I like what i do. Couldn't give a rats arse what you say. They pay well, and treat their employees great. Why the hell would i leave? just because some yuppy, no shoes wearing hippy says we're destroying our environment? Nope. Why? I like my job, and i have a family to provide for.
If a company threw you a large chunk of money to work for em, no matter how bad their would jump into it with a heartbeat. And don't give me that sanctimonious "i have morales" crap. You know you would.
Red Highlights: I'm sorry. On both counts. But, no one said you should work for exxonmobil did they? I assume they "threw a large chunk of money at you"? I love kids, and I love the family structure, but don't give me shit about "I have a family to support". You chose to start a family. That's not an excuse that justifies anything.
Yellow Highlight: No, I don't have morals, but if $OE "threw a large chunk of money at me" I wouldn't take it. There's NO WAY I would work for a company who has used criminal business practices like $OE has.
ToOW Bait and switch anyone? How about all the accounts $OE wouldn't refund because of the NGE? Need I say more?
you guys are truly are. Attacking a company is one thing...attacking someone personally is another.get a new job.. no one should work for SOE
I work for exxonmobil....environmentalists hate us. Does that mean i am going to quit my job? Hell no. I like what i do. Couldn't give a rats arse what you say. They pay well, and treat their employees great. Why the hell would i leave? just because some yuppy, no shoes wearing hippy says we're destroying our environment? Nope. Why? I like my job, and i have a family to provide for.
If a company threw you a large chunk of money to work for em, no matter how bad their would jump into it with a heartbeat. And don't give me that sanctimonious "i have morales" crap. You know you would.
Red Highlights: I'm sorry. On both counts. But, no one said you should work for exxonmobil did they? I assume they "threw a large chunk of money at you"? I love kids, and I love the family structure, but don't give me shit about "I have a family to support". You chose to start a family. That's not an excuse that justifies anything.
Yellow Highlight: No, I don't have morals, but if $OE "threw a large chunk of money at me" I wouldn't take it. There's NO WAY I would work for a company who has used criminal business practices like $OE has.
ToOW Bait and switch anyone? How about all the accounts $OE wouldn't refund because of the NGE? Need I say more?
I'd do GreyPawn's job, for a substantial amount of money. I wouldn't last very long though. Responding to player questions about in-game things with "I have no idea what you're talking about. I don't play SWG because it is horribly unfun and one of, if not the, worst MMO on the market. I don't understand why anyone would play this PoS, let alone pay for the privilege. I'll send your thoughts along to the developers." wouldn't incline them to continue to pay me. No sense in lying to the customers, the game is currently complete crap.
As to GreyPawn personally, necro'ing an almost year old post to disagree with the substance of it is idiotic enough. The fact that he has stated that he had neither played or even checked out SWG prior to being hired by SOE, which was several months after the article was written, makes his post even more laughable. If there is one thing SOE has been the most consistent on, since they were founded, it is hiring people to deal with their game 'communities' who are completely unqualified to do the job. The only anomaly was the former EQ2 Community Manager who left some number of months ago.
Heh. Well, when discussing the history of Star Wars Galaxies' gameplay revisions and the deterioration of it's playerbase and community, the vets are anything but noobs.
Read GreyPawn's posts. You'll notice he fails to mention anything even remotely specific about the game. Consequently, he adds very little to any particular discussion. He blatantly uses SOE's gag-order on server populations as a shield to wax poetic on the game's "health."
If GreyPawn wants to build credibility with disenfranchised players, he should write a personalized review of the current game. Allow us to experience the NGE through his eyes. As many of us have tried the free trials, we've formed our own opinions of the NGE's merits and shortcomings firsthand. Permitting us to compare and contrast our opinions from his would allow us to more accurately judge the current and future propaganda put forth by him.
By itself, his review would do little to sway the outlook of the disenfranchised, but it could do wonders in establishing credibility.
What points, specifically, did he consider in his "healthy" prognosis of a the NGE?
What aspects of the NGE does he consider "improved" from previous versions?
When he plays the NGE, what tends to monopolize his time?
Why does he feel that 2 years should somehow diminish the wrongs done to the community?
He says the best way to prove him wrong is to log in and try it....Hehe, perhaps GreyPawn could offer a few pointers to us cynical dissidents that directs us to the healthy community and improved features? I certainly couldn't find any of those things... I wonder if he knows why we're cynical?
