WoW, please sue logitech next, the G15 keyboard uses script keys to run multiple key strokes just like the glider does.
As long as it doesn't interfere with the intended purpose of the program, that is allowed by the EULA. This is a bogus argument.
Argument is, if you are gonna restrict scripting, than restrict scripting in all forms. with the G15 i can, script an entire fight with the push of 1 G key. The difference is in the amount of time you are interacting with your "BOT". And this way if Blizzard wins the law suit they will not only tell us what programs we can have on our computer but what hardware as well.
also it would only apply to us servers as european law is different . so blizzard would have to get a ruling here as well , cant see that happening since a EULA has never been tested in a court of law in the uk . but legel opion when it was put to barristers a few years back said mos tof the agreement would be ruled illegal so in one repsect it could backfire on blizzard
WoW, please sue logitech next, the G15 keyboard uses script keys to run multiple key strokes just like the glider does.
As long as it doesn't interfere with the intended purpose of the program, that is allowed by the EULA. This is a bogus argument.
Argument is, if you are gonna restrict scripting, than restrict scripting in all forms. with the G15 i can, script an entire fight with the push of 1 G key. The difference is in the amount of time you are interacting with your "BOT". And this way if Blizzard wins the law suit they will not only tell us what programs we can have on our computer but what hardware as well.
The difference with Macro's and the G15 keyboard is you still need to be at your keyboard to play, move from fight to fight and interact with other players. Programs like Glider allow you to completely automate your gameplay to the point where you don't have to be at your keyboard for hours at a time and still benifit as if you had been at your computer playing. You're making a huge leap to start thinking that companies will tell you what you can have on your computer. Even if companies did start doing that I can choose not to buy their product.
The law is the law, its not up to you to choose which laws or rules are ok to break. Blizzard made a rule to play their game, if you break it, you're banned, nuff said.
also it would only apply to us servers as european law is different . so blizzard would have to get a ruling here as well , cant see that happening since a EULA has never been tested in a court of law in the uk . but legel opion when it was put to barristers a few years back said mos tof the agreement would be ruled illegal so in one repsect it could backfire on blizzard
Well this has nothing to do with EULA it has to do with Copy right laws. As far as I am aware there isn't any US cases that have challenged the EULA either. Thus far the industry has been very good about not contesting their EULAs
Buy singleplayer games and you have all the rights you need.
When you buy an mmo or online game, you are only buying the media containing the software needed to play the game. The maker of the game decides what can and cannot be used while you play on their servers, this is their right.
And running games with emulators is already illegal for singleplayer games unless you own a copy of the actual game. And private servers ( another emulator ) is illegal due to the ToS/EULA which has just gotten a little stronger backing now.
And the game itself can be run completely from memory ( if you have enough memory to form a virtual hard drive and if that virtual hard drive does not hinder Blizzards' protection programs, such as Warden ). It's the 3rd party program running in memory to circumvent detection while modifying the game outside of Blizzards design boundaries which is illegal ( as we've just seen from the ruling ).
Originally posted by Waterlily
Originally posted by Vrika
I think the laws are ridiculous when a player is allowed to play a game he owns, but not allowed to use a software wich copies the game to RAM to run the game.
He specifically states that the use of it by players is infringing on Blizzard's copyright with his verdict, thereby making it illegal.
I think it's not hard to make a case that an emulator running WoW is at least just as much infringing on WoW's copyright, if not more so.
I agree with Blizzard on this. However you really should not use the word "illegal" - none of these things are illegal. When something is "illegal" it violates a local/state/federal law (example: theft, rape, murder, illegal possession of a firearm, j-walking, speeding, etc, etc). This matter with WoW is a CIVIL case and therefore no laws were in question here, hence nothing this people are doing is illegal, but rather a breach of private contract. Things that illegal that you are convicted of will give you a criminal record, civil matters like this do not.
I hear this a lot with talks about EULA's and it is a tad annoying
WoW, please sue logitech next, the G15 keyboard uses script keys to run multiple key strokes just like the glider does.
As long as it doesn't interfere with the intended purpose of the program, that is allowed by the EULA. This is a bogus argument.
