I agree 100% they should get rid of exploiters. However, with that said, the idea of banning players with a certain amount of gold isn't a good idea. And obviously it wasn't as guild leaders from large guilds are now banned for pooling all the money to build their guild cities.
The GMs saw the money as them buying them from the Gold Sellers. They banned them without proof. They just assumed they got all of that money because of gold buyers. They did not take into effect that the guild leaders were pooling in their members monies for their city. Sad situation right now
People who have to create conspiracy and hate threads to further a cause lacks in intellectual comprehension of diversity.
A criminal is more often than not, not as such in his or her own eyes.
America's prisons are congested with millions of 'innocent' people.
We have something like 10% of the world's population but 30% of the world's criminals...I heard it quoted somewhere with exact statistics, but we have more people in jail than China. Not to get off topic, but really...either the law's stupid or we're just a terrible country, lol.
I guess I can try to understand why Funcom did this...they want to crush exploiters (who should have never been given the chance to exploit...it should have been ironed out in beta) and make themselves look good but this is pretty rediculous. I guess in time maybe they can make up for it, but right now...
Close, but still inaccurate. 5% of world's population and 25% of the world's prisoners at 2.5 Million. This figure is skewed by the fact the China does not release prisoner information, the last known estimate was at 1 million prisoners in 2002. It's likely much higher now, but since the information is not known, it is not included in statistics. After the United States there is Russia who has roughly 900,000 prisoners.
I think the statistic that if you are not a black male in America, you have a 1 in 11 chance of going to prison, and if you are a black male, the statistic shoots up to 1 in 4. This is very likely due to culture glorifying violence and anti-social behaviour.
Anyway, back to the subject. Most of the people who have been suspended probably willingly and knowingly participated in the exploiting. Most likely these individuals banned or accounts emptied were mostly guild leaders because most of the gold sent to them was exploited, and it's easier to just cut off the head than to attack every single appendage.
Yes, its a bad idea for a game to unthinkingly ban anyone and everyone that has a certain amount of gold or any other item without ever checking if it was earned legitimately.
But, with that said, I'd also like to say that the chances of having 40g with just a little over a week into the game is pretty outrageous. I'd be rather suspicious of anyone in that position as well, regardless of whether or not they say they've been collecting money from other guild members.
Chances are only an extremely small handful, probably less than 10 people, have been wrongfully banned this way. Anyone else is likely jumping on the bandwagon.
Yes, its a bad idea for a game to unthinkingly ban anyone and everyone that has a certain amount of gold or any other item without ever checking if it was earned legitimately. But, with that said, I'd also like to say that the chances of having 40g with just a little over a week into the game is pretty outrageous. I'd be rather suspicious of anyone in that position as well, regardless of whether or not they say they've been collecting money from other guild members. Chances are only an extremely small handful, probably less than 10 people, have been wrongfully banned this way. Anyone else is likely jumping on the bandwagon.
not when you have 200+ guild members it isn't outrageous. I have 32 silver already. Im one person; compile that with about 65 members donating 10 silver here and there. Also, its more like 45+ now and counting thats been banned. Pretty much the largest guild's leaders are gone
People who have to create conspiracy and hate threads to further a cause lacks in intellectual comprehension of diversity.
its def real. I went to the official forums and there a guilds from all over all kinds of servers where their guild leaders are being banned. This is real folks. The moderators there are also closing every single thread without explanation. Common sense would dictate a Moderator would first debunk this and then close the thread. But according to the dev tracker no explanation. Its real though. People (guild leaders who are raising and collecting gold for their cities) are getting banned. This brings back the SWG memories of when the GMs and CSRs banned everyone who had a duped item in their inventory whether they knew it was duped or not.
Ugh, I remember that from SWG... bad days. I really trought humans learn, but apparently not. Sad to see the principle in dubio pro reo turned upside down and ppl are guilty by suspicion. Bad bad customer handling. Even if the game was the best ever that would be a reason enough to stay away.
People don't ask questions to get answers - they ask questions to show how smart they are. - Dogbert
More often than not when someone gets banned there's a good reason; I hope this is the case here. Either way, this is a fairly bold move by Funcom so soon after release.
Ico Oh, cruel fate, to be thusly boned. Ask not for whom the bone bones. It bones for thee.
