Interesting... I gace this an entire evening and nada... zip,,, nothing. Read through this entire thread. Aside from INSTANCINGwhich virtually disappears after Tortage, there is not a single point of fact or data to say why this game is beaten by ANY, let alone so many other games. There are blank, empty references AGAIN to the fact that every game since pong is better than Age of Conan, but they are completely devoid of any explination as to why this might be so, or why the poster isn't lying through their teeth (keyboard) As was stated by a brilliant poster, of whom I have forgotten who said it, almost every one posting on these fora are speaking as the little tiny whiney population of Tortage NOT the expansive world of Hyboria. I spent the evening playing a few levels and doing about a dozen and a half missions in the mid 20's I zoned/instanced once. Once. That is less than an evening in WoW. I guess we have called the bluff of the people flaming this game. Is in my favorite? no. Asheron's Call is my favorite game as I have said in virtually every post for the last decade... and you can see my long drawn out explinations as to why Asheron's Call is a substantually better game than all the EQ-clones like WoW... but AoC is better than any other game I have played since... including WoW, EQ, EQ2, AC2, AO, TR, LotRO, DAoC, AO, CoV, CoH and likely a few others that were so bad I have forgotten them completely. I guess the flamers have not a single real tid-bit of fact to back up their baseless, hollow emotional claims. See you in Hyboria
I played beyond Tortage and its a myth that there is less instancing. The game has just as much zoned instancing as it does in Tortage but more spread out.
And I have news for you, Hyboria is NOT a large "expansive" world as you describe it. At least not compared to other MMO's out there. Multiple Hyboria by x4 and then you're talking about a decent size MMO to explore. And thanks to all the instances, it feels more like I was playing a small series of Multiplayer games.
Tortage was worth the $50 so Im not complaining. It was fun for the 6 days I spent running 3 toons through it but like every good RPG, it gets old really fast.
Age of Conan is not an MMO though so Im not going to pay the monthly fee
You haters are pathetic. If you don't like it go play something different.
Hyboria is not a large expansive world? Yep its only 185 Square Miles. Over 2 times the size of the World of Warcraft's map.
And Tortage is no where as fun as the rest of the game. Your missing out thats for sure.
ooooooh.. Thats so large! Happy to see me?
JK, but really, thats about as big as 1,2 planet in SWG.
SWG had 10 planets... Whoa.. Hyboria is really small... so not happy to see me?
I can't believe that after 3 years of WoW, AoC used the braindead EQ2 type mobs. No runners who run at low health and aggro nearby mobs. No mobs who heal each other.
WoW and LOTRO have much more AI than AoC.
WoW beats LOTRO in PvP. You can interrupt spells in WoW. There are many counters in WoW that work, blinking out of a stun, kicking a warlock who is trying to shadowbolt you, shapeshifting out of a frost nova, dropping a poison clensing totem when a rogue attacks and so on.
Originally posted by cheeba One question have you played Eve? No instances? What are the "deadspace" then? Also if you knew anything you would understand that Eve is all zoned. Worse than any other game.
*sigh again*
Then let's start a quick rundown about the inner workings of eve, deadspaces in particular..
The whole node/sol/proxy stuff isn't relevant here, but let's go into grids and deadspaces, and how they work. I assume the standard deadspaces without systemwide beacons like in static complexes or factional warfare complexes. Let's start with a mission, with gate. This is technically just a loaded grid on the sol. It dampens the signal of all ships inside, to make it harder to reach someone inside. With the so-called exploration probes, one can start scanning at anyone inside of those plexes. Normal ship scanning probes, while faster, have less strength and can't be used efficiently. A skilled prober can narrow down the position of the ship (let's assume a raven here) within 5 minutes, and warp right on top of the entrance to the deadspace in about 10 minutes.
ANYONE can enter your "instances". Anywhere. Anytime. He just needs to do some work for it. You can warp in, and kill that missionrunner who thinks he's safe in a lowsec deadspace.
Now, let's do a quick check. What does instancing mean? Let's have a look at wikipedia: "In MMORPGs, an instance dungeon is a special area, typically a dungeon, that generates a new copy, or instance, of the dungeon map for each group that enters the area. This saves server work and ensures that there will never be competition (kill stealing, spawn camping) over resources such as mobs within the instance and that player characters experience minimum lag."