Argument is, if you are gonna restrict scripting, than restrict scripting in all forms. with the G15 i can, script an entire fight with the push of 1 G key. The difference is in the amount of time you are interacting with your "BOT". And this way if Blizzard wins the law suit they will not only tell us what programs we can have on our computer but what hardware as well.
The difference with Macro's and the G15 keyboard is you still need to be at your keyboard to play, move from fight to fight and interact with other players. Programs like Glider allow you to completely automate your gameplay to the point where you don't have to be at your keyboard for hours at a time and still benifit as if you had been at your computer playing. You're making a huge leap to start thinking that companies will tell you what you can have on your computer. Even if companies did start doing that I can choose not to buy their product.
The law is the law, its not up to you to choose which laws or rules are ok to break. Blizzard made a rule to play their game, if you break it, you're banned, nuff said.
Is the computer doing the work for you? YES! Is that a bot? YES! The amount of time a player interacts between the actions of his BOT make it ok to have a BOT? NO! Nuff said.
We have recently verified that certain individuals were using third party "bot" programs to automate their characters in World of Warcraft. A bot is used to play an account non-stop, allowing its user to accumulate money, items, and experience without actually requiring the user to be physically present to play the game. The use of bots is a violation of the World of Warcraft Terms of Use and is absolutely prohibited. Therefore, the accounts identified as having used bots have been banned.
Blizzard Entertainment is committed to maintaining an environment of fair play in World of Warcraft. As stated previously, the company has a zero-tolerance policy for cheating or hacking of any kind. Players caught using a bot program to automate any of their characters' actions will have their characters removed and their account banned. They will not receive a warning. Over 300 accounts have already been banned for offenses of this nature.
If you don't agree with Blizzard, don't play their game.
We have recently verified that certain individuals were using third party "bot" programs to automate their characters in World of Warcraft. *A bot is used to play an account non-stop, allowing its user to accumulate money, items, and experience without actually requiring the user to be physically present to play the game. The use of bots is a violation of the World of Warcraft Terms of Use and is absolutely prohibited. Therefore, the accounts identified as having used bots have been banned. Blizzard Entertainment is committed to maintaining an environment of fair play in World of Warcraft. As stated previously, the company has a zero-tolerance policy for cheating or hacking of any kind. Players caught using a bot **program to automate any of their characters' actions will have their characters removed and their account banned. They will not receive a warning. Over 300 accounts have already been banned for offenses of this nature.
If you don't agree with Blizzard, don't play their game.
* If the glider required you to push the space bar every 5 minutes or 5 seconds it would be ok then?
Bilzzard uses objective terms, and then puts them in a "Law Type" format.
** Like the Program for the Logitech g15 keyboard. Pay close attention to where is says any of their characters' actions.
Last i checked you can still play wow using the above keyboard and the program it comes with and not get sued. But make no mistake, it is a bot. And you know they will never sue Logitech.
We have recently verified that certain individuals were using third party "bot" programs to automate their characters in World of Warcraft. *A bot is used to play an account non-stop, allowing its user to accumulate money, items, and experience without actually requiring the user to be physically present to play the game. The use of bots is a violation of the World of Warcraft Terms of Use and is absolutely prohibited. Therefore, the accounts identified as having used bots have been banned. Blizzard Entertainment is committed to maintaining an environment of fair play in World of Warcraft. As stated previously, the company has a zero-tolerance policy for cheating or hacking of any kind. Players caught using a bot **program to automate any of their characters' actions will have their characters removed and their account banned. They will not receive a warning. Over 300 accounts have already been banned for offenses of this nature.
If you don't agree with Blizzard, don't play their game.
* If the glider required you to push the space bar every 5 minutes or 5 seconds it would be ok then?
Bilzzard uses objective terms, and then puts them in a "Law Type" format.
** Like the Program for the Logitech g15 keyboard. Pay close attention to where is says any of their characters' actions.
Last i checked you can still play wow using the above keyboard and the program it comes with and not get sued.
A quick search on the Blizzard forums shows many questions about the G15.....using it is not bannable unless you create a loop type macro that allows you to walk away, basically creating a bot. If you use the macro functions (which you can do in game anyway) save you a few keystrokes thats fine. Why is such a difficult concept? In any case, Blizzards a private company they can kick you off their servers for any reason they see fit.