Yes, its a bad idea for a game to unthinkingly ban anyone and everyone that has a certain amount of gold or any other item without ever checking if it was earned legitimately. But, with that said, I'd also like to say that the chances of having 40g with just a little over a week into the game is pretty outrageous. I'd be rather suspicious of anyone in that position as well, regardless of whether or not they say they've been collecting money from other guild members. Chances are only an extremely small handful, probably less than 10 people, have been wrongfully banned this way. Anyone else is likely jumping on the bandwagon.
Assuming your numbers (which are admittedly guesses) are true...then you have to ALSO factor in how many people each of said 10's guilds are affected as well. If each guild had 500 members (which, given the gold amount in question...is quite likely) then each of those members lost not only THEIR money...but possibly their guild, as it dissolves due to lacking leadership. Thats 5000 players right there....all negatively affected by a business choice so ignorant, it could be considered laughable in an industry which has already moved past such archaic methods in discovering exploiters.
The thing we all have to realize here is that it only takes ONE mistake on such a matter to lay a crushing blow over your early subscribers. Its THIS playerbase which shall be building their core profit group, as they not only stick around themselves..but also encourage new players to join. Blasting a couple thousand of them in the face with poor business ploys is a really bad ideal this early in the game. It could hurt their founding subscriber totals...and that little thing has a NASTY trickle effect tacked on to it. Its like a MMO DoT cast over their sub numbers...bleeding away only a small portion of their life at first, but then boiling over into critical mass if they don't get a dispel going.
I remember the same thing happening in World of Warcraft to accounts that acted as guild banks. They were flagged and locked for investigated after exceeding a threshold for having an extraordinary amount of gold pooling together . Vanguard also had a problem where accounts where being locked after sending large amounts of gold.. many of them also being guild banks.
I'm not defending AoC.. I'm only saying that it's not uncommon early on in a game's life for them to be a little too trigger happy in the war against the RMT. I just think its sad that the same mistakes have to be repeated in many new games before they start creating reasonable policies for people who exceeding the bar as a collective.
I remember the same thing happening in World of Warcraft to accounts that acted as guild banks. They were flagged and locked for investigated after exceeding a threshold for having an extraordinary amount of gold pooling together . Vanguard also had a problem where accounts where being locked after sending large amounts of gold.. many of them also being guild banks.
lol i remember that. What a NIGHTMARE!
People who have to create conspiracy and hate threads to further a cause lacks in intellectual comprehension of diversity.
I remember the same thing happening in World of Warcraft to accounts that acted as guild banks. They were flagged and locked for investigated after exceeding a threshold for having an extraordinary amount of gold pooling together . Vanguard also had a problem where accounts where being locked after sending large amounts of gold.. many of them also being guild banks.
lol i remember that. What a NIGHTMARE!
Thank you all for keeping this thread alive. The more people who read this and know about it, the more pressure is on Funcom to fix the situation. I also remember all those moments in other games. It was a nightmare that luckily got fixed quickly. With that being said, shouldn't they have sorta learned from the mistakes of those games and take that into consideration before giving the ban hammer to guild leaders?
My guild has... I don't know, let's say 1,000 members. There is one account that holds money and resource donations. We haven't spent it yet, due to the problems with building (which may or may not have been fixed). The guild account has NOT been banned.
This just makes it easier to push me into the column of believing Funcom over anything else. I do like to give officials the benefit of the doubt.
In LOTRO some people were mistakenly banned during the pre-order/early release days of that game but they did correct the innocent. If the players are innocent in AoC then I don't have any doubt their accounts will become playable again. If guilty then they deserved what they wrought.
Better to err in the side of caution than to let potential exploiters rampant. My sympathy to the innocent people affected. Hopefully the whole situation will be resolved soon.
Guild of 1000 members? That's one big chunk of the server population. Congratulation on the officers for maintaining such a behemoth.
this game has garnered the most fervent fanboys ever in this history of mmos, to actually try and defend against banning of guild leaders for saving up money for cities is just ridiculous. I know my guild leader has all our money in a guild of around 300, lets hope hes doesnt get banned.
this game has garnered the most fervent fanboys ever in this history of mmos,
You've never been to the Darkfall forums. Or the SWG Veteran's Refuge forum.
"I used to think the worst thing in life was to be all alone. It's not. The worst thing in life is to end up with people who make you feel all alone." Robin Williams
this game has garnered the most fervent fanboys ever in this history of mmos, to actually try and defend against banning of guild leaders for saving up money for cities is just ridiculous. I know my guild leader has all our money in a guild of around 300, lets hope hes doesnt get banned.
