Alright, I'm done with that . That whole mess is getting too hard to see which is your current reply, if there is one, and what's going on. You keep saying I'm wrong and need to check my research better, but I have no idea how you keeep coming to this conclusion when I quite clearly state what I mean. I don't know if you're not understanding what I'm saying, or have such a different, and entrenched opinion about things that you can't see past it. Let me try to elaborate a little more on the finer points. For example, I don't know where you are coming from saying I need to do more research and check up on things a bit more, I understand everything that they claim perfectly well. What I was trying to say to you was that the whole fact that they couldn't secure a REAL publisher, and settled for hiring more devs, moving to Greece and saying they were going to self-publish is fishy in itself. And that the contradiction was that they said way back in 2002 that they were going to self-publish, but in 2008 they say that they still hadn't secured an outside publisher (which implies that they were obviously still looking for one b/c they didn't REALLY want to self-publish) You seem to think that b/c the guy in charge of the company saying that, after they actively shopped around for publishers, that being forced to deciding to self-publish is what's really best for them. That seems like nothing but spin to me. Again, why couldn't they find a REAL publisher to publish their game. Like I said, getting a REAL publisher would take all the pressure of advertising and distributing off of them and get them more money. That dope said that getting a publisher would COST them. It's all backwards man. Somewhere you got confused here. The publisher they secured IS Aventurine and it was their intention to have aventurine develop AND publish the game. Now they've decided that they might go with a different publisher if they find one that suits them. Also getting a publisher would get relieve them of pressure but actually getting them more money is HIGHLY debatable. Then there's the advertising. Nevermind the fact that if they found a REAL publisher they wouldn't have to worry about advertising b/c the publisher handles all that. But they claim that they don't have time for advertising b/c it would take their focus off developing the game, and that they can't afford to pay for costly adds (yet they have money for self-publishing and distributing the game....). Well, the biggest hole in this is that they can get tons of free advertising and promotion from online and print video game journalists by just giving them hands on time with the game. No one even has to come to them, or "answer questions they've answered a million times before", they could just send the journalists a disc to try out the latest build of the game which I'm sure they have lying all around, and if they don't it only takes what, 5 minutes to make a copy. Unless they have something to hide that is.... They've done a little advertising as seen by many people but that is recent. Also even if a publisher handles the advertisement they're going to expect the developers to pay them back for the advertisements. They have let various journalists into their building and have let some people play a build before. If they were really hiding something then they wouldnt even allow such people into their office. And yeah, this all boils down to differences of opinion on what's really goin on anyway. We're just arguing, neither one of us is gonna change the others opinions. I hope the game is gonna come out, but I'd be really surprised if it ever does. You hope the game is gonna come out, and believe everything is as they say it is without any verification. I feel ya man, I guess I'm just not as trusting. People are people. I'd like to think everyone out there is honest and is working in the best interest of humanity, but I've seen that in reality isn't so sweet. Basically, it's just human nature, and I'm not trying to say we live in a world where everything is corrupt, this isn't Bizzaro World, but there are people out there who will just as soon spit in your face as shoot you a smile. Whatever though, here's to hoping we'll someday be playing Darkfall.
Aye, devs started with this project in 2000, maked it official 2001. But back then I doubt they though it would be merged with Aventurine. If they knew that they wouldn't go out with it so early. My thoughts. And the game are still alpha, I think they given us plenty of information and updates considering this.
Just quote myself to the advertising question. It is their first game, they don't have a massive PR department, and can toss miljons of dollars into advertisement. That is stupid when the game is in alpha.
And with the publishing-question; They have stated that if they go on and let someone else publish the game they won't get a great deal. Tho it's their first game. But they are willing to go with a publisher if the contract is right. This is a very critical moment for a first time game developer, everything is hanging on Darkfall.
But I'm not into those business at all so I can't say I have any clue about how profitable any of the choices are.
______________________________ The Sceptics, yes they're special but we've need them to.. I guess. And if they're put more effort can create a 'Team Sceptic' and send them to the Special Olympus.
This coming from someone who knows no more than anyone else. You were challenged and lost when you brought up your Darkfall arguments in the Fallen Earth forums, so it's kinda funny to see you say something like I quoted there.
Tell us, since there are multiple post where you berate people and tell them "Beta is guaranteed" and you say here that you know beta will be this year, how do you know? Enlighten us as to how you absolutely without a doubt know that beta is this year.