We have recently verified that certain individuals were using third party "bot" programs to automate their characters in World of Warcraft. *A bot is used to play an account non-stop, allowing its user to accumulate money, items, and experience without actually requiring the user to be physically present to play the game. The use of bots is a violation of the World of Warcraft Terms of Use and is absolutely prohibited. Therefore, the accounts identified as having used bots have been banned. Blizzard Entertainment is committed to maintaining an environment of fair play in World of Warcraft. As stated previously, the company has a zero-tolerance policy for cheating or hacking of any kind. Players caught using a bot **program to automate any of their characters' actions will have their characters removed and their account banned. They will not receive a warning. Over 300 accounts have already been banned for offenses of this nature.
If you don't agree with Blizzard, don't play their game.
* If the glider required you to push the space bar every 5 minutes or 5 seconds it would be ok then?
Bilzzard uses objective terms, and then puts them in a "Law Type" format.
** Like the Program for the Logitech g15 keyboard. Pay close attention to where is says any of their characters' actions.
Last i checked you can still play wow using the above keyboard and the program it comes with and not get sued.
A quick search on the Blizzard forums shows many questions about the G15.....using it is not bannable unless you create a loop type macro that allows you to walk away, basically creating a bot. If you use the macro functions (which you can do in game anyway) save you a few keystrokes thats fine. Why is such a difficult concept? In any case, Blizzards a private company they can kick you off their servers for any reason they see fit.
Lets just ignore the part "program to automate any of their characters' actions" then!
A. In game macro's are limited. B. Lets focus on the part about [allowing its user to accumulate money, items, and experience without actually requiring the user to be physically present] . Are your fingers physically present (objective term) when you hit the G1 key that does the fight for you. sounds more like they should say, IF you dont physically hit all the keys it takes to progress the fight, than you are botting. "Walk Away" is also an objective term if i create a loop type macro and sit and watch it and dont walk away then, basically im not creating a bot?
If blizzard was smart they would hire this man instead of crush him.
For the same reason microsoft hires the people who manage to hack through their operating systems. If the guy can hack it he can definatly help defend it. You want to stop botters, hire a bot maker.
Quotations Those Who make peaceful resolutions impossible, make violent resolutions inevitable. John F. Kennedy
Life... is the shit that happens while you wait for moments that never come - Lester Freeman
Lie to no one. If there 's somebody close to you, you'll ruin it with a lie. If they're a stranger, who the fuck are they you gotta lie to them? - Willy Nelson
I think the laws are ridiculous when a player is allowed to play a game he owns, but not allowed to use a software wich copies the game to RAM to run the game.
He specifically states that the use of it by players is infringing on Blizzard's copyright with his verdict, thereby making it illegal.
I think it's not hard to make a case that an emulator running WoW is at least just as much infringing on WoW's copyright, if not more so.
Everyone just keep eating this shit up.... What amazes me is that gamers are to ****ing stupid to realize that with a ruling like this, the courts are and will continue, to eat away at every right you "think" you have, and eventually take them all away.
Good job Blizzard, you just opened a door for the legal system in the good ol us of A (gag) to pretty much tell me what I can have on MY computer. Something I paid in upwards of $4000.00 for but soon might as well be a paper weight, because all the courts are going to let me have on the damn thing is a copy of WoW, and pinball.... oh and Microsoft products..... yay!!!! Im so damn happy right now!
Man I wish people were smarter, I wish I could even give people the benefit of the doubt that we even deserve to exist....
Police state here we come !!! WOOHOO!
If people were smart they make their own game, especially when they can make their own bot programs. But instead they rather copy someone else's work and get sued for it.
Its nice to see some punishment for the people who have been ruining games for years, maybe they will give him life - I'd enjoy seeing a life sentance for a bot maker, it would make be believe there is actually justice in the world
My god has horns.... nah, I don't think he is real either.