Oh come on now! Does one really want the same fate for this game as in others? I know I don't want to see the equivalent crazy prices of the hunders of gold for items that I did in WoW.
Only using that game as an example of crazy prices and what gold sellers/exploiters can do to a game.
I would think that a harsh stance towards possible exploiting/gold selling should apply to any MMO and not just this one. Since I had to explain that. Good grief...
this game has garnered the most fervent fanboys ever in this history of mmos, to actually try and defend against banning of guild leaders for saving up money for cities is just ridiculous. I know my guild leader has all our money in a guild of around 300, lets hope hes doesnt get banned.
Oh come on now! Does one really want the same fate for this game as in others? I know I don't want to see the equivalent crazy prices of the hunders of gold for items that I did in WoW.
Only using that game as an example of crazy prices and what gold sellers/exploiters can do to a game.
I would think that a harsh stance towards possible exploiting/gold selling should apply to any MMO and not just this one. Since I had to explain that. Good grief...
well maybe they should spend time investigating BEFORE suspending accounts. at the moment they are suspending accounts THEN investigating whether they have actually exploited. Innocents are getting caught in the crossfire.
Last night my account was suspended in Age of Conan along with hundreds of others across the realms. Like the others I received an email saying that it is suspended pending an investigation. A review of their tech support or general forums (which are now constantly being 'managed') you can quickly see they went after ANYONE who spent large sums of money in the last week. Sadly, that just happens to be every Architect/GM in the game that has been in the Arms race of city building. I take on average 2-5 gold from each member, each day and that number has been getting bigger each day as people level. Two days ago my daily high collection was in the teens and I suspect as people learn quests = fat cash it would have kept climbing. However, in the mean time I'm flagged as a gold farmer or some type of cash manipulator and have to wait for them to answer me petition requests. I've filed 3; all have been ignored save a ticket number auto response. In today’s day of MMO expectations this is really armature bullshit.
I always say there is nothing new under the sun this game has sadly proven that once again. Many moons ago in a game called UO there arose a problem between the players and the development team of the game. The short version of the story is players started doing things with their game that they didn’t expect the GM's started banning or removing players for doing these things. Further as the game developers wanted to protect their reputation they started banning players from forums, deleting threads, and numerous other draconian steps to put their sheep back in line. In the vacuum of customer service spawned Dr Twister, this guy basically single handedly reformed MMO support role. Blasting Ultima Online development team repeatedely until they started addressing their custoemrs, started answer obvious problems and stopped sweeping them under rugs or pretending the consumer was the enemy. He did such a good job at riding roughshod on them that the company created a new type of position called 'Community Manager'. Later Dr Twister changed his name and was hired by DAOC and did a magnificent job for that game doing the best he could. Often times the answer is 'I just don’t know but I'll keep asking' but frankly that’s all it really takes to make any of us happy... someone to at least act like they care.
Putting on my Mr. Twister hat for a moment allow me to give you my spin. First, Funcom has alot of bugs, many identified in the beta but simply ignored because they were hell bent on releasing to a set date. I'd be willing to bet my paycheck there are more than one 'game breaking' bug, and when I say game breaking I mean duping, world manipulation, stat hacks, etc. Second, rather than taking power gamers to their beta and listening to the few they had they filled it to the rim with the 'everyman' and proceeded to turn a blind eye to their own problems. Third, people are pacing through content far faster than anticipated and into 'untested' stuff which just leads to more of one and two. Put all this together and you have a situation teetering on collapse and they paniced and hit the eject button. In the crossfire is me and god knows how many other players, leaders, guild banks etc. Fine, you want an aggressive stance on cheating you want to find the cheaters and ban them... awesome but be be prepared to answer the 'wtf' messages when your receive them. Obviously their targetting methods grabbed people unintended and a pettion of any of the guilds involved in the arms race for city warfare will show everyone is loosing someone or some amount of money and NONE of them are getting any answers on why.
