The Ven-man is back with another question for you MMORPG gamers. Do you feel that TR is on its way to be yet another game to go free to play game or to die later in about 2 years? I want to let you know I have a bone to pick with the DEV’s in the game. I know, I know, the game has potential to be great. I know that DEV’s are doing their very best and working very hard. I’m sorry guys, but if you come in sloppy most of the time you go sloppy. I want to all know that I’m back in the game before you start bashing me. Why I’m back in the game to give these guys another chance and also I really like the fast pace action in the game. I feel that I’m on the way back out of the game. Here are points why I feel that this game is on the way out if they don’t act fast.
- Crafting I said it once I say it again, what in the Hell where you Dev’s thinking about when came up with this idea. Its Crap!!!! When are you going to fix it? Can you give us idea where you might change? I would like to do other things other than fighting
- Armor in the game is cool at first then I notice that some of the armor get recycled. What I mean is that the same armor I’m wearing at level 15 which looks very cool is the same armor again at level 30 to 50. I mean come one Dev’s I’m sure you can do better than that. I would like someone to look at me and be able to tell that I’m high leveled other thank clicking on me. I know that your art team has some ideas for new and cooler armor for the high level toons.
- PAU’s are they still coming this January? If so please don’t half step it where things are not working right. Make the PAU’s customizable like add better weapons, make it faster or paint it.
- Please fix Mires that is what a lot of people are saying. Please fix the missions there only but so many.
- We need more content for the high level toons.
- PVP LOL what a joke it does not make any sense. Let me get this straight the story is the Bane kicked or butts on earth so we have to regroup to fight back right? So the PVP is where we fight each other? I mean huh? What? Come again. Yeah that real good idea DEV’s lets fight each other. NOT! We need to have the Bane as playable race then PVP would make more sense and that would be even more fun when take over bases.
- Add more skills to the tree please. Also please make sure they work.
The real reason I have bone to pick is because I saw what the new patch is going to fix and what they are going to add. Not enough, sorry guys. These guys have a lot competition coming out soon, like Warhammer online, World of Warcraft new expansion pack, Aion and many others. I hate to say it they don’t really have a chance since they fumbled the ball when they put out this game unfinished.
How do you gamers feel?
Thanks for reading this,
I doubt it will ever die, even at a low population dev will release an expanion in hopes of gaining more subscribers and milk as much profit as they can for the time being. if anything, they will either lower the monthly fee or just do away with it all together.
I tried this game out but the major turn off for me was the price. No way this game is worth 15 a month. The other day at the game store i seen the collectors edition go for close to 70 bucks, i mean who would pay such a thing for a game that lacks content for the long term. It is simple they just need to lower the sub fee and the price of the box because that is the only way they can possibly gain alot more people for this game. I think the game is really nice but for the price you have to pay for it is not worth it at all.
I was on beta for this game and never could see what everyone saw in it.
The story was poor the graphic's sub-par and the game play was boring.
But just because I did not like does not mean that others felt the same way so I kept to myself about it
but if there is alreay a drop in Sub's for this game I dont think it will be around long and I dont think there was enough to it for it to go free to play I think it will just be sent to the bug zapper.
Assassin's like to do it in the dark and from behind.
I bought the game because I was a die hard Counter strike player many moons ago and now love mmo's. I have leveled a soldier to level 15 and so far i am very disappointed.
Here are just 3 reasons not in any specific order. This is purely just my opionon.
1. The crafting system sucks. I am level 15 and have only been to the crafting machine like a half dozen times. It is quite confusing and not quite worth the time. I have destroyed many items and now have a ton of crafting crap that I will probably never use. It just seems like its all over the place and no real structure.
2. Auction House - What is the point? It seems everyone puts there items on there that they win from quests and the house is just filled with crap. I can buy a shotgun from a vendor cheaper then i can on the auction house and do almost the same damage. Useless to me.
3. Classes are poorly developed and skill system is terrible. We need a lot more skills and different races would be nice. I have been running around for about a week and everyone seems to look the same. Just being able to add a little color here and there is going to do it for me.
Like i said this is just my opionon. So go ahead and flame its not going to change my mind.
It seems that every new mmo that comes out stirs these types of posts. It seems that as this genre ages, the player base gets harder to please, and us players jump from mmo to mmo looking for the next great game to satisfy us. Perhaps we're just expecting more than before, perhaps we expect large improvements over the "first" mmo we played. But there is no doubt that the developers of these games have some blame to carry. It seems more and more MMO games get released in an unfinished state, with lots of promises of what's to come.