Its nice to see some punishment for the people who have been ruining games for years, maybe they will give him life - I'd enjoy seeing a life sentance for a bot maker, it would make be believe there is actually justice in the world
that makes no logical sense, how would jail time stop a botter. Most people dont even know who this guy is, and most people dont care. giving him fines and or jailtime is just a band aid fix to the bot problem.
Quotations Those Who make peaceful resolutions impossible, make violent resolutions inevitable. John F. Kennedy
Life... is the shit that happens while you wait for moments that never come - Lester Freeman
Lie to no one. If there 's somebody close to you, you'll ruin it with a lie. If they're a stranger, who the fuck are they you gotta lie to them? - Willy Nelson
Because if they start giving bot makers jail time, then less people will be as interested in designing bots.
If it was for their spare time they would do it, but most of them charge money, so if there is a paper trail you can track down the bot maker(s)/seller(s). The USA has crossed borders several times due to copyright infringment, so even if they are in other countries they could feel the wrath of mad companies.
My god has horns.... nah, I don't think he is real either.
Because if they start giving bot makers jail time, then less people will be as interested in designing bots.
If it was for their spare time they would do it, but most of them charge money, so if there is a paper trail you can track down the bot maker(s)/seller(s). The USA has crossed borders several times due to copyright infringment, so even if they are in other countries they could feel the wrath of mad companies.
Yeah, that totally works. Totally stops people from stealing, selling drugs. Cracking video games, bootlegging movies...
Look all jail time will do is force bot makers underground and making sure their programs are more discreet.
Like i said earlier, the stupied thing blizzard can do is give this guy jail time. They want to stop botters, admit that their game is flawed, and their dev team cant stop all bots and then hire the people who were able to break their game security to help strengthen it.
For every person that gets caught hacking, or making hacks there are 300 more that havent. And trust me, hackers are stronger, and the fact that if they get caught they could go to jail is not, has not, and will never be a detuorant for them.
Quotations Those Who make peaceful resolutions impossible, make violent resolutions inevitable. John F. Kennedy
Life... is the shit that happens while you wait for moments that never come - Lester Freeman
Lie to no one. If there 's somebody close to you, you'll ruin it with a lie. If they're a stranger, who the fuck are they you gotta lie to them? - Willy Nelson
Yes, but the main bot problem is not from 2-3 ppl who make it, it is the tens of thousands of people who pay to use them monthly (yes, most bot users pay monthly to use the programs).
And if there is a money paper trail, they can arrest the bot makers. If it forces the bot makers to go underground and not be able to distribute the bots in the way they normally do, then it will help things immensly. And since it is copyright infringment, they can shutdown most gold selling and powerleveling sites, since they all use the illegal software.
I never said it would stop botting, but it will limit it a good bit.
My god has horns.... nah, I don't think he is real either.
Yes, but the main bot problem is not from 2-3 ppl who make it, it is the tens of thousands of people who pay to use them monthly (yes, most bot users pay monthly to use the programs).
And if there is a money paper trail, they can arrest the bot makers. If it forces the bot makers to go underground and not be able to distribute the bots in the way they normally do, then it will help things immensly. And since it is copyright infringment, they can shutdown most gold selling and powerleveling sites, since they all use the illegal software.
I never said it would stop botting, but it will limit it a good bit.
Any muppet with a CS degree can make an MMO bot program. So this isn't going to stop the gold-farmers from running bots.
Plus, you can't "arrest" anyone for infringing a copyright.....copyright infringement is not a criminal offense, except in cases of piracy.
____________________________________________ im to lazy too use grammar or punctuation good
Yes, but the main bot problem is not from 2-3 ppl who make it, it is the tens of thousands of people who pay to use them monthly (yes, most bot users pay monthly to use the programs).
And if there is a money paper trail, they can arrest the bot makers. If it forces the bot makers to go underground and not be able to distribute the bots in the way they normally do, then it will help things immensly. And since it is copyright infringment, they can shutdown most gold selling and powerleveling sites, since they all use the illegal software.
I never said it would stop botting, but it will limit it a good bit.
Bot makers are already underground....
Forcing them to be even more discreet means it will be even harder to find them in the future. Not only will they work on not getting caught they will work on not getting their programs detected.