I'll paypal you 1000 dollars if DF doesn't beta this year. Hold me to it!
you have to be kidding ... give me a few minutes .. posted this one to show they have been updated even tho its from 2006 funny thing is i know it going to start this year. i cant prove it but meh my mistake it was in 2004 after the graphcis and engine over haul even tho these arent up to where they are know. on a screen shot on a few theres a town with npcs a few LOL ghoul i wish you would learn to look at more info. beta 2008. and k no screenshots doesnt proove anything on if mobs arent ing ame but if there not lieing then they are and there doing polishing and the latest screenshots look pretty damn polished. btw have fun being wrong about beta not being close to starting.
Ok so they have 2 screenshots of mobs. It doesn't show a world full of mobs. How do we know these mobs even work? We need to see of video to see them working.
Why do you think they have never brought their game to a gaming conference? There is only one explanation. Because they don't have a playable game to bring to the conference.
You think because there are 2 screenshots of mobs that this shows that that have a fully functioning complete game that is ready for beta? Of course it doesn't
If they had a fully functioning game, then we would see that in the videos. If they had a fully functioning game, they would be showing it off at conventions
I was right about no beta last year and all the fanbois in here were wrong. And I will be right again this year.
Sorry, I am unfamiliar with any game showing a world full of mobs when they aren't even in public ClosedBeta. It's like you have some vendetta against someone working for Aventurine or a mod on the df forums. Just take what you get for what it is and stop getting into arguments.
Every one of your points can be answered with one statement: a revolutionary game protects its secrets so they aren't borrowed. Why showcase anything when they don't have a publishing decision finalized? If something was leaked and incorporated into a patch for WoW or something equally as probable, that would hurt DF a lot more than a few pricks STILL shouting vaporware.
Like to know how you can even compare Darkfall's very dated graphics with anything currently on the market? 9 out of 10 of the features they list on their site will never make it into release, their team is just far too small to ever implement it. That also means they have to limit the graphics, just don't have the resources to implement anything halfway decent.
hahaha. It's like the same guy keeps posting over and over. Show me an MMO released in the last two years that looks anything like DF with regard to graphic quality.
Like to know how you can even compare Darkfall's very dated graphics with anything currently on the market? 9 out of 10 of the features they list on their site will never make it into release, their team is just far too small to ever implement it. That also means they have to limit the graphics, just don't have the resources to implement anything halfway decent.
it mroe like 2 out of them 10 wont make release 1 being prestige classes the rest is obvioulsy in.
Because if they dont have at least most of the features in by time beta starts it will screw the game right then and thee. and if thats the case then there isnt even a game so your theory is wrong. because its been proven theres a game there
If graphics was a problem then WoW wouldnt have 10 mill subs
Sorry, I am unfamiliar with any game showing a world full of mobs when they aren't even in public ClosedBeta. It's like you have some vendetta against someone working for Aventurine or a mod on the df forums. Just take what you get for what it is and stop getting into arguments.
Every one of your points can be answered with one statement: a revolutionary game protects its secrets so they aren't borrowed. Why showcase anything when they don't have a publishing decision finalized? If something was leaked and incorporated into a patch for WoW or something equally as probable, that would hurt DF a lot more than a few pricks STILL shouting vaporware.
The point is they said they have been ready for beta for the last year. These videos show that the game isn't anywhere near beta.
If they want to hide their alpha game away from the world fine. But don't pretend its near beta and near release.
Sorry, I am unfamiliar with any game showing a world full of mobs when they aren't even in public ClosedBeta. It's like you have some vendetta against someone working for Aventurine or a mod on the df forums. Just take what you get for what it is and stop getting into arguments.
Every one of your points can be answered with one statement: a revolutionary game protects its secrets so they aren't borrowed. Why showcase anything when they don't have a publishing decision finalized? If something was leaked and incorporated into a patch for WoW or something equally as probable, that would hurt DF a lot more than a few pricks STILL shouting vaporware.
The point is they said they have been ready for beta for the last year. These videos show that the game isn't anywhere near beta.
If they want to hide their alpha game away from the world fine. But don't pretend its near beta and near release.