I'll repeat what i said: Deadspaces are no instances. They even run on the same node as everyone else in the system.
As for the zoning: Yep, New Eden is divided into solar systems. Still, you are in ONE shard, you can reach anyone, trade with anyone, and shoot anyone who has an active sub. An unsharded game doesn't need to be completely seamless. You are confusing the two here.
By the way, Aoc you die while staring at a loading screen, even without the slightest server side lag. In Eve, you remain safe for over 40 seconds after jumping in. If, for some reason, your client locked up, your ship will engage an emergency warp.. I have been part of a lot of fighting in eve, and i have been part of a lot of pvp on other games. While i got my corpse camped in other, fantasy based games by levelcapped gankers, i could always find a way to escape in eve.
I find it a bit funny how you prefer rude, senseless comments over good arguments. Now, after this quick derail, back to topic:
Aoc, as a whole, might be a solid game. But, in my opinion, suffers from the same problems as similar games, being the pvp, the crafting, trading and creation of a world i could immerse myself in.
By the way, Aoc you die while staring at a loading screen, even without the slightest server side lag.
In Eve, you remain safe for over 40 seconds after jumping in. If, for some reason, your client locked up, your ship will engage an emergency warp..
I have been part of a lot of fighting in eve, and i have been part of a lot of pvp on other games. While i got my corpse camped in other, fantasy based games by levelcapped gankers, i could always find a way to escape in eve.
I find it a bit funny how you prefer rude, senseless comments over good arguments. Now, after this quick derail, back to topic: Aoc, as a whole, might be a solid game. But, in my opinion, suffers from the same problems as similar games, being the pvp, the crafting, trading and creation of a world i could immerse myself in.
I haven't played Eve (yet it sounds really fun though) so I can't really get my mind around that comments about the mechanics... I will assume you guys can hash those out.
About the Ganking and the PvP problems with AoC, again I have not played pvP yet because this is a huge problem with AoC. The PvP is in need of some re-work to be certain. I do believe though that FunCom will implement a few changes to this fairly quickly (maybe oh, in the week of post-release, but for some that isn't fast enough.)
People are comparing four year old games (or more) with a game that has been out four days.
One can expect that a company would not have made poor chat boxes or bad UIs and such... but I do give them so time to rehash some of that now that the game is a little over a half week old.
I figure the problems I do see are ones that will easily be filled in as more people level in to the Crafting-Trading parts of the game. Heck, if people were even out of the Tortage starter dungeon they would know that their baseless comments on instancing and such simply don't apply to the actual game. People are right though, perhaps the Starter Dungeon of Tortage Island is too long and leaves you tired of the Spoonfeeding long before you can take off the training wheels.
"The reality of the poor in America isn't the difference between The Haves and The Have Nots, it is the difference between The Haves and The Have Lots."
Originally posted by WiccanCircle People are comparing four year old games (or more) with a game that has been out four days.
Yes, they do, and it's pretty senseless for most parts. (Especially for balancing of classes, questrewards, items, and smaller stuff like the ui)
But some things are broken at the core, and i highly doubt they could be fixed. Taking eve as a example (again): It will never become a game most people will immerse themselves in. It's a space nerds spreadsheet-online game. It won't cater for most of the casual crowd, either, due do it's design. There is no way to change it without redesigning everything. Same goes for Gw. It will never be transformed into a living world without any instancing. Just. Won't. Work. AOC has it's share of those design flaws, too. While you can redesign the ui, i doubt you could magically remove the problem with characters of different levels in pvp. Or make the zoning totally seamless.
Interesting... I gace this an entire evening and nada... zip,,, nothing. Read through this entire thread. Aside from INSTANCINGwhich virtually disappears after Tortage, there is not a single point of fact or data to say why this game is beaten by ANY, let alone so many other games. There are blank, empty references AGAIN to the fact that every game since pong is better than Age of Conan, but they are completely devoid of any explination as to why this might be so, or why the poster isn't lying through their teeth (keyboard) As was stated by a brilliant poster, of whom I have forgotten who said it, almost every one posting on these fora are speaking as the little tiny whiney population of Tortage NOT the expansive world of Hyboria. I spent the evening playing a few levels and doing about a dozen and a half missions in the mid 20's I zoned/instanced once. Once. That is less than an evening in WoW. I guess we have called the bluff of the people flaming this game. Is in my favorite? no. Asheron's Call is my favorite game as I have said in virtually every post for the last decade... and you can see my long drawn out explinations as to why Asheron's Call is a substantually better game than all the EQ-clones like WoW... but AoC is better than any other game I have played since... including WoW, EQ, EQ2, AC2, AO, TR, LotRO, DAoC, AO, CoV, CoH and likely a few others that were so bad I have forgotten them completely. I guess the flamers have not a single real tid-bit of fact to back up their baseless, hollow emotional claims. See you in Hyboria
"Almost everyone posting on these fora are speaking as the little tiny whiney population of Tortage NOT the expansive world of Hyboria."