Nevertheless, it's the same ole' shit from Sony....passive disrespect and lies.
GP shot any chance of establishing credibility the first time he waded into the pre NGE minefield. He simply never should have ever said anything about pre NGE, or about the vets.
you guys are truly are. Attacking a company is one thing...attacking someone personally is another.get a new job.. no one should work for SOE
I work for exxonmobil....environmentalists hate us. Does that mean i am going to quit my job? Hell no. I like what i do. Couldn't give a rats arse what you say. They pay well, and treat their employees great. Why the hell would i leave? just because some yuppy, no shoes wearing hippy says we're destroying our environment? Nope. Why? I like my job, and i have a family to provide for.
If a company threw you a large chunk of money to work for em, no matter how bad their would jump into it with a heartbeat. And don't give me that sanctimonious "i have morales" crap. You know you would.
OK your off just a little here... sure Hippies hate corprate men, environmentalist hate the oil industry, Coke drinkers hate Pepsi, McDonnalds vs Burger King, Red Sox fans hate Yankee's... that's not the issue here.
You have to compare the company, the event, and the response. So let's change it in your company, then see if they react the same.
OK Exxon-Mobile, you may remember, or have heard of that oil tanker the 'Exxon Valdez' that smashed ashore upon Alaska's coast. That may be viewed as a big oopsie, and how did Exxon respond? Did they leave the filth in place? Did they then say Environmentalists had no credable reason to be upset, and that their anger was unjust, and missplaced? Did they come out and say "We expect to loose a percentage of birds and fish, but in six months time when the environment adapts to this, they will be healthier, and stronger as a result?" Did they have press interviews that were flippant, about "Well hauling oil is mostly a safe industry, and yes sometimes we have an accident, but if American's want to drive their cars getting the oil in is a more important factor. We have to break a few eggs to make the omlet... I mean we are provideing a service, and the general populace isn't concerned with the few upset individuals in a far off remote Alaska."
Did they then claim that the population numbers were returning in the spill zone? Did they say the region is now better than before? Habitat's thriving, and all manner of the 'disaster' were over-stated by a few vocal minority, that havent been to the region in 6 months, 1 year, or 2... Did they hire a PR guy to stand upon the shore there 2 years after, and state "Well I wasn't here before the spill, but it looks OK to me. I mean the rusting remains of the ship there provide a windbreak, and look at that sheen upon the water still. The black rocks over here provide a stark contrast that enhances the natural beauty of the region... those that were upset had no real reason to complain, and what we did is well... Look at the fish jumping over there.. did they have 3 eyes before?"
Or did they respond with clean up crews to contain, and remove the contamination. They began to work with the local community to restore the habitat. They removed the wreck, helped in wildlife preservation, abided by EPA rulings, conducted an investigation. When the captain was found to have been 'drunk' they didn't allow him to remain, he's now driving rubber ducky's in his bathtub.
$OE/LEC did none of the damage control, or community response after giving us such a disaster the likes of the NGE. They continue to blame us the 'vets' for the problem. They refuse to clean up the mess, and say we are to blame for the continued bad feelings. After all they game is different now, 2 years later. Forget what happened, step over the diseased rotting corpse that is the NGE tell your freinds and come enjoy. They accept no blame, no wrong doing, no fault for the disaster. All the little 'tweaks' and 'fixes' have returned everything to now better than ever. They promoted the persons responsible, and ignored, locked, banned the dissadents...
Small differance.
Mankind is not limited by imagination, but the courage to reach....
As every1 probably knows, I am 1 of the highly criticle of SOE, corporate or devs. That said, I sure would not want Greypawn's job. I can understand how he might be zealous and even pertective of SWG. But, I admit, that it was not a good idea to come here, (Vet Refuge) and try to plead a case that is no way near win-able much less even make-able.
When I was in the game, I have to admit that Greypawn at least answered my pms. Alot better than the silence you get from DM and blix if they dont like what your saying or the question. When out of frustration, I asked him the question of "why should I remain subbed?", he answered truthfully that "he couldn't give me a reason". Gotta give credit where credit is due, at least he was honest.
I'm sure that SOE did not tell him exactly what he would run into in the means of his employment. Even if they did, he is "breaking into the industry" so to speak and had to start somewhere. They, SOE, almost had to hire some1 with no experience in SWG. Only way they got the position filled.