There are so many bugs in this game right now and frankly that’s not my complaint... hell you can walk straight through some of my city walls. My complaint is that 16 hours have gone by and not one single response. I don't know if I need to buy a new account and start over, I have no way of communicating with anyone sentient about my particulars. Basically, I'm a cog in the wheel of some giant cesspool of complaint tickets and have to pray to the giant Norwegian in the sky that they will sort it out and unfuck me. For the record I have about two weeks solid played in this game between a couple weeks of beta and release. I still have no clue how to do some of the basic things in the game and certianly not enough information to start fucking the system. My only conclusion is that they selected me because I grab money from every guild member every night and spent it immediately on our city. I have never cheated in this game and in no way deserved to be suspended or banneed.
I was prepared for the bugs, I was prepared for slow responses, I wasn’t prepared for the complete and total lack of customer support from their support team. As a final note to you nay sayers out there (and I know you’re out there) go ask any of the competitive guilds what’s going on, most have had gold deleted, some have had characters suspended, and others banned. None of us have had the ANYTHING in the form of reasonable communication from the company we are paying.
if you read the link i posted, someone from eidos actually popped into that guilds forums and apologised haha, they want to keep it under wraps its a major cockup
I agree with the guy you quoted. I still think however that the faster you suspend, the faster you contain the problem. I'll check the official forums as well and try to keep you posted on any development.
AmazingAveryAge of Conan AdvocateMemberUncommonPosts: 7,188
And you will understand the stance Funcom has taken. The above arent the only guys though. The percentage of innocents is quite minimal, and is a neccessity until investigations are complete.
There was a bug that spread like wildfire and many people thought they could get away with it.
I agree 100% they should get rid of exploiters. However, with that said, the idea of banning players with a certain amount of gold isn't a good idea. And obviously it wasn't as guild leaders from large guilds are now banned for pooling all the money to build their guild cities.
The GMs saw the money as them buying them from the Gold Sellers. They banned them without proof. They just assumed they got all of that money because of gold buyers. They did not take into effect that the guild leaders were pooling in their members monies for their city. Sad situation right now
People who have to create conspiracy and hate threads to further a cause lacks in intellectual comprehension of diversity.
I guess I can try to understand why Funcom did this...they want to crush exploiters (who should have never been given the chance to exploit...it should have been ironed out in beta) and make themselves look good but this is pretty rediculous. I guess in time maybe they can make up for it, but right now...
Close, but still inaccurate. 5% of world's population and 25% of the world's prisoners at 2.5 Million. This figure is skewed by the fact the China does not release prisoner information, the last known estimate was at 1 million prisoners in 2002. It's likely much higher now, but since the information is not known, it is not included in statistics. After the United States there is Russia who has roughly 900,000 prisoners.
I think the statistic that if you are not a black male in America, you have a 1 in 11 chance of going to prison, and if you are a black male, the statistic shoots up to 1 in 4. This is very likely due to culture glorifying violence and anti-social behaviour.
Anyway, back to the subject. Most of the people who have been suspended probably willingly and knowingly participated in the exploiting. Most likely these individuals banned or accounts emptied were mostly guild leaders because most of the gold sent to them was exploited, and it's easier to just cut off the head than to attack every single appendage.
Mne eto nado kak zuby v zadnitse.
guys...dont hijack the thread. Thanks
People who have to create conspiracy and hate threads to further a cause lacks in intellectual comprehension of diversity.
Hey, I got back on topic!
Mne eto nado kak zuby v zadnitse.
Yes, its a bad idea for a game to unthinkingly ban anyone and everyone that has a certain amount of gold or any other item without ever checking if it was earned legitimately.
But, with that said, I'd also like to say that the chances of having 40g with just a little over a week into the game is pretty outrageous. I'd be rather suspicious of anyone in that position as well, regardless of whether or not they say they've been collecting money from other guild members.
Chances are only an extremely small handful, probably less than 10 people, have been wrongfully banned this way. Anyone else is likely jumping on the bandwagon.
not when you have 200+ guild members it isn't outrageous. I have 32 silver already. Im one person; compile that with about 65 members donating 10 silver here and there. Also, its more like 45+ now and counting thats been banned. Pretty much the largest guild's leaders are gone
People who have to create conspiracy and hate threads to further a cause lacks in intellectual comprehension of diversity.
Ugh, I remember that from SWG... bad days. I really trought humans learn, but apparently not. Sad to see the principle in dubio pro reo turned upside down and ppl are guilty by suspicion. Bad bad customer handling. Even if the game was the best ever that would be a reason enough to stay away.