Your own fault for making this thread 4 days after release. Sorry, some people have lives and don't level as fast.
-------------------------------------- A human and an Elf get captured by Skaven. The rat-men are getting ready to shoot the first hostage with Dwarf-made guns when he yells, "Earthquake!" The naturally nervous Skaven run and hide from the imaginary threat. He escapes. The Skaven regroup and bring out the Elf. Being very smart, the Elf has figured out what to do. When the Skaven get ready to shoot, the Elf, in order to scare them, yells, "Fire!"
I am curious. It is 72-hours after launch so I can see why people have strong emotions still tied in to games that they have played for thousands of hours, but I read all of these posts about how Age of Conan isn't the greatest and that there are so many better games out there. Oh Really? Where? I would love to play one of those. Combat? Quests? Equipment? Classes? Graphics? Sound? Skills? (strange this is my number one priority in a game yet it is almost never mentioned by most other MMO players, aside from the rediculous mythical quest for 'balance' issues.) Most of these posts reference some vague 'betterness' elsewhere but leave the specifics to the readers imagination. I am curious, all of the parts of AoC that people, a few hours in to the game, are saying aren't as good as other games - really? What Games Have Better MMORPG Components?
I m sorry Wiccan, your posts are usually intelligent, but this thread is pretty useless (no offence personally intended).
It all comes down to personal preference. There is no best game just like there is no best american candidate, or the best beer. The things that attract me to a game will guarantee that u will also like it. For example, maybe i like RnB music but AoC uses classic rock tracks, i probably wont like the music. There are people who like good old auto-attack (myself included) probably because they aren't any good at bunny hoping twich based combat (myself included also), does that make AoC's combat the worse there is? of course not.
To sum it all i want to try AoC, i ll probably buy a copy for myself if i dont get a buddy key invite, but the fact that u think its the best game to ever be released does necesserily mean i will even like it.
{Snip} It all comes down to personal preference. There is no best game just like there is no best american candidate, or the best beer. To sum it all i want to try AoC, i ll probably buy a copy for myself if i dont get a buddy key invite, but the fact that u think its the best game to ever be released does necesserily mean i will even like it.
We American's don't even have a viable candidate!
It is going to be the evil of three lessers.
I don't know though... Black & Tans are the best beer, but likely because they are not a single beer
But you are right, it is all about preference and such, but why would personal choices bring people to a forum and say that a game has so many other superior games, it fails in so many ways, but have very few explinations as to why they are saying such things?
Preference is preference, but usually we have reasons we make such judgements... here I see emotion and very few actual facts.
(And besides, AoC is not the best... Asheron's Call was... in my preference driven world anyhow. But AoC seems to be at least as good if not better than most anything else I have seen.)
PS - and Fantaros, for having calm under fire, you have earned yourself a Buddy Pass! I have about a dozen from my and my boyfriend's Collector Editions.
"The reality of the poor in America isn't the difference between The Haves and The Have Nots, it is the difference between The Haves and The Have Lots."
I am curious. It is 72-hours after launch so I can see why people have strong emotions still tied in to games that they have played for thousands of hours, but I read all of these posts about how Age of Conan isn't the greatest and that there are so many better games out there. Oh Really? Where? I would love to play one of those. Combat? Quests? Equipment? Classes? Graphics? Sound? Skills? (strange this is my number one priority in a game yet it is almost never mentioned by most other MMO players, aside from the rediculous mythical quest for 'balance' issues.) Most of these posts reference some vague 'betterness' elsewhere but leave the specifics to the readers imagination. I am curious, all of the parts of AoC that people, a few hours in to the game, are saying aren't as good as other games - really? What Games Have Better MMORPG Components?
in order..
Everquest 2
EvE .. do you need me to keep going?