There are a lot of bot makers, only the vain ones get caught however. The ones who need to have a name anda face on their program, the ones who need to make sure they turn a profit. The most dangerous bot makers are the ones hwo just make the program to just say they did it. Like most hackers. Just do it because they can, not because they want to make money.
Quotations Those Who make peaceful resolutions impossible, make violent resolutions inevitable. John F. Kennedy
Life... is the shit that happens while you wait for moments that never come - Lester Freeman
Lie to no one. If there 's somebody close to you, you'll ruin it with a lie. If they're a stranger, who the fuck are they you gotta lie to them? - Willy Nelson
Anyways I'm hoping they jail him, and he gets man loving in prison. Atleast a little justice will be served then. Even if it does not do much to any of the other botters/makers, it would still be nice that he gets punished.
And you were the one to use underground first, so don't act like I'm dumb for saying it:
"Look all jail time will do is force bot makers underground and making sure their programs are more discreet."
My god has horns.... nah, I don't think he is real either.
It seems you have a hacker fixation :P Anyways I'm hoping they jail him, and he gets man loving in prison. Atleast a little justice will be served then. Even if it does not do much to any of the other botters/makers, it would still be nice that he gets punished.
And you were the one to use underground first, so don't act like I'm dumb for saying it: "Look all jail time will do is force bot makers underground and making sure their programs are more discreet."
What i am trying to point out is, you have a narrow vision. You arent seeing the bigger picture. This guy going to prison for something like this, not only does nothing to serve justice, but it does nothing to solve the greater problem. So hoping this guy gets anally raped in jail doesnt change the fact that their will be a bot problem, nor does it mean it will stop it.
Ive yet to insult you, i used underground, and simply clarified what i meant when i said it, so relax.
Its all these demands for bandaid fixes why society is the way it is today, lets not actually solve the actual problem, but punsih the people who take advantage of the situation.
If the engine wasnt weak, there wouldnt be botters,
Quotations Those Who make peaceful resolutions impossible, make violent resolutions inevitable. John F. Kennedy
Life... is the shit that happens while you wait for moments that never come - Lester Freeman
Lie to no one. If there 's somebody close to you, you'll ruin it with a lie. If they're a stranger, who the fuck are they you gotta lie to them? - Willy Nelson
As long as it doesn't interfere with the intended purpose of the program, that is allowed by the EULA. This is a bogus argument.
Why do you want a game played by bots?
As long as it doesn't interfere with the intended purpose of the program, that is allowed by the EULA. This is a bogus argument.
Argument is, if you are gonna restrict scripting, than restrict scripting in all forms. with the G15 i can, script an entire fight with the push of 1 G key. The difference is in the amount of time you are interacting with your "BOT". And this way if Blizzard wins the law suit they will not only tell us what programs we can have on our computer but what hardware as well.
also it would only apply to us servers as european law is different . so blizzard would have to get a ruling here as well , cant see that happening since a EULA has never been tested in a court of law in the uk . but legel opion when it was put to barristers a few years back said mos tof the agreement would be ruled illegal so in one repsect it could backfire on blizzard
As long as it doesn't interfere with the intended purpose of the program, that is allowed by the EULA. This is a bogus argument.
Argument is, if you are gonna restrict scripting, than restrict scripting in all forms. with the G15 i can, script an entire fight with the push of 1 G key. The difference is in the amount of time you are interacting with your "BOT". And this way if Blizzard wins the law suit they will not only tell us what programs we can have on our computer but what hardware as well.
The difference with Macro's and the G15 keyboard is you still need to be at your keyboard to play, move from fight to fight and interact with other players. Programs like Glider allow you to completely automate your gameplay to the point where you don't have to be at your keyboard for hours at a time and still benifit as if you had been at your computer playing. You're making a huge leap to start thinking that companies will tell you what you can have on your computer. Even if companies did start doing that I can choose not to buy their product.
The law is the law, its not up to you to choose which laws or rules are ok to break. Blizzard made a rule to play their game, if you break it, you're banned, nuff said.
Well this has nothing to do with EULA it has to do with Copy right laws. As far as I am aware there isn't any US cases that have challenged the EULA either. Thus far the industry has been very good about not contesting their EULAs
Buy singleplayer games and you have all the rights you need.