I think often game designers boast too much about what their games will contain, only to find that they can't deliver on the hype do to time constraints, and budgets. With so much competition in the market, they're probably racing against each other to deliver a product to production. But with the demands of needing to look better than older generation mmos, they can't crank out their games all that fast.
This game is far from dying, and is far from becoming a free to play game. That's the thing about MMOs. They evolve with time. Auto Assault failed not because it didn't evolve, but because it was designed poorly from the start, and catered to a small market. TR doesn't have much competition in the sci-fi arena. Those that prefer sci-fi to fantasy (elves and dwarves, etc.), will probably stick it out here for quite some time. This game does have lots of potential.
Take a look at the WoW boards. According to the boards, that game should have died ages ago. Take a look at the LoTRo boards...same thing. Despite the fact that it scores high on reviews, you would think by the LoTRo boards that the game is barren of players and doomed to a quick death. The same pattern can be found in every mmo board.
The question shouldn't be "will the game die", but rather will the game have to settle for a lower than expected subscriber base as in 100 to 400k players. Back in the day those numbers were GREAT! Now adays, against the super beast that is WoW, those numbers look depressing. But you know what? Those numbers are enough for the companies involved to make a profit and keep the servers running. Just look at EQ, and EQ2. They're holding strong, and still crank out expansions, and content updates.
With oodles of mmo games on the market, and more on their way, I'd recommend jumping to one of them if you're unhappy with this game. But keep a tab on the changes to it, and once/if it progresses to a game you'd like to play, then return to it.
I see your point but I think your missing mine. They knew about the game and its short comings. I understand that they might have been forced out way before Dev's felt it was really ready. I think by the time they do make some major changes it will be already to late.
The game already has a low population - I really don't see great things happening with this game unless some drastic and I do mean drastic changes are made - Ive played WoW for three years now - and yes I do know WoW has had quite some time to get it right but there are problems with this game that should not be problems.
For one - Id say half the quests in every zone you go to once you hit your 20's are bugged - this should not be a problem its extremely hard to advance to the next zones and get quests for those later zones when the majority of the major quests in your current zones are bugged.
The LFG and grouping system isn't that great - and there really is no end game content to look forward to - the game has potential but there are things that are broken in this game that really shouldn't be broken at this point - I know myself personally did not find it worth 15 dollars a month - which is why I cancelled my account before my free month was even up - I find myself trying to give this game another shot and look at it from another angle but it's just really not worth 15 dollars a month - I personally have gone back to WoW while I wait for another hopeful MMO to be release - this one was a great disappointment to me personally.
I felt the game had potential but overall it's just to shallow to really compete - it was great for the first few days because the newbie zones that you have acess to in the trial are complete - but after that most of the missions you get are really buggy to the point it makes progress impossible.
If they take away or lower the monthly fee Id play again - but for the quality of gameplay that I found in the game no not worth 15 a month - I'll go back to WoW and patiently wait for another MMO that catches my eye.
It's actually pretty sad.
They had ample warning that the game was going to fail in the beta test.
Richard Garriott, the pajama party diva, kicked all the dissenting voices off the official beta forums and basked in the glow of his fanboy loves and now that pajama boy has realized the truth (way too late) they are slave driving to try and give their shallow framework of a game a chance of survival.
Hype was that is was going to be the science fiction MMORPG to end all and what we got was a linear shooter with very shallow gameplay.
Doesn't matter what content they add, it's too late because the public already knows Tabula Rasa is crap.
NCsoft would be smart to just bury the abomination known as Tabula Rasa and forget it ever existed, watching Garriott trying over and over again to make a turkey fly is really pathetic.
Someone needs to show him the door and tell him that his day is done.
Classic case of developers not listening to the players.
Everything being said about it now was being said in beta.
Yes, absolutely, developers should have an overall vision for their game and do their best to stick to it. But when your PLAYERS tell you the game lacks depth, is boring, and has no replay-ability you better darn well sit up, listen, and do something about it.