Age of Conan is built like a console game, except it doesn't run nearly as good as a console game...
I've played games at both ends of your spectrum (630+ hours in LOTRO, even more in WoW.. around 100 hours in EVE).. if that's the "best" that MMOs have to offer, then damn.. MMOs really are all hype.
I've also played (a _LOT_) of stereotypical asian MMOs, and DAoC (never really got "in" to DAoC.. but that was mostly because I joined way too late, I think).
I still have to say that the best MMO I ever played was Face of Mankind. That game had an AWESOME open beta.
I played beyond Tortage and its a myth that there is less instancing. The game has just as much zoned instancing as it does in Tortage but more spread out.
And I have news for you, Hyboria is NOT a large "expansive" world as you describe it. At least not compared to other MMO's out there. Multiple Hyboria by x4 and then you're talking about a decent size MMO to explore. And thanks to all the instances, it feels more like I was playing a small series of Multiplayer games.
Tortage was worth the $50 so Im not complaining. It was fun for the 6 days I spent running 3 toons through it but like every good RPG, it gets old really fast.
Age of Conan is not an MMO though so Im not going to pay the monthly fee
You haters are pathetic. If you don't like it go play something different.
Hyboria is not a large expansive world? Yep its only 185 Square Miles. Over 2 times the size of the World of Warcraft's map.
And Tortage is no where as fun as the rest of the game. Your missing out thats for sure.
ooooooh.. Thats so large! Happy to see me?JK, but really, thats about as big as 1,2 planet in SWG.
SWG had 10 planets... Whoa.. Hyboria is really small... so not happy to see me?
The last of the Trackers
I can't believe that after 3 years of WoW, AoC used the braindead EQ2 type mobs. No runners who run at low health and aggro nearby mobs. No mobs who heal each other.
WoW and LOTRO have much more AI than AoC.
WoW beats LOTRO in PvP. You can interrupt spells in WoW. There are many counters in WoW that work, blinking out of a stun, kicking a warlock who is trying to shadowbolt you, shapeshifting out of a frost nova, dropping a poison clensing totem when a rogue attacks and so on.
*sigh again*
Then let's start a quick rundown about the inner workings of eve, deadspaces in particular..
The whole node/sol/proxy stuff isn't relevant here, but let's go into grids and deadspaces, and how they work.
I assume the standard deadspaces without systemwide beacons like in static complexes or factional warfare complexes. Let's start with a mission, with gate.
This is technically just a loaded grid on the sol. It dampens the signal of all ships inside, to make it harder to reach someone inside.
With the so-called exploration probes, one can start scanning at anyone inside of those plexes. Normal ship scanning probes, while faster, have less strength and can't be used efficiently. A skilled prober can narrow down the position of the ship (let's assume a raven here) within 5 minutes, and warp right on top of the entrance to the deadspace in about 10 minutes.
ANYONE can enter your "instances". Anywhere. Anytime. He just needs to do some work for it. You can warp in, and kill that missionrunner who thinks he's safe in a lowsec deadspace.
Now, let's do a quick check. What does instancing mean? Let's have a look at wikipedia:
"In MMORPGs, an instance dungeon is a special area, typically a dungeon, that generates a new copy, or instance, of the dungeon map for each group that enters the area. This saves server work and ensures that there will never be competition (kill stealing, spawn camping) over resources such as mobs within the instance and that player characters experience minimum lag."
I'll repeat what i said: Deadspaces are no instances. They even run on the same node as everyone else in the system.
As for the zoning: Yep, New Eden is divided into solar systems. Still, you are in ONE shard, you can reach anyone, trade with anyone, and shoot anyone who has an active sub. An unsharded game doesn't need to be completely seamless. You are confusing the two here.
By the way, Aoc you die while staring at a loading screen, even without the slightest server side lag.
In Eve, you remain safe for over 40 seconds after jumping in. If, for some reason, your client locked up, your ship will engage an emergency warp..
I have been part of a lot of fighting in eve, and i have been part of a lot of pvp on other games. While i got my corpse camped in other, fantasy based games by levelcapped gankers, i could always find a way to escape in eve.
I find it a bit funny how you prefer rude, senseless comments over good arguments. Now, after this quick derail, back to topic:
Aoc, as a whole, might be a solid game. But, in my opinion, suffers from the same problems as similar games, being the pvp, the crafting, trading and creation of a world i could immerse myself in.