When you buy an mmo or online game, you are only buying the media containing the software needed to play the game. The maker of the game decides what can and cannot be used while you play on their servers, this is their right.
And running games with emulators is already illegal for singleplayer games unless you own a copy of the actual game. And private servers ( another emulator ) is illegal due to the ToS/EULA which has just gotten a little stronger backing now.
And the game itself can be run completely from memory ( if you have enough memory to form a virtual hard drive and if that virtual hard drive does not hinder Blizzards' protection programs, such as Warden ). It's the 3rd party program running in memory to circumvent detection while modifying the game outside of Blizzards design boundaries which is illegal ( as we've just seen from the ruling ).
He specifically states that the use of it by players is infringing on Blizzard's copyright with his verdict, thereby making it illegal.
I think it's not hard to make a case that an emulator running WoW is at least just as much infringing on WoW's copyright, if not more so.
I agree with Blizzard on this. However you really should not use the word "illegal" - none of these things are illegal. When something is "illegal" it violates a local/state/federal law (example: theft, rape, murder, illegal possession of a firearm, j-walking, speeding, etc, etc). This matter with WoW is a CIVIL case and therefore no laws were in question here, hence nothing this people are doing is illegal, but rather a breach of private contract. Things that illegal that you are convicted of will give you a criminal record, civil matters like this do not.
I hear this a lot with talks about EULA's and it is a tad annoying
As long as it doesn't interfere with the intended purpose of the program, that is allowed by the EULA. This is a bogus argument.
Argument is, if you are gonna restrict scripting, than restrict scripting in all forms. with the G15 i can, script an entire fight with the push of 1 G key. The difference is in the amount of time you are interacting with your "BOT". And this way if Blizzard wins the law suit they will not only tell us what programs we can have on our computer but what hardware as well.
The difference with Macro's and the G15 keyboard is you still need to be at your keyboard to play, move from fight to fight and interact with other players. Programs like Glider allow you to completely automate your gameplay to the point where you don't have to be at your keyboard for hours at a time and still benifit as if you had been at your computer playing. You're making a huge leap to start thinking that companies will tell you what you can have on your computer. Even if companies did start doing that I can choose not to buy their product.
The law is the law, its not up to you to choose which laws or rules are ok to break. Blizzard made a rule to play their game, if you break it, you're banned, nuff said.
Is the computer doing the work for you? YES! Is that a bot? YES! The amount of time a player interacts between the actions of his BOT make it ok to have a BOT? NO! Nuff said.
From the blizzard website posted in 2004. link:
We have recently verified that certain individuals were using third party "bot" programs to automate their characters in World of Warcraft. A bot is used to play an account non-stop, allowing its user to accumulate money, items, and experience without actually requiring the user to be physically present to play the game. The use of bots is a violation of the World of Warcraft Terms of Use and is absolutely prohibited. Therefore, the accounts identified as having used bots have been banned.
Blizzard Entertainment is committed to maintaining an environment of fair play in World of Warcraft. As stated previously, the company has a zero-tolerance policy for cheating or hacking of any kind. Players caught using a bot program to automate any of their characters' actions will have their characters removed and their account banned. They will not receive a warning. Over 300 accounts have already been banned for offenses of this nature.
If you don't agree with Blizzard, don't play their game.
Edit, here's the Terms of Use:
* If the glider required you to push the space bar every 5 minutes or 5 seconds it would be ok then?
Bilzzard uses objective terms, and then puts them in a "Law Type" format.
** Like the Program for the Logitech g15 keyboard. Pay close attention to where is says any of their characters' actions.
Last i checked you can still play wow using the above keyboard and the program it comes with and not get sued. But make no mistake, it is a bot. And you know they will never sue Logitech.
* If the glider required you to push the space bar every 5 minutes or 5 seconds it would be ok then?
Bilzzard uses objective terms, and then puts them in a "Law Type" format.
** Like the Program for the Logitech g15 keyboard. Pay close attention to where is says any of their characters' actions.
Last i checked you can still play wow using the above keyboard and the program it comes with and not get sued.