People don't ask questions to get answers - they ask questions to show how smart they are. - Dogbert
More often than not when someone gets banned there's a good reason; I hope this is the case here. Either way, this is a fairly bold move by Funcom so soon after release.
Oh, cruel fate, to be thusly boned. Ask not for whom the bone bones. It bones for thee.
What a PR nightmare.
Sacred MMO Commandment #6: Never take away from a player what they have rightfully earned. It really, really pisses people off.
Assuming your numbers (which are admittedly guesses) are true...then you have to ALSO factor in how many people each of said 10's guilds are affected as well. If each guild had 500 members (which, given the gold amount in question...is quite likely) then each of those members lost not only THEIR money...but possibly their guild, as it dissolves due to lacking leadership. Thats 5000 players right there....all negatively affected by a business choice so ignorant, it could be considered laughable in an industry which has already moved past such archaic methods in discovering exploiters.
The thing we all have to realize here is that it only takes ONE mistake on such a matter to lay a crushing blow over your early subscribers. Its THIS playerbase which shall be building their core profit group, as they not only stick around themselves..but also encourage new players to join. Blasting a couple thousand of them in the face with poor business ploys is a really bad ideal this early in the game. It could hurt their founding subscriber totals...and that little thing has a NASTY trickle effect tacked on to it. Its like a MMO DoT cast over their sub numbers...bleeding away only a small portion of their life at first, but then boiling over into critical mass if they don't get a dispel going.
I remember the same thing happening in World of Warcraft to accounts that acted as guild banks. They were flagged and locked for investigated after exceeding a threshold for having an extraordinary amount of gold pooling together . Vanguard also had a problem where accounts where being locked after sending large amounts of gold.. many of them also being guild banks.
I'm not defending AoC.. I'm only saying that it's not uncommon early on in a game's life for them to be a little too trigger happy in the war against the RMT. I just think its sad that the same mistakes have to be repeated in many new games before they start creating reasonable policies for people who exceeding the bar as a collective.
lol i remember that. What a NIGHTMARE!
People who have to create conspiracy and hate threads to further a cause lacks in intellectual comprehension of diversity.
lol i remember that. What a NIGHTMARE!
Thank you all for keeping this thread alive. The more people who read this and know about it, the more pressure is on Funcom to fix the situation. I also remember all those moments in other games. It was a nightmare that luckily got fixed quickly. With that being said, shouldn't they have sorta learned from the mistakes of those games and take that into consideration before giving the ban hammer to guild leaders?
This just makes it easier to push me into the column of believing Funcom over anything else. I do like to give officials the benefit of the doubt.
In LOTRO some people were mistakenly banned during the pre-order/early release days of that game but they did correct the innocent. If the players are innocent in AoC then I don't have any doubt their accounts will become playable again. If guilty then they deserved what they wrought.
Edit: additional content & grammar
AC2 Player RIP Final Death Jan 31st 2017
Refugee of Auberean
Refugee of Dereth
Better to err in the side of caution than to let potential exploiters rampant. My sympathy to the innocent people affected. Hopefully the whole situation will be resolved soon.
Guild of 1000 members? That's one big chunk of the server population. Congratulation on the officers for maintaining such a behemoth.
this game has garnered the most fervent fanboys ever in this history of mmos, to actually try and defend against banning of guild leaders for saving up money for cities is just ridiculous. I know my guild leader has all our money in a guild of around 300, lets hope hes doesnt get banned.
You've never been to the Darkfall forums. Or the SWG Veteran's Refuge forum.
the question is do i really want to
Only using that game as an example of crazy prices and what gold sellers/exploiters can do to a game.
I would think that a harsh stance towards possible exploiting/gold selling should apply to any MMO and not just this one. Since I had to explain that. Good grief...
AC2 Player RIP Final Death Jan 31st 2017
Refugee of Auberean
Refugee of Dereth
Im thinking these guilds are ACTUALLY exploiting... god for bid someone gets punished for a legit crime! LoL
Only using that game as an example of crazy prices and what gold sellers/exploiters can do to a game.
I would think that a harsh stance towards possible exploiting/gold selling should apply to any MMO and not just this one. Since I had to explain that. Good grief...
well maybe they should spend time investigating BEFORE suspending accounts. at the moment they are suspending accounts THEN investigating whether they have actually exploited. Innocents are getting caught in the crossfire.