Prove that it no where near ready not showing it doesnt mean anything in the real world it may 2 you me no because last time i tried saying something doesnt exist or someone was lieing it ended up bititng me in the behind. I guess you will find out when beta starts i hope you can coupe with being wrong. But from what i understand you wont be able too. Kinda show how you try to say what your saying is fact. whne obviously your just upset and not thinking straight.
Hey you could be right but there more chance of you being wrong at this point
Notice, it is a fully functioning game. They show him using the interface, using the skils, using his inventory. He is running around in a world full of mobs, killing them. Firing off a trebuchet and killing more mobs.
theres a diffrence between not having it and just not showing it ... you will see these features closer to beta and during beta.
who are we to say that they arent not just showing it yet and they dont have it? we are fans that dont know what there thinkingbut im more pruined to look at all the interviews witht hem that you dont belive and are all fake which is bull.
Why dont you stop saying things you really dont know what your talking about and just wait abit longer
Well everyone in this forum keeps saying that totally started the game over from scratch in 2003. So showing videos from 2003 doesn't mean anything.
And even if it does, these videos still don't show mobs or NPC's. It just shows 5 guys fighting 5 guys, over and over again. That isn't a MMORPG. Thats a quake deathmatch
Lmfao i love the title of this thread by th OP , he makes out like this happends every week haha.
Actually he didnt. Dunno where you made that up?
Eh ? "this week's update - more screenshots" doesnt sound like Darkfall does this every week?? which really couldn't be further from the truth if you tryed.
Lmfao i love the title of this thread by th OP , he makes out like this happends every week haha.
Actually he didnt. Dunno where you made that up?
Eh ? "this week's update - more screenshots" doesnt sound like Darkfall does this every week?? which really couldn't be further from the truth if you tryed.
dude he didnt even mean the title to sound like that it just a title saying there was an update
Well everyone in this forum keeps saying that totally started the game over from scratch in 2003. So showing videos from 2003 doesn't mean anything.
And even if it does, these videos still don't show mobs or NPC's. It just shows 5 guys fighting 5 guys, over and over again. That isn't a MMORPG. Thats a quake deathmatch
well the 2003 battles vids is the new engine but they have been doing som upgrading ot it as they go as you can tell would you please just relax
Alright, I'm done with that . That whole mess is getting too hard to see which is your current reply, if there is one, and what's going on. You keep saying I'm wrong and need to check my research better, but I have no idea how you keeep coming to this conclusion when I quite clearly state what I mean. I don't know if you're not understanding what I'm saying, or have such a different, and entrenched opinion about things that you can't see past it. Let me try to elaborate a little more on the finer points.
For example, I don't know where you are coming from saying I need to do more research and check up on things a bit more, I understand everything that they claim perfectly well. What I was trying to say to you was that the whole fact that they couldn't secure a REAL publisher, and settled for hiring more devs, moving to Greece and saying they were going to self-publish is fishy in itself. And that the contradiction was that they said way back in 2002 that they were going to self-publish, but in 2008 they say that they still hadn't secured an outside publisher (which implies that they were obviously still looking for one b/c they didn't REALLY want to self-publish) You seem to think that b/c the guy in charge of the company saying that, after they actively shopped around for publishers, that being forced to deciding to self-publish is what's really best for them. That seems like nothing but spin to me. Again, why couldn't they find a REAL publisher to publish their game. Like I said, getting a REAL publisher would take all the pressure of advertising and distributing off of them and get them more money. That dope said that getting a publisher would COST them. It's all backwards man.
Cant really understand that you for some odd reason continues too compare Razorwax 2001- late 2002 time with the game under development after the merge late 2002. What happened before the merge is uninteresting and the game under development now have no similarities whatsoever with the game Razorwax were developing. Game restarted when the 2 companies merged. I been talking about the game in developing after the merge late 2002 all along. There is nothing written or to be read that Darkfall developers ever had any problems securing a publisher. They already had a publisher in Aventurine. Any publisher have to compete with their selfpublishing plan thats been active since 2002. I really like to see some info on where youre taking this statement from? Where can you read that Darkfall have problems securing a publisher? And dont you understand that Aventurine been there publisher all along since late 2002? Youre saying they havent secured a publisher 2008 and that i think i answered already 10 times. The eventual outside publisher have to make them a better offer then there own selfpublishing plan. Darkfall planned to do a selfpublish since 2002 and thats been their first choice all along. Theres nothing fishy about this. A selfpublishing is something really good for this game, they keep control over the game, less risk its going carebear, and they get the big bucks themself if the game delivers.