A quick search on the Blizzard forums shows many questions about the G15.....using it is not bannable unless you create a loop type macro that allows you to walk away, basically creating a bot. If you use the macro functions (which you can do in game anyway) save you a few keystrokes thats fine. Why is such a difficult concept? In any case, Blizzards a private company they can kick you off their servers for any reason they see fit.
* If the glider required you to push the space bar every 5 minutes or 5 seconds it would be ok then?
Bilzzard uses objective terms, and then puts them in a "Law Type" format.
** Like the Program for the Logitech g15 keyboard. Pay close attention to where is says any of their characters' actions.
Last i checked you can still play wow using the above keyboard and the program it comes with and not get sued.
A quick search on the Blizzard forums shows many questions about the G15.....using it is not bannable unless you create a loop type macro that allows you to walk away, basically creating a bot. If you use the macro functions (which you can do in game anyway) save you a few keystrokes thats fine. Why is such a difficult concept? In any case, Blizzards a private company they can kick you off their servers for any reason they see fit.
Lets just ignore the part "program to automate any of their characters' actions" then!
A. In game macro's are limited. B. Lets focus on the part about [allowing its user to accumulate money, items, and experience without actually requiring the user to be physically present] . Are your fingers physically present (objective term) when you hit the G1 key that does the fight for you. sounds more like they should say, IF you dont physically hit all the keys it takes to progress the fight, than you are botting. "Walk Away" is also an objective term if i create a loop type macro and sit and watch it and dont walk away then, basically im not creating a bot?
If blizzard was smart they would hire this man instead of crush him.
For the same reason microsoft hires the people who manage to hack through their operating systems. If the guy can hack it he can definatly help defend it. You want to stop botters, hire a bot maker.
Quotations Those Who make peaceful resolutions impossible, make violent resolutions inevitable. John F. Kennedy
Life... is the shit that happens while you wait for moments that never come - Lester Freeman
Lie to no one. If there 's somebody close to you, you'll ruin it with a lie. If they're a stranger, who the fuck are they you gotta lie to them? - Willy Nelson
He specifically states that the use of it by players is infringing on Blizzard's copyright with his verdict, thereby making it illegal.
I think it's not hard to make a case that an emulator running WoW is at least just as much infringing on WoW's copyright, if not more so.
Everyone just keep eating this shit up.... What amazes me is that gamers are to ****ing stupid to realize that with a ruling like this, the courts are and will continue, to eat away at every right you "think" you have, and eventually take them all away.
Good job Blizzard, you just opened a door for the legal system in the good ol us of A (gag) to pretty much tell me what I can have on MY computer. Something I paid in upwards of $4000.00 for but soon might as well be a paper weight, because all the courts are going to let me have on the damn thing is a copy of WoW, and pinball.... oh and Microsoft products..... yay!!!! Im so damn happy right now!
Man I wish people were smarter, I wish I could even give people the benefit of the doubt that we even deserve to exist....
Police state here we come !!! WOOHOO!
If people were smart they make their own game, especially when they can make their own bot programs. But instead they rather copy someone else's work and get sued for it.
Why the hell do would you even play a game if your just going to run a bot all day!!!!!
PLaying: EvE, Ryzom
Waiting For: Earthrise, Perpetuum
Its nice to see some punishment for the people who have been ruining games for years, maybe they will give him life - I'd enjoy seeing a life sentance for a bot maker, it would make be believe there is actually justice in the world
My god has horns.... nah, I don't think he is real either.
that makes no logical sense, how would jail time stop a botter. Most people dont even know who this guy is, and most people dont care. giving him fines and or jailtime is just a band aid fix to the bot problem.
Quotations Those Who make peaceful resolutions impossible, make violent resolutions inevitable. John F. Kennedy
Life... is the shit that happens while you wait for moments that never come - Lester Freeman
Lie to no one. If there 's somebody close to you, you'll ruin it with a lie. If they're a stranger, who the fuck are they you gotta lie to them? - Willy Nelson
Because if they start giving bot makers jail time, then less people will be as interested in designing bots.
If it was for their spare time they would do it, but most of them charge money, so if there is a paper trail you can track down the bot maker(s)/seller(s). The USA has crossed borders several times due to copyright infringment, so even if they are in other countries they could feel the wrath of mad companies.