GreyPawn's job is one where the only winning move is to not accept it.
That said, he's made the worst of it by pouring gasoline onto exising fires and throwing lighted matches on them.
The job of anyone who works on SWG is impossible to do well. The only way it could be would be for the whole team to either:
1. Quit en masse
2. Announce the NGE is dead and Pre-CU is being uploaded now.
Lol. Dont they ever worry about their self esteem etc while reading this? GAWD !
Played almost everything...
Currently playing nothing...
Waiting for: Darkfall, WAR, Guild Wars 2.
No because they exist within an alternate reality bubble.
No because they exist within an alternate reality bubble.
No seriously though... I'd quit my job and run away if I read forums insulting me like this :P
Played almost everything...
Currently playing nothing...
Waiting for: Darkfall, WAR, Guild Wars 2.
No because they exist within an alternate reality bubble.
No seriously though... I'd quit my job and run away if I read forums insulting me like this :P
One forum? No. But If I knew that over 100,000 people hated me for breathing, yes.
Yeah, it'd suck to know I was hated just for who I worked for.
all of you STFU! Greypawn is awesome! if you werent all close minded vets you would know two things 1) SWG is a good game 2) Greypawn is awesome so STFU crybabies and start flaming me already for this post!
Lol. Welcome.
/give cookie
Lol. Welcome.
/give cookie
/eat /thank so what if i have one post how do you know this isnt an alt accnt?
Hi Greypawn. Nice of you to drop by and chat with us. A quick question - How can you stand to actually PLAY SWG? How boring it must be to level up a Jedi from scratch... The NGE is quite possibly the worst mutation of a video game that has ever graced a computer screen.
I do find it impressive and sad at the same time that there are 20,000 suckers out there willing to pay to Beta test a game lmao... Funny stuff.
ROFLMAO....You sure are funny Greypawn, but not to worry, looks dont count for everything.
No because they exist within an alternate reality bubble.
Sorry to have to say this but the only ones who are living in a alternate reality are guy's like you, AveBethos and Obee, nothing you have said or posted makes sense, nothing indicate's you know how to make fun. nothing at all in not one of your post tells use you actualy are a gamer. Nothing but absolutely nothing any of you 3 guy's say makes sense. So if you make a comment about people who living in a alternate reality all you are saying is how you guy's seem to persieve games, which is clear to each and ever gamer that you guy's are no part of this mmorpg comunity, each time you speak is each time you distance yourself from this community. You are no VETS and thats a fact regardless of what you say we do not have close minded people like you behave among this community. Its a ashme really that you are not capable of seeing this yourslef. Why so misleading, why every time you open your mouth more lies and dishonosty cames here. Tell the truth and you hide behind your ignrance. Grow up cause honostly you 3 guy's act as if you are little children and i know you supose to be adult, now act like one please as like i said you 3 are the only ones who troll these forums spreading nonense. I wish i could atleast have seen one post that indicates you are gamers and know how to make fun in a game. But seriously not one post of you guy's shows this, all you 3 guy's is show us how ignorant you guy's are. Not one post seriously not ONE is positive, even things not SOE related you guiy's act ignorant. You guy's should really seek help, no this is not meant offensive this is meant in your best intrest, cause if you guy's act this way about a game , god help you when you encounter things that really matter in your lifes.
Is that what it's called when you don't accept mediocrity? If so then I'm proudly guilty as charged.
I love when the swg community schills stumble in here and get a cold hard dose of reality. 'For every one dissident there is a crowd of happy swg gamers'. Right. Then where are the official subscription numbers? Show me one chart detailing how the subs currently outnumber the numbers pre-cu and I and the rest of my nation will depart into the void never to return.
I really enjoy greypawn's posts. Could SOE have found a guy with less knowledge about swg?
But it doesn't really bug me anymore. Even if they had left things pre-cu I probably would have moved on by now. And SOE can lie to the community and the press but they can't lie to themselves, and the fact is swg is the biggest clusterfuck in mmo history and they'll never live down that stigma. Plus they have to sit in their boardroom and watch as an MMO created by a company with less than 300 people on the payroll at the time of it's inception generates an exponetially larger amount of revenue.
'If you don't like it, go somewhere else.' Well we did. 90% of the people I knew from swg play wow now. SOE might as well have sent us a gift wrapped copy.
For every current SWG subscriber there is at least 3-4 subscribers who quit over the NGE.