"A ship-of-war is the best ambassador." - Oliver Cromwell
LOL!!! good one
The real reason I have bone to pick is because I saw what the new patch is going to fix and what they are going to add. Not enough, sorry guys. These guys have a lot competition coming out soon, like Warhammer online, World of Warcraft new expansion pack, Aion and many others. I hate to say it they don’t really have a chance since they fumbled the ball when they put out this game unfinished. Warhammer may be worth a look but TR is in no danger of losing me or I suspect a majority of players to fantasy-themed MMO's. I mean LOL Aion? I would rather gnaw of my own fingers than play yet another manga ridden linear JRPG.
"The real reason I have bone to pick is because I saw what the new patch is going to fix and what they are going to add. Not enough, sorry guys. These guys have a lot competition coming out soon, like Warhammer online, World of Warcraft new expansion pack, Aion and many others. I hate to say it they don’t really have a chance since they fumbled the ball when they put out this game unfinished. "
Well this is true they do have some competition, but I want to point out Aion is an NCsoft game so in that aspect their competing with themselves. Yeah with games like Warhammer, and WOW,and Conan coming out they should get their act together. I haven't played it yet, I tried to get into the beta. I like the idea, I love that its sci-fi (we have to many fantasy MMO's out), but they should fix the game.
SaintViktor wrote "I doubt it will ever die, even at a low population dev will release an expanion in hopes of gaining more subscribers and milk as much profit as they can for the time being. if anything, they will either lower the monthly fee or just do away with it all together."
Now I believe this is untrue because look at Auto Assult, it had no people and went under. I think they should have tried (unless they're going to try and they haven't mentioned it yet), making this F2P with an item mall, or advertising. Its sad that they took the time to have a company make the game just so it can fail and they can delete it. I think if NCsoft is smart they will try and make it free and if Tabula Rasa doesn't make the grade they should do the same with it. I think its better to make a game and if one business model doesn't work for it try another, at least your going to make some money off the game, instead of sending it to the garbage can. We'll just have to see what happens.
I'm kind of suprised that NCsoft brought out the game with so many bugs since they seem to be a pretty good publisher. I'm not suprised with Auto Assult, they tried to publish a game they thought would make it, but it didn't. You win some you loose some, publishing games is a gamble. I personally think it was more game design than game idea that brought it down.
I hope Tabula Rasa does well either as a pay or if they decide to make it free, it has promise and its a fresh idea in a room full of clones.
Originally posted by: WeaponX 1/10/08 2:04:07 AM
"but if there is alreay a drop in Sub's for this game I dont think it will be around long and I dont think there was enough to it for it to go free to play I think it will just be sent to the bug zapper."
Link to your evidence for this because I have never seen the zones as crowded as they are now except in Wilderness just after release.
BS, I saw some of the same folks preaching doom and gloom right up until the end of beta. sheesh Make your point but do it without adding lies next time. I'm sure some folks were banned for being idiots but they didn't kick all the dissenting posters off the forums...
To the OP, if you don't like the game or patch or whatever just move on. No need for so much drama with doom and gloom behind every word.
"The game already has a low population - I really don't see great things happening with this game unless some drastic and I do mean drastic changes are made - Ive played WoW for three years now - and yes I do know WoW has had quite some time to get it right but there are problems with this game that should not be problems"
More wild speculation about server numbers unsupported by any evidence. If they are having such an issue with numbers why are the EU players demanding a second server?
"For one - Id say half the quests in every zone you go to once you hit your 20's are bugged - this should not be a problem its extremely hard to advance to the next zones and get quests for those later zones when the majority of the major quests in your current zones are bugged."
As I previously posted "Wilderness to Mires, all quests complete - total bugged quests encountered = 3" roughly levels 1-37 and they were fixed by a GM for me within 24 hours of petitioning and a couple of times within a few hours. A lot of the quests require that you actually read the mission description, that does not make them bugged just more difficult if you're used to being spoonfed by other games.
Classic case of the same small minority still whinging that they didn't get what they wanted.
Doesn't matter what anyone wanted, the game turned out to be a turd and the buying public knows it.
The sooner NCsoft buries Tabula Rasa and sacks the over hyped Garriott brothers the sooner they can get back to producing games people will actually want to play, and pay for.
No Ichijo, i just won't abide people posting inaccurate information. You want to troll the TR forums be my guest but don't expect to get away with posting information that you
a - made up on the spot (TR is dying low pop servers, too many bugged quests, blah blah blah)
b - is just plain wrong and/or based on beta-experience
I really don't care what you think Ichijo, I'm setting the record straight for people who might read this thread and believe some of the uninformed crap people are posting.