My god has horns.... nah, I don't think he is real either.
Yeah, that totally works. Totally stops people from stealing, selling drugs. Cracking video games, bootlegging movies...
Look all jail time will do is force bot makers underground and making sure their programs are more discreet.
Like i said earlier, the stupied thing blizzard can do is give this guy jail time. They want to stop botters, admit that their game is flawed, and their dev team cant stop all bots and then hire the people who were able to break their game security to help strengthen it.
For every person that gets caught hacking, or making hacks there are 300 more that havent. And trust me, hackers are stronger, and the fact that if they get caught they could go to jail is not, has not, and will never be a detuorant for them.
Quotations Those Who make peaceful resolutions impossible, make violent resolutions inevitable. John F. Kennedy
Life... is the shit that happens while you wait for moments that never come - Lester Freeman
Lie to no one. If there 's somebody close to you, you'll ruin it with a lie. If they're a stranger, who the fuck are they you gotta lie to them? - Willy Nelson
Yes, but the main bot problem is not from 2-3 ppl who make it, it is the tens of thousands of people who pay to use them monthly (yes, most bot users pay monthly to use the programs).
And if there is a money paper trail, they can arrest the bot makers. If it forces the bot makers to go underground and not be able to distribute the bots in the way they normally do, then it will help things immensly. And since it is copyright infringment, they can shutdown most gold selling and powerleveling sites, since they all use the illegal software.
I never said it would stop botting, but it will limit it a good bit.
My god has horns.... nah, I don't think he is real either.
Any muppet with a CS degree can make an MMO bot program. So this isn't going to stop the gold-farmers from running bots.
Plus, you can't "arrest" anyone for infringing a copyright.....copyright infringement is not a criminal offense, except in cases of piracy.
im to lazy too use grammar or punctuation good
They could probably term it as hacking and use the Patriot Act to get him for terrorism (atleast it used to be worded so they could do that)
That is more of a wish than reality lol, but we can all dream right?
My god has horns.... nah, I don't think he is real either.
Bot makers are already underground....
Forcing them to be even more discreet means it will be even harder to find them in the future. Not only will they work on not getting caught they will work on not getting their programs detected.
There are a lot of bot makers, only the vain ones get caught however. The ones who need to have a name anda face on their program, the ones who need to make sure they turn a profit. The most dangerous bot makers are the ones hwo just make the program to just say they did it. Like most hackers. Just do it because they can, not because they want to make money.
Quotations Those Who make peaceful resolutions impossible, make violent resolutions inevitable. John F. Kennedy
Life... is the shit that happens while you wait for moments that never come - Lester Freeman
Lie to no one. If there 's somebody close to you, you'll ruin it with a lie. If they're a stranger, who the fuck are they you gotta lie to them? - Willy Nelson
It seems you have a hacker fixation :P
Anyways I'm hoping they jail him, and he gets man loving in prison. Atleast a little justice will be served then. Even if it does not do much to any of the other botters/makers, it would still be nice that he gets punished.
And you were the one to use underground first, so don't act like I'm dumb for saying it:
"Look all jail time will do is force bot makers underground and making sure their programs are more discreet."
My god has horns.... nah, I don't think he is real either.
What i am trying to point out is, you have a narrow vision. You arent seeing the bigger picture. This guy going to prison for something like this, not only does nothing to serve justice, but it does nothing to solve the greater problem. So hoping this guy gets anally raped in jail doesnt change the fact that their will be a bot problem, nor does it mean it will stop it.
Ive yet to insult you, i used underground, and simply clarified what i meant when i said it, so relax.
Its all these demands for bandaid fixes why society is the way it is today, lets not actually solve the actual problem, but punsih the people who take advantage of the situation.
If the engine wasnt weak, there wouldnt be botters,
Quotations Those Who make peaceful resolutions impossible, make violent resolutions inevitable. John F. Kennedy
Life... is the shit that happens while you wait for moments that never come - Lester Freeman
Lie to no one. If there 's somebody close to you, you'll ruin it with a lie. If they're a stranger, who the fuck are they you gotta lie to them? - Willy Nelson