Read what Tasos says about the publishing issue again please; [QUOTE] Tasos Flambouras:
Community: why has Darkfall had such a hard time securing a solid publisher and with the impending release of both age of Conan and Warhammer online aren't you concerned that the game will be unable to maintain a self sustaining profitable player base considering that the other games have giant budgets and giant advertising campaigns.
Tasos Flambouras: In very simple terms, it's not so much as Darkfall having a hard time securing a publisher as it is that publishers have had a hard time securing Darkfall. I'll explain: We do have the capability to self-publish, so the competition to any publishing offer, aside from other offers, is our own plan for self-publication. In our self-publishing scheme we hire the same services that most publishers use so in effect "cutting out the middleman" is usually to our advantage, especially since as a newcomer in the gaming industry it's rare to get a fantastic deal. Furthermore, getting a publishing deal isn't crucial to us in regards to development, and we won't just jump at offers. We have the "luxury" to try to do what's best for the game in this context. That being said, we have been and still are in discussions with publishers who present a good and viable alternative to our self-publishing plan. [/QUOTE]
Any publisher wanting to publish Darkfall have to compete with their own selfpublishing plan as you can read above. I agree with him that Darkfall stands strong since they can selfpublish and dont have to jump at offers. When i read above quote id say that Darkfall stands stronger then most since they is a well funded company with a own choice whether to selfpublish or not. A publisher will cost them alot more then it will benefit them. Selfpublish is the way to go. Just look at EvE, selfpublish and a strong 500K subs at the moment, GG.=)
Then there's the advertising. Nevermind the fact that if they found a REAL publisher they wouldn't have to worry about advertising b/c the publisher handles all that. But they claim that they don't have time for advertising b/c it would take their focus off developing the game, and that they can't afford to pay for costly adds (yet they have money for self-publishing and distributing the game....). Well, the biggest hole in this is that they can get tons of free advertising and promotion from online and print video game journalists by just giving them hands on time with the game. No one even has to come to them, or "answer questions they've answered a million times before", they could just send the journalists a disc to try out the latest build of the game which I'm sure they have lying all around, and if they don't it only takes what, 5 minutes to make a copy. Unless they have something to hide that is....
A selfpublish is the cheapest way to get the game out, no middle hands and make them keep full control on the game. And as you already pointed out yourself earlier in this thread and i think i quote you on this;[QUOTE]Teddyboy420 -Ummm....yeah right. The fact of the matter is that modern games barely need to put ANY money, or time, into an advertising campaign. Games today can get TONS of FREE publicity through online and print journalists looking for stories for their sites and magazines [/QUOTE] Darkfall will be very exposed when it comes to beta times. If the game delivers it will probably be the most exposed beta ever. Imagine the hoards of interviews from websites on the net and magazines and all the videos on youtube. =)Add some well placed advertising from the Aventurine team and most people interested in games will have heard of it. It will be spread like a wildfire.
And yeah, this all boils down to differences of opinion on what's really goin on anyway. We're just arguing, neither one of us is gonna change the others opinions. I hope the game is gonna come out, but I'd be really surprised if it ever does. You hope the game is gonna come out, and believe everything is as they say it is without any verification. I feel ya man, I guess I'm just not as trusting. People are people. I'd like to think everyone out there is honest and is working in the best interest of humanity, but I've seen that in reality isn't so sweet. Basically, it's just human nature, and I'm not trying to say we live in a world where everything is corrupt, this isn't Bizzaro World, but there are people out there who will just as soon spit in your face as shoot you a smile. Whatever though, here's to hoping we'll someday be playing Darkfall.
Agree, we have different opinions in the matter which i like=) Kinda hard to discuss anything if all is just keeping in line. Im 99% sure the game will be out. And im pretty sure you will read about Darkfall going beta before summer 2008. As long as someone i trust in isnt exposed as a liar i keep trust in them. Sure Darkfall as a new company in the computer game developing business made some mistakes but theyre just humans and humans make mistakes. I still have to see any information theyre liars though.=) Thank you for a nice discussion and lets keep our thumbs that Darkfall will have a successful release.
Lmfao i love the title of this thread by th OP , he makes out like this happends every week haha.
Actually he didnt. Dunno where you made that up?