About the Ganking and the PvP problems with AoC, again I have not played pvP yet because this is a huge problem with AoC. The PvP is in need of some re-work to be certain. I do believe though that FunCom will implement a few changes to this fairly quickly (maybe oh, in the week of post-release, but for some that isn't fast enough.)
People are comparing four year old games (or more) with a game that has been out four days.
One can expect that a company would not have made poor chat boxes or bad UIs and such... but I do give them so time to rehash some of that now that the game is a little over a half week old.
I figure the problems I do see are ones that will easily be filled in as more people level in to the Crafting-Trading parts of the game. Heck, if people were even out of the Tortage starter dungeon they would know that their baseless comments on instancing and such simply don't apply to the actual game. People are right though, perhaps the Starter Dungeon of Tortage Island is too long and leaves you tired of the Spoonfeeding long before you can take off the training wheels.
"The reality of the poor in America isn't the difference between The Haves and The Have Nots, it is the difference between The Haves and The Have Lots."
Yes, they do, and it's pretty senseless for most parts.
(Especially for balancing of classes, questrewards, items, and smaller stuff like the ui)
But some things are broken at the core, and i highly doubt they could be fixed.
Taking eve as a example (again): It will never become a game most people will immerse themselves in. It's a space nerds spreadsheet-online game. It won't cater for most of the casual crowd, either, due do it's design. There is no way to change it without redesigning everything.
Same goes for Gw. It will never be transformed into a living world without any instancing. Just. Won't. Work.
AOC has it's share of those design flaws, too. While you can redesign the ui, i doubt you could magically remove the problem with characters of different levels in pvp. Or make the zoning totally seamless.
"Freedom is just another name for nothing left to lose" - Janis Joplin
Your own fault for making this thread 4 days after release. Sorry, some people have lives and don't level as fast.
A human and an Elf get captured by Skaven. The rat-men are getting ready to shoot the first hostage with Dwarf-made guns when he yells, "Earthquake!" The naturally nervous Skaven run and hide from the imaginary threat. He escapes. The Skaven regroup and bring out the Elf. Being very smart, the Elf has figured out what to do. When the Skaven get ready to shoot, the Elf, in order to scare them, yells, "Fire!"
Order of the White Border.
I m sorry Wiccan, your posts are usually intelligent, but this thread is pretty useless (no offence personally intended).
It all comes down to personal preference. There is no best game just like there is no best american candidate, or the best beer. The things that attract me to a game will guarantee that u will also like it. For example, maybe i like RnB music but AoC uses classic rock tracks, i probably wont like the music. There are people who like good old auto-attack (myself included) probably because they aren't any good at bunny hoping twich based combat (myself included also), does that make AoC's combat the worse there is? of course not.
To sum it all i want to try AoC, i ll probably buy a copy for myself if i dont get a buddy key invite, but the fact that u think its the best game to ever be released does necesserily mean i will even like it.
It is going to be the evil of three lessers.
I don't know though... Black & Tans are the best beer, but likely because they are not a single beer
But you are right, it is all about preference and such, but why would personal choices bring people to a forum and say that a game has so many other superior games, it fails in so many ways, but have very few explinations as to why they are saying such things?
Preference is preference, but usually we have reasons we make such judgements... here I see emotion and very few actual facts.
(And besides, AoC is not the best... Asheron's Call was... in my preference driven world anyhow. But AoC seems to be at least as good if not better than most anything else I have seen.)
PS - and Fantaros, for having calm under fire, you have earned yourself a Buddy Pass! I have about a dozen from my and my boyfriend's Collector Editions.
"The reality of the poor in America isn't the difference between The Haves and The Have Nots, it is the difference between The Haves and The Have Lots."
in order..
Everquest 2
EvE .. do you need me to keep going?
Age of Conan is built like a console game, except it doesn't run nearly as good as a console game...
I've played games at both ends of your spectrum (630+ hours in LOTRO, even more in WoW.. around 100 hours in EVE).. if that's the "best" that MMOs have to offer, then damn.. MMOs really are all hype.
I've also played (a _LOT_) of stereotypical asian MMOs, and DAoC (never really got "in" to DAoC.. but that was mostly because I joined way too late, I think).
I still have to say that the best MMO I ever played was Face of Mankind. That game had an AWESOME open beta.