Last night my account was suspended in Age of Conan along with hundreds of others across the realms. Like the others I received an email saying that it is suspended pending an investigation. A review of their tech support or general forums (which are now constantly being 'managed') you can quickly see they went after ANYONE who spent large sums of money in the last week. Sadly, that just happens to be every Architect/GM in the game that has been in the Arms race of city building. I take on average 2-5 gold from each member, each day and that number has been getting bigger each day as people level. Two days ago my daily high collection was in the teens and I suspect as people learn quests = fat cash it would have kept climbing. However, in the mean time I'm flagged as a gold farmer or some type of cash manipulator and have to wait for them to answer me petition requests. I've filed 3; all have been ignored save a ticket number auto response. In today’s day of MMO expectations this is really armature bullshit.
I always say there is nothing new under the sun this game has sadly proven that once again. Many moons ago in a game called UO there arose a problem between the players and the development team of the game. The short version of the story is players started doing things with their game that they didn’t expect the GM's started banning or removing players for doing these things. Further as the game developers wanted to protect their reputation they started banning players from forums, deleting threads, and numerous other draconian steps to put their sheep back in line. In the vacuum of customer service spawned Dr Twister, this guy basically single handedly reformed MMO support role. Blasting Ultima Online development team repeatedely until they started addressing their custoemrs, started answer obvious problems and stopped sweeping them under rugs or pretending the consumer was the enemy. He did such a good job at riding roughshod on them that the company created a new type of position called 'Community Manager'. Later Dr Twister changed his name and was hired by DAOC and did a magnificent job for that game doing the best he could. Often times the answer is 'I just don’t know but I'll keep asking' but frankly that’s all it really takes to make any of us happy... someone to at least act like they care.
Putting on my Mr. Twister hat for a moment allow me to give you my spin. First, Funcom has alot of bugs, many identified in the beta but simply ignored because they were hell bent on releasing to a set date. I'd be willing to bet my paycheck there are more than one 'game breaking' bug, and when I say game breaking I mean duping, world manipulation, stat hacks, etc. Second, rather than taking power gamers to their beta and listening to the few they had they filled it to the rim with the 'everyman' and proceeded to turn a blind eye to their own problems. Third, people are pacing through content far faster than anticipated and into 'untested' stuff which just leads to more of one and two. Put all this together and you have a situation teetering on collapse and they paniced and hit the eject button. In the crossfire is me and god knows how many other players, leaders, guild banks etc. Fine, you want an aggressive stance on cheating you want to find the cheaters and ban them... awesome but be be prepared to answer the 'wtf' messages when your receive them. Obviously their targetting methods grabbed people unintended and a pettion of any of the guilds involved in the arms race for city warfare will show everyone is loosing someone or some amount of money and NONE of them are getting any answers on why.
There are so many bugs in this game right now and frankly that’s not my complaint... hell you can walk straight through some of my city walls. My complaint is that 16 hours have gone by and not one single response. I don't know if I need to buy a new account and start over, I have no way of communicating with anyone sentient about my particulars. Basically, I'm a cog in the wheel of some giant cesspool of complaint tickets and have to pray to the giant Norwegian in the sky that they will sort it out and unfuck me. For the record I have about two weeks solid played in this game between a couple weeks of beta and release. I still have no clue how to do some of the basic things in the game and certianly not enough information to start fucking the system. My only conclusion is that they selected me because I grab money from every guild member every night and spent it immediately on our city. I have never cheated in this game and in no way deserved to be suspended or banneed.
I was prepared for the bugs, I was prepared for slow responses, I wasn’t prepared for the complete and total lack of customer support from their support team. As a final note to you nay sayers out there (and I know you’re out there) go ask any of the competitive guilds what’s going on, most have had gold deleted, some have had characters suspended, and others banned. None of us have had the ANYTHING in the form of reasonable communication from the company we are paying.
God this company is a mess.
if you read the link i posted, someone from eidos actually popped into that guilds forums and apologised haha, they want to keep it under wraps its a major cockup
To Innes:
I agree with the guy you quoted. I still think however that the faster you suspend, the faster you contain the problem. I'll check the official forums as well and try to keep you posted on any development.
Just take a read of this: http://forum.goonheim.com/showthread.php?t=957
And you will understand the stance Funcom has taken. The above arent the only guys though. The percentage of innocents is quite minimal, and is a neccessity until investigations are complete.
There was a bug that spread like wildfire and many people thought they could get away with it.