Eh ? "this week's update - more screenshots" doesnt sound like Darkfall does this every week?? which really couldn't be further from the truth if you tryed.
Actually, updates have been every week or every two weeks last months.
Here is AOC video from a year before they went into beta Notice, it is a fully functioning game. They show him using the interface, using the skils, using his inventory. He is running around in a world full of mobs, killing them. Firing off a trebuchet and killing more mobs.
now here is Dakfalls video No interface. Not using skills. No mobs, or npcs. This does not show a fully functioning game at all
If you can't see the difference, then I really don't know what else to tell you
They have worked on the engine for over 10 years, and have released a successfull game. 200 people staff. Of course they have more meat on their bones. No doubt.
But what you ask for and argument for doesn't exist. You wan't to see more, and trash the developers when you can't get it. Try to enjoy what you get instead. Or leave the threads alone if you can't provide anything exept negative and repetable comments.
______________________________ The Sceptics, yes they're special but we've need them to.. I guess. And if they're put more effort can create a 'Team Sceptic' and send them to the Special Olympus.
Like to know how you can even compare Darkfall's very dated graphics with anything currently on the market? 9 out of 10 of the features they list on their site will never make it into release, their team is just far too small to ever implement it. That also means they have to limit the graphics, just don't have the resources to implement anything halfway decent.
Outdated you say. I and most people with taste and eyeglasses thinks Darkfall graphics is just superb. Graphics isnt just the number of polygons. Darkfall devs have always tried to have as few of them as possible for lag reasons. Just imagine the lag youll see in a game like AoC with theres polygon counts? It will be awful. Low polygon counts with a really nice style and textures, like Darkfall, will be a winner when it comes to epic battles with hundreds of players on screen at same time. And not nice graphics? Look at the latest screenies which is just awsome. Poeple on the Darkfall board is just crazy hyped over the graphics. And remember- gameplay is always the most important in any game. And Darkfall features is best in class on features, hopefully gameplay will be as good.=)
Will be 5 year of developing summer 2008. And game is prettier then most MMORPG games under development. AoC graphics is nice but i prefer Darkfall style.=)
Like to know how you can even compare Darkfall's very dated graphics with anything currently on the market? 9 out of 10 of the features they list on their site will never make it into release, their team is just far too small to ever implement it. That also means they have to limit the graphics, just don't have the resources to implement anything halfway decent.
it mroe like 2 out of them 10 wont make release 1 being prestige classes the rest is obvioulsy in.
Because if they dont have at least most of the features in by time beta starts it will screw the game right then and thee. and if thats the case then there isnt even a game so your theory is wrong. because its been proven theres a game there
If graphics was a problem then WoW wouldnt have 10 mill subs
And prestige classes will be patched in after release.=)
Looks like a waste of 7 years.
Just quote myself to the advertising question. It is their first game, they don't have a massive PR department, and can toss miljons of dollars into advertisement. That is stupid when the game is in alpha.
And with the publishing-question; They have stated that if they go on and let someone else publish the game they won't get a great deal. Tho it's their first game. But they are willing to go with a publisher if the contract is right. This is a very critical moment for a first time game developer, everything is hanging on Darkfall.
But I'm not into those business at all so I can't say I have any clue about how profitable any of the choices are.
The Sceptics, yes they're special but we've need them to.. I guess.
And if they're put more effort can create a 'Team Sceptic'
and send them to the Special Olympus.
This coming from someone who knows no more than anyone else. You were challenged and lost when you brought up your Darkfall arguments in the Fallen Earth forums, so it's kinda funny to see you say something like I quoted there.
Tell us, since there are multiple post where you berate people and tell them "Beta is guaranteed" and you say here that you know beta will be this year, how do you know? Enlighten us as to how you absolutely without a doubt know that beta is this year.
I'll paypal you 1000 dollars if DF doesn't beta this year. Hold me to it!
Ok so they have 2 screenshots of mobs. It doesn't show a world full of mobs. How do we know these mobs even work? We need to see of video to see them working.
Why do you think they have never brought their game to a gaming conference? There is only one explanation. Because they don't have a playable game to bring to the conference.
You think because there are 2 screenshots of mobs that this shows that that have a fully functioning complete game that is ready for beta? Of course it doesn't
If they had a fully functioning game, then we would see that in the videos. If they had a fully functioning game, they would be showing it off at conventions
I was right about no beta last year and all the fanbois in here were wrong. And I will be right again this year.