"setting the record straight" by saying that anyone that decries the piece of crap known as Tabula Rasa is a "whiner", "hater", "troll", yeah that's really settin' em' straight there, Poncho.
Like I said, it's moot, the buying public knows that the game is crap and it's tiny population is declining steadily.
In a couple months the only thing left will be the memories of the funeral.
Well, I haven't played the game *Yet* (patching it now.) so I can't give what I think of the game, but..
I can recall Anarchy Online not doing so well in it's release. Yet, somehow, it's still alive. And not really by a small amount either. Although the base game is free, people still sign up and play and eventually become full-fledged subscribers to the game.
Listen I am by no length a "FANBOY" in fact if you read some of my old posts on Tabula Rasa you will see that I actually hated the game in Beta, I thought it was buggy, annoying, and just lacked the depth and fun to make a decent game.
Well once the game came out i decided to try the three day free trial "Just to see" and to my amazement it had gotten very good. Trust me the Developers are listening to the players, I was one of the first people asking for new races, and vehicles, and guess whats coming out next patch? Hybrids! A mix of Alien and Humans.
Then after that PAU's. Then after that? Probably the start of real Truely meaningful PvP, with flash points and etc.
The Point is they do listen and so far I have been playing for two and a half months and I enjoy the game very much. Too each his own, I wanted a Sandbox game which TR is not, but what TR is I appreciate for it being different enough to hold my intrest.
Talk about a major exaggeration. I am lvl 31 on Incline and have done every instance and every quest.
I have one bugged quest on incline that I cant complete. So I am missing that and two follow on quests from it.
Also outstanding - Targets of Opportunity on plains as its a real pain in the posterior trying to find 100 Nitroglazers to kill.
Other than that - I have encountered a couple of bugged missions.
So you dont like the game - stop crying and play something you do like.
I am still playing after 2+ months and having fun. The two friends I play with never played in beta and they are having fun, and both have said they could never go back to WOW after playing T.R
So its far from the total failure you are saying.
Is it going as well as the developers hoped - no it isnt and they are working on addressing that - whether there efforts are successful - only time will tell.
As for never listening to the people in beta - yes the game was released with lots of bugs and lacking high end content. So no they didnt listen about a release date. Not many games let the fans decide the release date.
On the other hand, things were added in beta that were asked for by the players - like death penalty, bots for engineers etc.
Things have been/are being added after release that were asked for by the players in beta - Auction house, being able to hide helmet (patch 1.4), hybrid races (patch 1.4), attributes actually making a difference (patch 1.4).
I am loving TR.
played the beta and wasn't impressed at all,like most.
i'm glad i went back ang gave it another shot,it's really a lot of fun.
never ever feel like i'm grinding and the community is mature and friendly,so it's def not on the way out.
forget bout the beta,this is a great game!
I understand where some of you are coming from. Like a said I still play the game for now in hoping that the Dev's act fast to get this game really going. In the game there is not reason to group and alot of people are saying that. I see it and I'm playing the game. This game is lacking and if the few of you are loving and some are saying it's have great fast fast pace game play but not enough to keep you in for months to come. I also hear that alot of poeple are leaving the game or just playing till something else comes out. With out us gamers keeping it going it will become a free to play or die a slow death.
My subscription ended today.... im on the fence about resubbing.
Many aspects of the OP's post hit home with me, particularly the crafting and the pvp.
I love the target system, its fun. but the quest grinding is uber boring. I like to blaze my own trail, hell i dont even read the quests anymore the stories too predictable....
The clone system blows. I'm not sure why i cant clone to what ever classification i wish.
The vet rewards are emotes... who the hell uses emotes...
PVP and a crafting system to support it; a deep crafting system not the cheap thing we have in TR...
Many of the class skills are useless. I don't understand why they added them in...
Now there is a 1.4 patch coming that is suppose to add some cool things to the game, hell I've stuck around this long i may re-sub another month just to see them... but I'm not sure yet.
The GM's totaly rock.
Players running around with speedhack.. And not its not MA:5 RS:5 .. its easy to find it on google...
There is a whole guild thats uses it...
If you see my toon Vetis running round, then I've resubbed. If not then I'm probably done with TR and moved on.
FoE Fist of the Empire