Every one of your points can be answered with one statement: a revolutionary game protects its secrets so they aren't borrowed. Why showcase anything when they don't have a publishing decision finalized? If something was leaked and incorporated into a patch for WoW or something equally as probable, that would hurt DF a lot more than a few pricks STILL shouting vaporware.
hahaha. It's like the same guy keeps posting over and over. Show me an MMO released in the last two years that looks anything like DF with regard to graphic quality.
it mroe like 2 out of them 10 wont make release 1 being prestige classes the rest is obvioulsy in.
Because if they dont have at least most of the features in by time beta starts it will screw the game right then and thee. and if thats the case then there isnt even a game so your theory is wrong. because its been proven theres a game there
If graphics was a problem then WoW wouldnt have 10 mill subs
Are you kidding me!!! Have you even seen the latest screenshots or videos?!?
If they want to hide their alpha game away from the world fine. But don't pretend its near beta and near release.
If they want to hide their alpha game away from the world fine. But don't pretend its near beta and near release.
Prove that it no where near ready not showing it doesnt mean anything in the real world it may 2 you me no because last time i tried saying something doesnt exist or someone was lieing it ended up bititng me in the behind. I guess you will find out when beta starts i hope you can coupe with being wrong. But from what i understand you wont be able too. Kinda show how you try to say what your saying is fact. whne obviously your just upset and not thinking straight.
Hey you could be right but there more chance of you being wrong at this point
Here is AOC video from a year before they went into beta
Notice, it is a fully functioning game. They show him using the interface, using the skils, using his inventory. He is running around in a world full of mobs, killing them. Firing off a trebuchet and killing more mobs.
now here is Dakfalls video
No interface. Not using skills. No mobs, or npcs. This does not show a fully functioning game at all
If you can't see the difference, then I really don't know what else to tell you
theres a diffrence between not having it and just not showing it ... you will see these features closer to beta and during beta.
who are we to say that they arent not just showing it yet and they dont have it? we are fans that dont know what there thinkingbut im more pruined to look at all the interviews witht hem that you dont belive and are all fake which is bull.
Why dont you stop saying things you really dont know what your talking about and just wait abit longer
They showed the interface in that leaked alpha video like in 2003ish. It has working combat, spells, chat box, health bar, mini-map and hot-bar.
That video you linked to is a LOCATION video and not a combat video.
Alpha interface video
Combat video with working combat, ships, spells, combat, mounts etc
The older video which also shows Darkfall's minimal style interface.
They showed the interface in that leaked alpha video like in 2003ish. It has working combat, spells, chat box, health bar, mini-map and hot-bar.
That video you linked to is a LOCATION video and not a combat video.
Alpha interface video
Combat video with working combat, ships, spells, combat, mounts etc
The older video which also shows Darkfall's minimal style interface.
Well everyone in this forum keeps saying that totally started the game over from scratch in 2003. So showing videos from 2003 doesn't mean anything.
And even if it does, these videos still don't show mobs or NPC's. It just shows 5 guys fighting 5 guys, over and over again. That isn't a MMORPG. Thats a quake deathmatch
Lmfao i love the title of this thread by th OP , he makes out like this happends every week haha.
Actually he didnt. Dunno where you made that up?
Actually he didnt. Dunno where you made that up?
Eh ? "this week's update - more screenshots" doesnt sound like Darkfall does this every week?? which really couldn't be further from the truth if you tryed.
Actually he didnt. Dunno where you made that up?
Eh ? "this week's update - more screenshots" doesnt sound like Darkfall does this every week?? which really couldn't be further from the truth if you tryed.
dude he didnt even mean the title to sound like that it just a title saying there was an update
They showed the interface in that leaked alpha video like in 2003ish. It has working combat, spells, chat box, health bar, mini-map and hot-bar.
That video you linked to is a LOCATION video and not a combat video.
Alpha interface video
Combat video with working combat, ships, spells, combat, mounts etc
The older video which also shows Darkfall's minimal style interface.
Well everyone in this forum keeps saying that totally started the game over from scratch in 2003. So showing videos from 2003 doesn't mean anything.
And even if it does, these videos still don't show mobs or NPC's. It just shows 5 guys fighting 5 guys, over and over again. That isn't a MMORPG. Thats a quake deathmatch
well the 2003 battles vids is the new engine but they have been doing som upgrading ot it as they go as you can tell would you please just relax
err thats from 2006 O_o
Alright, I'm done with that . That whole mess is getting too hard to see which is your current reply, if there is one, and what's going on. You keep saying I'm wrong and need to check my research better, but I have no idea how you keeep coming to this conclusion when I quite clearly state what I mean. I don't know if you're not understanding what I'm saying, or have such a different, and entrenched opinion about things that you can't see past it. Let me try to elaborate a little more on the finer points.
For example, I don't know where you are coming from saying I need to do more research and check up on things a bit more, I understand everything that they claim perfectly well. What I was trying to say to you was that the whole fact that they couldn't secure a REAL publisher, and settled for hiring more devs, moving to Greece and saying they were going to self-publish is fishy in itself. And that the contradiction was that they said way back in 2002 that they were going to self-publish, but in 2008 they say that they still hadn't secured an outside publisher (which implies that they were obviously still looking for one b/c they didn't REALLY want to self-publish) You seem to think that b/c the guy in charge of the company saying that, after they actively shopped around for publishers, that being forced to deciding to self-publish is what's really best for them. That seems like nothing but spin to me. Again, why couldn't they find a REAL publisher to publish their game. Like I said, getting a REAL publisher would take all the pressure of advertising and distributing off of them and get them more money. That dope said that getting a publisher would COST them. It's all backwards man.
Cant really understand that you for some odd reason continues too compare Razorwax 2001- late 2002 time with the game under development after the merge late 2002. What happened before the merge is uninteresting and the game under development now have no similarities whatsoever with the game Razorwax were developing. Game restarted when the 2 companies merged. I been talking about the game in developing after the merge late 2002 all along. There is nothing written or to be read that Darkfall developers ever had any problems securing a publisher. They already had a publisher in Aventurine. Any publisher have to compete with their selfpublishing plan thats been active since 2002. I really like to see some info on where youre taking this statement from? Where can you read that Darkfall have problems securing a publisher? And dont you understand that Aventurine been there publisher all along since late 2002? Youre saying they havent secured a publisher 2008 and that i think i answered already 10 times. The eventual outside publisher have to make them a better offer then there own selfpublishing plan. Darkfall planned to do a selfpublish since 2002 and thats been their first choice all along. Theres nothing fishy about this. A selfpublishing is something really good for this game, they keep control over the game, less risk its going carebear, and they get the big bucks themself if the game delivers.
Read what Tasos says about the publishing issue again please; [QUOTE] Tasos Flambouras:
Community: why has Darkfall had such a hard time securing a solid publisher and with the impending release of both age of Conan and Warhammer online aren't you concerned that the game will be unable to maintain a self sustaining profitable player base considering that the other games have giant budgets and giant advertising campaigns.
Tasos Flambouras: In very simple terms, it's not so much as Darkfall having a hard time securing a publisher as it is that publishers have had a hard time securing Darkfall. I'll explain: We do have the capability to self-publish, so the competition to any publishing offer, aside from other offers, is our own plan for self-publication. In our self-publishing scheme we hire the same services that most publishers use so in effect "cutting out the middleman" is usually to our advantage, especially since as a newcomer in the gaming industry it's rare to get a fantastic deal. Furthermore, getting a publishing deal isn't crucial to us in regards to development, and we won't just jump at offers. We have the "luxury" to try to do what's best for the game in this context. That being said, we have been and still are in discussions with publishers who present a good and viable alternative to our self-publishing plan. [/QUOTE]
Any publisher wanting to publish Darkfall have to compete with their own selfpublishing plan as you can read above. I agree with him that Darkfall stands strong since they can selfpublish and dont have to jump at offers. When i read above quote id say that Darkfall stands stronger then most since they is a well funded company with a own choice whether to selfpublish or not. A publisher will cost them alot more then it will benefit them. Selfpublish is the way to go. Just look at EvE, selfpublish and a strong 500K subs at the moment, GG.=)
Then there's the advertising. Nevermind the fact that if they found a REAL publisher they wouldn't have to worry about advertising b/c the publisher handles all that. But they claim that they don't have time for advertising b/c it would take their focus off developing the game, and that they can't afford to pay for costly adds (yet they have money for self-publishing and distributing the game....). Well, the biggest hole in this is that they can get tons of free advertising and promotion from online and print video game journalists by just giving them hands on time with the game. No one even has to come to them, or "answer questions they've answered a million times before", they could just send the journalists a disc to try out the latest build of the game which I'm sure they have lying all around, and if they don't it only takes what, 5 minutes to make a copy. Unless they have something to hide that is....
A selfpublish is the cheapest way to get the game out, no middle hands and make them keep full control on the game. And as you already pointed out yourself earlier in this thread and i think i quote you on this; [QUOTE] Teddyboy420 - Ummm....yeah right. The fact of the matter is that modern games barely need to put ANY money, or time, into an advertising campaign. Games today can get TONS of FREE publicity through online and print journalists looking for stories for their sites and magazines [/QUOTE] Darkfall will be very exposed when it comes to beta times. If the game delivers it will probably be the most exposed beta ever. Imagine the hoards of interviews from websites on the net and magazines and all the videos on youtube. =)Add some well placed advertising from the Aventurine team and most people interested in games will have heard of it. It will be spread like a wildfire.
And yeah, this all boils down to differences of opinion on what's really goin on anyway. We're just arguing, neither one of us is gonna change the others opinions. I hope the game is gonna come out, but I'd be really surprised if it ever does. You hope the game is gonna come out, and believe everything is as they say it is without any verification. I feel ya man, I guess I'm just not as trusting. People are people. I'd like to think everyone out there is honest and is working in the best interest of humanity, but I've seen that in reality isn't so sweet. Basically, it's just human nature, and I'm not trying to say we live in a world where everything is corrupt, this isn't Bizzaro World, but there are people out there who will just as soon spit in your face as shoot you a smile. Whatever though, here's to hoping we'll someday be playing Darkfall.
Agree, we have different opinions in the matter which i like=) Kinda hard to discuss anything if all is just keeping in line. Im 99% sure the game will be out. And im pretty sure you will read about Darkfall going beta before summer 2008. As long as someone i trust in isnt exposed as a liar i keep trust in them. Sure Darkfall as a new company in the computer game developing business made some mistakes but theyre just humans and humans make mistakes. I still have to see any information theyre liars though.=) Thank you for a nice discussion and lets keep our thumbs that Darkfall will have a successful release.
Actually he didnt. Dunno where you made that up?
Eh ? "this week's update - more screenshots" doesnt sound like Darkfall does this every week?? which really couldn't be further from the truth if you tryed.
Actually, updates have been every week or every two weeks last months.
They have worked on the engine for over 10 years, and have released a successfull game. 200 people staff. Of course they have more meat on their bones. No doubt.
But what you ask for and argument for doesn't exist. You wan't to see more, and trash the developers when you can't get it. Try to enjoy what you get instead. Or leave the threads alone if you can't provide anything exept negative and repetable comments.
The Sceptics, yes they're special but we've need them to.. I guess.
And if they're put more effort can create a 'Team Sceptic'
and send them to the Special Olympus.
Outdated you say. I and most people with taste and eyeglasses thinks Darkfall graphics is just superb. Graphics isnt just the number of polygons. Darkfall devs have always tried to have as few of them as possible for lag reasons. Just imagine the lag youll see in a game like AoC with theres polygon counts? It will be awful. Low polygon counts with a really nice style and textures, like Darkfall, will be a winner when it comes to epic battles with hundreds of players on screen at same time. And not nice graphics? Look at the latest screenies which is just awsome. Poeple on the Darkfall board is just crazy hyped over the graphics. And remember- gameplay is always the most important in any game. And Darkfall features is best in class on features, hopefully gameplay will be as good.=) , this isnt nice graphics? Please explain what it is you dont like please. , just awsome.=) , not nice?=) , fishing is in.=) Thats a long rod. , Dungeon entrance? , dwarfs is so cool.
Will be 5 year of developing summer 2008. And game is prettier then most MMORPG games under development. AoC graphics is nice but i prefer Darkfall style.=)
it mroe like 2 out of them 10 wont make release 1 being prestige classes the rest is obvioulsy in.
Because if they dont have at least most of the features in by time beta starts it will screw the game right then and thee. and if thats the case then there isnt even a game so your theory is wrong. because its been proven theres a game there
If graphics was a problem then WoW wouldnt have 10 mill subs
And prestige classes will be patched in after release.=)